The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 06, 1917, Image 4

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    GTltr Jfùtrrüt (Srmte TExpreaa
Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon.
W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher.
Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postotfice at Forest Grove,
Oregon, under the Act of March S, 1S79
Subscription Kates
Paid in advance
One year
Six months
Three Months
....... 50
On Credit
One year
Six months
Three months
moral ami financial „Ur..ling an,I' in .he (oral army Can an.l rlry ' I « » l~H,al by tb . l j « W . ' W . Am
* . ■ i
• everything not required for im- sembly of 1917, which requires
a>. uim a im r am uii ici
I mediate use. Let nothing go tu i the pasteurization of all milk uml
for. rn hfe when ho l™vo»the
e Kooda pnsorvori horn.-
, , msum,.rs unl, ,lM
• • i a i hapiiened i
this incident
l use will release other supplies for
. . ,
of creameries or cheese
\ery our soldiers at the front, The,v
in to by-products
• e
recently at the naval training will undoubtrdly be pricet faelnrie. it not produced from
------- station on Goat Island, in San and scarcity of many a N a b n r. ,u l«;reulm Uwted cow..
K m .cisco bay. Kilt.en hundred ; » “ f t -
little U , " " > ‘ M you th e re o re .lo me the
. . . .
, „
. the tuture now win navi nun v favor and your subscribers a ser-
$1.50 rookies, lads who hud just arrittd vvorrv about then
, ,
,, *
i worry uw u i
I vice* by allowing me apace in your
•75 at the station were surrounding a
For redoes describing effective
. . .
_i2 sailor perched on a box disirii.ut-1 a„d inexpensive methods of can- valuable columns to place before
T H U K S H A Y , SEPT. 6. 1917
"1 am sorry that you do not wear a flan every­
day and I can only ask vou if you lose the physical
emblem to he sure that you wear it IN your
HKART ; the heart of America shall interpret the
heart of the world. ” President Wilson.
N O T E S A N I) C O M M E N T S
------------------------------------------------------------------------- —-------------
After trying to make their cus- forms the Express editor that he
tomers get along with one delivery did not ask exemption, but was
per day for less than a week, the willing to go to the front
merchants of Portland have put Express got its information from
on two deliveries per day. And it a Portland paper and is pleased
is not r. corded that con-umers to learn that said information was
saved anything by the one de- wrong, that Frank Smith is patri-
otic and does not a.-k exemption,
dressed to them. It was a fascinai-
ing sight. The sailor distributing
the mail would call out a name
and immediately would come a
reply and a willing hand, hack-d
by a happy smile, would reach out
and take the letter. Then the lad
would walk away, his face fairly
beaming. He would set ku quid
spot and read and sometimes re-
read the letter.
in the daily newspapers
U»t there not he a minute’s de
lav or the waste of a pound of
food that can !><• preserved. Our
boys are proud to light for^l,ur
homes ami liberty; let no woman
be too proud to do her bit in con-
serving the food supply.
YV B A Y E R ,
Federal Food Commissioner for
. . .
A Slacker Squelched
P.H7, it shall he unlawful for any
person, firm, conqmny, corpora­
tion or association, to sell or offer
()|. ,.Xp,i-e for sale or exchange, for
n consumption a n y milk
fron> ‘M,WH t,,at haVl* not Pa"*«’d
the tuberculin test, unless sueh
milk shall have b«*en pasteurized
as hereinafter provided. It is un-
derstood and hereby expressly
stated that nothing in this S«*c-
tion shall apply to th«-delivery of
milk or c r e a m to creameries,
cheese or condeli-ed milk factories
by the producer of such milk or
cream, or in hulk to the wholesale
Christ walked from place to
Because they haven’t the brains
So it continued for fifteen min-
“ Say. girlie, they have drafted
place, preaching the gospel, but to invent something new and
umil the crowd was pretty me, and l don’t want to go aero s
his “ follower,” Mr. Wm. Sunday, really attractive to catch Ameri- VVt‘11 thinnt>d o u l- AI1 around the wild, tempeslous sea to fight
h a v e a private railroad can dollars, the “ men” who make Were sadors intent y reading, the German foe, and maybe while
to carry him in luxury the fa.-hions for women, in their Some 1,ad a smi!e 0,1 th*ir &»«*=»• I ’m on the way a submarine or
the country.
