S E A T T L E MICH YOUR CROPS N e w H o u s t o n H o t e l r CALF FEEDING POINTS Sixth and hvsrctt Sts.. Portland. Ore. TRY THE S E A T T L E 'S LARGEST Always Keep a Sharp Lookout for Many Insect Pests. HOTEL Only thro* lilorka frnrn ItaooU and l>ork«. Op. C ity lla ll I'ark and Court llnumu. T IIK K IN K H T IX >1.1 .A It KOOM IN A M Kit 1C A W ith datarliad bath. I parwm, I I 00 I I 60 t par «on«. II. 60 KUO W ith private bath. I poraon. I ’.: ill 12.60 la.OO 2 parson a. 13 00 fttMJ 14.00 " W h i n In S «* t U e T ry the F ry e ” Pour blocks from Union Depot. Tw o blorks from N «w Postuffic-. Modern awl fir- proof. Over 1UG outside rooms, Kates 76c to $2.00. C IIAS . C. H O PKIN S, Manager. When In Ihe Market for a Piano, Player Farm er« Should Provide Themcelvee Plano, Player Mu»k, or in short, anything In the music line, write to W ith Poleone and Then Keep V ig il for F irs t O utbreak of Enemlee of Farm Crope. S h erm an a y & Co. H O L M E S ■ B U S IN ES S C O L L E G E ri.IK D N E R I! 171 M X NO T e n t h a m o W a s m i n o t o m , 1’ o m m . a n d , O n k u h n J' uin II L om < j A I* A umstmonu J a n r C o m n o i A mmm im I« sud Dopai Uncut iV iiii’ipaJa A W i l y « r bool. O p m day ami «vrn iiig all tits >«•!%» Hlmlrnla a< 1 1 h 11 t*t«l at any liti»« Jkmk* kt'rpinc tnuslit from written work, «xiirtly na prsrv ln w l M i li u * i lima Hlior! hatxl ami t > pe* i iting by rijirrta Hp«« ml iuatr urtimi for civil acr vira irta ini­ tiât ton* Moors nod to me again.— Awgwan. HIGH CHECKING NOT FAVORED HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We n i t ell ;eu h u t SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce. to Uis Old Reliable R rerd ln « houee with • record o f 46 rears o f Square Dealings, and be assured of T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Front Street i n _____ Portland, Oregon ■ P. N. U. Peopla Beginning to Realize Horae la Mora B eautiful In N a tu ra l State — H ard on Colts. Write ter price» end shipping tige T he H. F. N orton C o . n m «* or*.; seettte. wi No. 36, 1917 makes sick j skins well \\ (Prepared by the United Him«« Dapart- Sixth and Morrison Sts.. PORTLAND. ORE mant of Agrlcultur«.; Much o f tb«> destruction to crop« by LET US Insect peats Is duo to th« failure of farm«™ and fruit grower« to detect an Stores, Pool Halls and Candy outbreak at It« beginning, and to delay Cigar Dealers, ask for Proposition C. In gelling the necessary combative ma­ S p e c i a l t y S a l e s C o ., terial. runners who provide them* POftTUNO IMMN HANDY HANGER FOR HARNESS •elves with Insect poisons and then 421 MOMHON IT , I t I>«n»l«'rs in Sale« Stimulators. keep a vigil for the llrst outbreaks of A rrangem ent Shown In Illustration crop enemies will bring through the W ill Keep Horae'« O u tfit Off of DON’T WORRY largest yields. F lo o r and Clean. INCREASE YOUR PROFITS — 1. Let calf have colostrum or first m ilk; take from mother not later than fifth day. 2. Feed whole milk for two weeks; gradually change to skim milk, using ten days In making the change. 8. Sturt with eight to ten pounds and gradually Increase to twelve to sixteen pounds at six months. 4. Begin feeding ground corn nn- kane, Wash., several o f whom are Not What He Said. earning their livelihood as newsboys A recently commissioned second lieu­ or street vendors, will not be com­ tenant was drilling his command in an pelled to take chances with being Indianapolis street. Something went struck by an automobile or street car. wrong and the soldiers found them­ To end the perils which beset these selves trying to march over a six-foot sightless men at dangerous street fence. crossings, several Boy Scouts have The lieutenant halted the company volunteered their services as pilots for and said: the blind. These scouts have assumed Harness Hanger. “ Men, why don’t you do what I a sort of guardianship over the blind want you to do, instead o f what I tell tramped under the feet of the horses. and will guide them each morning to you to d o ? "— Indianapolis News. It Is hard on the harness and bad for i tlieir places of employment, and see the animals that have to wear It to t)mt they reach home safely each have It encrusted with dirt. With this night.— Spokane News P.ureau. handy hanger the harness Is hung up ___________________ In the manner best calculated to keep Hope. for the Future^ It straight, and wltL a few seconds The latest dance step Is entitled more o f work a guard Is snapped over “ the toddle,” which Indicates that the the ends and the harness will be there terpsichorean originators have turned until It Is taken down again. from the zoo to the nusery for Ideas. This sort o f revives the waning hope N o humbug! Any corn, whether WEEDS SOON BECOME MENACE that In time dancing may be restored hard, soft or between the toea, will ________ to some of the aspects of a human loosen right up and lift out, without and grown-up pastime.— Providence Especially Bo W here G rata la Sparse a particle of pain or soreness. Journal. and U n th rifty — Profitable to This drug Is called freezone and Is Use the Mower. a compound of ether discovered by a A LLE N -S FOOT-EASE FOR T H E TROOPS. Cincinnati man. Shaken into the shoes and sprinkledfin the fo o t­ Ask at any drug store for a small In permanent pasture, especially bath it gives rest and comfort, takes the friction bottle of freezone, which will cost but where the grass Is sparse and un­ from the shoe and prevents blisters and sore spots. Makes w alking easy. A ccept no substitute.. Sold a trifle, but Is sufficient to rid one’s thrifty, weeds become a menace. II everywhere. 