The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 06, 1917, Image 2

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Big Gulfport Fall* Into Hand* o f Teu­
ton*. but W inter
▲ ▲ A A A A A A ▲ ▲ ▲ A A A A A A A A A i
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IA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A â A A è
Important Work
for Men in France and Locally —
Pressing Their Advantage.
Many ¡Secretaries Needed.
In the Astoria police court this week
Riga, Russia’s big port on the Gulf A. Gorman was fined $40 for operating
Before Americans were aware that 1
! o f Raig, is in the hands o f the Ger­ a club where liquor i* drunk, anil B. troojwi were on the waters the National
Wilson was fined $20 for having liquor
Northwest Grammen Are Unit
Brief Resume Most Important mans and its garrison and the civilian in
War Work Council had secretaries o f
his possession uidawfully.
l population are in retreat eastward
In Forecasting Cut.
Following up rapidly the advantage
Miss Beatrice Webb, who has taught the Y. M. C. A. overseas in action and
Daily News Items.
they gained in driving the Russians in the Grants Pass schools for the past had a cafe-hotel at the chief |>ort of
across the Dvina river on both sides of four years, left this week for San entry to France ready to welcome our :
! Uxkrull last Saturday, the Germans Francisco to sail for Hawaii, She will soldiers.
threw bridges across this stream and teach at Piau, on the island o f Maui.
Seventy-five secretaries a month at
soon were on the heels of the former
Dr, L. F. Straight, o f Eugene, is the request o f the government are be- ,
[ defenders, some o f whom offered re­
the owner o f a hen that lays eggs
sistance, but others o f whom showed
ing sent to France and Flanders to or­
weighing four ounces
the white feather, giving the invaders
ganize work
the American
Event* o f Noted People, Government* no trouble in marching up the eastern | Straight stutes that an egg is produced ¿roups. It is a fact that Y. M. ( ’ . A. Farmers Arc Not Sutlslird, But Con­
every other day and that all are of un­
bank o f the Dvina toward Riga. 15
workers are serving the soldiers at
sumers, However, See No Cause
and Pacific Northwest and Other
iform size. The hen is o f the barred
miles distant.
more than two thousand different jadnt*
Plymouth rock variety.
for Complaint by Producers.
Things Worth Knowing:.
W ith the falling back o f the Rus­
in the war zone. Even on the tiring
The im|H>rtance of the cranberry in­ line these intrepid men are t<> be found
sians from the city proper and the ad­
vance o f the Germans northward along dustry to the Astoria section is recog­ in huts where they serve hot coffee
I both sides o f the stream, the Russians nized this season Jmorc than ever lie- and cocoa. They establish their sta- j
Bread price* and the price* of all
The Christiania Social Demokraten still defending
the western bank fore. W hile the picking o f the crop tions in the ruins of buildings, in tents,
asserts that Norway has provisions for around Dahlen seemingly are in danger is still a week or two distant, the [ in any place regardless o f danger other bakery products nrn certain to
only one month. Import prospects are o f being caught between the two fast- growers have made preparations on a where they can reach the enlisted men, drop us the result of the government’*
also gloomy, it is said.
moving bodies o f the enemy and made larger scale than last year.
¡whether in the trenches, prison camps action In fixing $2 20 per bushel ns
The Y. M. C. A. the liasln price of first grade wheat.
The State department was advised prisoner. Behind them the Russians,
JetTreson Tester. Delbert Parks and ¡or training camp*.
That I* the unqualified opinion of
Sunday o f the sinking August 23 of in their retreat from Riga, are laying Elmer Uamblet were arrested in Rose- lias more than 450 of these centers in
the American schooner Carl F. Cressy, the country in waste, burning villages burg recently charged with violating France alone.
all grain dealer* and tnlllera in Port­
Whether the city itself the cigarette ordinance o f that city.
