The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 20, 1917, Image 7

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Men of National Army Will Be
Accorded Same Recognition
as Regulars.
Change* May Be Made In Present Law
— How Some Enlisted Men In the
United States Army Won
Medals for Valor.
Washington, Young Americans who
ImvM been selected for service In the
new National army should know tliut
tbe miiiim * recognition for Individual
ariM of imtmoiiu I gallantry In the field
will ho accorded lliem under tint law
llial la now given to officers and men
of ihu regular servlcu.
Tlierc are enlisted men In tin* serv-
Ice today who have won mi'dula of
honor for conspicuous personal gal-
lunlry In tin* Held, und It can he Maid
that the possession of omt of these
metal trib ute* to courage la prized
above nil tiling* else that the govero-
ment can I ich I o w .
Hy the time that the new American
army troopa In any numbers strike
the Germans In France, It Is probable
that congress will have made some
changes In the lnw m governing the giv­
ing of cert Idea tea of merit and medals
of honor for high acts of courage ou
the field of battle.
T h e r e Is a law governing In the mat­
ter today, hut It Is said that army o f­
ficers believe It to be hedged In with
mo many requirements that some men
who deserve certificates of merit nre
prevented from getting their earned
The changes which prob-
nid.v are to be made will In no way
aid the undeserving to secure prizes
which are Intended to go only to those
whose conduct Is of the highest In
face of great danger. Young men who
nre about (o enter Ihe training ramps
should know that In Ibis mailer of
reeognltlon for courage, they will be
on the same footing with commis­
sioned officers. Gallantry In man. not
gallantry In rank, Is the thing recog­
How Medals Have Been Won.
It Is possible that men selected for
service In the new National army, and
perhaps others, may tie Interested to
learn how a few of the many enlisted
men In the United States army have
earned their medals "fo r valor."
When i'lister's expedition struck In­
to the Sioux country In 1H70, the com­
manding otbeer ordered Major Iteno
with Ids squadron of the Seventh to
miiko the detour to the right. Custer
then rode Into the valley, where with
his command’ he met his death. Iteno
striking to the right met a huge force
o f the Minus and In a bitter battle
which followed he tost many men.
While this engagement was at Its
height, u pack mule carrying a con­
siderable part <>f tbe carbine ammuni­
tion of tbe troopers broke away and
galloped toward the Indians. An en­
listed man named Hanley knew what
the loss of ammunition meant and he
left his troop and circling round to
the right tie managed to capture the
mule at a point directly lu front o f the
Indian line.
Hanley threw himself on tho ani­
mal's back and lushing It Into a run,
made straight back for his command.
Ho was under tho close and direct tiro
of the Indians.
Hundreds of rllles
barked nt him, but he escaped un­
scathed hy u seeming miracle. The
ammunition vns saved and congress,
recognizing the enlisted man's devo­
tion and gallantry, voted to glvo him
tlie coveted modul of honor for his
high service.
The bushwhacking war In tho Phil­
ippines produced of heroes a hundred,
hut the world usuully wns given only
the niiiuea of the commanding officers
In the tights which made Individual
heroism possible.
Who, on reading
these lines, can remember ever before
bavlng seen or beard Ihu nnuie Louis
tied eon ?
Escape Was Marvelous.
Not ao long ago "O ” company of
the Nineteenth Infantry went Into ac­
tion near Mount Alula, Cebu, Philip­
pine Islands. The captain of the com­
pany was mortally wounded and the
fortunes o f the light left him on tbe
Held defended only by Private Loula
Gedeon. A force of the enemy ad­
vanced to give the captain his death
stroke, but the private soldier faithful
to Ids duty and to bis officer faced the
oncoming band, us army record hath It,
“ single handed and alone.” Although
exposed to a concentrated fire, Gedeon
hy his marvelous markmanshlp, aided
materially hy his coolness In the pres­
ence of what seemed certain dentil,
kept tlie enemy back.
Private fled eon might have escaped.
