‘J r t f Howard McGill was out from j Portland Tuesday for a visit with Maxwell ear. his parents. Joe Wiles motored 1 Miss Verna Fleming has been on business Monday. ill for the past week, but is Mrs W Mertz is Parties desiring any of the quite improving. cing at the local hospital famous A s h l a n d Peaches J. E. Loomis and family Mon- Mrs. A. A. Hall leaves toduy (either Muirs or Elbertas) day motored to Portland, where for,Seaside for a brief outing. A son was born Friday to Mr. should'place their orders ^ Sanford ™d,: i,l,he7 ™ SM . . . . , * , . , . , Alien of lillamook ts and Mrs. Win. V’ahdehey of th With the undersigned before visiting at the home of Mr. and c ty. Wednesday, Sept. 5th, for Mrs. M S. Allen this week. Good second-hand Underwoc delivery between Sept. 15th Miss June Walker went lue>- typewriter for sale at the Hoc J day to the Roe farm, beyond C.as- Store. 31-tf an d 25th. | ton, to spend a few days. Master Donald Templeton a Prices Reasonable. Miss Margaret McFeeters. who tended the circus in Portland l i j I is working in Portland, spent Sun- Monday. iday with Forest drove folks. Hill Boos is now holding down President Wilson’s r e p l y to a chair at the Sears & Watkins Pope Benedict’s peace, proposal barber shop. Phone 5 9 x appears on page two of this issue. Henry Storey of Clear Creek One or tw o n i c e furnish«! was transacting business with local NOTES AND PERSONALS housekeeping rooms for rent. merchants Saturday. Mrs. A. Baldwin, phone 85x. 33-2 The E. F. Burlingham family, Mrs. L. C. Misz visited friends Miss Marjorie Hesseltine will accompanied by Elizabeth White- in Portland Monday. leave next Saturday to resume house, motored to Portland Mon­ Public sale bills printed at the her studies at the University of day Nebraska, at Lincoln. Express office. Mrs. Swanton and The Forest Grove Planing Mill have been visiting in Rev. and Mrs. Patten were company has on hand a good returi Portland visitors Monday. supply of first-class sidewalk lum- ening For Sale—Horse, harness and ber at reasonable prices. 34 2 Harry Underhill, living on the buggy, cheap. J. T. Butler. 32-tf Mrs. J. C. Wegner and three Thatcher road, lost a valuable Miss Alta Soule was in Portland 3-year-old c o l t Sunday from |children, who have been visiting Saturday on business. in Washington, returned to their “ blind staggers.’ Grant Hughes and family re­ home in Forest Grove Sunday. T. A Nance, who lost his wife turned Monday from a week’s a month ago, left today, with his C. W. Odell and sister, Mrs E. outing at Seaside. Showers, expect to leave next children, for Kansas City, Mo. K. of P. Mrs. Olive Walker of Portland Tuesday in the Odell Ford for an 1 where he wi 1 locate. p h ° maln B uilding is spending t h i s week visiting extended visit in California. friends in Forest Grove. J. G. Sage, who is now staying 1 departed Tuesday for Newport, William Martin, who has been at Summit, Ore., c a m e home after a visit with the family of j quarters of a mile with the grade Christian Church visiting friends in Forest Grove,, Monday to attend to business her sister, Mrs J. S. Buxton. left Sunday for the coast. T o night is the last night of the Kel- ranging from nineteen to twenty- A Southern Pacific c ar struck matters, returning to Summit on lem s m eeting. The su b ject “ The Un- two per cent in the center of Miss Lizzie Armstrong returned Wednesday. the Forest Grove laundry auto at home Monday, after visiting with .Miss Stel’a Haan leaves today Corn bus Tuesday and knocked pardonable S in ” will be discussed by w h ic h ¡8 a narrow hairpin turn. .. ... • , , friends for several days in P ort-! for North Bend, Ore., where she the bustle off the linen delivery. th e ev an g elist. E verybody come. A i I ,,,, 1 he run was officially observed b ap tism al service will follow the ser- ! land. will teach the coming winter. On President Clark of Pacific Uni­ mon j by Portland new.s|>aper men and The N. A. Frost family, who her way there she will visit in Al- versity is of the opinion that, in T here will be the re g u la r services the Chevrolet Was awarded the have been living out at Watts, bany and Halsey. spite of the war, the freshman n e x t Ix m i’s Day. Bible school a t 9 :4 6 record of l**ing the first car to are making preparations to move Joe A. Wiles would like to class will this year lx* larger than a. m. Preaching and Lord’« Supper a t nt.K otiate Hall street hill on high to Hillsboro this week. write your insurance. Will give last year. 11 a. m. S u b ject: “ The Second Key Mrs. Agnes Helverson and two you service that will be to your The management of the Stout gear. WILES & SOHLER, the K ingdom ." Ix?t th e re be a good children of Dallas are visiting at i advantage. Upstairs in Ander­ Auto company will give a demon­ to Distributors f o r Washington a tten d an ce upon th e p a rt of the m em ­ the L. G. Morley home, the lady son block, room 2. 