NOTKS AND PERSONALS Public sal«- bills printed at the LION SPECIAL Suits - Overcoats - Raincoats Express office. It's S4»ty.y. Try it. Buy it. , M<>n«y to lo.n -V .ltey R.-,lty ,..<>d used sewinu machines for Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf sale or tra«le. Itoe & Co. vt , , . No other farm wagon gives you ( lair Walker, a naval recruit, | the service you get out of the visited his parents in this city Winona, with the iron-clad hubs. See this wagon at Gordon’s hard­ Friday. ware store. George G. Hancock, real es­ Elmer Bennett, former chief of tate, farm loans and fire insur­ ance, new Anderson block. 60 police, but now employed on a Orders taken for good, diy s<*c- farm near Gaston, was trading ond-growth fir wood, for immed­ with local merchants Saturday. iate delivery. Goff Bros 35-tf The announcement comes from Mrs. Eleanor McEldowney will Washington that the government receive voeal pupils at her studio, wj|| KOOn ,, a y t o Washington! at the home of C. V. B. Russell, Mrs. Anna Hogue leaves next Saturday for an extended visit with friends at Monrovia, Calif., expecting to stay all winter. 'county, the .urn of *15,371 60,the taxes, penalties and interest on j the S. I\ lands which have been declared reverted back to the Fe«l eral government. Tax Commis­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hesseltine of sioner Galloway has furnished the Vancouver were in town last Sat­ government with the statement, urday to visit Mrs. Hesseltiue's j and it has been accepted by the mother, Mrs. Kentner, who is a I head of the bureau handling pa lent at the hospital. It was the grant lands. This pays the their intention to take Mrs. Kent-! tax up to 1916, and since that ner to Vancouver with them, but date there is no taxation against her condition was not such as to the property on the rolls. en a b le her to stand the tgip. Quality, Style, Fit and I,a«ting Sati«faction The long-standing dependability o f this concern is back o f everything you buy for men and boys wear r«i n . • i, , M orrison at F o u rth and Two Store« in Portland 166 Third Htre„t S & H STAM PS given with all pur­ chase». T h e s e are good for ca»h dis­ counts. O U « KUHN, President F. (J. Kx.. 10-4-17 di»bur»ementfl o f »aid sale and o f this J E I’ armley et ux to Mildred Mc- HUlt. c,,nnau(they. 10,ooo ft in Sec31. 2 That the defendant» and all person» claiming by, through or under them, N 8, (correcting deed), $250. yy 1 , ur or any ” o * f them, and Mildred McConnaughey to John w lnem- be 0,5 forever lurever « barred » " « « a.»-. Friday, s a m e property (correcting precluded from any interest or title in deed), $250. ! or to »aid premises, and for such other Edna I, Wesner to Nora M Cook, and further relief as may seem just I.ot 12, »ilk 8, Wilkesboro, $10. and equitable to the Court. Charles Khoade» to F W l,ep»chat This summon» is served upon you bv W ashington County T ran sfers Fairview Add to Hillsboro, $1758.25. Fred W Sagert to M F Johnson, 10 ac in S 1-2 Sec 24, 2 S 1, $10. Henrietta Wolfutein et vir to Otto Itrandes, NE 1-4 SW 1-4 Sec 34, 1 S 1, ’ B. R. Craft», F. B. Craft», John Swartz and Elsie Swartz to A. H. Wolfard, and ' by said A. H. Wolfard a»»igned to these plaintiffs, conveying all o f the south- ; west «]uarter and the west half of the northeast quarter, both in section 8, township 1, south o f range 4, west o f the Willamette Meridian and containing ; 240 acres, according to the government survey, in Washington County. Oregon. as security to their «aid note o f even (date therewith for the sum o f $1500.00, , with interest at 8 per cent per annum, ) be foreclosed and said real property ! sold in the manner prescribed by law to : satisfy said judgment, attorney’ s fees and costs, and the proceeds o f !