He could have slipped Into a ravine
and have Joluei] the main body of
troops. In fact, It Is said that the
stricken officer, knowing that his own
wound was fatul, ordered Ocdeon to
leave him, but the prlvute soldier's
answer was to kneel by bis officer’s
side and to offer bis body ns a pro­
(ledeon’s escape that day wns ns
marvelous as anything ever set down
III the pages of fiction. He held his
own and help came before the pri­
vate's wounded charge died. The offi­
cer whom the private had saved from
the knives and the bullets o f the en­
emy breathed his last, surrounded hy
the men of his command.
Congress recognized the brnvery of
George M Shelton, who was a prlvute
of I Company, Twenty-third Infuntry.
In giving the soldier his medal It was
ordered set down In the records that
the rcuson for Ihe gift was “ most con­
spicuous gallantry In action.”
The Twenty-third Infantry went Into
n light at LnPiiz, Luzon, Philippine Is­
lands. A soldier of the command was
wounded and left on the field. The
spot where the Infantryman fell was
commanded hy the rlfh-s of the enemy.
Private Hhelton saw the plight of his
comrade, und without waiting for or­
ders he advanced alone directly Into
the open, his being a di­
rect und speedily accepted Invltutlon
for tbe enemy to concentrate Its Are
upon him. Hhelton went on with the
shots playing about him, picked up the
wounded man und carried him back
along a path o f fire until he was safe
within the lines.
Had a Soldier's Soul.
Augustus W alley of the Tenth cav­
alry was n cook. He wus connected
with Troop K of the Tenth. Augustus
Walley, cook, had a soldier’s soul. In
the summer o f 1M81, Troop K wus In
the held In pursuit of hostile Apache
Indians. The command arrived at the
f ’uchlllo Negro mountains. New Mexi­
co, and ran Into a large hand of the
hostlles. A sergeant of the troop was
shot hy the first fire from the con­
cealed reds and he fell from his horse
at the base of a rock, which luckily
protected him from further fire. The
troop wus compelled to full hack un­
der the suddenness of the attack and
the sergeant was left where he fell.
Wulley, the rook, saw that while the
stricken “ noncom” temporarily was
safe because o f the shelter of the
rock, he knew that If the Indians
moved to either flunk they could pick
off the wounded rnun with their rifles,
and so Cook W alley charged across
the open without waiting any word of
command, and ran along a zone of
fierce fire to the aide of the sergeant,
plcki-d him up, brought him hack and
dropped him Inside the lines. For
that uctlon congress gave this cook
whose spirit was that of u soldier a
medal of honor, for he had upheld the
best bravery traditions of the Ameri­
can army.
Suvnnnnh, Gn.— A fter ccntributlng
her share to the military establish­
ment of the United States nml doing
her full part In the Liberty bond pur­
chases and contributing to the lied
Cross fund. Kavnnnuh now offers the
country two families of four sons each,
all of whom nre serving with the
Bernard L. McDonald of the city
health department, pnst sixty years
of age, towers above ull his sons. He
Is the father of 24 feet of men In Bat­
tery A. Chatham artillery. Ills four
“ boys” nre Bill, Bob. Alex and Bee-
Bee McDonald. Kuch Is more than
six feet In height and strong In pro­
portion. They are ull good soldiers.
All four are noncommissioned officers.
Hob Is the youngest und the short­
est, being a scant six feet. Bill, next
In youth. Is tho tallest, exceeding Bob
In height by an Inch and n half. Alex,
the eldest, and Bee-IJee are Just an
Inch shorter thnn Bill. Their futher’s
height Is six feet two Inches, nnd the
only reason thut ho Is not with them
Is that they will not let him enlist.
Besides the disadvantage o f his age
he bus only one arm. All of these boys
will accompany their* battery to
The story o f Mrs. A. W . Cook Is
thnt of Spnrtnn sacrifice. Mrs. Cook
hns given four sons to her country,
and she Is proud, not sad, nt this op­
portunity for service, even though she
Is dependent upon them for her sup­
port. The sons range In age from
seventeen to twenty-five.
They are
Hurley, Frank, Le Itoy nnd Calhoun
Cook, ull of whom are nt the training
camp nt Fort McPherson. Frank nnd
Hurley nre privates In tho First
Georgia Infantry and Le Roy and Cal­
houn nre enlisted men lu Battery A,
Chatham artillery.