52 stration of the Ford Tractor at bership. Come and g re e t th e new j County, II being Mrs. Morley’s sister. Mrs. Frank Jones and little son, the garage. K of P. building to­ m em bers in C h rist. Senior, In te rm e d ­ T H A T C H K i t .NOT K S Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mocroft. who have been visiting the form­ morrow afternoon. iate and Ju n io r C. E. 7 p. m. who are at Barview inform the er’s mother, Mrs. M. E. Griffith, H. R Bernard has mover! his The evening service will be evange- C ora L aSalle took suddenly ill last Express, by postal, that they ex­ in this city, left today for their Book Store to the Templeton listic. Good singing by choirs and T hursday night ami it was necessary to pect to return home this week. building, next to the 10 and 15c stro n g serm on a t 8 p. m. Everybody , ca || B physician, who was a t a loss to home in Nebraska. store, where he has one of the welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner After the regular meeting of the; I discover th e cause o f the disorder. Se- finest rooms in town. K. L. PIJTN A M . and little daughter and Mrs. local Rebekah lodge last evening, inister. . v-rt> ¡„ jh e back o f the neck and Bertha Howard returned Tuesday the members enjoyed some games, M iss Willamina Frances Ber­ A ll activities of t h e Congrega- hi:lu' rendered Miss IjiS alle uncon- from their outing at Newport. recitations and music, put on by- nards of Verboort and Mr Ed­ tional church will be resumed next acious fo r sev eral hours. It w as a f t e r ­ We furnish repairs for Dee ring, Mrs. Hill’s entertainment com­ ward W. Sohler of Banks will be Sunday. Sunday school at 9:45 w ards decided th a t the a tta c k was united in marriage at the Ver­ Champion, Osborne. Milwaukee mittee. a. m.; preaching at 11a. m., and caused from bee stin g s, which she hail and John Deene binders and mow­ Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cantrall of boort Catholic church next Wed­ 7:45 p m. Endeavor meeting at su stained about the neck and o th er ers. Goff Bros, Forest Grove. Ruch, Oregon, are visiting Mrs. nesday. 6:45 p. m. The evening sermon p a rts o f th e body, during th e afternoon. A quantity of silk and men’s Cantrall’.s sister, Mrs. Charles will be a l^ibor Sunday address. She is recovering slowly. Dr A. H. Johnson, grand con­ clothing was stolen by burglars Miss M abel B urns of Berlin, W is­ Hines, this wrek They motored ductor of the 1 .0 .0. F., is coming from the store of Carlson & Schirk, consin. who has been s t r i d i n g a few here in their Oakland Geo. W. France, former post- to Forest Grove on Monday ev­ at Sherwood, Monday night, the ening, Sept. 10th, to visit the Miss Harriet Benjamin leaves robbers leaving no clues as to m aster a t Ten M i l e , Douglas 'Jays with her friend, Mrs. Carolyn c o u n ty , has been sentenced to 13 Simmon«, left for her home Sunday, local l o d g e . Al l members are Forest Grove very soon for Hunt-1 their identity. m o n th s im prisonm ent for circu- Mr«. Simmon« accompanied her aa far urged to attend. ington, West Virginia, where she1 lating* literature to discourage en- a« P ortland w here «he will m | kmu I a William Kappel and daughters, Wiles & Sohler, county distrib­ will spend the winter with her li-tments and combatting the w eek w ith friends and relatives. Bertha and Mrs. Ed. Ahlgren and utors for the Chevrolet cars, are sister, Mrs. Hugh Gilmour. Mr«. Josephine G riep and d au g h ter, the latter’s little daughter re­ draft. figuring with Mrs. C. F Miller for Mrs. Seymour, Mrs. Lasham turned last ni.ht from an au'o W illabelle, le ft S atu rd ay for Billing«, the Main street building being re­ and daughter. Esther Mrs. Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Walker are M ont., w here «he will join her huHband, modeled, for use as a .