But then recent convention, decided that others looked more
serious and mine against the ship might make i rade
It will be noted from the read­
M r. Sunday’s congregations live bustles should be worn “ the com there vvas one lad who s°bbed as a play and pickle me in brine, or
of the above that this part of
much higher than the people who ing sea-on.” It now remains to though his heart woud break. “ Bad should I reach the other side,
listened to Christ
be seen whether the women of ( news?" questioned
his chum while storming a redoubt a Ger­ th<- law does not apply in any way
whatever to any dairy farmer who
America a-e such fools as to ‘ Poor old Towser's gone,” sobbed
The relief committee of Sump­ wear any old thing the money- lbe |aj ¡n
man shot might tap my hide and
selling his milk or cream to a
reply. “ The folks >ay
ter, this state, has sent out ap- mad arbiters of fashion suggest.
et my life leak out. I don’ t I»«--
condensery. creamery, chee e fac­
peals to all cities for funds to pur- The bustledoe- not ru%ke women l *lu^ *u> ^ oa,dn 1 “al ;i 'hing afi. i ! |jevp ¡n j,|,><K|y war | neVer shot
chase food and fuel for the fire- more attractive and if they dress 1 a ft and they found him Sunday a gun and when IM hear a can- tory, milk depot or any manufac­
stricken people of the town, more g P|eaf e. nun.„
back of the barn dead.” non roar I couldn’ t help but run, turing plant, but said condensery,
heina hnm pl«- them claim, they will leave off the
The last letter had been d 8- and it is up to you, my dear, to creamery, cheese factory, nnlk
i f 3 ,, pan h In even a little send arl,ilcial humP J ' nien adm ired, tributed to its owner and the post-
>av,‘ my life; I have a «1. pot or manufacturing plant is
If you can help e\en a little, sena humps, they would marry camels
man had departed but there still b'’ „"y ¿ ^ ‘*'7/yotTwm makVthe
ri?sP,,nsd,lt’ ior the process of
your remittance to the Citizens’
.77---- ~
After howling like Comanche lingered a dozen or more boys run with me across that river -pan Pa‘,,,,wr'za,*°n.
National Bank, Baker, O.egon.
Indians for many years because
; with long faces and serious mien, we can be married, don’ t you see.
On the other hand, if dairy
The name of Frank L. Smith of they
They were the lads for whom there on the Vancouver plan.’ then I farmers are making what is known
thiscity appeared in last weeks, tions were robbing them, the K im ’ Was no
na‘ant a whole co.u,d c'aim exemption on an a»»- as . , |;iiry butUT- or any other
Express as one of those who had ers of North Dakota want more ¡lot for those boys to hear from £
r™ ,
a “wdfelVfao-'.'o milk pnMuct and -elling the same
A **?•
S6^d eX\l!.PtlSmithy
in6 let
Wel1’ , home
would have lifted a eed,” ‘ The maiden I.K.ked into directly to consumers, then and in
district T k
Mr. bmitn in-
em tell it to thHirWheat*
| heavy load from their hearts to his eyes, a look with meaning that case, they come under I ht
have received just one line from fraught, and said: “ You stun me purview of this Act.
someone that cared. They felt, W1' h surprise w iih \«u r exemption
Section K of ihe Act makes pro-
The Army Y. M. C. A. and
What It Does for Your Boys
in their boyish way, that no one
and hopH VtoU see the day , vi9'on9
follows: “ Milk from uny
thought of them.
I hey were de- when 1 could proudly say I gave '‘ow or cows whose owner or lessee
spondent and in a frame of mind my best bet to the fray; that you -shall apply to the State Livestock
To the men of the new national money and come out of the war that meant disaster to them
could never hesitate to battle for Sanitary Board to have such cow
army and to the fathers, mothers, in far better financial, intellectual
Then there went among them a
t orate!
, ¡ '“ i I , Jon t stop
' f t to chew
K v the
«■ «* » t « i « r ™ i n . » « « « « > h .n i *
relatives of these men called to and physical condition, than when secretary of the Navy Y M. C.
from all of the provisions
rag ” James Barton Adams.
the service of their country, the he went into it, is the prom ise'A. He knew what the matter
of thi i Act until such time as such
Army Y . M . C. A , through the held out to him both by the was. He had seen incidents like
The New Milk Law
cows shall have been tested ”
national war work council of the United States government and the this before. And he knew what T o the Editor
This application should be made
Young M en s Christian Associa- j National War Work Council of to do. With a cheery smile and
Judging from correspondence to Dr. Y\’ II. Lytle, State Veter-
tion, extends an invitation to the N oung Men’s Christian As- word of good will he went to them coming to this office it would seem inarian, Salem, Oregon.
