The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 04, 1917, Image 9

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol 2
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, Oct. 4, 1917.
Dan Healy of Portland spent
Sunday with Bud Ives in this city.
M iss Mary Beach is visiting in
Gordon’s hardware store will be
Portland for a few day«.
closed Friday from 10 a. m to 2
K. S. Whitehouse and family p. m.
M. T. Sherrett returned Mon­
motored into Portland Saturday.
from a husine.-.s visit in
Mrs. Harve Baldwin attended
the state fair at Salem Friday and
Mrs Klla Leipold and Mbs
Joy of Portland visited last
Vercie Bellinger left Tuesday
with the Langleys in this
for Astoria, where he will work
for sometime
The regular monthly meeting of
Charley Roe has purchased a the W. C T. U will be held with
flivcrette, which he and Bruce Mrs. Penfield on Friday, Oct. 5th,
take turn-about teasing.
at 2:30 p. m
K. B. Penfield.
Lloyd Kirry, who is wot king in
Mr. and Mrs. G orge Myers
Portland, visited with friends in and son, Stanb-y, of Corvallis vis­
Forest (¡rove Tuesday.
ited at the L. C. Soule home Tues­
Mrs. Dorothy Seymour left Fri­ day, enroute to Oregon City.
day for Omaha, Neb. She ex­
You ’¿I find all the !)• st makes
pects to ret urn the last of October. of heating stoves andirons and
Lawrence Mayea, who has been fire place sets at the Gordon
working in Portland, visited with Hardware Store. Come and see.
friends in Forest Grove Monday
The («off hardware store will be
Miss V e r a SchifTer, who is closed from 10 a. in to 2 p m.
teaching in Middleton, spent Sun­ tomorrow (Friday) on account of
day with friends in Forest Grove. the school parade and county fair.
C . A. Brodersen has moved his
Mr. and Mrs M. Peterson and
daughter, («oldie, were out from residence south of town to a bet­
Portland yesterday to attend the ter site and is remodeling the
house to a considerable extent.
Miss Hazel Stockman and Hen­
M. S Allen motored with the
Fogle have been added to the
Ritchey family to Salem Saturday
f o r c e of clerks.
where they attended the state
Anderson store
Miss A l i c e Ralston, who is
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kirkwood
Paining in the Good Samaritan arrived Monday evening from
hospital in Portland, spent Sun­ Fort Leavenworth. Kas., where
day in Forest Grove.
Albert is training with the engi­
Miss Martha Allen left Sunday neers. They will remain a week
for Oglesby’s place, near Banks, or more, visiting friends.
wheie she will stay this winter
When Frank Ramsey's barn
and teach the Fairview school.
burned last week, Ed Naylor,
Joseph and Mamie I«oomis left whose house is but a few feet from
Friday and Frank Burlingham the barn in question, rusher! into
left Sunday for Seattle, where his house and rescued his most
they will attend U. of W. this cherished possessions—his violin
and shotgun.
Mr. and Mrs. William Folger
Julian Patten, son of Rev. and
Mrs. Patten, visited here over and son of Spokane, who visited
Sunday. He left Portland the first the Ives family several days last
of the week for Australia and week, left Thursday for their
home, taking Mrs. Ives and son.
will return in about six months
Kenneth, as far as Portland with
Dr. and Mrs. H . R. Kauffman them
Mrs. Folger is a sister to
and daughter, Clara, motored to Mr. Ives.
American Lake Sunday where
The Freshman reception, which
they will visit for a few days with
held Friday night at the high
the doctor’s brother. Win. Kauff­
was a great success. A
man .
short program was rendered very
Nelson Johnson, a member of well and after this games were
Troop R 20th cavalry, stationed played. Orange sherbej and wafers
at Fort Riley, Kas., arrived Mon­ were served after a grand march.
day evening for a visit with his It was. on the whole, the most
parent*, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. successful ever offered in Forest
Johnson of Spring Hill.
¡Grove high school.
N o. 39
When you come to the fair, be
sure to visit the Book Store in its
new quarters.
Bar gains in ladies’ and gents’
umbrellas, at $1.00 each.' Van-
Koughnet & Reder.
Nobby new hats for men and
boys just arrived at John Ander­
son’s You must see them to
know how good they are.
J. M Durham claims that off of
148 h»-ns he cleared a profit of
$302.00 in ten months of this
year, better than $2 per hen.
Robert Eastwood, who js work­
ing as a carpenter at Camp I«ewis,
American Lake, visited his family
in this city Saturday.
Joe A. Wiles would like to
write your insurance. Will give
you service that will be to your
advantage. Upstairs in Ander­
son block, room 2.
You can get the Portland Ore­
gonian six days a week, by mail,
and the Forest Grove Express,
for only $6.00 per year, if paid in
advance. For Oregonian seven
days a week, add $2.00.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Giguere
and son and daughter expect to
leave next Saturday for California
to reside. J. E. Deeks has been
engaged as meat cutter at the Pa­
cific Market, in place of Mr.
Members of Holbrook lodge, A.
F. & A. M. to the number of
forty, inc uding the degree team,
went to North Yamhill Saturday
night, in autos, and conferred the
third degree on a candidate. Af­
ter the degree work, there was a
banquet and smoker, which was
attended by Masons from many
parts of the valley.
At a called meeting of the Rifle
club, held in the offices of Hollis
& Graham Tuesday evening,
Messrs. Mertz, VanAntwerp and
Scott were appointed a committee
to procure targets and rifles for
practice during the coming winter.
The committee will report at a
meeting to be held at Verts hall
next Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stevens
returned Saturday from their out­
ing at the Tillamook beaches.
Mr. Stevens doesn’t think there
is any doubt but young Viers and
Mrs Graham were drowned at
Garibaldi early in September, as
Viers was a greenhorn with the
oars and the last seen of them he
appeared to have lost control of
his boat, which was picked up
next day eight miles from the
starting point.