The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 27, 1917, Image 9

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    Supplement to
Vol 2
Forest Grove Express
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 27, 1917.
Features at
A gricultural College
No. 38
knows m o r e about damnation
than all the imps of hell. Give
It’s Soezy. Try it. Huy it.
my job to Kaiser Wilhelm, the
author of this war—he under­
Good used sew in« machines for
The division of Horticulture is stands it better, a million times
sale or trade. Roe & Co.
Max Kicker of Portland was inaugurating some unique work to by far. I hate to leave the old
visit ng friends in Forest Grove be taken up this coming year in home, the spot I love so well, but
the new Horticultural Products I feel that I'm not up to date in
over Sunday.
The laboratories are the art of running hell.”
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Halford left
Sunday for their future home in being equipped for work in can­ The Sons of the American Rev­
ning, evaporating, juice and jam olution of Portland, through their
Coalinga, Calif.
Mrs. Eleanor McEldowney will manufacture. In the evaporation treasurer, A. A. Lindsley, Henry
receive vocal pupils at her studio, room, for example, will be found building) are offering three prizes
at the home of (3. V. B. Russell. three tunnel driers 12 feet long, of $25, $15 and $10 for the best
an apple kiln drier, and special j
on the history of »he Amer­
Harold Robinson has been elect equipment for the evaporation of essays
contest is
cd business manager of the Week­ vegetables. The canning room open to students The
in high schools
ly Index, the P. U. student pub will be equipped so that work and the two highest grades in the
lication, in place of Glenn Jack, may be given in blanching, pro­ grade
schools. Originality, ac­
who has enlisted in the radio cessing, exhausting, capping, etc. curacy of statements, manner of
One of the most interesting rooms treatment, orthography, sintax,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gardner, is the Domestic Science laboratory punctuation and neatness and
late of Astoria, who have visited where young women will work out legibility will be considered in
Mrs. Gardner's parents, Mr. and the food value of the various pro­ awarding prizes.
Mrs. H. T. Buxton, for the past ducts which the Horticultural Di­
Mustn’t Make Wine
month, departed Tuesday fo r vision is able to prepare. Work
Ohio, where they may conclude will be t a k e n up immediately
District Attorney E v a n s of
along various lines, such as the Multnomah county has just sent
to locate
A few members of the Forest fi tration of loganberry juice; the a circular letter to persons who
Grove Rifle club met at Verts evaporation value of our leading have in the past manufactured
hall Tuesday evening, elected A. varieties of apples; the standardi­ wine, calling attention to the de­
.1 Demores secretary, in place of zation of the Italian prune; the cision of the supreme court declar­
Haskell Ferrin, resigned, and de­ evaporation of vegetables; the ing the practice illegal, even
cided to resume drilling soon after canning merit of a large number when the wine is made for home
of fruits and vegetables.
consumption. Large quantities
the close of the county fair.
of Wa-hington county grapes have
Th- re are some girls in Herrick tention to this work, namely Pro­ been used for wine.
Hall who desire w’ork in town at
C. I. Lewis. Mr. lis te r
Word comes f r o m Cottage
odd times. Housekeeping and fessor
Lingle and Mr. A. F Barss.
that W. L. Cady and wife
c ire of children preferred
there, so that Mr.
there are families who desire such
girls, kindly call or phone to the that will be taken up, the College Cady can take treatment from his
College Office for further informa­ is now prepared to tiain young son-in-law, Dr. Wendt. Their son,
men so that they will become ex Charles, recently came to Fair-
perts in canning, vinegar manu­ field, Idaho, from Kansas and he
The case wherein the Elliott facture, and evaporation. Special and his sister, Mrs Ben Whited
Construction company sues the courses will open in this work this of this city, are closing up the
city of Forest Grove for some­ fall. In the past the College has business affairs of their parents,
. thing _ like $78,000 for the putting had m a n y demands for men who will not return to Idaho.
in an alleged sewer system is set trained in such lines, but has been
Andrew Dickson, late of Los
for next Monday in the district unable to fill the same on account
arrived Saturday for a
court of Portland, and the city of the lack of trained men.
visit with his mother, Mrs. M. A.
officials are bu y rounding up wit­
Dickson, and his brother, Charles.
nesses. The contract price of the
The Devil Resigns
He is a printer and expects to
sewer was $ 08,000 and to this the
The devil sat by a lake of fire work in Portland, where he will
company a d d s $ 20,000 f or on a pile of sulphur kegs; his head
be nearer his mother.
was bowed upon his breast, his
About 7 o’clock Tuesday morn­ tail between his legs. A lot of
Mrs M S. Allen, Mrs. J. X.
ing fire broke out in the haymow shame was on his face, the sparks Hoffman. Miss Martha Allen and
of the Frank Ramsey barn, near dripped from his eyes— he’d sent Mrs. McFeeters motored to Hills­
^ e throne up boro last Friday to visit Miss
Naylor’s grove and the barn was u:..
his .—:—
badly damaged and considerable in the skies
Gertrude Allen’s school.
hay consumed before the blaze
"Pm down and out,” the devil
Miss Mamie Ixjomis and broth­
was extinguished. A son of the said—he said it with a sob.
Joseph, and Frank Rurling-
Owner took out a horse and cow “There are others that outclass
when he discovered the barn was me and I want to quit my job. ham will leave Friday for Seattle,
doomed The fire department did Hell isn’t in it with the land where they will inter U of W. for
all possible to save the structure, across the Rhine; I’m a has-been the coming year.
but the fire had too much start and a piker, and therefore I re-
J. S. Loynes has the contract
on 'th e firemen. The barn was sign. One ammuninition maker, for putting up the new Hoffman
with his bloody shot and shell, block and is busy at the job.
perso n a ls
Ne w