(««Ir a i C u n iM lr a l » n a l urlali I« S K YS C R A PER ’S S ET O F N ER V ES Business District of New York Uses Six Feet of Telephone W ire to London'# One. KNOW LITTLE CARE WRIGL 8H A N TY BOATMEN C E R TA IN LY LIV E A H A PPY LIFE. The nerves of the skyscraper are the telephone wires, o f course. And Inas­ much ns proKress In evolution Is mens- ured hy complex nervous development, Will 8ometlmes Work, Though Pleaa ure Is the Real Buelneee of Exist­ It Is natural Hint New York’s down town, where business, the highest form ence— Not Bothered About NEW SCOTT HOTEL of social biology, has attained Its full­ Rent or Taxee. B r iw la iir A Ankeny Hie . Portland. Ora. est development, should bo an enor­ Itat™, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, mous spider’s web of telephone wires. I f a man were privileged to choose K«lw. If. (kmity. On# Minute from Wm»h- The per rnplta consumption of tele­ Mimnui'r. In* ton Hlr##t. phone wire In New York Is six times his own manner of living, sorting over as much us In London, Hltneon Htrun- the whole collection of life's various sky writes In Harper’s. That rep forms of existence, and choosing the resents the rclutlve nervous In­ one he liked best, no matter what any­ tensity o f business lu New York and body or everybody said, It I* likely that Sleth and Everett Ste . I'mtUnd. Ora. in all that strange collection he could In London. Pour lilucka from Union Hopot. T w o lilorka from N ew I'uanjfflce. Mwlern and Arepruuf. Home such excess of wiring I *nx find nothing more charming than the O ver IUU outalila ruoma. K ale* 76c to #.00. pect In the skyseraiiers o f downtown. life of the shunty boatman, remarks C IIA H . C . H O P K IN S . Menatfcr. There are hundreds and thousands of the Indianapolis News. The shanty rooms, and In every room one or more boatman lives anywhere, according to He men with their mouths and ears to his Inclination and the season. W H E N IN lives, anyway, according to his de­ the telephone. It Is all cellular parti­ tions and wire ganglions reaching out sires. It sets you dreaming of all the to t ’hlrago, perhaps, or Han Francisco; farawny placet to think of him. He wires to the stock exchange around moors his little house on the cool the corner, wires to the assistant In northern streams In the summer, und the adjoining room, wires to the heart drifts down the wunn blue southern He Is not of the dictaphone Into which business rivers during the winter. Is being dictated and from which busi­ averse to u hit of work now and then, S E A T T L E 'S LARG EST HOTEL ness will trnvel to the ears o f the enough to keep him In coffee and ha- Only Otren lilorka from Ontxita ami Ducka. Op- stenographer who will transfer It to eon, hut he can choose his work as he poailo C ity Hail Park and Court liouaa. T H E K IN KMT O O I.I.A It KOOM IN A M E R IC A paper. Our ghostly tourist will con­ goes, and leave It when he grows tired W ith doLachad bath. I peraon. I I 00 | M 0 clude that modern business Is a mut­ of It. Work Is his avocation, and, as 7 poraona. 11.60 17.00 an avocation, work Is not on unpleas­ W ith private bath. 1 peraon. 1 7 I Ml 1 7 . 6 0 W.OO ter of conversation. IBs real business Is liv­ 7 per norm. | 3 0 0 $ 3 .6 0 W.OO Downtown, Inside of Its tens of ant thing. He “ W h e n In S « a t t ie T r y th® F r y e ” thousands of skyscraper cells. Is thus ing, smoking, fishing, drifting. terribly busy—about what? Ho far as pays neither rent nor tuxes. He owns the eye cun see, about nothing In par­ only a bit of un old shack, somehow ticular. A man with a telephone ut made watertight and balanced so that Ids elbow, a lint-topped desk with a It will float. It Is even possible, you must understand, for him to enter Into metal basket holding a dozen letters, the life o f city men. entering Into It. perhaps, a photograph of the man’s however, with no sense of necessity or wife In a silver frame at one end of B U S I N E S S C O L L E G E the desk, and that Is all. Ilut If the restraint I i n DNBB ii i il Dl NO A shanty boatman was not so long cell Is a lurge one, sometimes reaching T s MTII ANI» W a AMINUTOM, I'liH r U M » , O n ROOM the dimensions of an entire floor In a ago a