I PEACE OEFER •olilltn only but the blood of Innocent I women and children also. and of the helpless poor, and no*' stand* balked l but not defeated, the enemy of four* | fifths of the world. "This power Is not the Herman peo- i ¡ le It Is no business o f ours how | that great peiple came under Its con * trol. or submitted with temporary (est to the domination of Its purpose, but j it la our buslnesa to aee to It that the h »tor) of the res! of the w o ^ i is no | longer left to Ita handling ■ WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CUHRENT WEEK ONE YEAR S COST HIGH War Kapenar Will Krach 20 Millions. Ktlra Two Itillloa Asked as .Mar* (in Allie« Get 7 Millions. Washington. D. 0. Two billion dol­ lar* may lw added to the total of bond l i e t a i i ' a II o r * D o u b le d . Brief Resume Most Important to be authorized at the present, *«■»• 1 President Wilson Favors Relief "T o deal with such a power by way *ion of congre**, making a total of ap­ | of |>eace upon the plan proposed by His of Married Men. proximately $21,000,000,000 available Daily News Items. ] Holiness the l ’ope would, so far as we to the government during the fiscal lea n see. involve a recuperation of Its j year ending June 30, 1918. ! strength and a renewal of Its policy; would make It necessary to .r e a l s a Ihrmocratic leader Kitrhin said hostile combination of nations against Tuesday night that estimate* submit­ | the Herman people, who are Its instru- ted to him by the Treasury depart me it 1 ; merits, and would result In abandoning made it ap|war that the additional ml | the new-born Kussla to the intrigue, i the manifold subtle interference and thurization probably would be neces­ | the certain counter-revolution which sary. I would be attempted by all the malign Evrnts o f Noted People, (¡o ' era mm la Present indications, according to Mr. Five'IVr Cent of (fuota Instead o f 20 I influences to which the Herman gov* Kitchin, are that $19,000,000.000 will j err.ment has of late accustomed the and Pacific North« est and Other Will Make First Increment o f world Can peace be based upon a meet the expenses of the fiscal year, | restitution of its power or upon any Things Worth Knowing. Army Camp« to Ite Ready, but it is thought best to have a $2,- word of honor It could pledge In a 000,000,000 margin for emergencies. ! tre-aty of settlement and accommoda­ ” lt now seems probable,” he said, j n' Object of War Is to Deliver tio Uesponslbie statesmen must now . I I "that the total amount o f money need­ The Dutch minister o f agriculture Washingtn, D. C. At the direct I everywhere see. If they never »aw be-1 for the fiscal year will lie about World From Power Now j fore, that no peace can rest »ecurely j ha* decided that the bread ration of ed suggestion of President Wilson, Pro­ $19,000,000,000. This estimate covers I upon political or economic restrlc* 1 2800 grams per head must suffice for al»out $7,000,006,000 for louts to Hit- vost Marshal General Crowd« r tele- , tion* meant to benefit *ome nations and Balked But Not Beaten cripple or embarrass others; upon vln-| 11 days after September 2. allies, $6,000,000,000 o f w hich already graphed to all governors Saturday | dtetive action of any sort, or any ktnd| Permanent Peace Eight slackers from Tacoma and ha* lieen provided; $ 1 . 300 , 000,000 for i of revenge or deliberate Injury. night a supplemental explanation of other Southwest Washington town* Current expenses, exclusive of war, A m erica « « t ie r « W r o n g « . Only Is Desire. Federal leaving about $10,000,006,000 for war regulations governing the status of "Th e American people have suffered 1 were sentenced to jail by Cushman, and one was re­ expense*. Included in the war esti­ married men under th«1 sele«*tive scr- ntolerable wrongs at the hand* of the Judge imperial Herman government, but they manded for trial. mate is $176,000,000 for the new in­ vice law. No change in regulations is desire no reprisal upon the German J surance bill and $1,000,000,000 for the made and the purfsise of the new state­ An order for 1,000,000 khaki pocket people, who have themselves suffered Washington, D. C. -President Wil­ shipping board. ” ment is to clear up misunderstanding* I all things in this war which they did j son has rejected the Pope's peace pro­ not choose. They believe that peace testamenta for American soldiers ar.d Approximately $11,000,000,000 of which have arisen in what General sailors has been placed by the National posals. | should rest upon the right* of peoples, j the foregoing amounts are included in Crowder desrritied a* “ a few in­ In a note dispatched Monday night not the rights of governments— the 1 War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A. the bond and certificate bill which the stances.” I rights of peoples great or small, w >-ak ! with the American Bible society. and made public here Tuesday night lo ways and means committee has begun In a letter to Secretary Raker, r powerful: their equal right to free- the President says that, while every , dom and security ar.d self-government Choice beeves sold in Chicago at the to consider. The bill would authorize quoted by General Crowder, President heart not blinded and hardened by the | and to a participation upon fair terms ! Union Stockyards Tuesday at $16.30, $7.000,000,000 for allied loans. $3.