The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 30, 1917, Image 4

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    (Tit? Ifnrrst (Brime Express
Published every Thursday at Forest Grove« Oregon.
W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher.
Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 191«. at the noatotflce at Forest drove,
Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1H7S
Subscription Kates
Paid in advance
One year
Six months
Three Months
On Credit
One year
Six months
Three months
T H U R S D A Y . A U G . 30. 1017
• i am sorry that you do not wear a flag every
day and 1 can only ask you if you lose the physical
emblem to be sure that you wear it IN YOUR
H K A R T ; the heart of America shall interpret the
h e a r t of the world.”
President Wilson.
■% »
A N I) C 0 M M E N T S
by the way some people American ship- on the high seas
drive autos in this city, they have meant nothing to him That Ger-
noj read the traffic ordinance, man submarines murdered and
which they can secure free of are continuing to murder Ameri-
charge from the city recorder or can seamen, conducting their law-
ful business on the ocean high
i „ , i „ ways of the world, means nothing
; .
• ll
President Wilson is evidently
to him. That Germany sought to
determined to make the burdens .
, ,
impose its will upon a free and m-
of the war fall as lightly as possi-
. '
. ,
. > ; | j „ n dependent nation, that it'o u gh t
b e on the women and children,
. 8 .
t 4‘
. ,
to restrict the numbers of Ann ri-
for he has issued an order that
can ships that it would allow to
Tin* return of Fllhu Ko«>i a ml the oilier uiemliera of Hie Auiurl<*aii iu I hm I ou to KiiHNln
married men who are really the
. . . . .
gave UM nil limlglit Into
atrmgth; Itont n*i>ortfd the repnlilU- wife If tin* lire**
c a
.i,.iii sail the seas, that it insi't d these
only support of dependents shall
»‘lit government received our whole h nrt***l mipport. Selecting hln new «•«bluet. I»r, tJeoig
. t
i„„, ships be painted l i k e stripeo
be exempt from the draft law.
Michael!«, German cham-ellor, i . hiiio I I *r. vou Kiililinniui an foreign minister, while l»r
a _i:„__ !_«. zebras, that it sought to name the
Ki l l I l*-in**rl«-»i. vice chancel lie-, wan the only one <»f the ohl cnMnet to remain. I.ltwral* In tier many III,.I no aatU
Yes, if we must sacrifice lives, let
. .
, .
fa«'tton In the change. Canadian« advanced on l.ena. the tiert an atronghold In France. Sir Arthur Cuirle lias now he
ports to which thev c uld sail am
it be the bachelors.
. .
.. * "* commander o f all the Canadian for.-.-** Part of Am erica* draft army will ho In «-amp hy Sept. 1. Iilenintention
----------- --------
the cargoes they could carry— ail
d i s k s will t>e worn hy all our sohllera In the full, e
Fig! ing *or the |MNUH-aaloa o f her ami. Mra John I, l»e Maul lea,
Wilbur K Newell, formerly of these things meant nothing to w ife of the former Vale football atnr. a! «t her InyOum.l and la now In Jail In, \ V.. \lra lie Manilla* is a Chll
e:.ii heirewa. ami It la claltuisl millions will be a|a-nt for her defense If ...... .
she was d ivo t-«.1 front I*« Saulles
Gaston, now of Portland, will as- Vardaman — Portland New.-*.
sist the member of the board of
food control f o r Oregon. M r. j M UCH D EPEND S
field if there are not loyal com­ $2.000,000 stork.
for food and small salmon catch, Ore­
Coos Bay— Constructing new spur gon fish eminent and fishermen ask
Newell is finely « quipped by ex­ ON YOU
rades to carry the ammuniti« n to
longer season.
It is related tha two French th* m? Of what use a1 e t h** Ann r - truck ut Libby mine.
perience and knowledge of pro­
North Bend—-Two miles o f macadam
Grants Pass -- I rt ah - Idaho Sugar Co.
duction to fill the important du
can troops if here are no trans­ road to be constructed on South Slough
1500 acres of Rogue river vai
ties to which he has been ap- ing prospects for a -uccessful end-, portation aginci* s to take them to road.
ley land having just purchased 225 acres
pointed, and his many friends out ing of the war.
Roaeburg— Work begun on Winches­ near Central Point for $25,000.
the front; no well-tilled farms to
this way know that he will make
Said one. “ We shall win if ’ they’ produce the war crops that will ter Bay road.
Bend---With the sale of $000,000 of
Coon Bay— Experts to make exam i­
g o o d — Hillsboro Argus.
! hold firm.”
support these troops; no factories
the bonds of the Ochoco irrigation
nation o f Coos county oil possibilities.
‘ ‘Who do you mean by they?” to make ammunition; no toilers at
project In Cr.sik county, comes the an­
Florence—-Machinery purchaaed for
The threatened tieup of all ^
the other
nouncement that active work on the
home to care for the women and new shingle mill at Glenuda.
labor by the I. W . W . fell flat,
.*Why the civiIians at hom ..
(lermHlient development o f the big
Prairie City— Shipping .70 ton» of
Central Oregon enterprise is to begin
proving what the Express has wag the response
Soon it will be the American cromile daily.
within two weeks and will he com­
s a id -th a t people attached too
You men who have not been
KoM burg— 33 miles of Pacific High­
pleted within 1H months.
much importance to the noisy
called, or those of you who hold wound, d comrade * somew here in way in Douglas county to he built at
bunch. And, while a few of the
Adm inistrator'« Notice
exemption cards reflect upon this France” and say, “ Never mind,
Port Orford— Old Blanco mine being
forest fires may have been started
is hereby given that the un­
prediction o f t h e p o i l u . The old pal. we will win if ‘they’ stand' equipped with new machinery to treat
dersigned has been appointed hy the
by I Won t Workers, vre must re- Fre„ ch M |dier W ie v w h(. wi„ wjn
'■00 tons gold-platinum sands daily. «
County Court of Washington County,
member that fo r « * fires are as old ^ w#r ¡, hU civil;an aM al hom„
Coos Bay— 40 familiea of Belgium* to
Oregon, as Administrator of the estate
as the world, and the I W. W. is stands firm,
locate aa settlers.
of J. W. Thompkins, deceased, and h II
will probably be referring to you
Reedaport— -Shipyard proj>o«ed here.
a recent invention.
That h a m w idla ,D war(ara.
persons holding claims against said es­
and each one of us. Will we
Lebanon— Two roada near here being
tate will present same, duly verified,
the toiler in the tr, nch looking stand fi m?— S I*. Bulletin.
according to law to the undersigned, at.
Bandon has plan to bond city to start
anxiously to hi> comraoe at home
the office of Langley & Langley, at
Warranty deed and mortgage shipyard.
There are all kinds of fools, to stand firm. The American peo-
Forest Grove, Oregon, on or before
blanks for >ale at this office.
Portland— Spruce contracts let, Ore­ six months from the date hereof.
knaves and cranks in this country pie have not yet fully adjusted
On S pf. 25th five section of gon City mills to furnish material for
August 30th, 1017.
who are constantly echoing the themselves to the idea that this
airplanes, price $105.00 |>er thousand.
yammer they have heard from war is different from all o'her
Myrtle Point— Myrtle wood industry
pro-German sources, but for pure wars. They regard it only a little tion will be sold at t ie Portland of this section increasing.
Manche Irene Langley,
land office. rl he land is <>Htimattd
24-karat foolishness and cussed- larger.
