Fancy Prices for Blooded Stock dressed in the following manner: 1 Name of addressee. (2) Of­ ficial designation of unit to which addressee belongs. (3) The words "American Expeditionary Forces.” Fader no circumstances should the location or station of a mili­ tary organization be included in an address on mail for any mem­ ber of such forces. Every parcel must' bear the sender’s name and address, which should be placed in the upper left it corner of the addre s side;'and s is of the utmost importance that parcels sent to the expeditionary forCes b, 8ecurely packwl am, The Railroads Will Co-Operate The sale Friday of the W K. .We are assured that the price Newell herd of legist err'd Hol- of wheat determined by the Presi­ steins at Cloveridge Farm, near dent will be maintained through­ Seghers Station, was well attend­ out the year by the Food Admin­ ed. The sale was held under the istration, and that there can be direction of the new owner of no objective in holding wheat. In Cloveridge Farm, Mandius Olson, fact, the farmer saves interest and of Portland. While there deterioration by marketing early. wer.t many fine animals sold at a sacri­ At the present time the railroads fice, the sale as a whole was satis­ can handle niore wheat to storage factory, 70 head bringing $12,000. points f >r ready distribution and Thirty cows averaged $235. to mills to b manufactured into . 1 he top price,^ $ 140, was paid Hour for domestic consumption by the Rev. Mr. Martin, of wrapped, fully and plainly ad­ and exportation to our allies, Mount Angel, for a beautiful -1- dressed in accordance with the where it is much needed and for year-o!d with a high butter-fat foregoing, and have proper post which ships are available at ports. record. Many of the cattle were ago prepaid thereon. The railroads wish to appeal to bid in by the dairymen of this Parcels addressed to the Ameri­ the farmers to bring their wheat to locality, Louis Wilcox, of Scog­ can expeditionary forces «hall be market now l-ater in the fall the gins Valley, paying $1175 fora dispatched in the same manner as handling of many more products bunch of nine heifers and young otb(,r m . , intended for those will cause congestion and delay. cows. Lionel L. Paget, of Eiist forces. The railways are now being op­ Gaston, purchas«d three young erated in common to serve the en­ After Many Years heifers for $800. John Kiernan, tire community. The demands Forty years ago last spring, of Portland, was the heaviest for movement of military and while Uncle I>evi Smith was re­ buyer. supplies will be an increasing bur­ turning to Oregon from a visit in den. Therefore, the railways must Illinois, he met on the train a have the co-operation of the entire youna chap who was coming west community. f,om Peoria to seek his fortune Latest Shoe Fashions Mr. Smith invited the boy to eat The office of Adjutant-General lunch with him and they got fair­ Light colors will predominate White is being delugrd with re­ ly well acquainted. They parted during the next six months, ac- quests for information as to how as San Francisco and have never cording to the verdict of the man- to s e n d parcels to American met or corresponded since, but ufacturers. Two-Tone shoes are soldiers at the front. General several months since Mr. Smith’s all the rage—light tops and dark White calls attention to the follow­ picture appeared in one of the feet, in kid and bronze; $9, $12 ing regulations, issued recently by Portland papers and the man who, and $15 per pair, but you can the Postoffice department: as a boy, broke bread with Mr. buy them at the Forest Grove Parcels of fourth-class or do­ Smith recognized the picture and Shoe Store for $5, $ti and $7, a mestic parcel post matter not ex­ remarked to his wife that here saving of $$$ to you. Why? Be­ ceeding 20 pounds in weight, orig­ was the picture of the man with cause we are satisfied with a fair inating in the United States or whom he traveled and visited profit and sell only for cash. any of its possessions for trans­ forty years ago. A week ago last C. V. B. RUSSELL, mission to the United States ex- Friday the gentleman and his wife tf At Forest Grove Shoe Store. peditionary forces in Europe, and came from their home in Portland Sewer Suit Postponed such parcels originating w ith these ' an(j sp(.nt t(ie nay with Mr. and After the city of Forest Grove forces for transmission to the Mrs. Smith. The boy is a man had gone to the expense of having United States or its possessions, now, has children of his own and Albert Kirkwood, former city en- are subject to the United States has done well in Portland, but he gineer, come all the way from domestic classification, conditions has, apparently, never forgotten ^ ° r * • . enwor^h.^Kas;>La8ra, * ness >n the case where the Elliott and rates of postage, the eighth the man who > . > ho p y Construction company is suing zone rate of 12 cents for each to a home-sick i boy going away the c jty for the price of an alleged pound or fraction thereof being from home for the first time. The sewer, the plaintiff a*ked and was chargeable on parcels subject to visit was a very enjoyable one for j granted a continuance of the case, pound rates, but such parcels may both families' and"the men found which was to have started in a Portland district court last Mon­ not be registered, insured, or sent much t0 ta,k about# day. Mr. Kirkwood is the city’s C. O. D. ■p ‘ • fo n (U tr\ r mcimhara /if Littler’s Pharmacy has just re -, main witness and he will probably ParceL k.u;,____» of u Hygenic . 1 1 ... „r .......u ____ . intenriert for mem tiers of ceived a big shipment be out of reach, "somewhere in the United States expeditionary Tooth Paste; the best made; try France,” by the time the Elliotts forces in Europe should bead- it. are ready for trial. Sending Parcels To Soldier Boys