Held Up In Pennsylvania Woods for
Half Hour by Bruin*— Engi­
neer Has Scare.
Camping and Living Like Soldiers
Bring Results in North Da­
Johnsonhurg, Pa.— A log train on tho
Dahoga h Highland railroad wns held
np for a half hour by two largo black
bears south of Highland.
Tho log train was moving slowly up
Ihe hillside when Engineer Johnson
discovered I ho two hears, weighing
about .’100 pounds each, stnndlng on
the truck a few hundred feet ahead of
tho train. As the train approached
tho spot they failed to move.
Johuson pulled tho bell cord, but
tho clang of tlio bell or tho blast of
the whistle failed to frighten the
bruin*, who stood nnd gnzed at the ap-
pronelilng train.
Knowing that It would be Impossible
to kill the bears at the «peed his
heuvy train wns moving up the hill, and
fearing un attack If he Injured them,
Johnson stopped tho train, and badly
frightened, watched the bears for
about half an hour, when they slowly
wandered off Into tbe forests.
Fnrgo, N. D.— When the hoys of Ad­
ams county wished to learn the lesson
o f "better farming" they wore taken
to n nearby river where camp wns
For n week the boys led a military
life, rose by bugle rail and rolled Into
their blankets nt the sound o f taps.
The day was given over to lectures
nnd demonstrations on how large and
better crops could be raised.
Tho directors o f tho enmp asserted
thnt they had more success with the
hoys this year than last, when tho
farming course wns conducted in the
achoolhouso at the county seat
Chains 76-Pound Catfish.
Arkansas City, Ark.— Unable to pull
a 75-pound catfish from the Arknnsns
River dnm, Bloomer Allen, an Arkan­
sas City fisherman, chained the fish
and dragged It through the river to
this city, a distance of four mile*.
Scarcely had the call to the colors
been made when the four elder sons
offered their services. A fifth son,
Wallace Cook, aged fourteen years. Is
eager for the time to come when he,
too, may serve. Mrs. Cook says she
hopes to he able to get along very well
without her boys during their absence.
At any rate, she Is happy to make this
sacrifice for the sake of her country.
She bus offered her personal services
to the Savannuh branch of the Amer­
ican Red Cross.
Another noteworthy example of
Georgia pntrlotlsin Is that of Mrs. Es­
ther Gaddis o f Atlanta, who, after giv­
ing three sons to the colors and her
daughter to the Red Cross, Is prepar­
ing herself to go to the Charleston
(S. C.) navy yard to run a sewing ma­
chine for Uncle Sam. Mrs. Caddis
is nearly sixty.
Offers Herself.
Several weeks ngo her youngest son,
Dewey, nineteen, enlisted in the ma­
rines. and is now In training at Paris
Island, S. C. Shortly thereafter Elmer
Perkins, Bged thirty-two, son of Mrs.
Gaddis by her first husband, enlisted
as a shipwright nnd now is In train­
ing nt Portland, Ore. Joe Perkins,
aged twenty-eight, has been In the
navy four years. When Mrs. Gaddis
wrote her daughter, Dorothy, a vaude­
ville actress, the girl did not take time
to answer hy mall, but telegraphed her
mother Immediately:
“ It seems to run In the family, so I
applied today for enlistment In the
American Red Cross.”
Not Altogether Free.
“ The rule of despots is about over."
“ What are you talking about 1 W e
may put kings nnd kaisers out o f busi­
ness, but wives will remain on the
When he reached the city several men
assisted him In pulling the fish out of
the water.
Buffalo Man Did Not Recognize Broth­
er Till Explanation Is
nopklnsvllle, Ky.— Vego E. Rnme# la
bnck from Buffalo, where he went to
see a certain man and met him on the
street. "H ow nre you. O rvtllet" said
Mr. Bnrnes, extending his hnnd. The
Buffalo man, with the nutural suspic­
ion o f an Easterner meeting a strang­
er, hesitated. “ Your face Is familiar,”
he said; " I ’m sure Fve seen it before,
but who are you?" “ Merely your
brother,” Vego explained. It wns the
first time they had met In twelve years.
And They Never Gossip.
nobbs— I understand you are living
next to tho cemetery out your way.
How do you like it?