- Wilson state* his opinion that the reg­ terrible war must be touched by the in the economic 0(>;-ortun!!!es of the j a new high-price record for cattle on 000,000,000 to be used in refunding 3J ulations directing local boards “ to es­ world — the Herman people, of course, I moving appeal of his holiness, it would | Included, The new figure was 80 jwr cent bonds already authorized; $2,- tablish the fact of dependta in addi­ if they will accept equality j the hoof. be folly to take the path o f peace he and not seek domination. cents higher than the record price es- 000,000,000 in war certificates and $2,- tion to the fact of marriage ought not points out if it does not in fact lead to T h e test, t • of every plan I tablished last w . < 000,000,000 in war savings certifi­ to be abrogated.” This leaves the f peace is this. the goal he proposes. cates. regulatoin* as they ar<- and the supple­ Sheriff Boone Gosney, o f Campbell T e a ts o f P r a e e l l»«rd . To deal with such a power as the No attempt will be made. Mr. Kitch­ mental statement is designed merely county, anti Mayor A. J. Livingston, " I s it based upon the faith of all the present rulers of Germany upon Pope in believes, to add the newly suggested to make the application o f the rule un­ people involved or merely upon the Benedict’s plan, declares the Presi­ word of an ambitious and Intriguing o f Newport, Ky., were indicted Wed­ $2,000.000,000 issue to the bill now lie- iform among all Isiards. nesday, charged with non-feasance in dent, would involve a recuperation of government on the or.« hard and of a It will come in While the statement regard.ng mar- w 1people* on the other’ office. The indictments followed a cru­ fore the committee. the strength and renewal of the world . group of fr« as a separate measure, if at all. ri«*«i men was in preparation new or­ Thi* is a tes t wh..~h so»» to th<* ro^t sade against gambling. dominition of that power, now balked, ¡ '»f th c ma 11 e r a:r.d it Is the test which Several members have indicated that der* were issued changing entirely the but not defeated, after sweeping a must be appi .ed. The Argentine minister to Germany, they would op|**se Secretary McAdoo’s mobilization arrangements previously •T> purpo ses Of • he United States in a cablegram received at the foreign continent with the blood o f innocent plan of taxing the bond*. There was made. Under the new orders 5 j>er are known to the whole women and children and the helpless in th is to war ev<^ry office, says he expects within a short no indication, however, o f op|xisition cent o f the drafted men, preferably world[— people to wh ni the poor, as well as of soldiers. truth has beeiR P'ermitted to come. They time to receive Germany's reply to to the general terms of the bill, and those with military experience, from Permanent peace must be based do n< • • to be stated aKain. We Argentina's demands regarding attack* l>oth Democratic and Republican com­ each heal area will be started forward upon the faith of all the peoples and sock no ma!:erl al advantage of any on Argentine vessels by submarines. mitteemen are expected to supjiort it to the camp* September 5, instead of kind- We be lieve that the Intolerable upon justice and fairness a.nd the com­ »■ronzi done by this war by f . n o u i i 30 |*-r cent. They will go in five daily Results o f the heavy fighting on the once it reaches the floor. mon rights of mar.-iind, he adds, and and brutal po ’•'er of the Imperial Ger- detachments e.f equal size and form Canadian front are reflected at Ot­ “ we cannot take the word of the pres­ man governm ent ought to be repaired. 1 tawa. Ont., in the casualty lists, total­ SETTLERS FLEE FROM FIRES skeleton company organizations and ent rulers of Germany as a guarantee but not at the expense of the sover- set up a going concern into which the ♦•ignt y of a t í ) 1 People— rather a vindl- ing over 1000 for the week-end. The of anything that is to endure, unless cation of the sov ereignty both of those j remainder of the total quota can !>c noon list Tuesday numbered 327, of explicity supported by such conclusive that are weak and those that are \Va»hington and Montana To* nr« Are absorbed without ronfusion as they whom 19 were killed in action and 33 evidence of the will and purpose o f the stroni?. Menaced by Flamen. reach the cantonments. died o f wounds. D a m a g e « ><>f I i e r a a a d e d . German people themselves as the other The next 40 |* t cent o f th«' quota “Punitive damages. the dismember- I Trial o f Frank C. Osman, of Dur- Forset fires were threatening Wa»h peoples of the world would be justified will go forward Scptemher 19, when ment of empire*, the establishment of ; ington towns and sweeping through in accepting.” the second 30 per cent originally was »elfish and exclusive economic leagues. . kee, Or., accused o f attempted subor­ The text of the President’s note to we deem inexpedient and In the end nation o f perjury in connection with the woods o f Montana at a tremendous scheduled to go; a second 40 jht cent rate, driving homesteaders and crews worse than futile and no proper basis the Ex>mE> murder trial o f Thomas J. the Pope follows: will go forward October 3 instead of for a peace of any kind, least of all for j Mooney, was -et by Superior Judge o f fighters before them, according to To Hi* Hotiness. Benedicts* XV'.. Pope: the third 30 p«-r cent, and the remain­ an enduring peace. That must be , reports that reached the outside Tues­ In acknowledgment of the communi­ based upon justice and fairness and Frank H. Dunne, o f San Francisco, ing 15 jht cent will will b* called up cation of Your Holiness to the belliger­ the common rights of mankind. day from the fire-infested districts. for September 5. as Siam thereafter as practicable. ent peoples, dated August 1. 1S>17, the " W e cannot take the word of the Wind that suddenly came up Monday President of th - United States requests present rulers of Germany as a guaran­ laical hoards are dir«*cte«l to dis­ Ten American regiments will carry threatened to fan 100 Montana fires me to transmit the following reply: regard order o f liability numbers to tee of anything that is to endure un- \ in France flags presented by descend­ "Every heart that has not been blind­ less explicitly supported by such con- ! into Edazing fury proved not to be gen­ some extent in selecting tEie first 5 |ier ed and hardened by this terrible war elusive evidence o f the will and pur­ ants o f French officers who fought in eral jmd Summer resorts probaLily will cent, as men of experience, such as must be touched by this moving appeal pose of the German people themselves the American war o f independence. Settlers in many districts, cooks and former soldiers are desired of His Holiness the Pope, must feel as the other peoples of the world would Ambassador Jusserand has transmitted l>e saved. however, were driven from their at that time. the dignity an“4 force of the humane be justified In accepting. this offer to the secretary o f war, who homes by the onrushing flames. and £ren^rous m t jtiveg which prompted “ Without such guarantees, treaties Warning is given, however, against * must fer\. erently wish that we of settlement, ag.eement* for disarma­ -aid it would be accepted gladly. lone. Wash., which Sunday night getting into this levy by reason o f his might t:ake th e path of peace he so per- ment. covenants to set up arbitration In One hundred and fifty-two cadets of seemed to be on the verge o f destruc­ experience any man who might not suasive its out. But It would be the place of force, territorial adjust­ folly t / t a k e it if it does not in fact ments, restitutions of small nations. If the class o f 1918 will be graduated at tion, is reported reasonably safe unless otherwise have been included in the b ad to the g o he proposes. West Point military academy a high wind arises and drives the fires first increment o f the district at all. made with the German government, no the man, no nation could now depend upon Thursday morning. This is the second across the river onto the town. Stern I ’a e u fjovers. Bay- -Our respo: must be based upon W e must await some n-w evidence of time within five months that West view, however, is in the path of the the ste m facits ard upon nothing else. the purpo.es of the great peoples of fires and crews are working diligently WATCH FORMER SECRETARY It in r. j \ a rr e re cessation of arms he the central powers. God grant It may Point has sent out a class o f newly- More men were The class to save the town. den 1res ; it is a stable ar.d enduring be given soon and In a way to restore made officers for the army. peace. This iago ny must not be gone the confidence of all peoples every­ o f 1917 was graduated in April last. called to fight the flames. thron lì with ag ain and it must be a where In the faith of nations and the Crews were helpless before fires Isaac Mrliridc is Being Shadow c l by Seventeen Mexicans, captured E,y matter of ve ry sober Judgment what possibility o f a covenanted peace. Department o f Justice. that swept through the holdings o f the "ItOBEItT LANSING, will ir;;sure us ag air.st it. General Pershing’s punitive exf>edition West Side lagging company in East­ "Secretary of State of the United “ His Ho! < ir. -tubstarce, propose« Washington, D. C. Isaac McBride, in Mexico and accused o f participation States of America.” that w e retui*n t o the »'atus quo ante ern Lewis county, Washington, and son-in-law o f thr late Senator Lane iri the Villa raid on Columbus, S'. M., be rre b'* a ; burned several sections. The govern­ and for several years his private se»*- eral pleaded guilty to second degree murder ament an d a ment may E>e asked to postpone the retary, is being shadowed by agents o f ADD MILLIONS TO INCOME TAX ~rt upon an ac- e R. R. i ojiening o f the hunting season as a re­ the department of Jusitce because o f '* of arb! Era- Doming, N. M., Wednesday arid were tion; 