The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 13, 1917, Image 2

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Itarlin R rporlrd N«'arl> Ready to P u b ­
lish IVact* fo n d it ion* Hitt Con-
cession!* Humored in l ’. S.
London — Germany will shortly be
. able to publish her peace term s, ac-
Brief Resume Most Importsnt cording to Dr. Georg Michaelis, the
German chancellor.
Dr. Michaelis in an interview said
Daily News Items.
he had so inform ed the reich* tag main
committee, an Exchange Telegraph
dispatch from Coj>enhagen Monday
The main com m ittee, said Dr. Mich­
aelis in the interview , had " tr ie d to
make final arrangem ents regarding
peace conditions and the question of
Events of Noted People, Governm ents Alsace-Lorraine, but no decision has
yet been ta k e n ."
and Pacific N orthwest and Other
The question, however, was eagerly
Things W orth Knowing.
discussed ami Gremany will soon be
able to publish her peace term s.
. ,
Equal suffrage for Maine women
was defeated two to one at the special
election Tuesday, according to new s­
paper returns from tw o-thirds of the
A 9600-pound elephant, named Judy
and attached to a large circus for
many years, was executed in the ra il­
road yards in East St. Louis, 111.,
Wednesday in order to relieve its su f­
ferings from lockjaw.
The Am sterdam T elegraaf says G er­
many has stopped sending coal to Hol­
land. The paper expresses the belief
th a t Germ any’s attitu d e is intended as
pressure on Holland to g ran t a loan
which thus fa r has been refused.
American destroyers are believed to
have sunk one hostile subm arine off
th e coast of France Septem ber 5, while
convoying a fleet of m erchantm en from
th e United S tates. Two of the m er­
ch a n t ships were lost, it is reported,
w ithout loss of life.
How a German subm arine hid be­
hind his schooner until it got w ithin
range to attack an Am erican tank
steam er and later was sunk by the
ta n k e r’s gun crew, was told by the
captain of a sailing vessel at An A t­
lantic Port Wednesday.
The A ustrian government has ju st
put into effect strin g en t regulations to
lim it the consumption of fuel.
available supply of coal, coke and bri­
q uettes will be distributed on the card
system to prevent the recurrence of
th e conditions of last winter.
Dallas, the most populous county in
Texas, voted " d r y " in a local option
election Tuesday. W ith but six pre­
cincts out of 96 missing, the prohibi­
tio n ists had a lead of approxim ately
1500. About 19,000 votes were polled
ou t of a reg istratio n of 28,000.
W ashington, D. C .—W hat purported
to be an outline of G erm any’s peace
term s has been circulated among diplo­
m ats here w ithin the last two weeks,
but has been regarded by the entente
em bassies and most of the neutrals as
a “ fe e le r."
The origin of the so-
called term s was not disclosed, but
they are said to have been w ritten by
Foreign Secretary von Kuhlmann be­
fore his visit to Vienna, which since
has been pointed to as strengthening
the probability th a t they bear evi­
dence of authenticity.
Briefly, the so-called term s were as
R estoration of Belgium and N orth­
ern France, to be paid for out of the
sale of G erm any’s colonies to G reat
B ritain.
Alsace and Lorraine to be independ­
ent states. (H igh French officials re­
cently have stated anew the d e te r­
m ination of France to be satisfied with
nothing less than the recovery of her
lost provinces).
T rieste to be a “ free p o rt.”
Serbia and Roumania to be restored,
and Serbia to have a port on the A dri­
The Balkan question and the status
of Turkey to be subjected for negotia­
D isarm am ent and international po­
Freedom of the seas w ith G reat
B ritain in control of the English chan­
nel until the projected tunnel is built
between Dover and Calais.
This outline of term s, circulated
w ith the definite stam p of officiality,
it will be noted bears in many respects
a resemblance to the general tenor of
the peace proposals o f Pope Benedict.
W ashington Lass Found Under Logs,
Burned and Bruised Arcuses Un­
gi il « h t . Who lias Vaniah«<d.
The Sherm an County court has vote«!
$100 for th e Sum pter fire relief funds.
