WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK OREGON IN FIRST CALL AEROPLANES KILL 23 Plans for Sending National (.unni to Franc? Announced by W ar De­ partm ent—26 States Share. Score of German Fliers Visit England Taking Toll Mostly of Women and Children Driven Off. HOOVER OICTATOfi As one of the direct results of the United S tates becoming involved in 1-otidon Tw enty-three persons, in­ W ashington, D. C.—Plans for send- the world war, the Astoria board of i ing the first National Guard troops to school directors has voted to add cluding nine women and six children, Brief Resume Most Important France have been perfected by the French to the course of study in the were killed, and 50 persons were in­ President Signs Food Control War departm ent with the organization high school. jured at South End, in Essex, 40 miles Bill at Same Time. Daily News Items. The body of Mrs. K atherine Osgood, east of l-ondon, by bombs drop|*?d of a division which will include troops from 26 states and the D istrict of Col­ age 88 years, was found floating in from German raiders Sunday, says an the Walluski river near A storia Friday umbia. Word to this effect was sent night. She had been missing for sev­ official statem ent. Considerable damage to pro|>erty ou Tuesday. eral days and is supposed to have fal­ was caused a t South End by the nearly The states from which the National len while crossing the bridge. 40 bombs drop|>ed u | h > ii the town. Guard troops are to be assembled are: LeRoy Childs, of the Hood River Two men were injured at Rochford, Louisiana, Pennsylvania. Wisconsin, Event« of Noted People, Government« New York, Ohio, Georgia, Alabama, branch of the Oregon experim ent s ta ­ but four bombs dropped on Margate, in Food and A griculture D epartm ents tion, who devotes a large portion of Kent, did little damage. The latest Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, his tim e at this season of the year to statem ent follows: Long Iteady for Work Federal and Pacific N orth« eat and Other Maryland, South Carolina, California, the study of codling moth, has made “ Enemy raiders caused considerable Trade Commission llusy. Thing« W orth Knowing. Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, recommendations to spray. dam age at South End, where they Kansas, Texas, Michigan, New Jersey, One hundred Curry county hogs, de­ dropped a!>out 40 bombs. The casual­ Tennessee, Oklahoma. Nebraska, Colo­ livered for J. E. Ford, at Bandon, ties thus far riqx*rted are: rado and Oregon. women, 6 "K illed Eight men. The Canadian casualtiy list issued W ashington, I>. (’; The American The others come from the D istrict brought 13 cents a pound, live weight. children About 60 |>eople were in- government Saturday unsullied control Tuesday night contains the following of Columba. The consignment was bought for the names of Americans killed in action: Ford m arket in Marshfield and it was jured. of the country’s food supply with the “ At Rochford, two men were in­ signing by President Wilson of the ad- W. H. Bland, Black Bear, Idaho. said the price was the hightest record­ J A P A N E S E MISSION A R R I V E S ed in th e county for such a large hen). jured, but no dam age is reported. At ! m in istratio n ’s food survey and regula- Nineteen Portuguese fishermen of M argate, four bomba were dropped. Provincetown were drowned when the The skin of a gray wolf was turned One uninhabited house was demolished, : lory bills. ••We Are With You. Heart and S oul.” Formal announcement of H erbert dories in which they were fishing off in a t the county clerk’s office at Al­ but there were no casualties.” j Hoover’s ap|>ointment as food adm in­ Says Ambassador E xtraordinary. Cape Cod were swamped by a gale that bany Monday for bounty. Charles E. The tex t of the first official s ta te ­ istrato r was made at the W hite House came up suddenly Friday afternoon. A Pacific Port—A Japanese mission Clark, of Lacomb, related a story of m ent says: soon a fte r the m easures were ap­ “ About 5:15 o'clock Sunday a fte r­ proved, and Mr. Hoover set forth the The first three bales of G eorgia’s to the U nited S tates arrived here its capture showing th at Clyde Rucker, of Lacomb, had a narrow escape from noon a squadron of about 20 enemy new cotton crop to arrive in New York Tuesday, and proclaimed, almost at a deer which was pursued by the airplanes were reported off Felix­ aims of the food adm inistration in a were auctioned from the steps of the statem ent, declaring its purpose will stowe, in Suffolk. They skirted the ! be to stabilize and not to disturb con- Cotton Exchange Wednesday for $700. the moment of landing, th at its mem­ predatory beast. coast to Clacton, in Essex, where they bers came officially " a s comrades in a Nearly 50 cents a pound. The money George Stephenson, m anager of the | ditions. was given to the Red Cross war fund. gigantic struggle, which involves the N orth Bend Mill & Lumber company, apparently divided, a part going south Every effort will be made to correct to M nrgate, in Kent. The rem ainder Liberty bonds for the first tim e liberties and the sacred rights of man­ has been appointed a member of the creased the coast and