The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 13, 1917, Image 1

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©hr ifm i'st O k iw IE xjjitbh
Patriotic Women
To Have Chance
$1.50 per Year
Hood River. O re, Sept. 10
The Woman's Committee of the
With all members present, the
< )regon ( 'ouncilof I)• feme,through
city council transacted consider­
its chiirman, Mrs Charles H.
able important business Tuesday
Castner of Hood River, has des- |
night, including the allowing of
$2.2> 0.00 in bills for labor ar.d
ivnated Saturday, Sept. 15th as
official registration day for the
Councilman McCready report­
women of this state
ed that many people were putting
This n it r a t io n is wholly vol­
in new walks.
untary and is for the purpose of i
Councilman Coon thought thf t ••
was too much plunder lyii g
the federal government becoming'
around on the sidewalks in th *
familiar with tie* woman power of
business section— barrels, boxe>,
the state list inn ¡ill girl* and
pop-corn wagons, etc Someone
women, both train d ami u n -1
else thought the water pipes pre­
trained, for work in the gov* rn- j
lu d in g from the walks on Ma rt
street and Pacific avenue were a
ment service in some capacity,
nuiance and another mi-mb* r
should it lie found necessary for j
t hought the steps encroaching on
the nation to -all upon the women !
the walks should be removed. Be­
of the country to take thepiucis
fore thi* discussion ended, Chief of
of men in industry in order that
Police Watkins was instructed to
make a drive against all such
men muy be released to join the
nuisances, regardless of ihp pleas
colors. It is also essential so thut
of property owners for immunity.
trained female help may lie se­
He is also to see that gasoline
cured for government positions
pumps display lights at night.
and positions directly connected I
The chief promised to do hi
with military affairs that can be
Councilman Todd called atten­
fill' d hy women
N i» W \ * > n a n ^ h n t s " 1" i
Uadorn*'« Italian army strengthened around the Austrian city of Trieste
tion to the fact that no steps had
A properly printed card is to lie]
been taken to retire $70,000 of
oadlana conaolidatlng their grip on I.ena and the Germans threatening Petrograd. Hus
filled out by every woman and on | Of the Week
water bonds issued seven years
ahi'a capital, l»y their victory at Riga, the map o f Europe underwent considerable
ago. The mayor was authorized
the day of regisDation all ass is-! «-twinges «luring ihe week. America's troops abroad were given the gaa treatment to familiarise them wirb this meth
to appoint a committee of two
tance will h'* rendered in filling <-l ««f attack. T w o divisions were formed o f 28.000 nations! guardsmen to go to France, the fighting Stxtv-nlnth, rep
resenting New York city. Baron Morn heur o f the Belgian mission was royally received In Gotham, while Viscount
and two private citi­
the card. I»cal committees have Uhll «.f the Japanese ml salon was given a rousing reception on his arrival In Washington. The United States ship
zens to outline a plan of action.
Isen formed in nearly all localities ping tx.ard s new flag will soon I* a familiar sight on the seven seas; the board asks for $1,134,000.01)0 more to ez
Recorder Dyke was instructed
of the state for the purpose of ten«! plan*
to notify all owners of three story
caring for this work on September
buildings (except private resi­
dences) to .. comply with
15th and Governor r w i t h y o m b i
Miss Alice Willard arrived Fri­
Elmo R. Parker Killed
, the fire-
appreciating the importance
imp ----- --------
The many friend, of Elmo R.
Uke lhe “ D*
this undertaking, has is ued the
OpCIlS IlC X t IrlOndiiy emhusiastic over if e College and Parker a former resident of this ', Chief Lenneville asked for
the outlook for h-r work
followiug proclamation:
The college year opens next Handlin is expected back S a t u r - ¡ci’ y. were shocked Sunday, when an ordinance regulating the keep-
!pac¡(ic University
Monday, Septemiter 17. M ond-y day of thi< w«-«*k ‘ He has .been they heard that he had been killed >ng °f gasoline in the city limits
State o f Oregim
Executive Department an‘J Tut**day will Ite given up to vi-iting for a month at his home ¡n ^ e woods near Airlie Polk and a^so war»tedone to make p eo-
in Illinois. Miss Waggene will
n I
* . ' ..
pie remove the moss from their
another roofs ____
„„u permission
I, isi7. .registration, and classes will m eet also return this week after spend- county. Mr. Parker
. . and
and t ask
to start
Whereat, the women o f America. »» for regular work on Wednesday, f n g YhV"summer"at ’'h e r home in m ,n were engaged in felling trees bonfires. The matter
was re-
well aa the men who are g.ving th e m -! T h e f,rsl general assembly w ill be Newport.
and about 4 o ’clock .Saturday af- ferred to the ordinance committee.
