The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 30, 1917, Image 7

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# — -------------------------
Red Cross Uses No Part of War
Fund for Administration
Tenfold Increate In Staff Since Year
Ago— Total War Fund Subscrip­
tion Paid In la More Than
------------- '
actual relief work In Europe un well
«a In tlila country."
Tlie atatement suy* It la the curneat
deal re of the Ited Cross that the
American people, “ to whom the Ited
< roaa belongs, ahould know all about
lla acta and Ita affalra.”
I'rulae la
Klven for the manner In which offer-
Intta have been made and It la noted
that the task undertaken by the Ited
• 'rohs to relieve suffering and dlatreaa
! la the moat atupendou* effort of the
l kind In tie* lilatory o f mankind.
"The accounta o f the Ited Croaa," It
la atnted, "are regularly audited by
the war department und an annual
re|x>rt la made to congress. Hut It la
the purpoae o f the war council to
take the people, (lay by day, aa fully
aa poHMlIdo Into ita confidence. In­
formation na to Bed Croaa mattera
will accordingly be made public In
great detail.”
It la atated that the campaign for
$100,000,000 resulted In auhacrlptlona
o f about thut mini. Final returna are
not yet available, It la aald.
Wheat Farmer« o f Northwest Ask $2.50
Her Bushel be Named by Gov­
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ernment Wheat Committee.
Spokane — A telegram urging that
$2.50 be fixed as the minimum price
for the 1917 wheat crop to the farmer
at primary markets was sent to C. S.
national president o f the
Farmers’ Union and a member o f the
government wheat committee, Wed­
nesday, by 125 representatives of
farm ers’ unions o f Washington, Idaho
and Oregon, meeting here.
It was
urged that low yields, increased cost
o f production and the cost o f reseeding
justified that price, which it was de­
clared would entail no increase in the
price o f flour, as this now is figured on
the basis o f $2.50 wheat. The yield
generally over the three states w ill be
40 to 50 per qpnt o f normal, it was re-
About 75 per cent o f the wheat crop
and 100 co-operative warehouses were
represented by those in attendance, it
was said.
A. V. Sw ift, o f Baker,
Ore., national vice president o f the
Farmers’ Union, presided.
Shortage o f cars on the Southern
Pacific lines in Oregon nets 893. The
shortage o f open car* is 1077 and the
surplus o f closed cars 184.
The Estacada Co-operative Cheese
association, after its first month o f
operation, paid out this week to the
produce« over $2600, being
based on a price o f 44 cents per pound
for butterfat.
lea vin g the airdrome, the British
The apple growers o f the Creswell
aviator attacked two German mounted
district at a meeting held at that place
officers and put them to flight. A
recently adopted the community plan
Washington. Although the Ameri­
of marketing for handling the 1917
little later he encountered a column
can llc<| ('rosa baa more than 700 sul-
of 20t) troops and swept along the line,
A community packing house
arled employees In Ita headquarter*
will be established. Only experienced
with his gun working steadily. T b j
In Washington, and the coat of con­
packers w ill be employed.
entire column wus dispersed und fled
ducting Ita atTalra reaches a very
by devious ways to cover, leaving
j Quick action on the part o f stock-
numbers of their comrades lying In
high figuro each month, absolutely
men has effectually checked the epi­
no money contributed to the war
the road.
demic o f blackleg among cattle near
fund la tiaeil for admlnlatratlve ex­
Tw o German battle plane* appeared
Big Offensive in
Bend, the vaccination o f more than
penses, according to n atatement la-
on the scene and the Briton engaged
900 head o f young stock being com­
sued by Henry I*. Davidson, chairman
them both, sending one to earth nnd
pleted. No further danger from the
o f the war council.
putting the other to flight. lie pur­
disease is expected this season.
sued the fleeing plane, but It wux soon
Despite the greatest difficulties ex­
lost In the clouds.
fO.17tt.7M have been appropriated for
in obtaining cars for either
actual war work by the war council
Pump* Lead Into Troop Train.
Prepare for Fall Fishing.
contractors or material men, State
Iu the meantime a large body o f Ger­
up to July III, 1017. The total war
has an­
Kelso — Cowlitz county fishermen Highway Engineer Nunn
man soldiers had gathered around the
fund subscription paid In on Auguat 1
amounted to $110,037,110.18. Actual British Airman Swoop* Down Low, machine which had been brought j have about given up hopes o f any nounced that there is now under way,
Bomb* Airdrome, Put* Machine
down. The British flying inan ca m e, heavy run o f galmon during the spring including bridge construction, practi­
disbursements up to that date were
sweeping buck from the mists In : fishing season which closes August cally $1,600,000 worth o f state high­
Gun Out of Action and Di*-
which he had hidden und accounted 25th, and many o f them have ceased j way work.