went southwest price abuses, made |Hsisible by abnor­ spruce board for th at d istrict by mal times, Mr. Hoover raid, but dras- since the second or third day’s trading kind.” Charles R. Sligh, of the W ar A ircraft toward Wick ford, near which place i tic m easures will not be attem pted in them on the New York Stock E x­ are “ We h ere,” declared Viscount ProducUon board to represent the they turned southeast and dropi>ed until it is seen the purposes of the ad- change, sold at par Tuesday. Last K. Ishii, ambassador extraordinary, bombs in the neighborhood of South week they sold as low as 99.52, which and plenipotentiary, responding to an U nited States and allied nations in ob­ End, in Essex. Some bombs also were ; m inistration cannot be accomplished through constructive co-operstion with represented a depreciation of $4.80 per address of welcome from the mayor, tain in g m aterial for aircraft construc­ dropped on M argate. tion. food producing snd distrib u tin g indus­ $ 1000 . “ as the representatives of Japan on a Our airc raft were very quickly in tries. Car shortage on the Southern Pacific the air, and they pursued the enemy The medical corps of the United mission of friendship and good will. The very existence of corrective “ We come as allies in a common lines in Oregon Thursday was 751. out to sea. ’ ’ S tates Army in France announced F ri­ fwwers, Mr. Hoover declared, will tend day th a t the French had turned over to cause. We are w ith you, heart and While the number is small compared to check speculation and price infia- w ith the more than 3000 shortage some soul.” it two large m ilitary hospitals and also He referred to the N ation’s war months ago, the Public Service com­ N E W Y O R K E R S DIE O F H E A T i tion. a large medical depot. American base “ The business men of the country, I panoply, and its m eaning to Japan. mission considers the shortage ex­ hospital units are manning these in sti­ urn convinced,” says Mr. Hoover's trem ely serious because of the early " We are particularly glad to be here Five Days' Wave Hrokrn A fter 878 Go tutions. statem ent, “ as a result of many hun­ just at this tim e ,” he said, "w hen all season and the demand for cars due to Down in S treets and Factories. Sinking of the American steam er America is showing courage, p atrio t­ causes created by the war. dreds of conferences w ith representa­ Campana, a Standad Oil tanker, w ith ism, energy and whole-hearted zeal. New York — Monday, New York tives of the great sources of food sup­ The S tate Highway commission has struggled through the worst heat wave ply, realize th eir own patriotic obliga­ the probable capture of her captain “ N aturally, Japan is interested in and four members of the naval guard your preparations. We are glad to opened bids and awarded contracts for th at has struck the city in 40 years. tion, and the solemnity of the situ a­ by the attacking German subm arine, see them. Not a single sensible per­ road and bridge construction projects For five days the sun appeared to be tion, anosition somewhere operate in m eeting the national em er­ mens T rust company, of Portland, on departm ent. preparations but g re at benefit to both the $500,000 bond issue, the first sale near the back of a m an's neck and the gencies. ” The two measures as signed give to street therm om eters registered 105 A fter visiting practically every sec­ countries in the future. of bonds under the $6,000,000 bonding and 107 degrees Fahrenheit with a the government sweeping w ar-tim e tion of Oregon of any consequence “ We have always had confidence in enactm ent. The bid was $471,S00 painful regularity. powers. The regulatory bill is de­ agriculturally, Governor Withycombe the fundam ental justice, sound sense j with accrued interest, the bonds dated People succumbed in appalling num­ signed to put food distribution under made the statem ent th a t Oregon is and broad vision of Americans. We August 1. bers—an old lady here, an infant direct government supervision, snd a facing the nearest approach to a crop are glad of your preparations on land failure of anything he has seen in his and sea, because we believe they | The Springfield Planing Mill com­ there, and factory workers by the doz­ 1 provision added as an amendm ent ex ­ tends an even more drastic government 46 y ea rs’ experience in watching crop mean an earlier peace. ” pany has called for bids for a large ens in various places—until by the end the control over coal and o ther fuels, in- of the fourth day 878 deaths from condtions. amount of hardwood lumber. The i eluding the power to fix prices, and au ­ heat were recorded. Sunburned W estern ranges, w ith the S U M P T E R . OR.. IS IN RUINS company has accepted a contract for operation of Several of these were suicides. | thorizing government the m anufacture of 1,000,000 ten t price of imported hay and feed almost mines. Maddened by th eir futile attem pts to [ prohibitive, are likely to cause a de­ Fire Completely Sweeps Town Off the stakes for the United S tates govern­ get cool, a few Bought a more com for­ The survey bill is intended to en ­ ment, according to an announcement cided drop in the price of beef before courage