Nelveo to our Natiein s rauae. cun now 1
__ ___ , l
. „ |
The Northwestern F i r e Ap­
Prospects are bright for an in ternoon a tree felled by the other
Wednesday morning at the chapel
■ M-rform h great and timely public M r- 1 u « . . .
i i.
. . .
hour, 10 o * clock.
I he year prom creas.d attendance in the Con- man knocked down another tree. paratus company offered the chief
vice; and
free temporary use of a chemical
ises to be a haul one, complicated servatory of Music. The fact that wh,c h strUck
Parker and
Wherea», The W oman's Committee
by war conditions, but none of the the Conservatory faculty will be í i c ^ wóundsTrom^which hëdied* fire en« ir\e’ but the council ad-
o f the Council o f National Defense in
college people are di couraged. the same as la-t year gives abso about midnight. The remains journed to Sept. 18th without
organizing local councils in every com ­
Herrick Hall will be well filled, lute assurance of the expert and were brought to 'his city Monday faking any action. At the ad-
munity in the atatc with the purpoae o f
The upper classes will be greatly thorough character of the instruc- vening and funeal services were jou ned meetings bids will be
ayatematizing and making effective
reduced because of the war, but tion given in the different depart- h( |d at the Christian church at
¿ " iff
women's patriotic aervicea; and
2 o ’clock Tu sdayafternoon. Rev. macadamizing of North Seventh
Whereaa, The Oregon Diviaion o f the the Freshman class will be larger mint.
The College is
Do the people of Forest Grove Putnam officiating. The remains street.
W oman's Committee o f the Council o f than last year.
National Defense deairea that Satur­ proud of ils representatives in fully realize what Pacific Univer- were interred in Forest View cem-
various branches of the service sity actually means a^ an asset to etery.
day, September l,r>, 1*417, be aet aside
Heisler, one of Uncle
and those who are left are ready the ci y? Just what differences
hh the «lay f o r the regiatration o f
boys, was united in
to go as they are needed. An ef would there be in Forest Grove if
women in thia atate for aervice;
bliss Lois Tapper
, ,
fort will be made in the various the College were not here or were
i* r. »n, in \u w «» 1 « <«rt jdaggesto emphasize the subjects compelled to close? It is no secret his parents when a boy and at- . , f
tended the local schools until at the hom eof the bride s parents,
S T r iT T * -
w J T T r ,,h 'h h a , a r ..„f largest import in , on- thal the ....... . is facia* a cri . » about 25 years ago, when he left *n Dilley, last Thursday, Sept,
" Withycombe, Governor * o f the StHte
" o f nectiun with the (treat worl(t*wa but if every friend of the sch<M>i.
and America’s part in it.
here and e sewhore, gives loyal to make his way in the world. He 6th, Rev. Cecil Tupper, brother
Oregon, do hereby proclaim Saturday,
was an industrious rnan and was to the bride, officiating,
The Fieshman class will include and wholeheaited and i.ninter- very popular with those who km w
8*ptombw 15th. 1917. a.H WOMEN’S
m ¡g a SOD of Mr and
REGISTRATION DAY. and I do earn­ eight or ten of the Oregon Con- rupted support the c«isis will be him He is survived by his father 1
BOOST FOR and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mrs. William Heisler of Gaston
estly ask that all patriotic women reg- ference scholars. Among the new safely p a s s e d .
and enlisted in the navy some
¡Hter on that «lay for patriotic service
Parker of
In testimony whereof, I huve here- Ldojd Appleman, Sumi \ o hi Ar - 1
In harmony with a request from brothers. J A. ParkerVtf this city, !llon^ s since. He is stationed at
unto Mt my hand snd esused the Seal «ma, Irene Bilbrey, Marean Young the Associate Alumni at its an- and T . T . H. H , S. S . and B. S. Bremerton navy yards and re-
of the State o f Oregon to be hereunto ^ i j
*oung from l ortland, nual meeting in June.^ the Board park« r, all of Airlie. Hewasnever m,rn l .
station Monday.