The coat o f maintaining the oftlce
perse* 200 Men.
for several of their number with his fishing and are gettin g their gear in
In Washington, It la explained, la met
Elective officers o f cities or towns
shape for the fail season starting Sep- j win hold their offices for the term for
l>y members o f the Ited ('roaa. On
Itrltlsh Headquarters In Frunce and
Numerous Instances arc related of ; tember 10. The big run o f fish, which j which they were elected, i f such term
July 27 there were 2,517,412 members, llelglum.—The work done by the Brit­
each of whom has contributed to the ish it I r service In the recent offensive pilots charging the anti-aircraft guu- is now at the mouth o f the Columbia would have expired between July 2,
organization, thus making It po*st- In Flanders has not been surpassed In nera and machine-gun operators at a river, has held off so late that there 1917, and November 5, 1918, and, in
Bhould be an abundance o f fish in the addition thereto, until their successors
ble for official* to carry on their work efficiency and spectacular features height o f thirty or forty feet and si­
lencing the guns, l ’lstol duels between streams a fter the opening o f the fall to be elected at the general election to
In an up to-date business way. The since the war began.
season. Catches have been light for
statement laaued nays:
Many fights occurred between the the British aviators and the German the past few months, although some o f j be held November 6, 1918, qualify.
Marvelous Growth In Year.
rival pilots, but the Teutons were com­
The first carload o f pears to be
the fishermen have had an average
"T o handle the hualneaa of the lied pletely outclassed, both iu numbers rences. In one Instance u young avlu-
shipped from Roseburg this season left
Cross a year ago there were 7."* em­ and skill, and were forced to retire at tor, In a hurst o f chivalry, deliberately
Thursday for the East.
They were
ployees at (lie Washington headquar­ most points after losing six machines. stopped his machine gun when a Ger­
from the Garden Valley orchards and
ters; today there are 700 paid em­
The majority of those air battle* man officer drew his pistol und t>egan
were o f excellent quality. They were
Kelso— County A gent Lynn C. Keyes
ployees and 01 full-time volunteer*. were at n height of 2(>o feet or less, shooting ut him nnd engaged the en-
shipped by the Umpqua Valley Fruit
Over .' pieces o f mall come Into nnd In ut least one Instance the two emy with his own pistol, apparently t was called to the W. A. Burdick place Union.
Ited Cross headquarters every day. opposing pilots battled to within fifty feeling that he hud no right to take on Mount Crawford one day this week w ill be shipped from Douglas county
and each must receive attention.
feet of the ground, ut which height the an unfair advantage of his opponent.
hoppers which were devastating the this season.
"The full time volunteer workers Oerman sidestepped und crashed to The aviator’s pistol was sufficlenL
there. Residents o f that district
The Public Service commission is in
who are aiding In administering the the earth.
say that there is always an abundance receipt o f copies o f a new ta riff on
affairs o f the Ited Cross during the
The British planes wore under con­
o f grasshoppers on the logged-over glass bottles on shipments westward
war Include the head of the largest stant nnd heavy fire, particularly from i
lands there, hut this is the first time which w ill meet with immediate pro­
copper company In the world, a hank ' rifles and machine guns, owing to the
they have invaded the cultivated fields. test from some of the bottle users on
president, a railroad vice president low altitude at which they were flying,
Mr. Keyes advised them o f methods to the Coast, according to letters on file
and numerous men of Influence and hut through all this hurricane of lead
combat the pests. He ascribes the at­ in the commission’s offices. The rates
prominence from all parts of the j and steel all but three came safely.
tacks o f the grasshoppers in such num­ proposed are less than the increases
United States.
The ability and en­ These are reported missing, and there
bers this year to the unusually dry proposed last year, but are increases
thusiasm which has been placed free­ Is no Indication of what befell them.
over the present rates.
ly at tin* disposal o f the Ited Cross
Wonderful heroism was displayed
Steinbock & Samuels, o f Salem, sur­
In this situation la one of the moat j by the British airmen, who performed
prised State Treasurer Kay, sole mem­
remarkable features o f this enter­ remarkable deeds.
One typical In­
ber o f the Board o f Control in Salem
stance will Indicate the nature o f the
to receive bids on the steel and equip­
"Members o f the war council nnd , important work they carried out. A
ment o f the old state portage road
their stnlT assi stunts, together with I British aviator crossed the Ypres sn-
tnany heads o f departments created j llent Just as the Infantry attack be-
Portland — Wheat — Spot
prices: around Celilo Falls, when they offered
specially for war service, uro serving , gun at dawn.
Bluestem, $2.18 per bushel; fortyfold, $59,000 fo r the outfit. A few months
without salary.