-how and Feeters and daughter, Caryl, and i trip to the Tillamook beaches, - xpected home from Newport V ictor G riep. They e x p ect to m ake i They report that Harry Goff and next Sunday. sales room. Dorothy and Victoria Seymour family will return today. th e ir fu tu re home in M ontana. Mrs. Wm. Belghler*« b ro th er, Mr. Misses Marcella Richards, Leta spent Friday at the Higby home, J S Buxton has purchased the Erickaon, anil fam ily, m otored from Newton, Naoma Conger and north of the city. S o u thern C alifornia and are a t the Edna Purdin returned Friday Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cantrall. David Smith property, north of B eighler hom e. The tw o farnilie« took from their vacation on the beach- Mrs. Hines and daughter, Mar the P. U. campus, and will make a trip up the H ighw ay S atu rd ay . es. The entire trip was made by garet, left Wednesday morning it hi- home, after a thorough over­ Another high gear record has The ice eream social held a t T h atch er auto and no mishaps of any kind for Fort Columbia, where they hauling. The location is a good were experienced. Astoria, Sea­ will visit Leland Cantrall, a son of one and the house is one of the been annexed for the Chevrolet. w hool house S atu rd ay evening, was a best-constructed in the city. side, Cannon Beach, Gearhart and Mr. and Mrs. Cantrall. At Portland last week a little big success, th ere being a good crowd, Rockaway beaches were visited. Mrs. Oscar Thayer, aged 55, four-cylinder Chevrolet, carrying and a good profit for th e I ml. club. Misses Martha and Gertrude Mrs. Ida Zim m er and d au g h ter, M ar­ passed away Sunday at the fam- AJgr-'Up of the girl friends of All* n entertained Sunday in honor stock equipme nt throughout and g a re t, who have been vikiting a t the Miss Liola House appeared at her the latter’s birthday. Guests | *ly h o me , E a s t Laurelwood, home Monday evening, uninvited from Portland were, Francine Mil- cerebral hemorrhage being the three passengers in addition to home of Mrs. Z im m er’« parent«, Mr. and unannounced, with peculiar- ler> Florence Dawson, Ida and (cause of death. She leaves a hus- the driver, climbed Hill street hill and Mr«. Z. La Salle, retu rn ed Tuesday looking luggage. The package Charles Strong and Allyn Johnson j band and several grown children. in high gear. The time was two to th e ir home a t Mol«on, Wash. ; Interment was in Riverview ceme- minutes and seven seconds from a Mr. and Mrs. T. L. ipskeep of P o rt­ proved to be a quilt in the frames, of Spring Hill farm. Dan Pierce and family of this j Portland, at 2:30 ye-terday standing start at the bottom of land, are s e n d i n g th e week-end with ready for tying, of which task the Mrs. Inskeep’a parent«, Mr. and Mr«. girls made quick and jolly work. city and James Churchill and ,a te noon. M. E. Sim m ons. the grade. The climb is three- A four-fiu.sher took up a collec- The girls in the party represented family of Gales Creek visited As- the Philathea and Poiathian Sun- toria, Seaside and t he Tillamook 'ion at the bank corners last night day school classes of the Congre- beaches Saturday, Sunday and under the pretense that he was gational church, of which Mi-s Monday, returning by way of {going to climb up the front of the | House has been a very helpful Grand Ronde, making a trip of F'rst National bank building wi h- out mechanical aid, but when he member. 150 miles. got ready to do his “sensational” ! a d , he had a confederate throw . him a rope from an upper window.: By holding to this rope like grim ■ death, he managed to reach the; roof. It was a very tame per- j formance and he was lucky to get out of town without being ar-1 tested for obtaining money under At 8>rijult2,ö false pretenses. TRY OUR P e a c h e s! FORD Tra etc ir A ttachment ! will be Demonstrated r Fr i 1U< ty* Anri J. L. Van Kirk oi COME IN AND SEE IT WORK Stout Auto Co. Ford Agents General Repairs, All Cars Parts, Tires and Accessories Give Us a Trial Forest Grove 426 1 Another Hill Climb Record Is Smashed The Pacific Market — fo r----------- = Let “High-Flight” GOOD MEATS, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Perfect For Sale Phone 061 YOUR BREAD Building on Pacific Ave., cor­ ner Council St. Must be moved at once. A bargain for some one. A. G. HOFFMAN. Home-Made Hamburger Phone 0301 C. H. GIGUERE, Prop.