The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 27, 1917, Image 7

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Refiners and Brokers Are Working Out
in Uoo/rrrnee Details o f Distrib­
f«ire materializing ns n fact, must Is*
uting Agency and Price«.
potentially blazing as nn absolute cer­
The women of Grant county did not
tainty In the hearts of the soldiers
register last Saturday, as no one was
nnd their leader» In fact, must de-
Washington, D. C.— Beet sugar re­ appxnnted to make arrangements and
sceinl from the lenders to the musses finers and brokers opene«J conferences
no instructions or supplies for the reg­
as an Irresistible, Joyous flow of truth.
here Wednesday to work out details o f istration were received.
II«* believes that discipline Is tlx* spir­
Shipments of stock from Baker F ri­
itual flame of vl«*tory. Never for on«*, a plan for a central distributing
Instant has he double«! the ultimate1 agency, planned to cooperate with the day included 300 head o f cattle to
Issue «if the w ar; never «nice doubt«*! footl administration and to agree on Portland, consigned by F. J. Fraser.
They came from the John Day Valley
his own power to win, not on ac- stamlard prices.
and were sold at Baker by H. H.
«•«mnt «if personal conceit, hut he-
About 10 per cent o f the refiners Trowbridge.
enuse be considers blinM lf as an ngent
proteste«] against prices proposed, say­
o f n«*<*«*sslty.
Medford mining men are expiectnig
Ills will Is Inflexible, t>«*cnuM* he* ing they had ma«le contracts with beet a genuine gold rush to the Klamath riv­
n«*v«*r s« «*ks strength In the opinion ofj growers at unusually high rates. The er in late October, when the immense
others. On the other Imnd, he never f«xxl ixlnriinistration announced, how­ pxiwer station dam at Copco w ill be
m ikes up his mind until every s!d<^
ever, that many o f the growers affect - 1 fimsheiJ and the river from Hombrook,
has I m * cii consld«*red and every Item,
Cal., to the ocean w ill be nearly dry.
of the contention outweighed.
After «1 by those contracts had agree«! to ac­
The Jensen shingle mill, at Wheeler,
that his conclusions an* drawn, and cept a lower price as a patriotic duty.
was totally destroyed by fire
anything that may follow fin«]s him A solution w ill he sought at other con­
July 2, entailing a loss o f $10,000, has
unswerving. Ills strength 11«-** larg«*ly ferences.
been rebuilt and is again in operation.
In hi« absolute, naive unconsciousness
F«xxJ Administrator Hoover, in an As soon as the new machinery is lim­
of unythlng tbnt might disturb I t ; that,
In fact, would disturb another man. address to the sugar men, Baid that bered up the mill run night and day
No useless anxiety In him; no nerve- voluntary service o f all industries is
racking Impatience.
The Frank Johnson company, o f
the only democratic means o f meeting
Portland, hop contractor, has filed suit
Once, away back In 15)15, a mayor i
the war emergency. In a contest be­
in equity at Oregon City against Fred
of an Itnlian city s«*nt word that his
«'nnstltucnts had nn Italian flag r«-ady tween methexis o f autocracy and democ­ H. Anderson and Elmer Anderson,
for Gorltz.
Cadorna dismissed the racy, he said, economic problems in ! Eagle Creek ranchers, to enforce spe­
subject with a whimsical smile.
the democracy should be regulated by cific performance o f contract on their
"T«*ll him to put It uwuy In a drawer business men in cooperation with the j 1917 hop crop.
for now.”
government rather than by arbitrary : In the hope o f forsetalling what
Hut when, nbout one year later, Go­ acts o f the government.
promises to be the worst coal famine
rltz was taken, the mayor r«*oelv«xl
Cold storage men conferred with the 1 in the history o f Baker, the Commer­
this rather cryptic telegram from the food administration on enlarging stor­ cial club o f that city has sent two tel­
g«*n«*ral himself:
age facilities to help conserve perish­ egrams, one to Senator McNary and
"You may now m * d «1 along that ob­ able feed and to propose regulations one to Secretary Garfield, asking that
government aid be given as quickly as
ject. Cadorna."
for warehouse licensing.
reminds you of
Dante's famous answer nbout the egg
Would “ Hooverize” Straw.