$2.12; club, $2.13; red Russian, $2.13. ago a bid o f $3000 was rejected as too
For a time he patrolled the roads
low, but the present bid is higher than
“ In addition to the (11 volunteer offi­ ! and canals, now and then running the
Flour— Patents, $11.60.
cers or employees at headquarter« i gantlet of enemy fire at a height of
M illfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $37 any o f the members expected to get.
giving their full time to the Ited Cross thirty feet In order to obtain Infor­
per ton; shorts, $40; middlings, $47;
Brook trout planted several years
without salary, the organization on mation for the guidance o f the Infan­
rolled barley, $55; rolled oats, $57.
ago in Wahtum Lake, originally with­
July 15 had on Its pay roll 411 officers try In their advance. During this pa­
Hay— Buying prices: Timothy, East­
out fish o f any species, have grown to
or employees receiving salaries of trol work he came to a Oerman air­
ern Oregon, $26 per ton; valley tim ­
a size o f eight and 10 inches, accord­
$2,000 or more a year. O f the 45, 14 drome. Owing to the early hour only
othy, $20; alfalfa, $22; valley grain
ing to O. H. Rhodes and Harry Kemp,
have been added since the appoint­ one enemy was stirring outside the
hay, $18.50.
Odell men who have just returned to
Butter— Cubes, extras, 40@40Jc per
ment of the war council on May 10, shed, and he paused In Ills ablutions
Hood River, from a trip to the inland
pound; prime firsts, 38Jc.
one with a salary o f $(1,000, one at only long enough to satisfy himself
body o f water in the Southwestern
prices: Prints, extras, 44c; cartons,
$4,500, one at $4,000, two at $5,000, that the plane above him evidently
part o f this county. The returned
lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 48c; No. 2,
one at $2,700, one at $2,500, three be­ was »»tie of his own.
anglers declare that the trout take to a
44(a 46c.
tween $2,000 and $2,400, and four at
The British airman circled low nnd
fly readily and that the sport o f fishing
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
$ 2 , 000 .
dropped a bomb squarely on one o f the
for them is excellent.
ceipts, 35i (it 36c per 3ozen; Oregon
Many Give Their Services.
sheds. This brought numbers of Ger­
ranch, candled, 37@38c; selects, 40c.
Franklin T. Griffith, president o f the
"Aside from the officers and employ­ mans tumbling In a panic from the
Poultry — Hens,
14J @ 16Jc per Portland Railway, Light & Power
o f $2,000 buildings. lie turned Ids machine gun
pound; broilers, 17@ 18c; ducks, live, company, answering Chairman M iller’s
or above, all other paid employees at on them, nnd, circling about the field,
12<bl3c; large young white, 17@18c; letter o f recent date, calling attention
headquarters are clerks or messen­ bombed two other sheds with disas­
large young white springs, 20@22c; to accidents recently occurring on his
O f the clerks 24 receive sal­ trous effect. All the time he kept up
geese, live, 7(<i8c; springs, 13(ril5c; lines, agrees that a number were pre­
ii rie* In excess of $100 n month, 55 a steady stream o f machine-gun lire
turkeys, live, 20@22c; dressed, 28 ventable. Tw o were for violation o f
■tre lutili $IOO a month, nnd (107 art* at the Germans, n number of whom
rules, one due to lack o f a rule since
pnltl le ss than $100 n month.
Many were killed or wounded.
and another to an automobile
employees receive only nominal sal­
The Germans finally got a machine
Within a few days we may expect
d river’s negligence. Mr. Griffith asks
aries, whereas they are accustomed to gun Into action against him, hut he to see on all the fences and hill post- 1 Pork— Fancy, 20@21c per pound.
Vegetables— Tomatoes, 75@85c per the commission to designate one o f its
earn much more. This service Is their dived and at twenty foot silenced It tng spaces In the cities o f the country, '
contribution to the Ited Cross.
All with his own gun. Having put their one o f the most powerful appeals for crate; cabbage. 2J(</2Jc per pound; engineers to go over the safety rules
administration and overhead expenses gun out o f action, he circled the field, recruits In the navy that has so far lettuce, 43i(i/50e per dozen; peppers, of the company and make such sugges­
nt headquarters are much more than firing with his machine gun through been put forth. It Is n poster called 8c per pound; beans, 7c; corn, 30(<z35c. tions as he deems advisable.
Potatoes — New Oregon, 2if>i3ic;
met by dues front members of the the doors o f buildings at the huddled “ Over There,” made by the famous ar­
The Monmouth local Grange met for
Ited Cross.
Thus the war fund Is enemy within. At one time Ids ma­ tist Albert Sterner for the navy de­ sweet potatoes, 6e per pound.
the regular monthly session recently
and will continue to he nvnllable for chine actually touched the ground.