make use of any Army Y . M. C. sociation of the United States.
individually and invited them to that considerable misapprehension
A. building, tent or hut, to enjoy
1 he Army V. M C. A. is giv- share in the entertainmen at the exists among dairy farmers rela-
J. I ) M IC K L E ,
its privileges and advantages and ing educational courses to men in association building that evening, tive to the requirements of the
Dairy and Food Commissioner
to find there always a friendly in any subject that a group of them And the.Y Wen^
Boyish minds -----------------------
terest, a warm and cordial wel-
come, writing paper and en-
velopes, reading matter, recreation
and all that will help to make
men away from home happier and
better physically, spiritually, men-
tally and morally.
may select. Already in m a n y
f ^ * h ? t h '.«iS e
cantonments l a r g e classes in lessness of the folks at home and
French are being held with some entered into the spirit of the ev-
of the very best instructors in the enirg.
country in charge. These in-
All of which carries its lesson,
structor-in many cases have vol- Keep in touch with your boy.
unteered for this service. Classes The home influence is the strong-
The Y . M . C. A. is thereto in Spanish and even in Russian straight
When it fails, the Y .
form a connecting link to help are held.
\1. C. A can s metimes reach out
both the parent and the soldier. I Every advantage is being placed and save the day.
It is the only mobile institution in in the way of the American soldier
Industrial Accident
the midst of war preparation to to improve his condition so that Commis-ion
finds it will not be
turn its attention in a friendly when he goes back into private necessarv
to collect September
manner to the comfort and enter- life after the close of the war, he
- ,
, . r. i mi u
li *
. .
and employers under
tainment of the men in knaki. It will be able to command a better
. , ..
, , . ,
the act have been so notifi« d.
aims to help them in every way position and a higher salary than
.. .
• a
• *
a u a - a u t
I his exemption applies to all con-
possible. Its influence is for good he did before.
T .
V „
| XT .
cerns which have been paying for
at all times.
N ot only alongeducationa ines
:___ . ,
. .,
. .
six month-immediately preceding
To every man entering the new is the Army Y . M. C. A. striving C r f , 1f.,„
. .
. t.
_ L . , ..
. ,
Sept. 1, 1U17, and is due to the
national army from this com- to help the enlisted man.
t s ( , ,u . „
. , .
. .
1 .. t l
■ .
t .
... . ,.
fact that more care is being taken
munity The Express has been re- making it possible for him to save ,
. j.
v .. _ .
to prevent accidents,
quested to extend a hearty, cor- his money, the Y. M. C. A sec-
dial invitation to make use of all retaries at the camps accepting
The Women
the facilities of the Army Y . M. the deposits from the soldiers. To the Women of Oregon:
C. A. which they will find await “ Save Your Raise,” is already a
The greatest opportunity for
ing them wherever they may be slogan in the camps and many of patriotic service since the war
sent. This assurance of welcome the enlisted men are doing it commenced is offered to the house-
and the request that this news- against the day when they shall wives of this state,
paper extend it to the men of this return to private life.
The sea^n of perishable fruits
community, comes from Mr. F. j With these advantages before and vegetables is upon us.
A. McCarl, the executive secre- them, with the splendid physical
The value of .the thousands of
lary of the national war work development which army life war gardens
planted in response
western depar ment.
That the
.merican soldier in
the new national army may im-
prove his opportunities, save his
nourishment, entertainmen? and to
president s appeal will de-
recreation, the n e w American P<*nd upon the effort made now to
soldier has every inducement to preserve their products,
raise the standard of his mental,,
Let every housewife be a soldier
Washington I T ' o i » *
County -T
October 2 to 5, inclusive.
Agricultural Exhibits, Fruit Ex­
hibits, Live Stock Parade, Hogs,
Cattle and Poultry, Farm Machin­
ery Exhibits, Public School Ex­
hibits and a rattling good time.
Round-Trip Fares
will he on sale from all stations on
West Side and Yamhill divisions,
Portland to Corvallis, Airlie, Black
Rock, Willamina and Timber, in­
clusive, to Forest Grove and return
from Oct. 1st to 5th, 1917. Return
limit Oct. 7th.
A*k your Itx-al agent for particular«
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland
Southern Pacific Lines