Supervisor Barnes, o f the Minam
with salt, at one y«*ar's distance.
Spokane — County Farm Expert J. National forest, is issuing circular let­
On New Yenr’s «lay of 1016, an ac­ R. Shinn, who is conferring with farm ­ ters to farmers in his district, with
quaintance sent him. with good wishes, ers to aid them in conserving feed, has blanks for them to fill, in order to
the offering of a shaggy fur coat, and a new Blogan, “ Hooverize the pea learn what livestock each w ill have to
the general answered a«*c«*ptlng “ the straw by baling i t . ’ ’
sell to butchers this fall and why, so
fl«*ece” us a good onx-n “for the con­
“ I wish every man who has pea as to inform the National Council o f
quest o f our Ideal golden fleece," and straw would get it baled, as it is al­ Defense.
added: "But then, you know, In Ja­ most the equal o f clover for cows, ”
A fte r further investigation into the
son’s time there were no barbed-wire said Mr. Shinn recently. “ W e need
fences nor other Infernal devices, and every ton to tide us over this winter, advisability of convening the legisla­
It was possible to step more lively." and I want to see every bit o f it go ture in extraordinary session. Gover­
nor Withy combe has expressed the be­
Which, by the way, Is a mighty good through the balers.
It is selling at
lie f that there w ill be no necessity of
hit at the closet-critics of the war.
from $10 to $15 a ton baled.”
calling a special session to care for
It Is characteristic of the g«*neral
dependents o f men called into the m ili­
j that such a gift he may accept with a
tary or naval service.
' smile; but he definitely waives any
Superintendent o f Public Instruction
coll«*ctlve token or demonstration.
Churchill said Friday that a commit­
j Knowing his aff«**tlon for his native
tee, including himself, President P. L.
pla«*e, and his regret nt circumstances
having coropell«*<l his father to part
Portland — Wheat — Bluestem, $2; Campbell, o f the University o f Ore­
with the family homestead. It was pro- fortyfold, $1.98; club, $1.96; red Rus- gon, and President J. H. Ackerman, o f
the Oregon Normal Shcool, w ill select
; I h > k «*1 to purchase and present to him san, $1.93.
a committee of nine men within the
i the house by national subscription.
Flour— Patents, $10,60.
Millfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $37, 1 next few weeks to prepare a course in
He stopp«*«! that, nnd d«*slr«*d the pro­
ceeds to he given to the home for rnn* per ton; shorts, $40; middlings, $47;; moral instruction to complete for a
tilat«*l soldiers and victims o f the war. rolled barley, $55 @ 57; rolled oats, j $5000 prize offered by a business man
in the East.
Oth«*r demonstrations were similarly $57.
Corn— Whole, $82, cracked, $83.
The question as to whether the Fed­
thwarted, hut It Is believed that he
Hay— Buying prices f. o. b. Port- j eral government or the state o f Ore­
will not refuse to accept a sword once
own«xl by Garibaldi, since It Is planned land, Eastern Oregon timothy, $27 per gon is to have the immediate services
to present It to him “ at the end of the ton; valley timothy, $23(0 25; alfalfa, o f George A. White, adjutant general
$22.50 <® 24; valley grain hay, $20; o f the state, has been satisfactorily
adjusted between Secretary o f War
I f a general proves unfit he Is "tor- clover, $20; straw, $6.50.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 46c; prime ' Baker and Governor Withycombe. The
pe<loetl" on the spot; If a soldier shows
Prints, secretary telegraphed Governor Withy-
the right stuff, he Is rewarde«L Ills firsts, 44c. Jobbing prices:
constant preoccupation Is : “ Find the extras, 48c; cartons, lc extra; better- embe, in respxmse to a vigorous protest
made by the governor against orders to
men who have the stuff. With such fat, No. 49c.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ General White to repxirt for duty im­
men ns the Italians, first values must
have been develop«*«! during the war; ceipts, 41@42c; candled, 45c; selects, mediately with the Forty-first Infantry
48(0 50c.
division at Camp Greene, N. C., that
find them and put th*»m up."
