WOHLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK I. W. W. CRIMES MANY Chicago tirami Jury Indicta Ititi le a d ­ er», and Charge* 10,000 Individ­ ual Anti-I'atriutic Acta. Itrief Stories Prepared Under the Direction o f the Commltte on Public Information and the State Council o f Defense, and Published With­ out Charge bv This Paper to Impart Knowledge Ki-sential for the Common Good. Chicago- Members o f the Industrial Workers o f the World who are under Four Distinct Groups of Enemy Brief Resume Most Important indictment as the result o f grand jury from tEie |Hirishable products of the Airplanes Over City. action Saturday are charged with more Red Cross Tells How to l*repare Sol- Daily News Items. many home gardens o f this year. diers' Christmas Packages. than 10,000 individual crimes in a W’ ith these figures ns a basis, it is Nothing should go in the Christmas criminal campaign o f sedition, accord­ thought that almost any family may ing to government agents. It is de­ package for soldiers, that will not calculate its requirements, taking Into clared that the conspiracy laid to the keep fresh from the time o f packing consideration the length of the winter I. W. W. chiefs contemplated no less a 1 until Christmas, according to the in­ i season in any given ocallity. Thus in general object than the hampering of structions given by the Rod Cross. the south where food crops may bv By Christmas time the United States every objective o f the government in grown in the fall, the winter allowance w ill have mure than 1,000,000 men its war aims. may be less than for the far no(th, Theaters Continue Evening Perform­ Events o f Noted People, Governments As a result o f the raids Saturday, 39 under arms and everyone will lie eager where one must count on supplies for ances in Spite o f Repented Visits alleged I. W. W. leaders are under ar­ to help them, it i f pointed out. and Pacific Northwest and Other several months longer. Dried fruits and other food products rest and Federal officials are searching In using dried vegetables, it mn) !*• From Hostile Aircraft. Things Worth Knowing. for the remainder o f the 166 jiersons should be packeif in small tin or assumed that a given quantity o f dried against whom indictments were re­ wooden boxes, one-quarter to one-half vegetables is equal to four times its pound size. turned. bulk o f canned vegetables; that is, Hard candy, including chocolate, Twenty-eight persons were arrested one-fourth o f a quart o f dry string I.ondoii — The strongest air attack Robert Eakin, associate justice o f w ill probably be safe in tin foil or Saturday night. ! beans when soaked over night is ap­ > yet attempted on Isutdon and the coast the Oregon Supreme court from Janu­ Among the specific charges made by heavy cardboard, but no soft chocolate proximately equal to one quart canned. ary 1, 1907, to January 1, 1917, died towns by the Germans was carried out the government against the 1. W. W. nor anything that could possibly be at his home in Salem, Monday, after crushed should be used, as the other organization are: Col. Theodore Roosevelt Praises Patri­ Monday night by four grou|M o f hos- an extended illness. Interfering in the manufacture o f i contents o f the package might be ! tile airplanes. Some o f the machines otic Spirit o f American Hoys. { spoiled thereby. The marriage o f Adele Pankhurst, munitions and arms. Several dainties packed in oblong tin The department o f lalnir authorizes got through to I/>ndon and bombarded daughter o f Mrs. Emmeline Pank­ Preventing the carrying out o f con­ boxes, each holding a quarter o f a the southwestern district. the following: hurst, the English suffragette leader, tracts between the United States gov­ A terrific barrage was sent up from Theodore Roosevelt praises the pa­ to a seaman named Walsh is reported ernment and coal companies for fuel j pound, w ill provide a better variety for a packet than a larger quantity of triotic spirit which is being shown by the defense guns and the roar of battle in a Reuter dispatch from Melbourne. for shipping purposes o f all kinds. American boys and young men who are lasted intermittently fur two hours and Interfering in the manufacture o f i a single confection. The battleship o f the United States No liquids nor articles packed in stepping in to fill the gaps caused by a half. clothing for soldiers and sailors, medi­ N avy which went aground in home glass should be placed in the package. The Germans liomhed coast towns as shortage o f labor on the farms and in cal and hospital supplies. waters on September 28, was floated For wrapping the gifts use a khaki- 1 industry. The former president de­ they passed over and proceeded toward Designing to prevent registration Monday. The sea was smooth and a colored handerchief, 27 inches square, clares the boy’s patriotism can be London. Tw o o f the group* succeeded large fleet o f vessels pulled the war­ under the draft