resident of this very town. With WOAPSCO I o n s II I.oMu A I* Anm rr»»o*u J a k k C o m m o * skyscraper block, the desks, tele­ a proper sense of the fitness of things A wimm i*itr an«! I )<*(«« ft merit frin ii inaia phones, metal baskets and phonographs he tied his bon? to a fence, In line A (funi.t y m )iiM»l. 0|«cn tiny nini evening a litile The sub- with the houses on the shore and even >rai htu«l#nta airia tauclit from written work, etnrtlv aa prarv atnntlulltlcs of business are not there pulntcd a number over the front door. ttruci hi Inunnc'*« Hliortlinml nini typewriting by — the steel, wheat, eottou, bullion, the It was a Jolly looking little home, with ri|*'rt» H|M«rial inatrurtmn fur riv il m u vice evarni* beams, casks, boxes and bales which the smoke coming out of the pipe In lutwiti« Mfxlrrato tuition, bonk a at amali nuat. you rccull being hauled toward quaint the roof and lamplight shining from |*«astti<>n an soon an Competent. I fiVtwt lyatf it will little wharves ou toy trucks driven by the edge of the curtains, and, for all |»*v Call, telephone Jiroadway IS21, or writ#. men In Jumpers und shovel hats In the we know, he mny have a regular Job pictures In your school geography la­ and have tuken to city life very eon- beled commerce. Ily externals there tentcdly for a while. The advantage Is no way of telling whether the man he had over tin* rest of us, of course, Koee City Park, Portland. O reeoa. lit the desk Is engaged In selling stocks wns that to get away to the faraway Phone Tabor 1081. and bonds, or woolen remnants, or places, he had only to untie his boat A SELECT BO A R D IN G A N D W W IG L E Y * » D A Y SCHOOL TOR GIRLS railway accessories or trusts and and drift, accepting now ami then a (Boys Under 10 Admitted.J mergers, or theater tickets. There Is bit of u lift from a friendly cruft. OfT«*m exceptional advantagri». Limited num- C H E W I V O 6 U M --------- I w o f pupil#. Individual rare. Thorough mural, lacking the concrete symbolism of the The thing that ts likely to bother us, the heavy ledgers, however, In choosing this sort of ex­ mental, phyaicai training. Modern U n gu «*o#. old counting room Muaic. A rt. whoa® hulk suggested the raw mate­ istence, is the question as to wheth­ rials of truffle, the clerks on their high er we should really he a shanty boat­ r—— stools, the hustle o f orders given ami man, or Just pretend to be one. Steven­ la n o m o r e n i c M M f y t h a n S m a l l p o x . A rm y taken. Ttie heavy ledgers hare been son was a sort of shanty boatman. At experience ba* demcosuited Aro marie from your OLD CAR­ replaced hy filing cabinets, whose pur­ least, h»‘ »lid drift about through the the almact miraculous citi- PETS. Rag RujfH woven h II sizes. Cacy. and harm!earnest, of Antityphoid Vaccination. pose seems us much decorative as use­ country lu a boat, and lived very con- Mail orders receive prompt and care­ Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, yen and ful. Your business office might as tentedly and lazily on the way. But Jour family. It Is more vital than house Insurance. ful attention. Send for booklet. Ask your physician, dru^f tst, or send for "Have well he the cutaloguc room o f a col­ Stevenson has written n book about his jou had Typhoid?" telling of T y p h o i d Vaccine, C u re d B e fo re Y o u P a y NORTHWEST RUG CO. lege library. results from us , and danger from Typhoid Carriers. I will send yoa a l l bottle o f L A N E ’ S Treatm ent on wamh*rlngs, and he wns not really a E. Hth and Taylor Sts. Portland, Or. F R E E T R I A L . W hen com pletely cured «end me the a m ra labocatocy , Bctnarv. cal |1 00. O therw ise, you r report cancels the ch arge. shanty boatman nt all. It is Just the pmoaoaaa v accises a sssuas «atea u. s. eov. ucaaa* D. J. L A N E . 87^ Lane Bldg . St. Marys. Kans. olnt In being a shanty boat­ l Sun, Dust and W ind quickly Stockings. Abdom inal Supporters. Suspensory No remedy can honestly promise to man. however. Is in not having to try Pullman, Wash. — President E. O. relieved by Murine. Try* it in Bandages fo r Men. and all other Rubber Good# your Eyes and in Baby’s Eyes. heal every case of eczema or similar to be anything else, and, perhaps the o f every description, tend to the Holland, o f Washington State College, N o Sm arting, Just Eye C om fort L A U E D A V IS D R UG CO. skin aliment, nut Resinol Ointment, best thing about It Is the fuct that has received a request from Secretary Truaa Experts aided by Resinol Soap, gives such It Is so far removed from art as to Murine Eye Remedy Third and Yamhill. Portland, Or. E y e S e lv e , in T u b e« 25c. F<*r Hook o f the K y t — F r e e . Houston, o f the department o f A gricul­ instant relief from the Itching and he very n»*nr!y real. Ask M a r i n e E y e R e m e d y C o .. C h ic a g o j ture, asking that arrangements be burning, and so generally succeeds in made for an interstate conference in A g a t e C u t t in g clearing the eruption away for good, Deep Laid Stratagem. Spokane August 27 and 28 to discuss Remarkable Premonition. that It is the standard skin treatment ro a i m o w t w t u c u t a n o ‘ ‘ What was the matter with your winter wheat and rye seeding prob­ I M O U N T Y O U # A O A t r IN A S O C IO A striking Instance of premonition brass band?” of thousands and thousands of physi­ . lems. Seventy-five persons from eight | O O I O a tN G C M C C U T M N O U lf cians. Sold by all druggists. Is reported from Grlflithstown, Mon­ r iM O C n A N O A G A T I “ W ell,” replied the unskilled leader, states w ill be in attendance. mouthshire, Great Britain. While a " w e understood that Germans are par­ EG - O - LENE The hen I ch e*it; chemtHt'. aub- maternity nurse was walking home, ticularly fond o f music. And i f there —, ------- Htitute: but iu,le. aatnple hnlf she had n presentiment that her pa­ were any Germans listening we wanted doren, with detail*. 10c. K|fo Co., Somerville. N . J. tient and the child whom she had Just to make them feel as badly as possi­ left were In danger. Hurrying home, ble. ” — Washington Star. Nothing Omitted. T R A V E L A N D PROFIT. she prevailed upon her hushund, a Yotinir men and women with buoine.* trainiuit “ I understand you have bought a member of the local fire brigade, to S H A K E INTO Y O U R SHOES. find jMHiition* everywhere. (lo to Northwi-nt** inrirent lluninen* follette. I1KIIN K K-W A I.K HR, set of Shakespeare's works.” A lle n ’ s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder. Makes go to the post office, where he found I'ortland. Ore. A ll courue*. ] ’o*ilion* euaranteed. '’Yes,” replied Mr. Dubwnlte loft­ the bedroom occupied by the suh-post- tight or new shoes feel easy. Relieves Corns. W rite for free Hluatrntcd catalog. Bunions. Hot, Swollen. Tender. Aching1 Feet. Sold ily. “ A complete set." mlstress and her baby to be on tire. everywhere. 25c. Don’ t accept any substitute. I Sample FR E E . Address. Allen S. Olmsted, Le W hat Came From Reading “ And a glossary, too, I presume?" He removed the mother nud child and Roy. N. Y. “ Oh, yes, yes. In fact, everything extinguished the fire, which had orig­ a Pinkham Adver­ wrote." — Birmingham inated In a wooden beam near the tire* ‘ ‘ Tommy, I ’ m ashamed o f you! Why Bought, Sold, R ented and R epaired Shakespeare W A L K E R E L E C T R IC W O R K S tisement Age-Ilernid. did you bite your little sister?” place. Iturnnid«'. cor. 10th. Portland. Or#. ‘ ‘ Cause you told me I musn’t kick or Paterson, N. J . — “ I thank you fo r Where to Keep Sugar. strike her.” — Boston Transcript. War's Convictions. the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they Her Expression. To keep powdered sugar from hard­ have made me well What has happened Is that out of Slickton— They tell me your daugh­ ening get only 25 cents’ worth at a and healthy. Some­ the blackest, most Infemul experience ter sings with great expression. time, put in n paraffin-lined oatmeal time ago I fe lt so Flickton — Greatest you ever saw ! carton, put two thicknesses of paraffin through which, as fur as we know, run down, had pains Why, her own mother can’ t recognize paper on the top, press the lid down the race has ever passed there has in my back and side, seemed to come literally to millions her face when she’ s singing.— Puck. firmly. was very irregular, of men a redeeming conviction, n heal­ tired, nervous, had ing and transfiguring assurance, that Manager— What's the leading lady Good Description. such b a d dreams, brotherhood Is not a delusion; that life in such a tantrum about? Grandmother was teaching Dorothy has n meaning; that resolution and did not feel like eat­ Press A gen t— She only got nine bou­ to rend the alphabet. She got nlong courage and discipline and simple faith ing and had short quets over the footlights tonight. tine until coming to the letter “ Y ” she In fcllowmen and loyalty to ideals are breath. I read your You reckless men and women who "G rea t Scot! Isn’ t that enough?” said: “ Grandma, what’s the one that now, ns they have always been, with­ are pestered with corns and who h a v e ! a d v e rtis e m e n t in ‘ ‘ No. She paid for 10.” — Ex, looks like a little man holding his arms in that meaning; that these tilings are. at least once a week Invited an awful ^ the newspapers and death from lockjaw or blood poison up?" as they will lie forever, within man’s are now told by a Cincinnati authority decided to try a bottle o f Lydia E. Pink- heritage, to be displayed In war until to use a drug called freezone, which ham’s Vegetable Compound. It worked Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egge the better way Is found.— E. T, Devine the moment a few drops are applied from the first bottle, so I took a second HEAL ITCHING SKINS and Farm Produca to any corn or callous the soreness Is and a third, also a bottle o f Lydia E. to th* Old Reliable E verdine hoinm with a relieved and soon the entire corn or Pinkham's Blood Purifier, and now I am With Cutlcura Soap and Ointment— record o f 46 yrar* o f Huuarv Ifc-eline*. and According to Rules of the Sea. callous, root and all, lifts off with the just as well as any other woman. I ad­ They Heal When Others Fall. be aaaured o f T O P M A R K E T PRJCÉ& A snllor who had landed after a long fingers. vise every woman, single or married, F, M. CRONKHITE Freezone dries the moment it is ap­ who is troubled with any o f the afore­ Nothing better, quicker, safer, sweet­ voyage, nud having been pnld off, 4S-47 Front Street Portland, Oreeoa er for skin troubles o f young and old called n cab, threw his luggage Inside, plied, and simply shrivels the corn or said ailments, to try your wonderful that Itch, burn, crust, scale, torture or and Jumped on top himself. callous without Inflaming or even ir­ Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier disfigure. Once used always used be- "Beg pardon, sir," Bald the aston­ ritating the surrounding tissue or and I am sure they will help her to get H ID ES , P E L T S , C ASCARA B AR K, causo these super-creamy emollients ished cnbmnn, "but you should get In­ skin. A small bottle o f freexone will rid o f her troubles as they did m e ."— cost very little at any of the drug tend to prevent little tkln troubles W O O L AND M O H A IR . side and put your boxes on top," becoming serious. If used dally. stores, but will positively rid one's Mrs. E lsie J. V a n d e r S a n d e , 36 No. f i n it ill yw km Writ® fir print M thipping lift "Steer the craft uhead, sonny. Pas­ feet of every hard or soft corn or York S t, Paterson, N. J. Free sample each by mall with T ni H. F. N orton C o . on.; smin , w $ Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, sengers always go on deck and lug­ hardened callous. I f yoar druggist W rite the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicin® D ept L, Boston. Sold everywhere. gage In the hold,” waa the reply from hasn’t any freexone he can get It at Co-, (confidential) Lynn, Mass, i f you — Adv. P. H U . No. 34, 1917 Deed special advice. • any wholesale drag house for you. the top.—London Tlt-BIts. D u rin g convalescence* and when appetite lags N ew Houston Hotel WRIGLEYS brings to the h o t. d ry m outh a freshness and SEATTLE a soothing balm that coaxes back the enthu­ siasm o f health. Th ousan ds of soldiers in Eu ro p e have cause to thank W rlgley*s fo r lt*s tonic e ffe c t. The Flavor Lasts ACADEMY OF THE HOLY CHILD J U IC Y FRUIT B E A U T IF U L R U G S D R U G S B Y TYPHOID [ASTHMA] M A IL V o tm E ttS WOMAN NOW IN PERFECT HEALTH ELECTRIC MOTORS Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now S H IP t».