Dobb#— First rate. Good neighbors.
Quiet and peaceable. And they haven’t
borrowed a thing from us since we’ve
been there.
! « « « :* * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kostern Washington Industries Huffer
On Account o f Men Heing Taken
for War
Union is Formed.
It should be air-tight, to keep J
the air out and the Juices la.
lt should be smooth, to permit ^
the silage to settle without leav- £
* Ing air spaces along the wall.
It should be constructed o f w
durable material which will not £
decay or blow down.
The diameter should be such #
that from two to three Inches of £
silage will be fed off each day. t
There Is an advantage In the £
tall silo, because the silage at £
the bottom Is compressed by the J
weight o f that above.
It should he so built that J
It can withstand the bursting £
pressure of tbe silage.
Tbe ^
weight of silage differs from £
year to year, according to the «
amount of moisture In tbe all- £
.Spokane— A labor shortage o f 10,000
woodsmen and mill operatives faces 9
timber operators o f eastern Washing -1
ton and Oregon and northern Idaho, it
was declared here Thursday at a meet­ ^
ing o f the lo g g e r s ’ club, composed of #
lumbermen of that section and attend-I 5
ed also by several operators from Mon­ ♦
O f these, 7000 were loet by army *
enlistment or draft, it was stated, but £
about as many now engaged in har- J
I vesting and firefighting w ill be avail­ *
able for woods work later.
The oper­ ♦
ators took no action on wages, and no a
decision for uniform resumption of J
operations was announced.
5 a«*.
Flans for circulating among lumber *
manufacturesrs and their employes pe­ * ¥ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
titions for congress asking for a uni-'
versa! eigth-hour day in the lumber FEEDING FARM WORK HORSES
industry were formulated and the club
reaffirmed its indorsement o f the eight- Farmers Are Urged to Utilize Home-
Grown Feeds to Fullest Extent—
Grain It Essential.
A resolution indorsing the boycott of
coast building trades unions against
lumber manufactured in camps and
In feeding horses utilize home­
mills running 10 hours a day was grown feeds to the fullest extent. In
passed by the local Central Labor a section where corn can be well ma­
council, and referred to the Spokane tured. this grain ought to constitute
Building Trades council.
the greater portion o f the concentrated
Application fo r a charter in the feed fo r work horses.
American Federation o f Labor was
Corn alone can be used as a grain
made to the Central I.abor council by feed for work horses If a good quality
a newly organized union o f mill w o rk -; o f alfalfa or clover hay is fed for
era and timbermen, which it was de­ roughage. When combined with mixed
clared has 400 members. It is com -! hay or timothy hay, a grain combina­
mitted to the principle o f the eight- tion o f three parts corn and one part
hour day, it was announced.
oats by weight Is a satisfactory mix­
I f oats are scarce and high in price,
or ollmeai may be
substituted for the protein furnished
First Venture in Eastern Washington by the oats. One-third to one-half
Brings Poor Results.
pound o f linseed meal will, with the
amount secured through mixed hay,
North Yakima — Hunters who went furnish sufficient protein for a 1,500-
into the hills Sunday and Monday for pound working horse.
grouse did not find the birds plentiful | A horse at farm worjt requires from
and few o f them got full bags. Game ! U 4 to 1% pounds o f grain per 100
Warden Greenman and a deputy sta -: pounds live weight dally. Feed grain
tioned themselves at the forks o f two sufficient to keep the horse In good
roads leading into the most popular working condition. Hay may be lim­
districts for hunters Sunday evening ited to the standard of a pound of hay
and held up and examined from 50 to to 100 pounds live weight dally. Re­
60 automobile parties returning. In duce the grain one-half on days when
no instance was it found that the bag the horse Is Idle to avoid azoturia.
| lim it had been exceeded, and only
four were found who could not show
their liceness, each o f whom claimed ENTRANCE IS CATTLE-PROOF
they had a license but had come away
Posts Arranged In Such Manner aa to
without it.
Admit Person, but Always Closed
to Animals.