law. machines Seditious articles in Solidarity, the and form the base o f the packet by ; counted on to mako him stick where in getting a number o f ship off at high tide. Numerous I. W. W. organ, and articles in other placing on the center o f the handker­ needed in this time of emergency, through the sky harrsge. chief a pad o f writing |>a|>er about even i f higher wages at times tempt bombs were dropped on the southwest­ Russian troops have made another I. W. W. publications. him to go eleswhere. S in k in g of ern district, which is thickly |s>pulatcd advance in the Riga region, according Ruining harvests by putting phos­ seven by 10 inches. Select a variety o f articles either the value o f the boy’s working reserve with the homes o f the up|wr and mid- to Tuesday’s war office announcement. phorus in the grain. : die classes. The fire from the defend German posts were pressed back south Instead of striking, using destruc­ from a suggested list or according to he said: "O n e o f the great benefits you con- ing guns was longer and louder than o f the railway in the Spitals farm sec­ tive methods, such as breaking ma­ individual wishes to an amount not ex­ ceeding $1.50, and arrange them on fore is that o f making the boy realize ever before. A rain of shrapnel fell tor, the Russians advancing between chinery in factories. 800 and 1000 yards. The nine leaders o f the Industrial the pad o f paper so that the entire that he is part o f Uncle Sam’s team; : in all sections o f the town and the Workers who were arrested in Chicago package shall be the width o f the paifi that he is doing his share in this great streets were virtually deserted. Tw o hundred and twenty alleged and approximately five or six inches world war; that he holds his services The weather was perfect for air draft resisters and conspirators were on indetments charging seditious con­ high. in trust for the nation; that though it operations, as there was a bright full spiracy returned by a Federal grand indicted by the grand jury which ad­ Wrap and tie with one-inch red rib­ is proper to consider the material ques­ moon with no clouds or wind. The journed Saturday night at McAlester, jury against 166 members o f the or­ bon and place a Christmas card under tion o f his own desires, yet that what |M*ople o f I/ondon ex|ie.*ted a raid and ganization throughout the United Oka., instead o f 120 as at first re­ the bow o f ribbon. he must most strongly consider at this were waiting for signals. Soon after ported. Practically all o f them are States, were still in jail, having been Wrap the parcel again in heavy, J time is where his services w ill do the 7 o ’clock motors o f the volunteer corjm unable to furnish bonds which were under arrest, it was announced. *qx*d through the streets blowing their filed at $10,000 each, except in the lightbrown manila paper and tie se­ most good to our people as w hole." A ll expectations that Argentina case of W illiam D. Haywood, interna­ curely with red, green or gilt cord, sirens anil displaying an illuminated might follow the lead o f her nieghbor tional secretary-treasurer, who was and use Chrsitmas labels or American Civil Service Calls for Performance o f notice "ta k e co v e r" and other meas­ flags as desired. and break with Germany have been held in $25v000. ures were put into execution to inform Patriotic Duty. dispelled at Washington, with the the |>opuIacc. Charles Cline, United States district Persons qualified are being urged news that President Irigoyen is deter­ attorney, said that he had 50 tele­ Amount o f Fruit and Vegetables Re­ Many o f the theaters were rontniu- as a patroitic duty to take the exam ­ mined not to heed the action of the grams announcing arrests, anil that he ing their performances notwithstand- quired for Winter Use Shown. inations for civil service (sisitions. Argentine congress and popular de­ believed with the arrest of the leaders I ing the raiils. A t the conclusion of The department of agriculture au­ Many vacancies are to he filled. The mand for action and w ill continue a the grave menace o f this organization, the jicrforniarire in one o f the leading thorizes the following: government offers attractive salaries. neutral course. lectors with the bursting shrapnel furnishing by Strike on Eve o f Adjustment. vanced. Shaving, however, remains such as carrots, turnips and parsnips; of ordnance, clothing equipment, hard­ one o f the greatest pyrotechnical dis­ plays London ever saw, a thrilling bat­ as before, at 25 cents. Seattle, Wash.— More than 10,000 25 quarts of canned fruits and pre­ ware; leather, business clerks and in­ tle in the air took place between en­ serves. Most o f this should come dex and catalog clerks. Officials o f the Swiss legation at o f the 15,000 steel metal workers quit emy aircraft and British aviators in work in 98 shipyards and contract Washington, which is caring for Ger­ the northern district, according to _ _ _ _ man diplomatic interests in the Unit- : shops at 10 o’clock Saturday morning,! strike is becoming more serious, and it special constables who Haid they w it­ walking from the yards and shops as ed States, arrived at Atlanta, Ga., to is feared the conflict will assume a nessed it by means o f powerful binocu­ inspect the German prison camp a t ' cheerfully as though they were only Although the machines were revolutionary character i f an immedi­ lars. Fort McPherson, where are interned changing shifts. The men, knowing thousands o f feet in the air, the fire of ate settlement is not reached. Break With Germany Imminent En­ the crews of the former German com- that two United States adjustment The c ity ’s food supplies have been 1 the machine guns could he heard dis- merce raiders Prinz Eitel Friedrich boards, one headed by Secretary o f La- tire Army Called Out to Restore almost cut off. The cutting of tele­ , tinctiy below. j bor Wilson, w ill soon arrive in Seattle, and Kronprinz Wilhelm. R. R. Traffic Cables Cut. graph wires has isolated the capital feel that the strike w ill soon be ended except from near-by points. More than 100 Mexicans have been and the men go back to work. MAYOR M I T C H E L W I L L RUN Strikers have cut the telegraph line illegally drafted for service in the Na­ Three o f the largest steel yards in Buenos A ires— The chamber o f dep­ to Valparaiso, Chile, paralyzing direct tional Army by boards in New York, the United States are among those and many subjects o f Mexico are being tied up. Yards and shops which have uties Tuesday voted in favor o f a rup­ cable to the United States. The gov- New York's Executive Decides in Fav­ secreted there to prevent their arrest signed the metal workers’ scale employ ture with Germany. The vote was 53 era men t desired to postpone formation or o f Citizens' Wishes. o f its policy until it received from by m ilitary authorities, according to 5000 men, and these w ill continue at to 18 New York — John I’ urroy Mitchel, The president has power to veto the Ambassador Naon at Washington Juan T. Burns, Mexican consul gen­ work. Democrat, defeated in the Republit-an action o f parliament, hut popular translations o f the 415 telegrams re­ eral, who declares he would “ go to any i That the wage adjustment commit­ clamor is such that this is unlikely. extrem e to protect the rights of M exi­ ceived or sent by the Swedish legation primaries for renomination, announced tee w ill probably not make a decision Rumors were current Tuesday that here. cans residing here.” These messages were tele­ publicly from the steps o f the City o f the Seattle shipyard wage contro­ President Irogoyen was not w illing to graphed to Dr. Naon with instructions hall Monday that he would run as the The great Liberty loan drive started j versy while on the ground is indicated break off relations with Germany, not­ fusion candidate on an issue o f straight to send translations. from Chairman V. withstanding the action taken by the Monday throughout the country with a by a telegram Americanism. rush. Telegraphic reports to the E verit Macy, made public by the chamber o f deputies. The large gathering o f citizens who It was an-i Distillate or Coal Oil for Autos. Treasury from every section indicate Metal Trades council Sunday. came before him to demand that he re­ nounced that a manifestation would be There has been considerable talk tremendous enthusiasm on the part of main in the mayoralty race heard made before the congressional palace to L . , . . . . . tens o f thousands o f workers and a ! Norway Becomes Indignant. demand an immediate rupture in the ’ lately that the government would be words o f support expressed in Mr. fa ir first day volume o f subscriptions compelled to lim it the use o f gasoline M itchel’s behalf by Theodore Roose­ Christiania, Norway — German con- name of the Argentine Republic, toward the $3,000,000,000 minimum, spirators, spies and propagandists for- The authorities have been advised for autos, on account o f the enormous velt, Charles Evans Hughes, Henry which has been set as the goal of the | merly so active in the United States officially that the strike in the city o f amount required for war puproses. Morganthau, ex-ambassador to Turkey, four weeks’ campaign. seem to have transferred their atten­ Santa Fe during the last month was This w ill cause people to change to the and many others. Mayor Mitchel, in replying to the A series o f suspi- fomented and supported by Germans. lower grades o f fuel, such as distillate Secretary o f War Baker reiterates tion to Norway. demands o f citizens who requested that The entire Argentine army has been and coal oil. that there is no serious shortage o f j c*OU8 fires in steamships «n d manufac It has been the opinion o f the major­ he run again, said: rifles for any of the troops. For the tories is blamed on the plotters. Oth­ summoned to duty to aid the govern­ " M y answer is I w ill run. I will expeditionary force in France five ers are charged with helping interned ment in attempting to re-establish ity o f people operating cars that these Springfield rifles per man have been German sailors to escape. Espionage railroad traffic at present held up by lower grades o f fuel could not lie used, make the fight one against Hearst, I will make provided, and the ammunition store is freely engaged in and some Germans the strike. This action as decided up­ hut at the present time there is being Hylan and Hohenzollem. being assembled is so great that the ■ have been caught at it and sent to jail on after the strikers failed to accept placed on the market an attachment the fight against Murphy, Cohalan hiu I secretary believes there is no ground Propagandists for many months have an offer o f government arbitration. which makes it possible to hum distil­ O ’ Leary.” fo r fear that interrupiton o f the trans­ been trying to spread pro-Germanism A ll trains will be run by the military. late or coal oil with better results than Japan to Hold Vessels. In Cordoba strikers attacked a con­ was formrely obtained with gasoline. port lines for a time would create em­ ! over the country. The public and press become more voyed train. Women were placed in A combination o f heat and vafior is Tokio — An imperial ordinance pro­ barrassment. enraged over these outrages every day, front o f the crowd as a shield. There the principle o f this attachment and it mulgated Tuesday prohibits, without Much of the country’s great corn , and in warning the people to beware was an exchange o f shots, three per­ can be installed by any one in thirty permission o f the government, the sell­ crop is now safely past danger from o f the Germans the newspapers declare sons being killed and ten wounded. minutes, without changing any part of ing, chartering or mortgaging o f Jap­ an ordinary killing frost, weekly , that even Germans who have been here Several serious clashes between troops the motor. This invention is being anese nhifm to foreigners. The edict, Weather Bureau reports indicate. I many years and are considered half and strikers are reported from other manufactured and distributed by the which contains 13 articles, applies also D istillate Gasifier Sales Co., o f 711 to vessels building or contracted for. A further credit o f $40,000,000 was Norwegian are not to be trusted, all cities o f the republic. The situation brought about by the Clinton St., Porltand, Oregon. extended Thursday by the government being under the influence o f Berlin. The minister o f communications is to France. This brings the total ad­ given control over steamship routes, Steamship Glenogle Sunk. Friendly Feeling Shown. vanced the allies up to $2,466,400,000. Condemned Dog is Mascot. passengers and cargo and rates, and is also given authority to commandeer New York— News was received here Albany, Ore.— Linn county was ex- Washington, D. C.— Secretary Lan­ The board of naval officers under Rear Admiral Helm, charged with rec-- Sunday night o f the torpedoing o f the pempt in the present draft, but the sing, when pressed to g ive some indi­ shipping yards and material. ©mmending locations for additional steamship Glenogle, flying the Chinese city w ill be represented in the new cation o f the progress o f the confer­ City Makes Roll o f Honor. navy yards, soon w ill resume its in­ flag, off the Irish coast by a German National army as a local dog joined a ences with the Japanese mission, hcad- Chicago— The names o f the members vestigations, Interrupted by the war. submarine four weeks ago. She had a California contingent en rotue through ed by Viscount Ishii, said: "T h e con- crew o f 100 men, all Chinese, with the here Sunday. Because the dog snapped versations with Viscount Ishii have o f the 586 exemption hoards in this Part o f the fleet of the Great Lakes exception o f the officers and engineers. at a little girl that afternoon the been o f a most satisfactory character, city will constitute a roll o f honor in Transit Corporation has been taken There were no survivors, apparently, owner desired it killed and telephoned and I think his visit to this country the city archives, according to action over by the government and the cor­ and the sinking o f 'the ship with her to the police with the request that it j has been most helpful in benefiting re- taken by the city council in ordering poration w ill cease accepting freight crew was discovered through the pa­ be despatched. A troop train came laions between the two countries and that their names he engrossed on a roll at Milwaukee on October 2, according pers being washed ashore in Bantry in soon after and the dog was turned in strengthening the bonds o f friend­ o f honor as part o f the c ity ’s perma­ to announcement. Bay, Ireland. ship.” over to the soldiers for a mascot. nent records. COMPILED MEET HEAVY BARRAGE FOR YOU ARGENTINA FOR WAR