Poultry— Hens, 17J(dl8Jc; broilers,! the government is w illing to piermit
His ruddy, genial, op«*n countenance,
his boyish freedom of movement and 19 (ii 20c; ducks, 12(«i20c; geese, 8(ii General White to remain on duty in
g«*sture. Interestingly contrasting with 10c; turkeys, live, 20@22c; dressed, j the state for the time being.
the whiteness of hair and mustache; 28(a 30c.
James Slevin, the promoter c f Bel­
V eal— Fancy, 15J(f?16c per pound.
his cl«*iir, forceful voice nnd the defl-
gian colonies in Oregon, after his sec­
Pork— Fancy, 21J(022e per pound.
nlte, resolute things that It express«*s,
ond visit to Coos Bay, said that under
Vegetables— Tomatoes, 65<085c pier his present plans 40 families would be
with a breezy sense of vitality that Is
quite refrashing to the h«*nrer, all crate; cabbage, 2(02ic pier pxiund; let­ all he would recommend to that section
eome In for a share In the exceptional­ tuce, 50(075c pier dozen; cucumbers, at first. He has made combination ar­
ly attractive personality o f this “ gen­ 40(050c pier dozen; peppers, 6c pound; rangements there with several differ­
tleman warrior," who, ns a young lieu­ cauliflower, $2.25; beans, 6(0.7c pier ent parties, wherein homes w ill be
tenant In 1S70 stood by his father nnd pxiund; corn, 30c pier dozen.
built for the fam ilies and work sup>
Sack Vegetables— Carrots, $1.75(02; plied for the men until they can get a
h»*l|>«*«l him glv«* Home to Italy, nnd us
n mature len«ler of men may or may per sack; beets, $1.50(02; turnips, $2. start.
Potatoes — New Oregon, lj(0 2 je;
not give Trieste t*>. Home In 1917, hut
Three brothers in Lake county w ill
w ill forever stand In the eyes of Italy sweet piotatoes, 3j(04c.
have a chance to decide in any manner
Onions — Walla Walla, $1.75; Cali- !
and the light o f the world ns the true
they may choose which one w ill stay
representative o f the righteous fight of fornia brown, $2(<r2.10.
at home and care for the farms and
Green Fruits — Cantaloupies, stand­
Latin civilization against the barbaric
5000 head o f sheep while the other two
ard, 75c (it $1.75; peaches, 45(075c;
brutality of the Iluns.
i watermelons, $1(0 1.50 pier hundred;1 go to war, according to a decision by
the appieal board o f the Second Oregon
apples, $1(0 2; piears, 75c (O $1.50;
automobiles. One o f the best-known He hns n mania for s«*clng long lines grapies, $1(01.50; casabas, lj(0 2 ep ier! district, announced Wednesday. None
o f the three brothers is married or has
motorcars «if American make was piro- of machines turned out o f a factory pxiund.
dependent relatives; all three asked
<luo«*d under his direction, and he de­ In n steady procession. To accomplish
Hop»— 1916 crop, 25(026e pier pxiund;
clares he will accomplish as much In this rapid production he hns gathere«l 1917 contracts, 35(036c per pound; exemption on industrial grounds.
L. J. Stanton, a young farm er o f the
the air as he hns on the ground with nbout him n staff o f the b«*st effi­ fuggles, 50c per pound.
sp«*«*dy engines. Even now the United ciency experts America affords.