Wherever our American lads go, land.
o f Bath. Me., by a submarine. The and farms.
remains intact has not yet been made ParkH was fined $10. Ha. ddet $5 and whether in this country or overseas,
In the absence of official Informa­
crew o f seven was saved.
known, but doubtless the guns in the Theater was sentenced tto wheel eight they will find the Red Triangle of the tion on the new value*. Max II. Hou­
According to information from Mad­ fortress and the ammunition stores
Y. M. C. A. ready to take the nearest ser, (imminent Portland grain dealer,
rid, the Portuguese government em­ either were moved or destroyed to pre­ tiers o f wood from the street into the
to “ home” the soldiers will find, wlio Is handling all grain purchase*
ployes in the postal and telegraph vent them falling into the hands o f the city hall.
In thl* territory for the government,
j And it will be with them ull the time. was unable to *ay what the ha*ic
service have gone on strike. Suspen­ Germans.
Determined to catch Jan W. lias- It is an unselfish, efficient red-blooded
price for wheat In Portland will he.
sion o f all communication has resulted.
Aside from the strategic value o f sing, Portland wife-murderer who re­ I work and the brave men o f the Associ­
But luaamuch ns the federal author­
Conscientious objectors accepted for controlling the Gulf o f Riga and o f a
a tio n are sharing the same dangers as ities have fixed $2.20 as the maximum
m ilitary service were advised by Sec­ base nearer the mouth o f the Gulf o f | newspapers and other mediums will be the soldiers, with only the g lo rj <>f price in Chicago it i* apparent that
retary Baker Tuesday to make no pro­ Finland, at the head o f which Petro­ plastered with advertisements and de- knowing that they are doing a really the Portland price will tie $2. The
the i aped convict great work. There is no danger too difference In freight rate* from the
test until assigned in training camp to grad is situated, for the moment it is scriptiom o f
some task particularly violating their impossible to see the importance of This was announced at the penitentiary great, no place to difficult o f access, wheat producing territory of the In­
land Km|dre I* 20 centa per bushel
the German gain, especialy with the Friday.
i that the Association secretaries will
In favor of Portland. Ho local dealers
near approach o f winter, when mi Hi -
The Siletz Indian fair began Thurs-' not venture with their big auto truck are inclined to believe that the gov­
According to the Cologne Gazette,
tary operations in this northern region day and lasted three days.
ernment will allow the freight rate*
It was ' and equipment.
the first step toward the self-govern­
are almost impossible.
Here on the Pacific Coast the extent to fix the local rate*.
ment o f Poland has been taken. From
I.• ailing miller* of the Pacific coast
consisted o f grain, fruit, vegetables o f the war work on the part o f the Y.
now on justice w ill be administered in
are in Mcs*ion in Portland to fix the
the name o f the Polish crow n and by
of Riga in the face o f the new German dian band o f 25 pieces was a feature tions. When the drafted min reach lirlec* of flour, hiiHi-d of course, ou
Polish judges.
' the new wheat price*.
drive into Russia, and even the evacua­ o f the fair. Feather dances were g iv ­ Camp Lewis, at Lake Washington,
Those attending the meeting are
German airplanes visited the South­ tion o f Petrograd itself, have been en, in which much of the old tribal life they will find eight Army Y. M. ('. A.
Theodore B. Wilcox, o f the Portland
east coast o f England Monday night, forecast as possibilities in confidential j was depicted,
i buildings manned by an efficient force Klourlng Mills company; K. O. Mc­
dropping bombs at various places, ac­ advices to the American government
I o f fifty secretaries, not High School Coy. o f The Dalles; Moritz Thomson
Clatsop county officers raided the ! lads, but men o f large experience in
cording to an official statement.
ami O. D Flahor, of Seattle; H. It.
during the last two weeks.
Such a
steamer F. A. Kilbum ujon her a rriv­
The Petrograd Council o f W ork­ development is not regarded with so al at Astoria Wednesday and the handling men. A t these buildings they Mc.N’ ear, of San Francisco, and W. E.
will find free stationery, j»ens and ink, Keller, f Los Angeles.
men’s and Soldiers’ Deputies Tuesday much alarm as might be supposed.
search revealed 150 quarts o f contra- j where they may write home, find jileas-
It takes four and one half bushels
adopted a resolution o f protest against
j band whisky, which was seized.