Tacoma, Wash. Simuring the woods
about the mining town of Carbonado,
the jKisae in search of Mamie Turku,
the 10-year-old child who disapix-ared
last Wednesday evening, found her at
The safety deposit vaults of the noon Saturday, bruised, mutilate«! and
Bank of Jacksonville were robbed hurne«l, 100 yards from the road b e lo w
early Wednesday of $500 in money ami the grave yar«l where her father and
$500 in jew elry. The only clew to the brother are huriixl.
The child was conscious but very
robbers is tw o chisels stain peal " F . E.
weak. The discovery was made by
H ."
i Crisiked Jix» Ginaky. and shortly be
The report of th e ^ sta te Industrial foro t j,Ht a
Hlu| n
Accident commissitm for August shows ag«< of unopened crackerjack, t o s s e d
a total of 1625 nun-fatal and 17 fatal ■ over a log at the side of the road,
accidents reportixl for the month, with found hy John Johnson und Thomas
a total o f 26,902 accidents reported to I Thimm a t 11:30, le«l to the discovery
the «'ommission to date. The commis- of the child.
sion had a balance of $1,187,665 with
Mutilate«! little Mamie Torko fixed
the sta te trea su rer on August 31.
the guilt for her condition on a missing
The hUx'king of the Columbia H igh­ " lo k i" engineer of the Carbon Hill
way betw een Cascade Locks and H«xsl Coal company in her few momenta of
H er Worda, carried
River, as contem plated, will not stop consciousness.
to u rist traffic nor automobile parties from the hospital to the silent hun­
to the Pendleton Round-Up, it is point­ dreds gathered about its dixirs, funne«l
ed out. It is possible to ferry across the flame of fury of the miners, and
the riv er from the l«x*ks und to return absolute certainty sent hundre«ls more
to the Oregon side again at Hixxi into the g re at hills and wixsls under
the din*ction of Sheriff Ixmgmire.
River, where the road is open.
T hreats of lynching, made covertly
The recent estim ates of H«xxi River
| before th e m an's g u ilt was certain,
apple shippers of 75 per cent of the 1,-
: were open as the
men scattered
500,000-box crop of last year, it is through the hills.
now thought, have been placed far
Her Ixxly hud been pushed under a
t«x> low.
growers are
i log in the deep brush ami other logs
daily v isitin g sales agencies an«i re ­
(died over her in an evident attem p t
porting an increase of several thousand
to set fire to . them.
Her face was
boxes in th e ir estim ates and ordering
swollen and black, her yellow hair
an increased supply of boxes.
burned ami bare arm s and legs black­
A special act of congress will be re­ ened.
quired before Oregon is entitled to its
A shout from Ginsky brought a
share of the v«x'ational educational |x>sse of 60 men headed by Sheriff
fund provide«! for in the Smith-Hughes Ixingmire and City M arshal June to
bill. This was discovered by Sujierin- the spot.
tendent of Public Instruction Churchill,
When discover'd the child weakly
who has ju s t returned from W ashing­ opened her eyes ami said: " A man
ton, where he attended a conference of pushed me over the log last n ig h t."
the sta te vocational board representa­ L ater she described an engineer who
tives w ith members of the Ftideral had been in the employ of the mining
company. This man was closely ques-
Oscar Nelson, of Coeur d ’Alene, tioned by the town m arshal the second
Idaho, has been namtxi as judge of the day of M am ie's disappearance, and
poultry departm ent of the Oregon when the sheriff was called Friday the
sta te fair, according to an announc«*- man dropped out of sight completely.
A fter the story of the little girl the
ment made by Secretary A. H. Lea.
of .300 miners w ith the sheriff
Mr. Nelson is a native of Sweden. He
came to th is country in 1889 and for and several deputies and a number of
16 years has been breeding pure-bred horses began a system atic search for
poultry and for eight years has served ! the g irl’s assailant.
as judge at various poultry shows. He
owns a large poultry ranch near Coeur
d ’Alene.
Ground has been broken for a new
factory which will convert the refuse
from the plant i>f the Hood River Ap­
ple V inegar company into stix'k food.
Kerensky Orders Commander to
Resign, Causing Trouble.