25c. feet of every corn or callous. neglected as the seasons go by these Put a few drops directly upon any D aily Thought. tender, aching corn or callous. In iweeds w ill spread over the entire pas­ Good sense must in many cases de­ ture, In time smothering or crowding stantly the soreness disappears and shortly the corn or callous will loosen out the valuable grass. Sheep will termine good breeding; because the and can be lifted off with the fingers. keep most o f these weeds In check, same thing that would be civil at one This drug freezone doesn’t eat out but where no sheep are kept head- time, und to one person, may be quite the corns or callouses but shrivels ,woy Is gained rapidly. otherwise at another time and to an- them without even Irritating the sur It Is easiest to eradicate these weed* other person, but there are some gen- rounding skin. when they first make their appear eral rules of good breeding that hold Just think! No p&ln at all; no sore ance and are few and scattered. The always true und In all cases.—C hester ness or smarting when applying It or afterwards. If your druggist don’t work can be accomplished with the hoe field, have freexone have him order It for and scythe. If, however, they have F ra n k ly Selfish. you. gained too great a headwny the mow­ We know one thoughtful grandmoth­ er must be employed. It is both prac­ ticable and profitable, anyway, to run er who frnnkly admits that she spoils Hint for His Wife. First Married Man — What are you over the pasture fields with the mowet the baby at every possible opportu­ so as not to leave any weeds go to nity, explaining In her philosophical cutting out o f the paper? way that she knows perfectly well Second Married Man— An item about feed. she'll get the blame for It anyway and a California man’s securing a divorce because his w ife went through his LEGUMES CAUSED TO THRIVE might as well have the fun of doing U. — Columbus (Ohio) JournaL pockets. Because V o u r E ÿ È S SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL First Married Man — What are you W hen Necessary Organisms Are Nol going to do with it? Present, S catter Soli From 8omo Second Married Man— Put it in my Inoculated Field. pocket. — Exchange. Not IdenticaL “ Tim e is money,” remarked the pro- verbialist. “ And yet the man with millions is the one seldom seems to have five min­ utes to spare.” — Washington Star. WANTED to BUY SHEEP RANCH Some legumes require lnoculatlop. That Is. the soil Is not always «ap­ plied with the organisms that cauM legumes to thrive and use free nitro­ gen. When these organisms are floj present It Is necessary to Introdad them by scattering the soil from A0 Inoculated field over the ground to D4 planted in the particular legume. CRISIS OF WOMAN’S LIFE Change Safely Passed by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Suitable for a Lambing Place Must he stocked. W ill pay all cash. W an t place up to $100.000. Give complete deecription and list o f atock. WEEDS REQUIRE MUCH WATER Wagoner, Okla.— “ I never get tired o f praising Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- P lain to Ba Seen T h a t Cutting Down t a b l e Compound npou M c K e n z i e & c o m p a n y , Noxious P lants Is Moisture b e c a u s e duri during 51& G erllnger Bldg., Portland. Oregon Change o f L ife I Saved fo r Crops. was in bed t w o W e W ant Your years and had two A large weed may use as much ai operations, but all a barrel o f water. A plant w e lg h ly the doctors and op­ one pound when dried has used up 700 erations did me no to 800 pounds o f water In making It* good, and I would W e P a y C a sh . N o C o m m is s io n s growth, 70 to 80 gallons, making neaD nave been in my grave today had it HEIDENREICH CO., ly two barrels. From this It Is plain not been for Lydia 74 rront St., Portland, Ore thnt cutting down weeds is a very E. Pinkham’s V eg- good way o f snvlng moisture for tbl e table Compound crop,— North Dakota Experiment Sta­ which brought me out o f it all rignt, so tion. I am now well and do all my housework, besides working in my garden. Several Provide fo r A lfa lfa Seed. o f my neighbors have got well by tak- Afront one-half the alfalfa seed ingLydiaE . Pinkham’ sYegetableCom - lmported last year as In the thfej pound ’ ’ — Mrs. V iola F inical , Wagon- ST. Okla. years preceding, and very much left! Such warning symptoms as sens« o f other seeds was Imported. Fanae! I suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,back­ w ill do well to make early provlsloi aches, dread o f impending evil, timidity, fo r their 1017 seeding o f all crops. sounds in the ears, palpitation o f tha heart sparks before the eyes, irregu­ Prim e Factor of Melon. larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and dizziness should be heeded Write about your wants in this line tc Th * quality o f n melon Is by middle-aged women. Lydia E. Pink- primary factor which detennlpes barn's Vegetable Compound has carried g ra d « though size and condltlbh 183 Madison St., Portland, Ore. i many women safely through the crisia. also t b bo considered. BEANS FINKE BROS.,