These Are the Days for the People to LOOK TO THEIR NEEDS AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE REST ERK ES Commencing Saturday, Sept. 29th, and Continuing for 30 day«, we will sell Stoves and Ranges at the following prices, which are 10 per cent and more below Portland prices. After our present stock is exhausted, we shall have to advance our selling prices from 10 to 15 per cent. Regular Price, it’ lift; our price for this sal«* $1.75 \W are adding to our big stork a full line of DINNER WAKE, as we fuitl no one in town carrying Queensware We have had it order*<1 three months, hut have only received one pattern We hope to Ret a number of others shortly. ECONOMIZE! That’s the watchword of today. If every family in the United States cooked on a MONARCH RANGE, thousands of tons of fuel daily would be saved for other useful purposes. It is an actual fact that a Monarch Range needs less fuel to do its work and the reason lies in the manner of its construction. You’ll find a Monarch built so it stays just as tight during its whole life-time as when new—because it is made tight, not with putty, but by riveting the steel plates to the Malleable Iron castings. That is why Malleable Iron is used so it can he riveted and produce a range th^it “ stays satisfactory.” Our price for the next 30 days, only $80.00. The original C( tLE'S Air-Tight Stoves 25-inch $15 00 an $21.00 $12.00 and $16.50 21-inch Fine Opal Heater We have the MISSION HEATER in three size* 19-inch, $17,75; 21-inch. $19.75 and 24- is cast - lined, wiih Heavy inch. $22.00. The COMFORT, a new wood heater, with front door 20-inch, $16.50; 22-inch, cast top and bottom ; has $18.50. On all our Heating Stoves we will give a discount of 5 per cent for Spot Cash during this swing top feed and extra­ sale and when our stock is exhausted, prices will have to be advanced. í a l e sñ ^ fe«-d door, to ac­ commodate large pieces of wood. Forest Grove Phone 683 Goff Bros. It’s Soezy. Try it. Buy it. Good used sewing machines for sale or trade. Roe & Co. Mrs Alexander of Second Ave­ nue South is quite ill. Miss Florence Webley, who is clerking in Lipman & Wolfe’s store in Portland, spent Sunday with home folks. Cement- It’s Soezy. Try it. Buy it. Mi-s Phyllis Miller was visiting friends in Portland the first of the week. For Rent—Furnished or un­ furnished house, good location. Hollis & Graham. 37-2t Mrs. Webb and daughter will occupy Mrs. Haan’s house on Second avenue South. •--- ’■ - - - - - - Oswego black cement, gives a beautiful glazed finish, 70c per sack. Shingles- Everything under roof ; No. 2 Sheeting and Shiplap, $12 per M Best on earth, live, Edge grain Cedar, $2.75 M Lumber Yours, for Business, At S>rhult2 0 Butter - - $14.75 16.85 THREE - DAYS - ONLY THI S WEEK THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY A Big Stock of Ladies’ and Children’s New Fall Coats Copeland & McCready Let “ Hazelnut 20-inch 22-inch Good used >ewing machines fur Eight-room house close in, for sale or trad . Roe & Co. rent O. Shearer, phone 632. Ba gains in ladies’ and g> nts* Mrs C O. Roe, son Bruce and umbrellas, at $1.00 each. Van- Donald McFeeters were Portland Koughnet & Reder. 38 visitors Saturday. Mrs. C. R. Lasham is visiting Christian Church with Mr. Lisharn and son, Clay­ Hally I)ay! Hally l»ay! Come one, ton, at American Fake. come all n e x t L ord’s l)ay a t 9:45 a. m. Mrs. I.ulu Bayne and mother. Special mimic t»y the children and Mr;-. J. Knivhl, were visiting m essage on “ O ur Bible School" follow ­ ing. You w an t to be th ere. L e t us friends in Hid-boro Tuesday. m ake it 200 in atten d an ce. Miss Ma’tha Allen, Mrs. A. G. C h ristian Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Service and Serm on. 7:30 p. m. Hoffman arm daughter, Aden*, S u Song b ject, "H o o tin g out Wh a t r i mi Has were Portland visitors Saturday. N ot P lanted. ” O ur Bible Study o f the begins again next Mr. and Mis. J. N. Hoffman Book o f Homans evening a t 7:43. and Miss Emma Pitman were W T ednesday each er tra in in g class m eets to n ig h t visiting friend in Silverton and a t 7:30 o ’clock. You a re welcome. Salem over Sunday. H. L. PC T N A M . M inister. I The Main street Lumber Yard ?» Cornelius Phone 284 All the New Models and Fabrics. Will have about 150 Styles. Prices, in Ladies’, $10.00 to $00.00 In Children’s - $2.00 to $10.00 % Y'ou will appreciate the Style, Fabric and Price of these “Classic” Coats. I Will Carry LADIES’ COATS in Stock. -------- COME EARLY--------- Phone 061 YOUR BREAD C l? D H V Jpr r n . Hu IV U I OE Between King and Caples Roy Van Kirk yesterday de­ livered a carload of fine Liberia and Mu i r peaches he received from Ashland Nobby new hats for men and hoys just airived at John Ander­ son’s You must see them to know how good they are. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gordon, Dr. and Mrs. Pollock. Dr.Thom p­ son and Postmaster Wirtz left yesterday by auto for the state fair. A '■tylish line of Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats just arrived at Anderson’s. They are very good for the price. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson returned Saturday from their honeymooning at the Tillamook beaches and George is back at work in the Lit tier Pharmacy. Closing Out OUR Coffees, Teas and Spices AT REDUCED PRICES. We make a Specialty of Choice Meats, Sausage, Hamburger, Fruits and Vegetables. Give U h a Trial. Pacific Market (Under New Management) Two Free Deliveries Daily, 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Phone 0301. Forest Grove