Green Fruits— Cantaloupes. $1.15@ and voted to have a Grange booth at
2.50 per crate; peaches, 95c@$1.10 the Polk County Fair at Dallas, Sep­
18, 19, and 20. Although crop
dred; apples, $1.75(02.25 per box; conditions are not normal yet the peo­
ple feel much benefit can be obtained
Wisconsin Couple Travel 4,750 Miles In California Lad Walks Fourteen Miles Plan to Repopulate Deserted Woods pears, $2.25; grapes, $1.75 @ 2 .1 5 ;
through exhibiting this year.
to His Home A fter Rattler
House Mounted on Motor Car
and Fields Is Proposed by M.
Struck Him.
Andre GodarL
Because o f high prices o f feed small
Hops — 1916 crop, 20c per pound; flocks o f poultry in the state are being
Orovllle, Cal.— W illie Klrkpntrlck,
Marysville. Ore.--Traveling In n
Fnrls,— In M. Andre Oodnrt’s book 1917 contracts, 30c.
reduced at an alarming rate, according
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 52@61c to E. J. McClanahan, president o f the
"home on wheels," Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. young son of Henry Kirkpatrick of •T,es Jnrdlns Volterea,” published re­
Bum I o f Milton Junction. Wla., ar­ Mountain House, was brought to the cently, the senreity o f birds In France per pound; coarse, 60c; valley, 58@ Oregon State Poultry Breeders’ associ­
rived here recently on their way Orovllle hospital the other day suffer­ Is considered— a scarcity due to Inef­ 60c; mohair, 58@60c.
ation. He asserted that many o f the
C a t t le -
ing from a rattlesnake bite. The boy ficient protection nnd so great ns to be
people in the cities are disposing o f
Mr. nnd Mrs. Basel are comfortably was bitten on tho Index finger by a responsible for a loes o f 40,000,000 Best beef steers............. $ 8.25@ 8.75 all their chickens, and that poultry
7.00@ 8.00
quartered In a neftt little houso built big rnttler ns he was scrambling over francs to the grnpe growers o f the Good beef steers.............
raisers who had 180 chickens last win­
6.50@ 7.25
on a motor car chassis. The house Is some rocks In the French creek can­ Glrondo In 1910 nnd so discouraging a Best beef cows...............
ter w ill average but 100 chickens dur­
decrease In the oil produce o f southern Ordinary to g o o d ............ 3.50@ 5.50 ing the coming winter, according to
0 by 0 by 13 feet, contains n cooking yon while on n fishing trip.
A fter being bitten by the rattler the France that the olive growers talk of Best h e ife r s ................... 6.75@ 7.25 present indications.
gallery, lavatory, table, chairs nnd bed.
Bulls................................ 4.50@ 6.50
There are three windows on each side boy had to wnlk 14 miles to his home, abandoning their Industry.
6.50@ 9.25
Warden Murphy, denies a report
M. Oodart proposes that goldfinches, C a lv e s ............................
o f tho house nnd out- In the rear. Tho where a doctor wns summoned, so that
Stockers and fe e d e r s ....
4.50@ 6.75 that there is dissatisfaction at the
house Is built o f baaswood aud covered
state penitentiary which threatens a
with ranvaa. The floor Is covered with accident before medical aid wns given. thrushes, hlackhlrds nnd starlings,
general outbreak among the men.
rugs and tho windows curtained. They
have traveled 4,700 miles In their no- doing well ns could be expected, but reared In large and specially designed Prime heavy h o g s .......... 17.00@17.25 “ Last week about 20 o f the men com­
that all danger T om the poisoning wns aviaries and released when full grown P i g s ................................ 15.50@16.00 plained as to the quality o f their
mndlc home.
17.50 breakfast and refused to eat it ,” said
to repopulate the now deserted woods Bulk ..............................
not past.
the warden.
‘ ‘ They were sent to
Visitor* to Sing Slog will bo barred
Western lambe................ $13.00@13.5U their cells, with instructions to remain
Substitute for Rubber.
from seeing tho death chair under n
To eliminate glare from street lamps Valley lambs................... 11.75@12.50 there until more tractable, and they
A preparation o f solidified glue,
new order.
which can be used Instead o f rubber nn English engineer proposes tc illu­ Yearlings......................... 10.00@10.50 were back at work next day. I f there
W ethers........................... 9.75@10.50 is trouble brewing at the prison I
The only man who profits by sole for ninny purposes, has been luvented minate cities by the reflection o f lights
E w e s ............................... 8.00@ 8.50 know nothing o f i t . ”
thrown on the fronts o f bulldinga
by a German scientist.
.«tuffs Is fhe cobbler.