Caj>-: ant comjjanionshij), genial men to of wheat to produce a barrel of flour,
. .
the re-establishment o f the death pen­ occupation o f Petrograd in prospect, . . „
F. A. Kil- serve them, magazines, liooks, games, so on a basis of $2 per bushel n bar­
, J
alty at the front. They demanded that the seat of the Russian provisional j ,
burn and seven members of the crew mot|on pi(,turi. Hhows, socials, musi­ rel will cost $9. Miller* e*tlmate that
government undoubtedly w ill be moved
the measure be revoked.
they can operate and make a fair
were arrested but later released, the I cals,
,,„i. lectures
....... „„„ and religious services.
to Moscow. Much as they regret see­
profit at 75 cent* a barrel, *o the newr
H. W. Griesbach, o f Sweet Grass, ing the Russian captial occupied by a
Twenty Army Y. M. C. A. buildings price of floor i* expected not to exceed
Mont., and J. R. Brennan, o f Tacoma, German army, the forceful thinking men $50.
1. w ill be in operation on the Pacific $'.♦.75 or $10 per barrel. Tbo present
Wash., were listed as killed in action men o f Russia, working to set up a
Every woolen mill in Oregon is now Coast, each one manned by ubout five jirlce 1* $1160.
in the Canadian casualty list issued government, may regard it as a bless­ working on government orders, says competent specialist*.
Besides this, i On thl* basis an Immediate reduc­
Monday. Among tl e gased is named
State Treasurer Kay, who conducts a in cities where there are Y. M. ( ’ . A. tion In the price of bread Is expected
ing in disguise.
to result.
R. J. McAdam, Butte, Mont.
Practically I buildings, any man in uniform will
There are many advantages in mov­ woolen mill in Salem,
The government has not anked the
Practically one-third of the small ing the Russian capital to Moscow. It every one o f them is working night have the privileges without cost.
bakers to fix an arbitrary price for
A ll privileges o f these Army Y. M. bread, but It is presumed that bread
arms ammunition supplied to General is the center of the Conservative group and day. Mr. Kay has just announced
Pershing’s troops in France has been and commands the sentimental, almost that on September 1 the employes in ( ’. A. buildings are given to the men jirlces will l>e reduced automatically
found defetcive from chemical reaction religious— regard o f the Russian popu­ his mill will receive another substan- in uniform without any cost. A aol- as fast as the prlco of flour goes
Similar in- dier on the Border last summer wrote: down.
set up in the powder after manufac­ lace as the ancient capital o f the old tial increase in pay.
Bakers who happen to have loaded
Who pays, I don’t know, but God
empire, surrounded with the tradition creases were made January 1 and June
ture at the Frankfort arsenal.
: bless them, whoever they are.”
It is uj> on flour at the higher prices may
of Russia’s greatness, the triumphs o f 1 o f this year.
German troops appeared for the first
! the parents o f thousands o f boys in suffer, but It is reported that few. If
Alexander, Catherine and Peter the
any, bakers have loaded up. Antici­
The proportion o f boys who have
tim e on the Carso (Ita ly ) front Thurs­
this country. One o f the secretaries pating that the government was going
signified their intention o f re-entering
day morning, according to Austrian
Furthermore, some
Russians of | the University o f Oregon this fall is told the soldier it was the friends who to fix grain prices, bakers have been
prisoners. The Austrians are rushing
new government are said to almost as large as the number o f girls, I [irovided these things through this or­ buying from day to duy to meet their
reinforcements from the Russo-Rou-
think that a German occupation o f Karl W. Onthank, secretary to Presi­ ganization that had jiroven it was jmst needs.
manian front, the prisoners say.
It Is reported that some w heat farm­
Riga and even Petrograd, might be a j dent P. L. Campbell, stated recently. exjieriment in its work for men.