KornilolT Demanding Suprem e Power,
la Iti-huffcd bv Prem ier
Torn Up to Stop Advance.
P rem ier K«*r«*n»ky has
ordered General KornilolT, commander
in chief of the Russinn armies, to re­
sign in conseqence of General Korni­
lolT'« demand for supreme power. Gen­
eral Klembovsky was ap|siint«*d com­
m ander in chief.
An official statem ent says th at Gen­
eral Ixikomosky " a ls o proved a tra i­
to r," refusing to tak e command of
the Ruasian arm ies in succession to
General KornilolT.
The m ddiers’ and workm en’s tasty,
the statem en t adds, “ has order«*«! all
the arm y organizations to obey the
provisional governm ent against the
conspiracy, statin g th at General Korn­
ilolT will lx* punished for treachery and
th at General Kk-mbovsky will provis­
ionally surcceed to the chief command.
The central executive com m ittee of
the soldiers and workmen has suggest­
ed to all army e«»r|m and naval com m it­
tees th at they refuse to obey orders
from General KornilolT or General
Acc«>rding to reports from the W in­
ter Palace, where the government
council was in session, h considerable
force of supixirters of General K orni­
lolT has passe<l I.uga, on the way to
The governm ent refuses to make a
statem ent, but Foreign M iniater Te-
restrhenk«» inform s th«i Associated
Press th a t he Ixdievc* the KornilolT
forces consist of only a few hundred
The town and railroad station at
Luga are in KornilolT's haiuls.
By order of Prem ier Kerensky the
railroad tracks between I.uga and
Petrograd have been torn up in places,
gangs being engage«] in the work all
night Monilay, On the Pctrogra«! side
of Luga are forces, which b « j far have
h U xh ] firm for the government.
eral KornilolT's main support appears
to be the sr>-called Sikaya, or "sa v ag e
d ivision,” which was form erly sta-
tiuned a t PokofT and conaisting of
Georgians and other Caucasus trib es­
men, who are personally devoted to
KornilolT as a result of his lifelong
in terest in Asiatic affairs. W ith this
force are Tekke cavalrym en from the
trans-CaHpian territo ry , whose wild
appearances created a sensation when
they accompanieti General KornilolT to
the M«»scow conference.
According to the evening pa|>ers the
“ savag*' division" has occupied Vuirit-
za, on th e W indau-Ruibins railroad.
Discrim ination ag ain st the [lumber
industry of the N orthw est states in
P O U L T R Y PR O D U C TS TO SOAR favor of C alifornia and Southern states
is feared by th e Oregon Lumber com- Í
B utter Expected to be Highest Since pany of Portland and other Northwest
P riv ate Louis Bouschor, of the Ore­
Civil W ar in Chicago.
concerns in changes of minimum
gon troops, who was shot Thursday
weights on cars of lumber and lumber ;
Chicago — The Chicago B utter and products which tran sco n tiren tal rail- j
n ig h t on the stree t in North Yakima,
has been able to make a statem en t in Eggs Board Monday issued a " b u llish " way lines propose to make effective ¡ Buenos A ires- The Swedish m inister
to A rgentine, Raron Lowen, Sunday
which he says he was attacked by two official statem en t inform ing the public Septem ber 24.
P ro tests have been
men he did not know, who waylaid him of serious curtailm ent of supplies of filed with the Oregon Public Service denied th at dispatches in cipher had
l»een sent to Berlin by the German
and disappeared im m ediately a fte r the butter, eggs and poultry.
charge through the Swedish legation
The board calls attention to the fact
An en tire carload of pigs raised by a t Buenos Aires. He declared:
th a t the governm ent warehouse report
George Lynn, attorney a t Linton, for Septem ber shows a decrease of schoolboys, members of industrial
" I have n«>t sent nor caused to be
th e county seat of Emmons county, N. 12.320.000 pounds, as compared w ith clubs in U m atilla county, will be sent sent by the legation under my charge,
D., was arrested Tuesday by United Septem ber, 1916, in the b u tte r supply, to Salem this month to com|>ete in the any telegram from the German lega-
S tates Marshal C. D. Scott on a com­ and th at, while there is an excess of S tate fair. Two boys from the county tion. The news is a g re a t and dis-
m issioner’s w arran t charging sedition. 418.000 cases of eggs, as compared will accompany the car.
agreeable surprise.
