The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 20, 1917, Image 3

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    300 Koomi
100 Halft»
N ««r Hotfti
I H o te l H o y t
Cornar Siati« ami Hop! St« , Portland. Ora.
UHI H I MKS. Maiiairar.
K AI K S 76r lo {ML HPKCIAK Wm>k or M*mlh
Suitable for a Lambing Place
M utt ha ■tix'liatJ
W ill pay all eaah. Want ptara
u|i tu IlmM**), <«iva coinplat« <l«'a4'ripUon an<J lUt
o f atocb.
M cK E N /IE A
&16 («arlingar llld g..
I'ortlami. Orwiron
Clear Storm. Pool Halls and Candy
Oaalara, aak tor Propoaltlon C.
S pecialty S ales C o .,
421 M omiion
F or hand
lAaalara in Haiaa Hlirnul*U»ra.
W o W a n t Your
W o Pay Cash.
No Commissions
H E I D E N R O C H C O .,
74 fron t St.,
Portland, Ore
Wt riot IN jou lm
inti to prices ini itnpping lift
THE H. F. N qrtoh CO. ftrtUil On, Sum», Wi
Veal, Pork. Baaf.
Poultry, Butter, K g ii
end Farm Produce.
u> th . Old K .ll. lt l. E * .n lln * houM with ■
m ciinl u f 4T. ytmrw u l H .iu er. Ii-a lln ir«, im ]
ba u w n d ot T O P M A R K E T PRICES.
4 4-47 Froot S u
P o tllu d . O rn o n
A New Horror.
“ Do you know my hairdre««ur ha«
increased her ratea for goldren h a ir? ”
“ The wretch! To the high coat of
living «he ha« now added the high coat
of d y eing.“ Exchange.
[D o Your Own Plumbing 1
Ity htiylnir direct fm m us at wholaaiil« prieca
and save th«i |»luml*T's profit m . W rit» ua to­
day your tiorda. W « will f i v « you our rock-
bottom ’dirvet-to-you" priced, f. o. b. rail or
\mmi. W p actually aavo you from 10 to S6 par
p s ii L
A ll
ru a ra n tm l
NorthweHit heathjuartcr* fn t
W * t«r
Hy«U*ou and Fuller 4k Johnson Knftnoa.
212 Third
Portland. O r..o n
Worda That Are Conaldered Staid and He Wae Just Waiting to 8ee Whether
Dignified Have a Meaning Known
W ife Would Carry Out Threat
Only to a Few Users.
to Go Back to Mother's.
Original «Inng la often poetic. Per­
haps the beat wuy to prove thin to the
professors will he to remind them Hint
Home o f their own worthiest end most
eliiMfdc und respectable words are
themselves, If we go back to their
origin, Juat the auras slangy vagabonds
■in these. Examine, for Instance, the
word Inveigh, Mux Kustman writes In
the New Republic. There Is a staid
and dignified term, lit to he Incorporat­
ed In a president's Inaugural: “I will
not at this time Inveigh ugulnst the
custom prevalent among my contem­
You ran Imagine how It
would sound. And yet. poetically, what
doe« that word mean? In means “into.”
Vehl means to sail. “ I will not at this
time sail Into my contemporaries 1”
Here Is another Latin word—Insult.
In Its origin It means to lump on— ex­
actly what Is said everywhere by the
schoolchildren o f America when the
appropriate altuutlon arises.
1 Matrlhe Is a pretentious term. It
Implies something more thorough than
an Insult, u more lusting denunciation.
You not only '•Jump on” somebody, but
you “ rub It lu.** W e used to say of a
crazy person that he was “ ofT Ids trol­
ley.” And the word delirious ineunt
substantially the same thing In un
earlier stage o f civilization. It came
from the Latin words do and lira,
which mean ofT or out o f your fur­
row. The word precocious means pre­
cooked, nr. ns wo suy, hulf baked.
<*aprlclous means like n goat, and the
slang correlatives here are Innumer­
Imagine some worthy, refined and
graduated m » u I being offended by n
young upsturt und responding some­
what us follow s: “ It seems to me you
lire a trllle capricious. 1 would hard­
ly expect any one to Inveigh ugalnst
me In this delirious manner, deliver­
ing such a diatribe. Is It essentlui to
your precocity to Insult your elders?"
And then suppose we translated tills
somewhat according to the etymologic­
al dictionary: “ You goat! You must
be off your trolley to Kali Into ine like
that and then rut* It In!- Just because
you're half-bilked you needn’t think
you can Jump on your elders 1"
Well, Hardly.
"Atlas held the world on his shoul­
“ That's the story.”
"Still, he probably didn't have his
hands us full us the chap who pitches
u crucial game In u world series.”
The man was standing behind a tree
In front o f an apartment house In a
cross street when the cop on that best
came pounding along on the sidewalk.
It was close to midnight and nuturully
the cop stopped and looked ut the mini
stundlng behind the tree.