■' 1« ; be applied to the payment o f tt., - jms \ found due plaintiffs, and the costs and j disbursements o f said sale and o f this i suit. That the defendants, and all persons claiming by, through and under them or any o f them be forever debarred Hesseltine, plain tiff, and precluded from any interest or vs. title in or to said premises, and for B. R. Crafts, and Jane Doe, (first such other and further relief as may name unknown) Crafts, his wife, F. j 9eem just and equitable to the court. B. C raft«, and Jane Doe (first name! • , , unknown) Crafts, his wife, and John ] ™ 18 sumr" ons f 8erved upon you by Swartz and Elsie Swartz, his wife, | publication by order o f the Honorable defendents. George R. Bagley, Judge o f the above To B. R. Crafts, and Jane Doe (first entitled Court, which order was made name unknown) Crafts, his w ife, F and entered at Hillsboro, Oregon, on B. Crafts, and Jane Doe (first name the fifth day o f September, 1917. H O LLIS & GR A HA M. unknown) Crafts, his wife, John Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Swartz and Elsie Swartz, his wife, 35-7t Forest Grove, Oregon. the above-named defendants: IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E OF DR. H. C. FORTNER OREGON: You are hereby required to appear; Successor to and answer the complaint filed against I DR. H. W. V O LLM E R you in the above entitled court and suit i on or before the last day o f the time O FFIC E prescribed in the order for publication In First National Bank Building of this summons, to-wit: On or before | Telehones the expiration o f six weeks from and J Office 333 after the date o f the first publication o f Residence 332 this summons, viz: the 6th day o f Sep­ D. D. & M. B. B U M P tember, 1917, and i f you fail so to ap­ Attorneys at Law pear and answer t h e plaintiff, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the publication by order o f Honorable George R. Bagley, Judge o f the above entitled Court, which order wa» made and entered at Hillsboro, Oregon, on the 8th day o f September, 1917. $ 10 . H O LLIS & G R A H A M , W G Baker et ux to 1* W Watkins, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Lot» 10. 11, 12, 13. Blk 2, Hall’» Add to F'orest Grove, Oregon. I Forest Grove, $75. Sigurd Seim, of above Dilley, First publication Sept. 13; last pub- Ed Catching.who has lias been nt*en work w orn- ..... - .------- ------ T w Thompson et ux t o O & C R R r !• for Uncle Sam sued Ernest Herr, Sr., fur $17,- Co, 21 a < - in town o f Gaston, $ 1 . notion uct. -■ > . mg as a carpenter S H Stowell to Josie Stowell, und, SUMMONS at Camp Lewis, near Tacoma, 200, alleging that in 1915 he 1-2 interest in land in Secs 32 and 33, 3 j n the Circuit Court o f the State of since Aug. 1st, visile«! friends in bought a horse, or mare, at a pub­ this city over Saturday, returning lic sale from Herr; that the ani­ P r’ Murph, « .1 I » T W 1 to his work Sunday morning. Ed mal wax guaranteed to be safe for eaHt boUn,iary Forest Grove’ says there are 1,500 mechanics at ladies to drive. He says that later I. L Paget to Retta Noyes, 60.36 ac the camp, putting up buildings he attempted to drive to Dilley ; in Gaston Acre», $7000. and equipping them fof the new s i M m «T n s national army, which now num­ when the mare kicke«l him out ot bers about 25,000 men at this the buggy and broke his leg. He J n c j rcujt Court of the State of camp. says he pai«l out over $.>00 for a ' Oregon for Washington County. There is nothing an elderly per- surgeon and medical services and L. M. Graham, Administrator o f the son enjoys quite so much as go«sl lost over $2,000 in wages. He i estate o f Adah H. Moore, deceased. Plaintiff, vs. Enoch Moore and Alexa glasses By ” good glasses” we asks for damages also, running the | Riene Moore; Lelia Agnes Moore, do not mean expensive frames, amount wanted up to the ab ove, Edith May Moore and Grace Ramage Moore, heirs at law o f Agnes Moore, but «1«» mean a finely ground lens sum.— Hillsboro Argus, deceased. Defendants. and fitted by a competent eye # i» i To Enoch Moore, Alexa Riene Moore, specialist from scientific measure- j l i l g l l W a y It0 U l6 I«elia Agnes Moore; Edith May Moore merit» and made in a strictly and Grace Ramage Moore, heirs at law scientific way— the way Dr Ixtwe o f Agnes Moore, deceased: does it. Consult him about your In the name o f the State o f Oregon: The contr«»versy over the rout­ eyes and glasses at Forest Grove You are hereby required to appear and Hotel, Friday, Oct. 12th. It ing of the west side highway be­ answer the complaint filed against you Mrs. J. E. May, who has been tween Portland an«l Hillsboro will in the above entitled Court and suit on visiting th e Good and Morris ¡probably be settled in favor o f ; ur M o n the IiUlt (Jay o f the time pre- f:itili ics for several w eeks, was Orenco at the next meeting o f the »cril«.») in the order for publication o f Friday called t° her home at l a x - slaLe highway commission, Suys j this summons, to-wit: On or before the co, W a sh ., on account I t nc III Orpirnn Innrnal T| e expiration of six weeks next from and ness o f her husband. Mrs. May ‘ i i „ L, ^ ^ . v , . „ i i r ‘ i . after date ,.llliri« » ' k t the mi: u «ic o wi f the me first » publication f,uunv.nvii Loans and Real Estate and mother, Mrs W. J. Good, a s M S a n L r " V i s i o n " , m i ' t “ » M ! ••"»»* '« > » , « • “ “ M. B. BUMP, hurried to Pasco on the first train di*r that th e county b u d g e t for so to appear and answer the plaintiff to-wit. That the plaintiffs have judg- D. D. BUMP, Residence Hillsboro an«l write back the cheering infor­ will apply to the Court for the relief ment against the defendents, and each j*e8*dence mation that Mr. M ay’s ailment next year may provide Iunds for prayed for in his said complaint, to-wit: Qf them, for the sum o f $1500.00, with in- p£one 444 ‘ Offices -H IL L S B O R O was acute indigestion and he is on preparing the grade on whatever that plaintiff have judgment against | tereat therfcon at the rate o f ei ht said defendants, and each o f them, for B 1 route is chosen. the road to recovery. annum from the 8th day o f | N . H O F F M A N Two routes are proposed, one the sum of $850.00 with interest th ere-, cent That the Northwest has as yet by way of Bertha, Beaverton and on at the rate o f seven per cent per May, 1916, and for attorney’s fees in , J * made no provision for the care of Reedville, and the other by Oren­ annum, from the 21st day o f February, the sum o f $100.00 and for his costs Attorney At Law m,nmf0rata neyK „ lh * 9? m and expenses incurred in this suit: returning soldiers afflicted with co, leaving Beaverton a short dis­ o 1?1 f i,’ $100.00, and °5 for his costs and dis- Patent Office Business Solicited bursements in this suit: That the mortgage described in the . tuberculosis, is ;is cried by A. L. tance to one side. Oregon That the mortgage described jn plaintiffs’ complaint herein executed by Forest Grove, Mills, chairman of the Northwest- It is understood that Chairman Plaintiff's complaint herein executed e r n Tuberculosis Conference, which is being held in Portland. Benson and Commissioner Adams i by Agnes Moore and Flnoch Moore to of the s ta te highway com m ission j the Hollis Title and Investment Com- October 15 and 16, in a public h ave practically decided that the l'1 *^ - forporation and by said statement explaining the purposes " * . l * » i , -i m * . j | Hollis Title and Investment Company of the conference. Facilities should Orenco route should be adopted. , ;t98jjjned to this plaintiff, thereby con- be provided and the subject should Commissioner ’I hompson has not : Veying Lots Nine ami Ten in Block yet expressed his judgment. I Seven in South Park Addition to Forest be handled in an effective way, „„ ., . .... , Grove. Washington County, Oregon, as \\ hile the county court Of I security to their said note o f even date intimates Mr. Mills, who recites Fruits and Vegetables in Season the sad experience of France with Washington preferred to pass the therewith for the sum o f $850.00 with half a million of her soldier boys question up to the h ig h w a y com- interest at seven per cent per annum, be .foreclosed foreclosed and and said said real property be overcome by the dread disease mission, it is known that Judge sold in the manner prescribed by law Reasoner is inclined to the Beav- tosatisfy said judgment, attorney’s fees P H O N E 701 while doing trench service and costs, and the proceeds o f said sale erton-Reedville road. South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore The controlling factor in t he ! to t{lc P*yment l'f the sums i . ,i , • , e ____• • 1 found due plaintiff, and the costs and minds of the highway commission- j ers in favor of the Orenco route is , the fact that it is removed from ; W h i n Irmnrd ■psc islIlU with mn4.rn lab the railroad and connects wi t h; J WE OLD FELLOWSl__ I IT 5 TO O BAD PEYTON I £ 1 r> - • ratnriai and adaquata anulpmant fix # in two roads leading out of Portland, l (APPRECIATE WHAT i t i s ) • iructian Ixadin* to rallx«iata dagraaa la tba JGRAVELY COULDN’T HAVE( _ the Canyon and Cornell. I TO GET THE ORIGINAI fallowing aebiiola LIVED TO SEE THAT POUCH] Not Yet Decided J H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries The Oregon Agricultural College GRAV E L Y 'S A O K I C O L T U R E , witb 15 dapartmenU; CO M M E R CE, with 4 dapartmi-nt*; E N O IN E E K 1 N O . wtlh «1 dapartoianU. In •luding CiTil. Elnctrlcal. Highway. Industrial 4 , 1 « Irrigation nmi M-cbamcnl Enginarring. r O R E S T B Y , inrluding Loggin g K.nginaar lag . H O M E ECONOM ICS, with 4 major dapnrt manli, including (raining In tha P rattl e » Noun; M I N I N G , with thre# drpartm*nU, inir r li«miritl Kngmrrrinff ; »»elud PH AR M AC Y. T H E 8 C IIO O L OF M USIC , o ff ^r« inttrnr lion in the prinripnl d«pnrtmrut» of vwr»l And inutic. T H E M I L I T A R Y D E P A R T M E N T , tnrollrd 10H,r> r t d f t t in HUB 17. and won rwornm ni dti io n for O. A. C from th# W^tt#rn I>«*pi».-t mant of (ha U H War Drptrtnifnt at on« of fth« fiftaiffn *’ dittinfrnUhfd In t l i l w t i o n t " of hightr Iftr n in g All rufiftt will l»t fiim lth fd rom p lrtt uniform* by tht IT. * (Jovrrnin« lit tnd tht junior And tt n io r r t d f tt . rn ro llid in tht R O. T. C., w i’ l bt mmmutAtion f«»i ■uhniitrnrt. as wrll as *11 trRnnport»ti«*n aim ! •ubtiatfiirA tt thr » i t wo rk *’ Snmmr, rAtnp R E G I S T R A T I O N B E O IN S O CT O BE R 8. 1917. Information on itq itit t . Addrott, Regifftrar, Oregon A g i . « ulturAi College. CorTallis, Oregon. ANN O U NC E M EN T Dr. II. B. Moore, Chiropractic Phy- i sician, formerly o f Forest Grove, has opened offices in Portland at 317 Ab- ington Bldg, between Washington and Stark streets and will be glad to meet old friends Forest Grove and I make new ones. The doctor is thoroughly competent | snd reliable, and makes every case an i individual case, so when you see him I you are sure o f the best o f care. (A d vt) Large Prune Trees can be secured from us for F"all or Spring planting. Large Prune Trees) are very scarce this year on account o f ! the late spring and dry summer, there­ fore to insure getting the best trees j money can buy do not fail to write us before buying S M A LL trees elsewhere. Buy early and save money. OREGON NURSERY CO., Orenco, Ore. ( GRAVELY CELEBRATED USED FOR HIS PLUG Chewing Plu£ — — _ — “ B E F O R E T H E IN V E N TIO N O F OUR PATENT A IR -P R O O F P O U C H G R A V ELY P L U G TO BACCO m a d e s t r ic t l y f o r it s c h e w in g q u a l it y WOULD NOT K E E P F R E S H IN T H IS S E C T IO N NOW TH E P A TE N T P O U C H K E E P S IT FRESH AND C L E A N AND GOOD. A L IT T L E C H EW O F G R A V ELY IS E N O U G H A N D L A S T S L O N G E R T H A N A B IG C H E W O F O R D IN A R Y P L U G . 9 ra t >eA/ .Tobacco Co iXumur.V a . = I® r MU ^ THERE5 AN EYE FULL OF NEWS ON BILLY POSTERS BILLBOARDS THIS MORNING- THAT5 A CINCH!/----------- // /j fj/rv/oninìnUntuip» /!, ^ _V i 'HUH