production, and gives the gov­ table end in the river, while others, in M ap—Loss Said to be $200,000. made by H. E. P itts, m anager of the December 1, in the opinion of St. ernm ent authority to keep up a contin­ delirium , leaped from th eir windows. The work of m aking the Paul live stock men. Shortage of feed Baker, Ore. — Sumpter, once the company. For the most part New Yorkers ac­ uous census of the am ount of food­ already has resulted in an influx of Babylon of Eastern Oregon, is now a stakes will begin August 15. cepted the heat calm ity with the same j stuffs in the United S tates. It will be cattle from the West at the South St. So serious has the car shortage situ- sophisticated urbanity th at they accept 1 adm inistered by the departm ent of smoking mass of ruins. Paul m arket. ation become th a t the Public Service any and every event. Where life is Agriculture. The flames Monday night were ea t­ Both the Focal A dm inistration and commission is sending out circulars to plentiful it is not valued very highly, Nine hundred and th irty -th ree Scan­ dinavian ships have been destroyed by ing th eir way to the woods a t the edge commercial clubs and o th er commercial The first day a slight interest was ex- ! A griculture departm ents have been torpedoes or mines since the beginning of the city and the hundreds of fire­ bodies of the sta te asking co-operation hibited in persona who flopped over in ready since long before the bills were of the war, according to the Copen­ fighters were trying desperately to in m eeting it. The commission asks the streets. A crowd usually gathered passed to go ahead with the work. hagen A ftenbladet. Of this number subdue them before the blaze could get th at these circulars be placed in the and occasionally one heard a sympa- i The Focal Adm inistration has as­ Norway lost 600, Denmark 187 and such a s ta rt in the dry tim ber th a t a hands fo shippers or receivers of car­ thetic rem ark if it happened to be a sembled a staff and already is enlisting load lots of freig h t, such as coal and fairly p retty girl or a feeble old lady, the country's women in a household Sweden 146. The num ber of Scandi­ forest fire m ight result. foundries, machine but by the end of the second day a man saving campaign. navian seamen lost in these disasters The loss is estim ated as high as wood dealers, shops, g rist mills and lumber yards. could lie face forward on the pavement \ Meanwhile the Federal Trade com­ was about 500. $200,000 and it is known th a t the in­ Service to the nation is the reason for for five minutes w ithout a ttra ctin g the mission, authorized some tim e ago to surance carried is com paratively small, Placed so th a t it would have de­ attention or assistance of the hurried conduct an investigation into food stroyed a 36-inch w ater supply main so th a t the once m ighty metropolis, of the request. pedestrian. Then some one would SHy: prices with special reference to a n ti­ this p art of the country never may be to the Ogden city reservoir and the Explaining his reason for appointing “ T here’s another poor nut—send for tru st law violations, is gath erin g in­ em bankm ent of the reservoir, thus al­ rebuilt, a t least it is certain th at only an even number of members on the form ation which it will turn over to a cop. ” a small p art ever will rise from the lowing the impounded w ater to rush S tate board of Conciliation and Media­ the two agences and to the departm ent down upon the city, a dynam ite bomb flames. tion, Governor W ithycombe said the of Justice. Every business house and nearly w ith two fe et of its four-foot fuse function of the board is conciliation R U SSIA NS S T O P P IN G E N E M Y The first move of the Food Adminis­ burned, was found early Tuesday night every residence, church and hall have and not arb itratio n . tration will be to bring about changes been leveled by the flames. More than by the police. George H. Stevenson of North Bend, Teuton Offensive on Eastern Front is in the system of d istrib u tin g w heat 300 persons are w ithout homes and In a statem ent Tuesday, Secretary and in the m anufacture and sale of member of the war spruce council for Declared W eakening in Intensity. every effort to relieve the suffering is McAdoo said prom pt passage of the flour and bread. It will tak e up next Oregon, has forwarded a telegraphic being made. Petrograd — In consequence of the the production of m eat and dairy Army and Navy insurance bill would invitation to the National Defense “ im m easurably increase A m erica’s commission now in th e N orthw est to heavy losses inflicted on the Austro- foods. The Trade commission has in­ N ational 8-Hour Bill Drafted. German forces and the desperate re­ vestigators now in the flour mills and chance of winning the w a r,” and ex- ! W ashington, D. C.