Wool— Extra Oregon, fine, 50(d60c Gopher Valley, six miles north of
States government Is completing an
Coffin Is not a "solo" worker. He pier pxiund; coarse, 55<O60c; valley, 55 Sheridan, was gored by a bull he was
leading Wednesday morning, the horns
air engine reputed to be the h«*st con­ realizes the value o f the Ideas nnd (utiOc; mohair, long staple, 55c.
trivance of Its kind known to modern the thoughts of others, hence he has
Cascara Bark— New, T ie ; old, 8c ripping opien his abdomen for seven in­
ches. The bull rushed him when be­
built up n capable staff to furnish pier pxiund.
ing led into the stall.
Mr. Stanton’s
Detroit, Mich., the home o f the mo­ him with Ideas, and he hns eall«*«l into
tor, claims Hownrd E. Coffin ns one consultation the best-known fliers of Best beef steers........... .$ 9.00(<i 9.75 back was turned and he was pushed to
7.50(u. 8.75 the floor. Before he could get up the
o f Its leading rltlzens, hut Washing­ the world to aid him In making Amer­ Good beef steers...........
Best beef cows............. . 6.75® 7.50 bull’s horn had caught him. He rolled
ton Is the present home o f the aircraft ica the premier flying nation.
Once In a while Howard E. Coffin Ordinary to g o o d ......... . 4.00® 6.75 to one side and a neighbor came to his
There are only a f«*w locks o f hair feels that he no«*!* some recreation, Best h e ife r s ................. . 7.00(<7) 8.00
The evergreen berry harvest is en­
on the hend o f Coffin, hut beneath
those locks there Is a tremendous inuk«»— and orders his chauffeur: "Let C a lv e s .......................... . 7.00((7 9.50 gaging many women and children in
Stockers and feed ers... . 4.00^ 7.25 Lincoln county, and even men are
thinking force. He speaks with a her out, James."
‘"The hum o f the motor Is the most
picking. Many fam ilies have gone to
slow sort o f drawl thnt hns q nasal
twang nnd belles the activity which restful music to my ears," said Coffin Frime light h o g s ......... $17.85((7'18.00 the large patches on Depxie and Olalla
Prime heavy h o g s ....... . 17.65^7 17.85 sloughs, where the berries are abund­
Is back of the spe«*oh. Ho is known the other «lay.
This is the man who hopes to bring P i g s .............................. . 15.00(916.50 ant. A Mr. White, who is taking the
as a "glad-hand artist," because ho
Bulk ............................
17.75 crop at 3 cents a pxiund, says he ex-
never refuses to see nnyone, nnd he victory out of the nlr for the ntllcs.
piects to get five tons a day. Esti­
hns perhaps made more friends In
Western lambs............. .$ 13.00(i713.50 mating that the berries will last for
Washington than any other o f the
An Itnlian scientist has discovered
Valley lambs................. . 11.75(«il2.75 three weeks more, at this daily aver­
clvlllnn war makers.
a vaccine for hydrophobia which has
Yearlings...................... . 10.75(fill.00 age about $10,000 should be disbursed
Work Ls recreation for Coffin, Just saved 90 per c«*nt of his pntlents nnd
Wethers........................ . 10.50(<£10.75 in the community. School children are
so long ns It Is work concerned with which has even been found efficacious E w e s ............................
. 8.00® 9.00 making good wages.
an engine. IToductlon is his hobby. Iu coring mad dogs.
ItiiliM*. It In mii | i| In tin- lift)«* Itiilliili I
Intimate Sketch of the Man Who
water town of i'iillnn/.n on tb** bor«l**r |
of lhi> I«ago MiiKKlore, away tip towunl
Has Beaten His Enemy’s
tin* Swiss Alpa, wliori* Lombardy and
Military Machine.
riciliiuitit meet, Hint muim * yoin* ago
ii li'iirni'il Oi-niiHti with n purtlmlur In­
terest In heraldry pniiH<*d iu Mime
length before u weather lienten rri*»t
emlMiHiietl In ii quaint old fnNliloji<-<l
doorway, uiul observed to tltose In bln
H e H » e M olded an A r m y T h a t D riv e«
A u s t r ia n * O u t of Alpa M o u n tain a
Tin* <<■ imposition of thin rout o f urrus
in H a rd e s t Ca m p aig n of W o r ld
I mi I ii I h to ii Mm* of fa ir running In tin*
Conflict D u rin g S u m m er.
auifie fiuully from fiitln-r to non, uiul
to tri'inmiiloua achievements to rrown
th<* family tns*. I wouldn't ran* to In*
p ill'll against tin* star of that fam­ command of an army In case of war.