Lynn was arraigned at Driscoll and w ith last year, the extraordinary de­
" I have cabled to my government to
Goroner Clough of Salem received a ; c)ear
m attcn).
his bail is fixed a t $1000. His hearing mand will quickly absorb th a t. Com­
;port Monday th a t J . M. Massey, 47
, . , n *h<¡ Unite(J g S tates they are very
is set for Septem ber 27.
pared w ith two years ago there is a years old, was discovered dead, hang­
The French m inister of W ar au­ shortage in eggs.
ing in the barn a t his home near
thorized the soldiers to form and ad­
A t the present tim e th ere are 71,- Broadacres, about 22 miles north of
m inister co-operative societies for the 262.000 pounds of b u tter in storage, Salem. No reason was given for the A U S T R A L IA IN GRIP O F I . W. W.
purpose of purchasing food supplies compared w ith 83,582,000 pounds in suicide.
Senate Votes 69 to 1 for Measure That
for them selves and fam ilies in order to Septem ber, 1916. There are 3,794,000
S trikes Demoralize BusinesH Shipping
Will Raise $2,100.006.000.
com bat the increased cost of living. cases of eggs, compared w ith 3,376,-
G reatly Hindered.
officials who are directing contracts for
Membership in the societies will be 000 cases.
W ashington, D. C. — The w ar tax
lim ited strictly to soldiers.
" B u tte r will be higher in price this aeroplane stock. There are six mills
San FranciBco- Word of I. W. W. bill—th e largest single taxation m eas­
in the county p u ttin g out spruce lum­
A dispatch to the London Daily Mail year than we have known it to be in ber for airplanes and foreign govern­ outbreaks, which have brought busi­ ure in American history—was passixl
It pro­
ness in Sydney and throughout entire Monday night by the senate.
from Jibuti, A frica, says th a t a G er­
m ent inspectors have visited there fre ­ A u stralia to an absolute standstill and vides for a levy somewhat under $2,-
man named Holts and an A ustrian reads the statem ent.
The poultry situation is serious, the quently to inspect th e output. How­ which culm inated in th e burning of a 400,000,000, as compare«! w ith $1,-
named Karmelich, who, w ith 40 Arabs,
ers having killed practically all ever, the coming of U nited States offi­ Bchooner loaded with copra last week, 867,870,000 proposed in the bill as it
have been wandering in the interior of
chickens for food, while only cials will be th e first advent of these was brought to San Francisco Sunday passed the house May 23.
French Somaliland about two months,
o f the usual supply of milk- men.
The vote was 69 to 4, Senators
by passengers on the steam er Ventura.
have been captured a fte r a strong re ­
is now available.
Two men were killed and two others
According to these reports, general Borah, Gronna, L aFollettc and N orris
sistance in which several were killed.
There are few live turkeys for m ar­ sent to a hospital as th e result of a strik es prevail in all p arts of the coun­ being recorded in opposition.
F orty Russian em igrants from Am er­ ket, but there is a supply in cold sto r­ motor truck plunging from the Pacific try and the governm ent is seemingly
The consumption taxeH, of one-half
ica have been arrested and detained at age sufficient for Thanksgiving feast.
Highway grade on top of the Siskiyous unable to cope w ith the situation. The a cent a pound on sugar, 2 cents on
H arbin, Manchuria, because of th eir
near Ashland late Sunday night.
The strik es in Sydney delayed the Ventura coffee, 6 cents on tea, 3 cents on
seditious statem ents and efforts to in­
S eattle Gets F ifth Yard.
dead are Jack Robinson, of Portland, for six days, and it was not until the cocoa, and from 1 to 2 cents a gallon
cite anarchy. The detention of these
S eattle, Wash. — Work on the con­ and McDonald, whose given name and farm ers came down out of the su r­ on molasses were cut down by over­
a g ita to rs indicates a determ ination on struction of a steel shipbuilding plant, address were not ascertained.