1 f rc Washington, D. C. — After protract­ -entenced to serve from 17 to 80 years sult o f the fires. his activity as an agent of the the of the it the ed debate in which many senators People's Peace Council, scheduled to territc rial in the New Mexico penitentiary. inolis Wednesday, unless the de­ The relief sailing steamer Neptune, war J« to deliver the free peoples 'if $66,000,000 in revenue, the senate commanded by Captain Rol>ert Bart­ large number o f surrounding plants. partment o f Justice interferes, and at the world from the menace and th< a'l ual power of a va»t military «•»- voted 35 to 32 against their elimina- lett, bringing some o f the members of The loss is placed at more than $150,- the convention expects to take an ac­ taliliahrr >-nt controlled t,y „ „ .rre>;on- Don by the finance committee, tive part. He says the people will in­ the McMillan Arctic exploring party: 000. slide government which, having secret Lnder the Gerry amendment the to- from Greenland, ia off the coast o f | Incendiarism was suspected by the sist that the administration set forth ly planned to dominate the world, pro- tal tax levy on all millionaires' in­ fire chief because of the sudden de­ fully and convincingly why the United Labrador. ceeded to carry the plan out without law, struction of . the company’s property, States is in the Kunqiean war and that regard either to the sacred obliga­ comes, including the present With the Gerry tions of treaty or the long-established would E>e 67 per cent. The San Francisco Iron Trades coun­ the entire plant being in flames in two his society will not desist in its de­ practices and long-cherished principle» amendment the hill would aggregate cil, representing 25,000 men, voted to J minutes after the blaze was discovered mands until its questions are an- of International honor; which chose $2,035,000,000, with several amend* call a strike Labor day in sympathy at 7 o ’clock. swered. McBride in the past has had Its own time for the war; delivered Feed lines running into the city I. W. W. and Socialistic affiliations, it» blow fiercely and suddenly; »topped tj menta by Senator La Follette pending with striking car men o f the United at no harrier either of law or of ^or fa th e r increases in the income tax Railroads unless the differences be­ were melted by the fire and the city and before entering Senator Lane’s rnercy; »wept a whole continent within rates. The Gerry amendment was tween men and the company are for a long time was in darkness, ex- employ, was a public speaker in the the tide o f blood— not the blood of adopted without a dissenting vote. cept for the light of the flames. cause to which he is committed. settled before that date. German Empire Not Now to Be Trusted, Says Wilson. COMPILED FOR YOU FEW MEN GO SEPT. 5 AM ERICA DECLARES FOR A REAL PEACE “ Command” is Used Again. Petrograd— Lieutenant General Kor- niloff, commander-in-chief of the Rus­ sian army, has issued orders for a re­ sumption o f strict training for all the military forces, the free time o f the soldiers to be devoted to gymnastics, drills and games, and for a cessation of all discussions. “ Henceforth the only language in the army is command.” This is significant, in view of af>olition o f the use o f the word “ command” since the revolution. Jam Made for Soldiers. Tacoma, WasEi.--The government’s first contract for blackberry jam, to be given to the Puyallup and Sumner Fruitgrowers’ associatin, was filled Wednesday. It consisted o f 3600 cans to he distributed among the forts of the Northwest. That the government will follow England’s example and supply jam to its soldiers is indicated by the fact that the cannery has just filed bids for 120,000 cans with the quartermaster department in Seattle. According to Die Morgen Post, of Airplane Cost Cut in Half. Berlin, the police in Germany intend Washington, I). C.— Manufacture of to prohibit smoking in the streets, in aircraft in great numbers under the view o f the decline o f tobacco stocks. aircraft production board, it was learn­ The prohibition will be extended to the ed Tuesday, has reduced the cost o f air­ whole of Germany. planes one-half, with the probability Instructions to intern Karl Arm- that the cost price to the government gaard Graves, self-styled international eventually will be about one-third of spy, were received at Kansas City Sat­ the normal cost. In addition, it was urday from Washington. Graves was announced authoritatively that satis­ arrested last week as an enemy alien factory progress was being made with whose freedom threatened the security actual construction, insuring a contin­ uous supply. o f the country. Corvallis Has Firebug. Corvallis, Ore.—Corvallis is con­ vinced that the city is infested with a firebug, and want the city officials to offer a reward for his capture. In the past year there have been 15 fires which the fire chief is convinced were o f incendiary origin. Nearly all o f them have been in va­ cant houses, and the smell o f coal oil has been a prominent feature. The 15th one occurred Saturday night, making th* second in on* week.