Am) tin* Italian eldef <»f staff was Gen-
Ami In* imirrlnst himself off. gr««wl- «•rni I'nlllo, who, by the way, wns
ld«*ss«*(l with an Austrian wife. Ills
“ Itrmurlialili*, most remarkable t" timely «lentil was a gissl turn of fnte
lint II never oreurreil to him to ask the for Italy, for lb«* king appmlnted Gen-
muni* of the family who hail once gone crnl Cndorna to bis place.
Gciieral Cndorna, It may b«* frnnkly
through tin* ileaertiMl gateway, nor, at
the tltiM*. itbl bis retlectlon strike his statist now, found the Italian army In
Italian host as anything but a freak practically dea|M*rato conditions of un-
preparedneMt. The way be went to
o f “ kultur."
Time bus provist tbnt the (Jermnn work am! reorganis'd nnd «s|ul|>is*d
was right for once. Tin* star and the It wns ns remarkable and as brilliant
oak tree uiul what not that bad struck an achievement as any of his most
his funcy ho an* the crest of tin* Oa- brilliant achievements In the fighting
dorna, who come from pmir but un- ; line; In fact. It was only the prepara­
sullied provincial nobility, with two tion of 1014 that make« victory pos­
chief Ideals running In the fam ily: sible In 1017.
lie Is the ««lily commander In the al­
Faith In (¡is! ami devotion to Itnly.
Tin* present Oeneral ('«nlornn's grnnd- i i « ! world that lias retained his posi­
fatber was minister to King Carlo Al­ tion, we might sny, kept steadily his
berto, who led the movement for Ital­ Job, throughout the wnr, without ever
ian Independence, gruntisl the constitu­ as much as a hint of u breakdown
tion to Ids kingdom (then r«*strlrted to either In the wholesale confiih-nce that
iMtshnont and Sardinia), abdicated In \ his country, his king, his army— and
favor of Ids Hon when In* thought that the ulll«*s— lmv«* place«! In him, or In
such a course of action would help the the lively, energetic, all-around quality
formation of new Italy, and died an i of his action and command. In fact,
exile at Oporto. Oeneral t'adornn's fa ­ he s«*«*ms to thrive on tils work, ami to
ther, Gen. fount Itaffaele Oadornu, led gather new strength, as the days go
In ISfkl the Italian advance on the and as time tests It, In the consclous-
Isom », which was cut short by dlplo- j n«*sH that It Is goo<).
math* Interference and the sulnwqtmnt
Ills faith In G«xl supipxirt* his faith
granting to Austria of tin* Italian lands Iu victory. For h*» Is a deeply religious
beyond that same Ixonr.o and the Adri­ man, his favorite daughter, by the
atic; an unjust am) therefore unwise way. Is a nun. and while such feeling
move which ultimately resulted In the means n goml deal to human lives that
wnr o f today.
nr<* Intrusted to him. It helps him to
The "line of fnte running In the fn rv request of them all the sacrifice that
lly from fnth« r to son" Is evident now. th<* higher Idenls may require.
when Gen. Count Luigi Cudornn takes
It Is his firm conviction that “ to
op tin* reshaping of history left un­ sacrifice one life wantonly Is a crim e;
finished by Ids father, as all Italy of to uho a hundred thousund If nec«*s-
today takes up the strand of fate III- snry Is a duty." f«»r the commander o f
twlned nnd distorted by the unfortun­ a nation at war. “ I f necessary" Is his
ate events o f lWlrt.
condition; nnd “ If n«*c**ssnry, let It he
Luigi Cadorna himself wns born tn done," his slogan. Just as the slogan
I'nllunzn on SeptemlaT 4 . 1850, and o f the officers with heavy responslblll-
be wan barely ID years old when be tic* is: "When In doubt, go to Ca-
enter«-<| tin* military academy, gradu­ doraa.”