T o make a gate that a person can
enter but cattle cannot go through,
set one post In each direction about
Portland— Wheat—-Bluestem, $2 per eight inches apart or so you can go
bushel; fortyfold, $1.98; club, $1.96; through with ease, says a Minnesota
red Russian, $1.93.
writer In The Farmer. In a fence run­
Flour— Patents, $11.20.
ning east and west, place one post on
Millfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $37
per ton; shorts, $40; middlings, 47;
rolled barley, $55 @ 57; rolled oats,
Corn— Whole, $82 per ton; cracked,
Hay— Buying prices, f. o. b. Port­
Cattle-Proof Gate.
Eastern Oregon timothy, $27
on the north, one on the
per ton; valley timothy, $23(5:25; al­
falfa, $22.50 @ 24; valley grain hay, east, and one on the south. Nall the
rails on the two posts east and w est
$20; clover, $20; straw, $6.50.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 45c; prime and you will have an entrance that Is
firsts, 43c.
Jobbing prices:
Prints, \ always open for a person but closed
extras, 47c; cartons, lc extra; butter- to a cow. Put one o f these gates I d
your cowyard fence where you enter
fat, No 1, 46@48c.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ often.
ceipts, 38c per dozen; Oregon ranch,!
candled, 39@40c; selects, 43c.
Poultry— Hens, 18(518 Jc per pound;
broilers, 20c; ducks, 12<518c; geese, \ Leaves Make Best of Green Food for
8@10c; turkeys, live, 20@22c; dressed, j
Fowls, and Many Ralae It Espe­
cially for That Purpose.
V eal— Fancy, 15J@16c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 22c per pound.
Swiss chard is fine If not allowed to
Vegetables— Tomatoes, 65(i£85c per get too large. It should be kept picked
crate; cabbage, 2J(<;2Jc per pound; rather closely. The leaves make the
lettuce, $1.75(52.00 per crate; cucum­ beet o f green food for the hens and
bers, 40(550c per dozen; peppers, 6@ chickens, and many poultry keepers
7c per pound; beans, 7c; corn, 30c per raise it especially for this purpose.
Potatoes— New Oregon, 2J@2|c per
pound; sweet potatoes, 4@ 4ic.
Green Fruits — Cantaloupes, stand­
ard, 75c(5$2.00 per crate; peaches, Sweet Corn la More Easily Dried
75c @ $1.00 per box; watermelons,
Than Almost Any Other Vegetable
$1.50 per hundred: apples, $1@2.50
— Plant Good Supply.
perbox;plums, 75c(5$1.25; pears, $1.50
(5.1.75; grapes, $1.00(51.65 per crate; (By R. W. THATCHER. Minnesota Ex­
periment Station.)
casabas, l j c per pound.
Dried sweet corn Is one o f the most
Hops — 1916 crop, 25c per pound;
nutritious foods. Sweet corn Is more
1917 contracts, 40c.
easily dried than almost any other gar-
C a t t le -
For these reason*
Best beef steers....... .. .$ 9.00(5 9.75 den vegetable.
Good beef steers........ . . .
7.50(3 8.75 very large amounts of sweet corn
should be dried this summer for usa
Best beef cows.........
Ordinary to good , . . . . . .
4.00(5) 6.75 next winter. It can be planted on
small tracts or In large fields and la
Best h e ife r s .............
Bulls.......................... . . .
4.00(5 6.75 one o f the most easily cultivated gar­
7.00(5! 9.50 den crops.
C a lv e s ...................... . . .
Stockers and feeders. . . .
For table nse, «mall lots o f quick-
4.00@ 7.25
maturing varieties like the Early
Prime light hogs .. .. .. .$17.75(317.85 Golden Bantam should he planted ; but
Prime heavy hogs . . . . .. 17.65(317.75 fo r drying for a winter u«e, the larger
P i l f " .......................... . . . 14.00(316.00 and heavier yielding sorts, aa Coun­
Bulk ........................
try Gentleman and Stowell’a Elver-
green, should be used.
Western lambs......... . . .$13.00(0,13.50
Let everyone who has a gardqn or
Valley lambs............. . . . 11.75(512.50 field available plant plenty at sweet
Yearlings................... . . . 10.00(310.50 corn to give a summer supply and ai
W ethers.................... . . .
9.76(310.60 large excess to he dried fo r winter
E w e s ........................