Snow has put out a serious fire near wholesome object lesson for the R adi-:
The Y. M. C. A. is cooperating ers are dissatisfied with the govern­
The falling off in the number o f men
Gordon Pass, in the Flathead country, cal element which has been hampering
with the government in bringing alsiut ment's price, denouncing it as too low.
w ill be largely in the upper classes.
according to reports received at forest the new government, and that an ex­
the reality o f the statement made by But the ultimate consumer can see no
Secretary C. N. Ravlin, o f the Hood Naval Secretary Daniels “ From every cause for the farmers' complaint.
at Missoula, perience under the m ilitary heel of
Mont. A ll fires were abating and con­ Germany might convince them o f the R iver Chapter o f the Red Cross, has standpoint - military, |>olitical and
trol line have been established every­ need o f supporting the government a s ! sent to the San Francisco headquarters ! moral, it is above all things our duty FIR F O R A I R P L A N E S O R D E R E D
now constituted to save their father- o f the humanitarian organization an to protect the youths, so that we can
order for $660 worth o f woollen yarns, say to the mothers o f our country,
The National W ar Committee an- j land for Russia.
Italy Buys Large Quantity Front Mill-
the material to be used by women o f when the war is over: ‘ We return your
nounces a prize essay contest for chil­
men o f NorthwcHt.
dren between the ages o f 8 and 18 on U SE B A Y O N E T S ON S T R I K E R S : i f i.” 2 L e.h.*.p,“ r.
. Í I I wise S by f discipline,
„ by no longer youths,
m.î ! ' Seattle.— Announcement of a con­
the comfort of American soldiers the
the topic, “ W’ hy America Entered the
coming winter.
but men tried in the fierce flame o f tract for 25.000,000 feet of Dougins
W’ ar. ” The prizes include a $50 Lib­ Illinois Guardsmen Disperse Rioting
Continued search has failed to reveal fire, as worthy o f their jilace in your fir, to be uhci I by the Italian govern­
erty Bond and gold coins o f $25, $15
Mob—Bricks Hurled Freely.
any traces of Horace W. Marshall, en­ fam ily circle as they were when they ment as a substitute for spruce in the
and $10 respectively.
construction of aircraft, was officially
left their home. ’ ”
made at the monthly meeting of the
Springfield, 111.— Charging with fixed gineer of Klamath Agency, who has
From a concealed position on a
been lost for more than a week in the
West, Coast Lumbermen's association
mountainside near Middlesboro, Ky., bayonets, llinois Guardsmen Monday- Red Blanket country o f Western K la­
here Saturday. W hile the price was
200 shots were fired across the valley night dispersed a mob o f more than ! math county. A number o f the best B E R L I N OWNS TO D E F E A T S not given, It Is authoritatively stated
early Monday at a party o f repair 1000 streetcar sympathizers who half j Indian scouts on the Klamath Indian
to he the lowest jirices for aircraft
men, proceeding to the mines of the an hour before had wrecked four reservation have been combing the Heavy Artillery Fire Rake* Center Day lumber orders yet placed in America.
Low er Lignite Coal company, where a streetcars and were then attacking the forests for several days.
The announcement came as a sur­
and Night Italians Gain.
prise, to the lumbermen attending the
strike o f union coal miners is in prog­ headquarters o f the railway company
The Oregon Normal School at Mon­
intent on wrecking and ransacking the
Berlin— Heavy artillery fire is being meeting, as it was understood that
mouth w ill be opened on September
directed day and night uj>on the Ger­ the Italian government’s experiments
The Swiss sanitary authorities at
Dispersed by the soldiers from the 24th, instead o f September 10th, as man center on the Flanders front, says In the use of fir for nlrcraft had been
Basel and all along the German fron­ corner in the main business section, previously announced. Please pass this
Sunday’s army headquarters statement.
It was pointed out at the meeting
tier are taking measures to prevent where the cars had been attacked, the word on to all prospective students.
In the Aisne region the French re­ that, with fir a satisfactory alrplann
and scarlatina, mob headed for the offices o f the rail­ This decision was made for the purftose
tained possesison at the end o f the timber, the problem of furnishing suf­
which prevail in Rhine towns, from road company and the Springfield Gas o f allowing students to assist in the
fighting at Hurtehise farm o f a small ficient aircraft lumber to the United
entering Switzerland.
A ll travelers & Electric company, subsidiary.
season’s work and to give longer per­
States and the allies was solved, as
jxtrtion o f the German front line.
coming from Germany are required to
Six soldiers on guard at the building iod for the completion o f buildings, re­
there are nearly 20 mills cutting fir
undergo medical examination.
held the crowd in check for some time, ports J. H. Ackerman, president o f the
Rome — The Italians Sunday ex­ to every one cutting spruce.
tended the positions they occupied on
F ive Italian aviators have returned but bolder ones in the mob finally school.
As a part o f the food preservation Thursday and Friday in the Brestoviz-
from a successful flight to Vienna. started hurling bricks at the plateglass
Radio Apparatus Seized.
Leaving the Italian front the machines windows, riddling the front o f the and conservation campaign, a demon­ za valley and on the Carso, the War
Cal.— In the seizure of a
passed over the Austrian lines unob- ! building- As reinforcements arrived
office announces.
Additional prison­
served and flew straight to the Aus­ and charged them with the butts of ing o f fruits and vegetables w ill be ers and much war material, including powerful radio ap|>aratus hero Satur­
capital, where the
aviators their guns, the rioters fled in confu­ given in Albany this week. It w ill be nine machine guns and five trench day afternoon federal authorities bo-
dropped pamphlets informing the peo­ sion, a few o f them being trampled, conducted in the basement o f the First mortars, were captured.
Austrian lievo that a carefully laid plot by Ger­
ple o f the city o f the great Italian vic­ but none seriously injured. N o shots Methodist church and w ill be in charge counter attacks at various (joints were man agents has been frustrated, ac­
were fired by the soldiers.
o f Miss Laura Cheney, o f the Oregon repulsed.
cording to statements mado here by
Agricultural College.
Local women
the officers. Apparatus was purchased
The certificate o f death o f Kiolegn,
169 Whales Are Captured.
are taking considerable interest in the
Payroll Thief Arrested.
in San Francisco threo weeks ago.
an Indian, who died July 7, near Ro-
Aberdeen, Wash. — A total o f 169 movement.
Ottawa, Kan.— Walter Thiernan, ar­ The federal officials learned of tho
nan, Mont., on the Flathead Indian
William Duerst complains to the rested here Sunday on suspicion o f par- purchase soon afterward, but failed
reservation at the age o f 110, has been whales has been brought in this season
Service commission that he has ticipation in the holdup and murder o f to obtain trace of it until Saturday.
filed with the state board o f health.
City station, fifteen miles west of placed orders for three double-deck two payroll clerks o f the Winslow Iron
He was an Oregon Indian.
Aid Planned For Soldiers.
here, with five weeks o f whale-hunting stock ears at Am ity, one at Independ­ Works in Chicago, has confessed, local
Membership o f the American Red remaining. The year’s catch w ill ap­ ence and two at Corvallis and cannot authorities announce.
Louis.— A committee to work
In Thiem an’s
Cross has reached the 3,500,000 mark proximate 250.
secure them.
Investigation by the possession was found $1995.35, more out plans for the establishment of a
and is increasing at the rate o f 25,000
Seven tons, 14,000 pounds, o f whale commission shows that such equipment than $1800 o f which was in gold. national school of watchmaking to as­
to 100,000 a day, according to a head­ meat, was taken recently from one is not available in the state, but efforts Thiernan said he held the sack in sist wounded soldiers to acquire a vo­
quarters announcement.
A t the be­ finback, which is the largest amount will be made to secure enough single­ which the loot was placed, but denied cational training was named at Hat-
ginning o f the year the total was 275,- o f meat furnished by any whale taken deck cars to handle the shipments, any connection with the shooting, ac­ urday’a session of the National Retail
Jewelers' aaaociation. The school la
this season.
cording to the officers.
which are destined to South Omaha.
to bs conducted by the association.