Hf?ixe<l thin ut Hay of September, A. * , a(*ys Barr from L«tt*>uit»lU* l< alls, ol 1 rustee> of the University has married. All membersof thefamilv The bride p' the daughter of M r.
I). i 9 i 7 #
Mae Green from Bend; Margaret recently nominated the following were he e to the funeral, as well and ,Mrs- Porter Tupper of Dilley
Morrison from M oro; W. Ray five members to serve as trustees as other relatives from Portland a n d 's weD and favorably known
’ in this city She will remain with
Governer. Parker from Butte Falls; Lois of an Alumni Fund to IteVaised '
Payne from Houlton; Eleanor Pet- in the interests of Pacific: John
Will Exhibit at Fair
her folks until after the trouble
Women of Forest Grove and ers n from Chehalis: Gertrude A Lee, ’91; H. E. Thomas, ’05;
M ss Edna Mills, home econom- vv' ^
haiaer is settled.
vicinity who are willing to do Porter from Halsey; Charles Roe Margaret Hinman, ’91; Homer • .__ T
f om Gaston; Ethel Ward from Shaver,’ 13; A J. Prideaux,’06. '«dem onstrator for Washington
Enoch I. Will, l a t e o f the
work at home for their country
Grass Valey, and Alice Bollinger This motion is the culmination of Yamhill and Polk counties, visred
and those who would leave hom e.' from" Alaska,
feeling on the part of the Alum ni, her patents in this city over Sun-
if necessary, are asked to g o t o ' Alta Soule, who attended the that they should have a more ac- day and informs the Express that (. lUst?lhe feared he ^ o u ld not be
the Rogers City Library on Sat- University of California
ma l,s( year, live financial intereat to their she win have a ^ h
at the « ^ a b ^ d
He then e n l i S u
urdav Sent 15th or Wednesday will be a member of the Senior A ma Mater. Whi e a few have
. , ■ , . ,
ne inen emisieuas
umay, oepc. lotn, or Wednesday
^ " ^ ¡ ¿ ..7 ^ inriivirin.n«
* . county fair, to be held in this city a private, but has been promoted
contributed individually, no con-
Sept. 19th, between the hours of class this year.
to the position of corporal in com­
certed effort has ever been made
* and °* She will dem­ pany H. 36th infantry, located at
9 a. m. and 6 p. m. and register
for the kind of work Tor which Junior boys have enlisted, also a to organize a definite fund nor onstrate methods of canning and Camp Lewis.
they are fitted. Both trained and ,ar«° proportion of the Sophomore canvass Hie various alumni as other forms of food conservation,
Mrs. Eleanor Russell McEI­
untrained women are solicited to
FYeshman classes But, al*[Classes. The report of the com* showing one of the home-made
downey will receive vocal students
register. It is possible that none most without exception, these mittee indicated a desire to follow driers designed by the O. A C.
at her studio, at Mr. Russell’s
of them will ever be called, but it i*0? 8 expect to return later and the Yale
v - ' - Alumni
: plan.
Card of Thanks
home on north A street. Mrs.
Professor Bates recently had a
is desired that Unde Sam may finish their course. Other stud-
McEIdowney has been making
know upon whom he may call in en^8 find themselves compelled to
special study of fundemental
a pinch. "D o your bit.”
I stay out for a Vear' but their feel
| ings are pretty well expressed in was a student at Pacific from appreciation lor the floral offer- breath control and tone place-
The members of the fire depart- the words of one of (hem, "I sure 1883 to 1886 and has been much ings and other evidences of sym- ment with Oswald A. Olson, who
ment have put a new roof on the miss tbe drove and the College interested in the College ever pat hy shown them at the funeral studied six years under European
fire station the neiiffiitors h-ivinc halls' P -U . spirit has got a hold ' since. He handed Professor Bates of their son and brother, the late maste s Mrs. McEIdowney will
on me; it can’ t lie beat and I’m $25 to be applied on the loan Elmo R. Parker.
continue her work with Mr. Olson
burned holes in the old one by coming back for sure next year.”
Mr. and Mrs. E. H Parker
this winter and will take up sight
fund, a gift which is much appre­
burning trash in the alleys.
and Sons.
The n ew Chemistry teacher, ciated.
singing and public school music.
Salem, Sept