The rounding hills and loaded th eir own whelming m ajorities. A final vote «»n
th e part of the P etro g ra i government the fifth to en ter Seattle, will begin men in the hospital are Greek laborers. cargoes th a t the vessel was able to Senator B roussard’s motion to elim i­
to check the inflow of undesirables im m ediately on a site near the junc­ All were employed in a grading camp sail.
nate them all was 52 to 28.
who are rushing back to Russia.
The g re a t bill, nearly four months in
tion of the E ast and W est w aterw ays, on the highway, of which Robinson
Ivan Nelson, a Sydney exporter, sai«l
th a t conditions were the w orst he had the m aking, will he returned a t once
The German Crown Princess Wed- on the Duwamish river, purchased S at­ was foreman.
ever seen, and th at the strik es have to the house and then it goes to con­
nesday gave birth to a daughter, ac­ urday by the Erickson Shipbuilding
Practically all th e hay in the west com pletely ruine«l business.
He lays ference, w ith enactm ent within 10
cording to Berlin advices. This is the company. Members of the new firm
six th child born to Crown Prince Fred­ are C. J. Erickson, president of the end of U m atilla county is sold, accord­ the trouble to I. W. W. agitators. days or tw o weeks probable. Senators
erick W illiam and the Crown Princess. Erickson Construction company; his ing to reports. Much of it w ent at He received a w ireless message en- Simmons, Stone and Williams, Demo­
$16.SO a ton in th e stack, regardless, routo telling him th a t the schooner crats, and Penrose an«l Lodge, Repub­
Eleven of th e m ilitants of the N a­ son Charles, and E. M. B arnett, New in many instances, of quality.
With M iranda was set on fire in Sydney h ar­ licans, of the finance com m ittee, w ere
tional W oman’s Suffrage party arrest­
these inducements few farm ers are bor, with a loss of $300,000.
appointed the sen ate’s conferees.
ed Wednesday while picketing the
holding. A large part of the hay is
P resid en t’s review ing stand at the
being held at Stanfield and will be fed
Rubles Slump One Cent.
Mrs. K ate Sadler is Convicted.
Stockholm — A fo«jd crisis in Petro-
parade of N ational Army men were
Because of the high price of
York — Rubles sold at a dis­
sentenced to 60 days in the workhouse.
is repcirted in ad- bay
rattlem en , are selling heav
They did not appeal and began serving1 w
A ce? receive£ here from Paparanda. ¡,y anfJ the r, iu ib n it’y of a beef short ist speaker, who was arreste«l for dis­ count of 70 per cent fr«>m the normal
M. Jurenew , Russian m inister of com­ age this w inter looms large.
orderly conduct a t a m eeting held Au­ rates of peace here Tuesday.
tim e.
munications, is said to have asked M.
g u st 16 under the auspices of the Peo­ th eir rapiil decline continued a fu rth er
L etters found on A ustrian prisoners PieschenohofT, m inister of supplies, to
Esther, 2-year-old dau g h ter of Jacob ple’s Council for Democracy anil Terms slump o f 1 per cent, bringing down the
dep ict a shocking state of affairs in take further extraordinary measures W oitt, of Davenport, W ash., while of Peace, then taken from officers by a demand rates to the new low recor«!
A u stria particularly in Trieste, where to save these cities from fam ine, say­ playing in a shed near th e house was crowd and rearreste«l the folowing day, for Russian exchange of liij
i t is said to be impossible to purchase ing supplies on hand in Petrograd bitten by a rattlesnake, which refused was found guillty in municipal court
Absence of demand made it im possi­
at any price oils, rice, potatoes, sugar would suffice only for 10 days and th at to let go of the little t o t ’s finger until Saturday. Mrs. Salder was alleged ble to find a m arket except a t con­
0 sa fe r.
The people of T rieste are conditions in Moscow were worse. All beaten off by a siste r 5 years old. by several w itnesses to have referred cessions,
offerings were
from lack of nutrition, says one the bread in Moscow has t>een distrib­ The little girl was rushed to a doctor, to a high governm ent official as a small
there was little busi­
le tte r.
but soon died from the poisonous bite. traito r.