The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 04, 1917, Image 3

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    and extensive coal fields. The exact
nature o f these discoveries Is not yet
entirely disclosed. A complete report
will be given out by the Amerlctn
museum. The expenses of the trip
Tails how to loosen a sors,
were borne by the uiusrom, the Ameri­
Edmund O. Ilovey of the Ameri­ can Geographical society, the Univer­
tsnder corn so It lifts
American Explorer in Frozen can Ur. museum
then fitted out the Den­ sity of Illinois and various persons In­
out without pain.
North Makes Important
mark, hut this ship failed ul»o, and Is terested In Arctic exploration.
believed to be Still frozen In the Ice
With his thousands o f specimens so
in a ilny. No hoop«; no nail»; no
No humbug!
Any corn, whether
off the Greenland coast. It wus Capt. valuable to the scientific world, Mac­
hard, soft or between the toes, w ill
■ Levi; no »teal. Write for particular»
Itobert Hartlett. companion of Peary Millan brings hack an insignificant tin
loosen right up and lift oat. without
on tho trip when he reached the north box, which to one person In the world a particle of pain or soreness.
l»ole, who finally succeeded where the means more than a hundred nax-whale
This drug Is called freezone and is
706 Kothrhild llldg.
Portland, Or.
others had failed, l i e used the staunch skeletons. MacMillan told tho story a compound of ether discovered by a
Cincinnati man.
sealing steamer Neptune, and by his of this little box as follow s:
Ask at any drug store for a small
feat he adds considerably u> the repu­
Party Was Cut Off From Clvlllsod
" I gave tills box to a little Eskimo bottle of freezone, which will cost but
girl, who will cry her eyes out over the a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's
When In the Market for a I’iano, Player
World for Four Years— Re sous
with Peary, llartlett says the Ice on
Plano, Player Musk, or In »hört, anything
loss o f IL She Insisted upon coming feet o f every corn or callous.
Ship Appeared When Food
this trip wus the heaviest he had ever with us up from Etah. Forty miles
In the mink line, write to
Put a few drops directly upon any
Ran Very Low.
MacMIllun was also one of from there we had to chase her off the | tender, aching corn or callous. In­
Peary's lieutenants on the polar trip.
boat, and In her hurry she left this stantly the soreness disappears and
New York.— Tho return to rtvlllza-
Many of the things MacMillan has tin box. She can comfort herself with shortly the corn or callous will loosen
and can be lifted o ff with the fingers.
tlon of Daulel It. MacMillan, American accomplished In the far North will he
the other treasures priceless to her. I
This drug freezone doesn't eat oat
Slatti amt M..okon Sta .
l*OKTI.ANI>. OKK explorer, brings to u successful close appreciated
only by the scientific gave her a little silver watch, a tooth­
the corns or callouses but shrivels
ono o f the most remarkublo stays In world. Hut even the layman can un­
brush, hits o f gaudy doth, a ruttrup, them without even irritating the sur­
200 K oom i
N e a r B o th
A h e o l u l e l r t the Ice of the roof of the globe record-
derstand his work In mapping a great
IO O B e t h »
Ile p o t »
Pvepfeil <•<1 In the annuls of Arctic exploration. stretch o f the coast of Ellesmere some parafln which she used as rounding skin.
Just think! N o pain at all; no sore­
chewing gurn and a piece o f soap. 1
Unusual good and unusual bad luck Land, across Smith's sound to the
. ■
first saw the child when I came north ness or smarting when applying It or
murk«*! the expedition's history. No west o f Greenland; discovering the
j afterwards.
I f your druggist don’t
with I ’eary on the trip when he found
have freezone have him order It for
less than live ships were us*.*d to g«-t s*-cond biggest glacier In the northern the pole.”
j yon.
tin- purty Into northern Greenland, uml hemisphere; l ocat i ng two new Islunds
< u r n . r S la t K . m l H u r l H i. . P o r t la n d . O r a .
W. Elmer Ekblaw and all the mem­
on the two unsm-cessful and one suc­ and disproving the existence o f two
ep u a p n or nom ance.
I.O U HIM KM, Manaear.
bers of the party gave high praise to
Romance may he alive under tne
R A T KM I V to fc- S P E C IA L W n k ur Month cessful attempts to tiring MacMillan more, showing that Crocker Land, seen Dr. Morton I*. Porslld, a noted Danish
glare o f the bright lights of the great
hack home again, hut not u single by Peary from the summit of an im­
scientist, head o f the Danish govern­
cities, but In this quaint old mountain
person Involved lost his life, and mense cliff, Is only a mirage, and pene­
ment scientific station at Oodhaven,
I town its swan song has been sung.
there was no more serious disunity | trating many miles over the frozen
Disco Island, Greenland. Ekblaw was
| Witness the following:
than tin- loss of frozen toes. This Is ' ocean beyond the point where Crocker
the first American scientist to spend
A young woman employee o f a New
for T H A N K S G IV IN G end C H R IS T M A S
u unique record for an Arctic eipedl- | Land was supixiscd to begin.
any time with Doctor Porslld, although York publishing house wrote her name
tra d «.
Writs* fo r prlc*»»
S h ip u « you r V*u»l,
When rescued by Hartlett at Etnh,
thin lusting four years.
students from several European coun­ on an Inside page of a magazine pub­
llotfR, I'o u ltry , Ktftfn, || h |«*<> him ) ( '« « « » r u bark.
Although the enterprise cost about MacMillan ami the members of his
Top |irlr«**t «m l flair trrvafmerit.
tries have been sent to the station for lished by the company. The magazine
9200,000 and w ai o m at D m n o « , if party were living on dog biscuit and Instruction.
fell Into the hands o f A. B. Watson,
not the most, costly ever known, sci­ ducks’ eggs, hut were in good health.
"I*octor Porslld is doing work In bot­ twenty-one years old. o f this place,
P O R T L A N D . O RF entists of the Amerlcun Museum of They would probably have endured
any, geology, astronomy and zoology who Is considered matrimonial timber.
Natural History here are frankly de- , severe hardships next winter, however,
nnd in the study o f Eskimo culture
Watson wrote the young woman.
lighted today with the wealth o f new j If they had uot been reached In time.
which will gain recognition from the Did he propose marriage? Not on your
Information and the sp«-clmens of min- j MacMillan crossed Smith's sound
whole scientific world,” said Ekblaw. life. He told her she should be
Have Ino |**r refit of fusti a m i ’by «njuipplntf your I erals and tin- fauna uml floru of the once every year he spent In the North, j
“ He and his w ife have been at God- ashamed o f herself for seeking ac­
Car with >«
frozen North which MacMillan brings and every time came through without |
since 1905; their daughter was quaintance In this manner.— Weldon,
a mishap, a remarkable feat In Itself, j
horn there and has never been out of W. Va., Dispatch In Chicago Tribune.
iThtiuDMii'U of Hati»fh*l
He found rich mineral-bearing rocks ,
Most uninitiated persona think un
P rie« for Ford», fN 00.
Other Mtltvi, $11 00
Greenland. He Initiated his work and
I <>. Arctic expedition consists of periods
the Danish government was so Im­ FOR ITCHING,
711 Clinton St..
Portland, ()r«gnn i of Intense labor Interspersed with long,
pressed by its value that they allow
aggravating waits In absolute Idleness,
hi in 10,000 crowns (about $2,880) a
yeur to carry It on.
It extends Bathe With Cuticura Soap and Apply
the Ointment— Trial Free.
throughout the Hufiin Bay region and
Hut tills Is a mistake. MacMillan |
along the east coast o f Greenland.
C lea r Btorcn, P o o l Matin and C an d y was working all the time. Even when !
For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irri­
“ Doctor Porslld Is forty-five years
D oalera, oak (or P ro p o sitio n C.
forced to stay n*-ar his main huso at
tations. pimples, dandruff, sore hands
old, hut looks older. He has a beauti­ and baby humors, Cuticura Soap and
S p e c ia l ty S ales C o .,
Ktuli, he kept busy, very busy. Tliut Is
ful home, an extensive library and a Ointment are supremely effective. Be-
471 M0IUIIS0N ST .
rORTUND. 0*100*
why, says MacMillan, he found the lust
well-equipped laboratory. The numer­ | sides they tend to prevent these dis­
I )«•**!«• t h in Sal*» Stimulator».
four years the shortest of tils life.
ous hot springs at Godhuven render tressing conditions, if used for every­
Many times lie went !ttl to 40 hours ,
the climate and vegetation sltnllur to day toilet and nursery preparations.
without sleep, pursuing his scientific
Free sample each by mail with
those some COO miles to the south.”
And lie hud considerable time
Address postcard, Cuticura,
Dept. L, Boston.
Sold everywhere.
to devote to these studies, for actual
ill r*u him Writs far prices lad shippmc ti|t exploring can only tie done In three
T hi H. F. N orton C o . farti*««. ore. sunn, tn months out of the twelve.
Height o f Fame.
Audience Cheers Soldier Who Pro-
MacMIllun Is eager to return to this
“ And how is your son Henry getting
bleak hut Interesting region of tlie
J on in literature?” asked the visitor.
north |sile and will undoubtedly do so
"Oh, he’s doing famously,” said the
Veal, Pork, Beef,
as s* m in as he cun Had sufficient flnon-
Snn Antonio. Tex.— In the course o f proud mother. “ His autograph brought
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
I'lat hacking.
the “ 5-10-15-cent” theatrical perform­ $10 the other day.”
ind Farm Prcxkice.
W ill Fly Over Ice.
to tha Old Hellabla K verd ln* houee with a
ance In a Houston street theater Sun­
“ Really?”
record of 46 year« of Snuarr* iAealln*«. and
Ills next trip will ho something on- |
day afternoon, one o f the actors had
“ Yes— signed to a promissory note
be assured of T O P M A R K E T PRICES.
tlrely novel In Arctic exploration, for
"died” and had been stretched out for $300., I bought it myself.”— Harp-
he proposes to use un airplane to widen i
upon the “ cooling '»onrd” with the con­ ! ers’ Weekly.
4V47 Front Street
Port lead. Ore
his rudlus of action. “ I expect to do j
ventional candles at head and feet.
ns much In a day with an utrplune ns
A fter the action, which was somewhat
I can do In 20 duys with the dogs,” he I
rapid, one of the actors, alone, stood
Young men and women with buainoM training explained.
before the audience nnd sang. Soon a
find |MMÌtiona everywhere.
(è» to Northw est*«
MacMIllun was greatly pleased to
candle fell from its position and lay
targ e« t Buaineae Collage. B E H N K E W A L K E R .
Portland. Ore. A ll courw-«. l'oaition» guarunteod. learn o f the progress In aviation
burning on the sheet that lay over
W rite for free >llu«tratral catalog.
which has tnken place on account of
the “ dead" person.
the great war during his stuy away
In the commotion that quickly fo l­
from the world, lit- thinks airplane
lowed, civilians whistled, culled, stirred
Granulated Eyelids, construction has now been cnrrled to
about and motioned to the singer to Positive Proof That Lydia
Sore Eyes, E yet Inflamed by a point o f perfection where be enn
put out the flame. A 6o!dler, however,
S u n , D u tt and W in d quickly
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
mounted the stage nnd put out the
9 relieved by Murine. Try it in rely on certain types o f flyers ns fully
Compound Relieves
your Lyes and in Baby’ s Eyes. as lie does on his “ huskies" and his
fire with his bare hands, receiving a
t o u r E Í B No Smarting, Just Fyr Comfort snowshoes.
hearty cheer from the audience.
Marin*- Eye Remedy
And the singer continued his song.
MacMillan left Sydney, N. S„ aboard
K**r /took o f Ik * t 'v * - Free.
■ y e fta lv e , in Tutte»
Bridgeton,N.J. — “ I cannot speak too
Chícalo .i the Diana In July, 1013. The ship was :
A . K M a r in e E y e R e m e d y Co
Chicks, Dogs, Children, Divorce.
wrecked olT Ilarge Point, Labrador, but I Miss Hannah Patterson of Pitts­
highly o f Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta­
Fort Smith, Ark.— Charging his
was finally pulled ofT and taken to St. | burgh, well-known suffragist. Is the
ble Compound f o r
R e g u l a t i n g N i g h t S t r e e t traffic.
John's, where the supplies were truus- ; efficiency expert of the woman's sec­ w ife allowed chickens to roost In the
inflammation a n d
Experiment» uro being mudo by tho ferred to the Erik.
other weaknesses. I
tion of the council of national defense. kitchen nnd dogs to raise puppies In
polio** of Glasgow with a new- mofliod
was very irregular
Three Rescue Attempts.
When she came to Washington her co- the bed, and that she kept rabbits In
for tho regulation <>f street vehicular
and would have ter­
In the second ship the party reached ! workers were laboring under misfit the stove nnd nllowed them to die
truffle at night. At two o f tho roost Etnh, on the west Greenland const, j conditions in an unsuitable building. there, Fred W llleford has filed suit for
rible pains so that I
rrnudwl crossings In tin- central dis­ August 20.
could hardly take •
Mrs. W llleford represented
Miss Patterson in two days had laid divorce.
t r i c t ^ « tin* city tho constables aro
step. Sometimes I
It was more than two yenrs ago thnt j out a plan covering the entire work of to him before their marriage she had
provlJPd with helmets to which are the first relief expedition was sent out. the committee and quarters were but three children by a former mar­
would be so misera­
attached small electric lumps, con­ Doctor Grenfell’s Labrador missionary j found which exactly fitted the commit­ riage, but she really had many more,
ble that I could not
trolled by u battery carried In the schooner, the George II. Cluett, started tee’s needs. She is executive secre­ and they threatened to kill him, Is also
sweep a room.
coat pocket. Tin* lamps show tho po­ In July, 1016, for Ktah, hut was unable tary pro tern for the organization charged by the husband In the peti­
doctored part o f the
sition o f tho constnbïe und Indicate to go through the heavy tloes of Ice en­ now. She is a civic worker and a suf­ tion. The W illefords were married
time but f e l t n o
to which lines o f trafile the crossing Is countered.
I later took Lydia E. Pink-
last January.
frage campaigner.
ham’s Vegetable Compound and soon
fe lt a change for the better. I took it
until I was in good healthy condition.
8ilk-Produclng Countries.
I recommend the Pinkham remedies to
China still leads In silk production,
all women as I have used them with such
although the netual amount Is un­
good results.” —Mrs. M i l f o r d T. C um ­
known, with Japan second. Frnnce Is
mings , 322 Harmony St., Penn’ s Grove.
; N. J.
the greatest silk producing center of
In Atnerlcu tlie Industry Is
Such testimony should be accepted by
largely centered In Patterson, N. J.,
all women as convincing evidence o f
the excellence o f Lydia E. Pinkham’a
where silk mills give employment to
Vegetable Compound as a remedy fo r
a large proportion of the »-tty’s Inhab­
the distressing ills o f women such as
itants.- New York World.
displacements, inflammation, ulceration,
backache, painful periods, nervousness
and kindred ailments.
It Works! Try It
Stay Round Silo Co.
Sherman , a y & Co.
j H o t e l H i Dyt
i y
A Shoe Boil, Capped
Hock or B ursitis
Rjr huvfnir d lrw t from in ikt wholeiMkl« pries**
•ml nave thn plumlmr'ii profit*. W rit« ti* to­
day your nood*. Wo will irlvo you our rock-
bottom "din-ct-to-you" price*, f. o. b. rail or
boat. W e actually *a v « you from 10 to S6 per
cent. A ll frond* guaranteed.
Northweat headquarter* fot le a d e r W ater
Syah’tn* and Fuller A Johnaon Knitinea.
1 will reduce them and leave no blemishes.
Stops lameness promptly. D oes not blis­
ter or remove the hair, and horse can be
worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 M free.
212 Third Street.
P. N. U.
Portland. O re »on
No. 39, 1917.
Ono of the latest types of airplanes being built by the Curtiss Airplane company for the United States.
will be well represented in the great air fleet now In const ruction for Uncle Sain.
This type
A B S O R B T N E , J R ., for mankind, the antiseptic
liniment for Boil», Bruiaet. Sort». Swelling». Varicose Vein«.
All«?« Pain end Inflammation. Price t l and $2 a bottle a(
dnuxiata or delivered. WiU tell you more If you writ«.
W. F. YOUNG, PDF. , 40S Temple St, Springfield, Mae«.