‘‘Howdy," says the cop, by way of
opening conversation.
"You ’re another,” replied the man
"Whuchuh doin’— waitin’ for some­
body?” Inquired the brave policeman.
"Just stnndln’ there, hey?”
"You’ve hit It.”
"L ive near here, do you?"
‘‘Right In there,” says the citizen.
Jerking his thumb In the direction- of
the apartment horse he wus «funding
In front of.
The cop looked at him thoughtfully
for n minute.
“ Mebby It’« none of my business," he
says, “ und then again mebby It Is. I
don’t like to go ’round buttin’ Into any­
body's private affairs, but tell me,
neighbor, what's your graft, anyhow?"
"W ell," loosened Up the citizen, "If
It's u cam- o f me a-tellln' you or you
croakin' from curiosity right in front
of my eyes, I’ll tell you how it Is—
provided It don't go any further. My
wife says to me when I started down­
town this evenin', ‘I f you’re not home
by midnight I’m goln' to puck up and
go right hack to mother's. So th e r e !'”
“ W ell?" Buys the Cop.
“ Well,” repented the citizen, " It ’s
Just about midnight now. and I'm like
you— I ’ve got curiosity. I’m waitin'
tier*- to see If «he’s goln’ to keep her
The cop's curiosity censed at thut
iwilnt, und he walked on down the
street, whistling, without waiting to
see the thing out.—Cleveland I'lalu
Keep your soldier or
refreshment, the pro­
tection against thirst,
Many Women in this Condition Re­
gain Health by Taking Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
Convincing P roo f o f T hi* Fact.
Itiilgway, Penn. — “I suffered from female
trouble with backache and pain in my sido for over
seven months so I could not do any of my work. I
was treated by three different doctors and was
getting discouraged when my sister-in-law told me
how Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound had
helped her. I decided to try it, and it restored my
health, so I now do all of my housework which is
not light as I have a littlo boy three years old."
— Mrs. O. M. K h i n k s , ltidgway, Penn.
Mrs. Lindsey N ow Keeps House For Seven.
Tennille,(ia.—“I want to tell you how much I have been benefited
by Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Al>out eight years ago I
got in such a low state of health I w asu n a bh to for three in
the family. I had dull, tired,dizzy feelings, cold feet ami hands nearly
all the time and could scarcely sleep at all. The doctor said I had a
severe caso of ulceration and without an operation I would always
l*e an invalid, hut I told him I wanted to wait awhile. Our druggist
advised my husband to get Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
and it has entirely cured me. N o w I keep house for seven and work
in the garden some, too. I am so thankful I got this medicine. I feel
as though it saved my lifo and havo recommended it to others and
they havo been benefited ".— Mrs. W . E. L in d s e y , It. It. 3, Tennille, Go.
• I f yon want special advice write to L ydia F . Pinkliam Medi­
cine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Maas. Y o u r letter w ill be opened,
read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence.
help to appetite
and digestion afforded
by Wrteley’s.
feature of the war—
" A il the British Army
is chewing it.**
4 H. P. Now $145; Sept. 15 will be $155
The Ligh test and Strongest Drag Saw made—Can
be Operated by One Man and Carried by T w o Men.
M o to r
r lr i
w n orKs,
m a in
nerve enough to send me 35c
for sample Î1.00 article? La-
W agar. Box 325. St: Louis. Mo.
dies’ or Gent's.
Possibilities of Bad Verse.
No one has yet written any adequate
appreciation of the possibilities o f bad
verse. The verse. I mean, that Is com­
posed at the crises of life, on the moun­
tain tops o f exultation and In the Joy­
less valleys, hy persons unskilled and
ordinarily unpoetlc. The verse that Is
hidden away in vases and bureau draw­
ers, never to be shown and always p ro
duced In some moment o f vanity. Only
n true poet could write n Just appre­
ciation o f had verse; and from his pen
the words would come too much taint­
ed with the Implication o f Irony. The
quality o f had verse Is not strained.
It Is written to suit no magazine'»
policy. It Is rewarded with no cheek
It Is a brave denying o f re a lity ; n
prayer thnt Is Its own answer. It Is
to use Maeterlinck’s phrase, “ a mnk
Ing or Invoking of wings by creatures
thnt creep on their bellies."— New Re­
Give him the lasting
Insurance Policy and Marriage.
“The Important thing 1« thut the In- j
surunce policy— big or little— should i
come Into every home with the mar- j
rluge license. It should precede the
; suvlngs hunk account, the home, yes,
i even new clothes, or butter on th<
I futile. No man bus a right to take a \
! girl out o f her father's home without i
protecting her from starvation In cas*
I of the accident o f death.
“ There comes the unhappy won!
j again—death. Yet the shadow of It
need not rest heavily upon us. The un­
fortunate thing about a will is thut it
Human Nature.