ating therefrom ns a full th*dged lieu­
It Is whispered among those who
tenant In 1870, and receiving his enp- know* thut. In the early days of the
taln's commission In 1875 In nn nrtll- war, the task o f drafting the dally
lery regiment. Opportunity for experi­ communique had he«*n lntruste«l to a
ence In Infanlry work was afforded very brilliant Italian Journalistic of-
him by bis nppolntinent as a major In fleer, whose headline rnn, “ Gmn Qunr-
the Sixty-second Infantry r«*glm«*nt In tler«> General«*" (<’hl«*f Headquarters,
1883; but since 18S12, when he got his or something to that eff«*ct, with ob­
colonelcy, he has l>«*«*n Identified with vious reference to the Germanic equiv­
the Bersngllerl, the "wld«*awakes" of alent).
G«*n«*ral Cadorna, after hav­
tin* Italian army.
ing firmly establish«*! his m«*n on
When he took commnnd of the Tenth j the outer sl«l<* o f the Itnlian border­
regiment of the Itersagllerl, he starte«l line and carried the war Into the land
to work on It ufter Ids own mind, and «>f the enemy (n privilege which the
brought It out In tin* grand maneuvers Italian nrtny alont* o f the belligerents
o f IK!Vi In splendid form, practicing, has enjoy«*«! since the beginning of the
In fact, on flu* adversary forces that war), turned hack and saw* thut the
same type of outflanking nnd sur­ reports were not half so good as the
rounding move that works so capitally work—literary, but not razor-keen.
on tin* Carso t<slay. Again, In 1011, Ami this Journalist was thank«*!
(he had attained Ids generalship then (which, by the way, In the Itnlian war
Since Borne years), he h*d In the zone slang. Is <*xpr«*ss«*d by sllurate
“ grnmles mnimuvers," the Itlue party (torjMsIoed), and this characteristics!-
against tin* R«*d, with all tin* strategic ly Latin headline was adopted: Com-
odds against Ids party, nnd astonish«*«) nndo Supreme (Supreme Command).
all exjsTts by tin* working out of n
From that «lay on, the communlcnto
capital plan first; and when this fell Cadorno has brought to the expectant
through on unforeseen circumstances, Italy the dally word o f her great gen-
by lli<> promptness with which he sized <*rnl nnd the unspoken assurance of
tip the n«*w situation and turned It Ills faith In ultimate victory, every
once more to his advantage.
day made n«*ar«*r and more resplend­
lint nothing then seemed to pmlnt ent, for the general ht'lleves In what
out the magnificent heights to which might be called the contagiousness o f
he was railed. Iu fact, tin* breaking faith, and the Identification of the Ideal
out of the European war In 1014 still with the reality In ultimate achieve­
found him a general on the list for the ment. He believes that victory, be-
Is Going to M a k e U n ite d States
G rea tes t F ly in g N a tio n — H o w
Y a n k e e Genius W o r k s .
Washington.— Ulysses Invented the
first war engine when he concelvrsl tho
wooden horse which caused the fall
o f Troy. Today there Is n mo<lcrn
Ulyss«*s In Washington, who Is hacking
the most advanced war engine the
world has ever known.
I f Ulysses and Howard K. Coffin,
chairman o f tho aircraft production
board of th«* United Htnt«*s, could uioet,
they would probably find they have n
whole lot In common.
Alrplnn«*s are Howard Coffin's llf«\
Ho talks engines In his dreams, nnd
some pcsiplo may believe thnt he does
a great deal o f day dreaming, but he
avows thnt within six months’ time
these dr«*nms will prove their renlity
when a fleet of American airships sails
ov«*r the German lines nnd accom­
plishes tho same r«*«ult thnt Ulysses’
wocxlcn fuirse did.
Until th«* outbreak o f tho wnr How­
ard EL Collin was u manufacturer of