Gold Beach— Due to great demand
Attorney for the estate.
ness, James K. Vardamann, sena-
We are gradually awakening to to contain 170.620 feet of timlier
tor from Mississippi, h a s f e w the truth. Battles are no longer and a minimum price of $1.00 per
equals. He has issued an author- won upon the battlefield. This is 1,000 feet has been placed on the
ized interview for southern con- a war of munitions, of supplies, of fir and spruce and 50c on the
The land
sumption in which again he assails machinery, of transportation, of cedar and hemlock.
his own country. He calls our en- money. 'Ihe military forces in the must bring at least $1.25 per
try into the war an entry for field are but an arm of the service, acre. Further information may
is a favorite route for those seeking diversity o f scen­
a very important arm it is true, he secured from the Portland land
ery, opportunity to visit many attractive cities enroute
That German submarines sank but still an arm. The civilians at office.
and enjoy the best in travel.
— —
home constitute another arm, and
J u d g in g
News Snapshots
Ot the Week
East Through California
The Oregon
Agricultural College
that arm has been called to the
No matter what your position
W h e n trained ■periahita with raod«ro lab
or profession is, no matter your
•ratoriea and adequate equipment fiva ia
•truetion leading to collegiate degree« ta the age, or sex, or physical condition,
fallowing school«
you have been called to the colors.
A G R IC U L T U R E , with 15 d^partmanla;
Failure to perform your daily
COMM ERCE, with 4 department«
E N G I N E E R I N G , with 9 department«, la
duties to the best of your ability;
aluding Civil. Electrical Highway, Industrial
failure to support the Red Cross,
Arts, Irrigation and Mechanical Engineering;
FOR ES TR Y, including L< ggmg Engtnear-
failure to contribute what \our
purse could afford to the Liberty
H O M E ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart
asenta, including tra ¡„ing in th, Pr.ctie.
Loan 13 the measure of a “ slacker,”
H o u.«,
j u s t a s truly as he who is drafted
M I N I N G , with three departments, iaelud*
for military service and who shirks
Ing Chemical Engine»*iing
the obligation.
T H E S C H O O L OF MUS IC, offers inatrue
Those who are not drafted for
lion in tha principal departments of vocal
and inatnimental music
military service should realize that
T H E M I L I T A R Y D E P A R T M E N T , enrolled
they are drafted f o r
1095 cadets in 191G 17. and won recommen
dation for O. A. C from t.lie Western Depart ! service.
meat of the U. 8. War Department aa ona of
Thousands of railroad employes
the fifteen * ‘diatingui» h- tl institution«” of
high,* i.oming aii . .„i t> «iii i„ f„rni*h*a are bring exempted from military
and the junior and r .ml. \
ta enrolled in
•h. r . o. t . c.. win i» gi. i. .. fi.mni.tioa f«r
.. w." a. .11 * n,;.. i.t.on
h it
inf.rm a'ion
OervallU, Oregon.
Br. i .
i.i.BF.R g.
N ew nawmill started at Harris station,
C. & E. railroad.
Hubbard Public work here progress­
Florence S. P. may build railroad
spur from Cushman to this place.
Redrock Work on Cornucopia Post
road to start soon.
Cornelius - Peerless Furnace Com­
pany o f Portland to install school heat­
ing plant.
Sutherlin—-Road improvements begun
on Sutherlin-Coles valley road.
Crane— $15,000 bond« voted for mod­
ern school house.
Silverton— P. R. L. & P. Co. install­
ing new street lighting system.
Coos Bay—-Government to expend
$55,000 on road between Corbin and
Hubbard’s Creek.
Sutherlin—-Two vinegar vats installed
at Everfresh plant; capacity, 20,000
gals. each.
Meacham— O. W. R. & N. Co. con­
structing double track and repairing
that the Government believes bridges here.
they can render more important1 Hubbard— Five miles of paving to be
done on Pacific Highway from this
1 service toward winning the war by point.
remaining at their posts.
Grants Pass—-Pittsburg-Oregon Min­
Of what use are soldiers in the ing & Milling Co. incorporated with
One-Way Fares
First and second class to the East and
South apply via California. The trip
can be made very economically.
Excursion Fares
Round Trip to principal cities in the
East will be on sale certain days in
August and September. These tickets
apply over practically all routes.
Ask your local agent for particulars, or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Ore
Southern Pacific Lines