Is associated In the average man"*
Thnt man doesn't live who has not life only with death. It should he
at one time thought he had all thu ele­ associated with life. The time for a mnn
ments o f greatness concealed within to make a will is today, while he can
do It with u smile on his lips, and the
Jests and good wishes o f his w itn ess«
ringing cheerily In his enrs. Such a
man cannot cheat death o f Its ultl-!
mate v ic to ry ; hut he robs it o f Its
sting, for he has made death powerless j
to bring poverty and distress to those i
who are left behind."— Woman’s Home
ffe "Work
a b s o
Young men and women with business training
find positions everywhere.
Go to N orthw est’s
largest Business College. B E H N K E -W A L K E R .
Portland. Ore. A ll courses. Positions guaranteed.
W rite for free illustrated catalog.
r b
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles.
Lymphingilis, Poil Evil, Fistula,
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts,
Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a
Matter of Fact.
Great Is the power of matter-of-fact,
Does not blister or remove the
greater and made up o f richer elements
hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use.
than perhaps we care to remember. It | $ 2 .00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
is part of the power— the eternal power for special instructions and B ook 5 M free.
— of the story teller over the mind of A B S O R B I N E , J R ., *nti«eptic liniment for mankind, re­
Strain«. gainfuL Knotted. Swollen Veics. Concen­
man. There Is no great story teller, duce«
trated— on!» a tew drop« required at an application. Price
from Hunter to Scott nnd Guy de Mau­ Si per bottle at dealer« or delivered.
passant, who, whatever else he may W. F. YOUNG. P.O.F., 4CS Temple St., Springfield, Maw.
have, has not the faculty for matter-of-
Granulated Eyelids,
It Is the treasury from which the wit
" -33 Sore Eyes. Eyes Inflamed by
L l i o n , P in t and W ind quickly
nnd cynic draw their Income, and often
relieved by Murine. Try it in
the philosopher his capital.
your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes.
Stranger still. It Is the bed rock upon ]
No Smarting, Just EyeComfort
which the poets build their palaces; Marine Eye Remedy
glorious views from top windows are Kyw Salvo, in Tube« 25 c. For Book o f *>« £V« — Fraa.
made possible by the hard substance Ask Marine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago j
below the basement, and the men who
build without It, trusting wholly to
Meaning of “ America.”
imagination, are not the men who en­
Whnt does the word “ America" j
mean? Few know. It Is derived from dure.
What reason Is to faith, matter-of-
the word Amnbric, a proper nnint
fact Is to Imagination.
which represented the old Germanic
Ideal o f heroism and leadership. Then
The Old Way and the New.
the Norman French softened It tc
Old-fashtoned people used to spend
Amaury. Then In Italy they chnngeri the long evenings o f fall and winter j
It to Amelrlgo. But the Juxtaposition at home, munching popcorn or apples
You reckless men and women who
of the “ 1" and the "r ” bothered the over the Bible, Shakespeare or Dick-1
Italians, and It became Amerrigo, and ens. Moderns go to the movies nnd let are pestered with corns and who have
finally with one “ r." Thus It became the Chnrlle Chaplins and Mury Rick- at least once a week Invited an awful
death from lockjaw or blood poison
the* name o f Amerigo Vespucci, n Flor fords Improve their minds.
are now told by a Cincinnati authority
entlne merchant and explorer. And 11
to use a drug called freezone, which
Is In honor of his voyages o f explora­ CUTICURA HEALS
the moment a few drops are applied
tion to the new world that a Gerninn
SORE HANDS to any corn or callous the soreness Is
relieved and soon the entire corn or
geographer, Martin Waldseemuller hy
name, gave the name America to the That Itch, Burn, Crack, Chap and callous, root and all, lifts off with the
Bleed— Trial Free.
continent.— Ladles' Home Journal.
Freezone dries the moment It Is ap­
In a wonderfully short time In most j plied, and simply shrivels the corn or
Handy Reference.
cases these fragrant, super-creamy callous without Inflaming or even Ir­
’•nubby, do you love me?”
emollients succeed.
Soak hands on ritating the surrounding tissue or
“ Why, certainly, my dear. Just re­ retiring In the hot suds of Cutlcura skin. A small bottle of freezone will
fer to the letters I wrrote you during Soap, dry and rub Cutlcura Ointment cost very little at any of the drug
our courtship dnys.”
into the hands for some time. Re­ stores, but w ill positively rid one’s
move surplus Ointment with soft tis­ feet o f every hard or soft corn or
hardened callous.
I f your druggist
sue paper.
A Bit Mixed.
Free sample each by mall with hasn’t any freesone he can get It at
He— Do hurry. K ate; the train
Address postcard, Cutlcura, any wholesale drug house for you.
leaves In 20 minutes.
D ept L, Boston.
Sold everywhere.
She (absent-mindedly)— Oh, be quiet I — Adr.
No. 37, 1917
P. N. U.
You know It's bad form to be on tkna
'¿ /ftfNE
With the Fingers!
| Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain