The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 04, 1917, Image 4

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    a war that exacts of one man his
service in the field and his blood
upon the altar of patriotism but
which at the same time permits
j other men to stay at home and fill
I their pockets with money made
¡out of the conditions of war that
¡exist. Congress owes it not only
! to the people hut to the principles
j of democracy to see that no found­
ation is left upon which to base a
I charge of this sort of disci imina-
I tion.—The Commoner.
Senator McNary
Explains His Vote
Following the passage in the
Senate of the two billion dollar
war revenue bill, and while await­
ing the final action of the con­
ferees with respect to the adjust­
ment of all differences in the
measure as it passed the two
branches of Congress, Senator
Charles L. McNary made a pub­
pulling b ig I t a l ia n g u n ' m o po si vi o n u p m o u n t a in
lic statement in which he said:
“ I voted for the revenue bill
One of the interned German upon its final passagi | as ti e war
| ships, known as the ‘‘Geier,” has ¡cannot Is* fought without money;
been refitted and rechristened. It yet, I hoped that a greater portion
I now bears the name, Carl Schurz of the revenue could have been
There is history, romance and collected from those colossal in­
la sad philosophy in this one stitutions which are enjoying the
! change of name.
fruits of war and are thriving
A half century ago Carl Schurz upon the enormous expenditures
was a National figure in American made necessary by this world con­
j life.
flict. I Would not advocate a rev­
policy that would disturb or
¡who {dotted and f ught to make frighten business nor would I sup­
j Germany a free country.
port a nn-usure that considers the
Beaten and hunted as a refugee, profilers too tenderly.
‘‘The only objection I have to
! with a price on his head, he found
m e n P a r a d in g
bill now in conference is that
GRAND DUKE R SEN. JA M E S I safety first in France and then
not bear down more heavily
r HAMILTON LEWI Si came to America.
upon the reapers of large war
With a million or more of his profits. For example, the Dupont
easeless Italian a tta ck s again st A ustrian m ountain p ositions to the northeast of Gorlzlu
News Snapshots C further
increased the a d v a n ta g e o f the Invaders. On the eastern front the H erm ans cap fellow countrymen of a like kind, Powder company made annually
tured the R ussian city o f Riga, w ith over 7.000 prisoners; Internal affairs in R ussia were
Oi the Week further
he found in the United States a from 1913 to 1915 inclusive profits
aggravated w ith an attem p t to restore the m onarchy and the arrest o f Grand
lJukt*> iiu l am i Paul, In raids on S o cia lists and I. W. W. agitators governm ent Inspectors gathered in tous o f lit- 1 freedom wider and more generous amounting to five million dollars
erattire: William D. Hayw ood. 1. W. W. leader, also fell into the dragnet. R esponding to the n ation ’s call, th» tlrst ' than he had dreamed of in the while in 1916 its profits climbed
to the stupendous sum of eighty-
section o f tile draft army w as sent to can tonm en ts In various parts o f the country a fter parading Indore the people;
In W ashington P resident W ilson personally led th e boys. Senator J a m es H am ilton L ew is. D em ocratic whip in the fatherland.
two millions. The United State-
senate, voiced the opinion that Germany m ight soon seek peace; w e should not now raise ta x e s for a tw o year war.
He paid for that freedom with Steel Corporation made in the
unequuled, unhyphenated loyalty. year preceding our entrance into
the war sixty-three millions of
she first adopted that impost. As1 He served America as a citizen, dollars and based upon the first
the war goes on and as the neces­ as a soldier, and those who fol­ six months of the current year it
sities of the Government increase, lowed him to the land of lilierty is estimated that its profits for
Published ev ery T hursday a t F o rest Grove, Oregon.
1917 will rise to the unprecedented
W. C. B enfer, E ditor and Publisher.
no doubt need be entertained that did the same
of five hundred millions.
E n tered as second-class m a tte r Ja n . 12, 1916, a t the postoffice a t F o rest Grove, the percentages of these taxes on
other similar examples
O regon, under the A ct o f M arch 3, 1879
wealth will be raised.—The Ore­ an empire w h i c h h a s united i could be cited, though these are
against and increased a thousand­ the larger class.
Subscription Rates
fold all the tyrannies that Carl
‘‘One excellent result obtained
Paid in advance
On C redit
Schurz and his followers endeav­ in the Scna'e was striking from
One y e a r _
.................. $1.00
One y ear
One of the uses to which it is ored to overthrow, and failing, th bill the provision relating to
Six m onths ....... ............ .............. .. .50
Six m onths
the table taxes—those ujion tea,
T hree M onths
............................. .25
T hree m onths
. .40 proposed to devote part of the were obliged to escape.
sugar and the like. ' Every
If there are any dependents of
T H U R SD A Y , OCT. 4, 1917
to afford to our soldiers and the exiles of the Carl Schurz |*er- dollar now paid is a dollar and
“ I am so rry th a t you do not w ear a flag every
sailors life and indemnity insur­ iod who have forgotten to look accumulated interest less to pay
in the future by the long anil dis­
d ay and I can only ask you if you lose th e physical
ance and to provide for allowances with favor on the autocracy of tressing process of taxation, which
em blem to b e su re th a t you w ear it IN y o u r
HEART ; th e h e a rt o f A m erica shall in te rp re t the
to their dependent families while Berlin, they should remember eventually fa'ls upon the shoulders
h e a rt o f th e w o rld .” —P resid en t Wilson.
they are in the ranks. On this Carl Schurz and what he fought of the great mass of the people.
point Secretary McAdoo of the and stood for, and that the name A failure sufficiently to tax great
Treasury, whose plan of insurance Carl Schurz, given to the interned profits, which are an accompani­
ment of war, and an over-issuance
Unpaid taxes become delinquent operation has proved to be such a 1 for our fighting men was indorsed ship, symbolizes the placing of a of bonds, brings about inflation,
tomorrow and you’ll have to pay good thing it would be as equal by President Wilson and is now ship that becomes an American increase in cost of living and com­
a penalty if you fail to pay by good if the government owned embodied in a law pending before property and not a Prussian ship. i mercial distress following the ar­
rest of war, and for these plain
Western Fanner.
that time.
and operated the roads all the Congress, says:
reasons I supported every effort to
“ Every soldier and sailor who
a heavy load of taxation
Washington county didn’t get time.—The Commoner.
serves his country in this war will Neb., on a visit to relatives in upon those
thriving institutions
many prizes at the state fair, but
A citizen who came down town earn everything the proposed war
which are enjoying a harvest of
she will get a lot at the county early Sunday morning found a insurance bill provides; to be a visit with his old Nebraska friend* profits above the dream of aver-
fais this week.
number of roofing nails, about an beneficiary of the proposed law- Paul Beck.
With beef selling at less than inch long, writh heads almost the will be a badge of honor.
‘‘When we draft a wage earner,
6c on the hoof, it looks like the size of a dime, standing on their
we call not only him bu the en­
packing houses might be making
street and First avenue, north. tire family to the flag; the sacri­
pocket money, at least.
These nails are death to auto
The season for hunting Chinese tires and would cripple a horse as fice entailed is not. divisible. The
pheasants opened last Monday well It is to be hoped they were wife and children, the mother, the
and the deer season closes Oct. not placed by a resident of Forest father, are all involved in the sac­
Is a pleasant Winter Route. Travel in comfort
15th Keep these dates in mind. Grove, for a person who would rifice—they directly bear the bur­
through a land where it is always Summer.
den of defense. They suffer just
!'■••• many cans of vegetables , play such a dirty trick on anyone as much as the soldier, hut in a
and ,iuits did you put up for next isn’t fit to live among white different way, and the nation must
winter? Prices are liable to be 1 people.
generously discharge as a proud
There’s San Francisco, San Jose, Del
much higher than they now are.
Maybe, if Uncle Sam would privilege the duty of maintaining
Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Santa
Liberty bonds of the first issue quit printing envelopes at cost, in them until the soldiers and sailors
Barbara, Los Angeles, Long Beach,
are now at a premium. Better ¡competition with the country return from the war and resume
invest some of your savings in the printing offices, the press would the responsibility.
Venice and many other charming Re­
second issue, now’ being offered by ■ be more liberal in free publicity ' ‘‘We have drawn the sword to
sorts, and much beautiful scenery en-
the banks.
! for Uncle. He might at least pro- v i n d i c a t e America’s violated
The members of the Portland j tect the publishers from the greed rights, to restore peace and just­
ice, and to secure the progress of
Ad Club are meeting with big I of the paper trust.
We cannot permit
success in tlu-ir fish market.started WEALTH IS CONSCRIPTED
our soldiers, while they hold the
to give the people cheaper meat.
Agreement of the Congressional
The club cleared $50 last week, conferees on the war revenue bill front, to be stabbed in the back
Portland to San Francisco. Standard
selling much below the usual should satisfy the American peo­ by uncertainty as to what is be­
Tourist Sleepers, Dining Cars,
ing done for their loved ones at
ple that wealth is to be con-1 home. Our tomorrows are in
Solid Steel Equipment. Particularly
It is frankly admitted by some scripted, as men and food have their hands—theirs in ours. The
attractive at this season of the year.
railroad men that since the gov­ been. None of the allies has levied , national conscience will not per­
ernment war board has taken taxes more drastically than Great mit American soldiers and their
charge of the transportation facil­ Britain, but in the first year of dependents to go unprovided with
Ask your local a g e n t for p articu lars
ities of the country, need no long­ our entrance into the field and be- j everything that a just, generous
er exists for the 15 per cent ad­ fore our armies have fired a shot and noble people can do to com­
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland
vance the railroads recently asked Congress levies a maximum in­ pensate them for the sufferings
and over the refusal of which come tax higher than that which and sacrifices they make to serve
many corporate tears were shed. Britain levied in the third year, I their country.”
It will instantly suggest itself to and it levies an excess profits tax
thinking men that if government as high as that of Britain when ^ There can be no justification for
¡Lh? Jjfnrrst drmte Sxpresa
East via California
Three Daily Trains
Southern Pacific Lines