— As a solution in visit Coos county and look over the six sistance of the Russians, says a tele­ in the m eat-packing houses. pressed the hope th a t the bill would be mills which are m anufacturing aero- gram received here from Odessa, the enacted “ before the first soldier of the p art of the labor trouble in W estern ¡ plane stock in th a t locality. In his statem ent Mr. Hoover em­ Teuton offensive on the Roumanian phasizes the obligation the U nited new National Army begins active m il­ Oregon and W ashington, Senator Poin­ dexter has proposed the enactm ent by itary d u ty ,” about Septem ber 1. A hay shortage is threatened in the front is dim inishing in intensity. States owes to its allies in supplying Desperate engagem ents are being an abundance of food and urges re­ The B utte stree tc ar m en’s strike congress of a law providing th at eight Long Creek section and farm ers are was settled Friday afternoon, the com­ hours shall constitute a standard day’s even cutting the grow th in fence cor­ fought by the Kusso-Roumanian forces duced consumption by the American pany agreeing to pay the men a flat work for all lumber mills, logging ners and other places where mowers and Austro-German arm ies along the people, In the center of “ We have in our abundance and in scale. Operation of cars has been re ­ camps or other wood-working estab­ cannot operate. Some are cutting rye Roumanian front. lishm ents whose products enter into grass to feed w ith w hat hay they have. this battle line, according to Monday’s our w aste,” he says, “ an ample supply sumed. in te rsta te or foreign trade. His bill Seven Norwegian sailing vessels and imposes a penalty of $1000 for each The Baker crop is coming up to th at of Russian official statem ent, the Rus­ to carry them as well as ourselves over last season, but sales are being made sians and Roumanians repulsed strong this next w inter w ithout suffering. If 90 men were lost in a heavy gale near violation. Teuton attacks along the Fokshani- we fail, it is because in dividual a Greenland, according to a dispatch to j Senator Poindexter drafted and in- t $15 and $16 a ton in the stack. Marsechti railroad, then counter a t­ American citizens have failed to see the London Central News from C hris­ troducted this bill a t the suggestion An increase of 15 per cent in all tacked and raptured 1200 Germans, and do this loyal National duty. tian a Thursday. of mill men and mill laborers, both freight rates was granted to the G reat only to re tire later. We shall invite all classes and all The first one-third of the quota of sides to the controversy, according to Southern Railroad company by the In Southw estern Moldavia the Rus­ trades to sign a volunteer pledge to One hun­ 687,000 men drafted for army service his advices, being favorable to the Public Service commission. sians took the offensive, smashed the co-operate with us in the undertaking, under the selection bill will be called legal eight-hour day in the lumber bus­ dred farm ers and m erchants appeared Teuton lines and captured a number of and so become members of the food a t the hearing a t The Dalles and prisoners and four guns. to the colors Septem ber 1 and sent to iness if it can be made National. adm inistration as we ourselves a rc .” prayed the commission to extend the train in g camps between Septem ber 1 increase asked or more if necessary. and Septem ber 5. This inform ation Railroads Save Mileage. Reckless Prince Curbed. National Holiday Likely. The road runs from The Dalles to has been communicated to the govern­ Chicago — Extensive reductions in Friend. Berlin, via London—According to an W ashington, D. C.—A National hol­ ors of all states by Provost Marshal passenger train service in addition to announcement in the Official Gazette, iday may be declared Septem ber 3 In General Crowder. those already made are soon to go into Larry M. Sullivan, of Oregon City, the youngest son of Prince Friedrich celebration of the entrainm ent of the Wool contracts calling for more than effect in the Middle West. Between one of the owners of the F ria r’s Club, Leopold, of Prussia, who bears the d ra ft levies for the train in g canton­ $18,000,000 worth of wool have been March 1 and July 15, the railroads in at Milwaukie, has been pardoned by same name as his father, has been ments. No step to this end has been let at W ashington, according to an­ this territo ry effected a saving a t the Governor Withycombe, according to a placed under interdiction by the Count made as yet, but officials a t the Pro­ nouncements. The Red Cross has pur­ ra te of alm ost seven million passenger telegram from the governor to Gilbert von Eulenburg, m inister of the royal vost Marshal G eneral's office regard It chased 1,000,000 pounds for k n ittin g miles a year in passenger train serv­ L. Hedges, d istrict attorney. Sullivan house. The prince, who is 22 years as probable. Conferences were had purposes and the Navy has let con­ ice. The total reductions already had been convicted and sentenced for of age, is charged with ex trav a­ with rialw ay officials on mobilization trac ts for 4,500,000 yards of uniform made and those soon to be put into numerous violations of the liquor law. gance, and has been placed under the cloth at an aggregate cost of more effect in this territo ry am ount to over He was at liberty on bond pending ap­ guardianship of Captain von Heyden, details. T ransportation lines face the problem of collecting the first 230,000 than $16,000,000. 12 , 000,000 passenger miles. peal. He had not s e r v e r s day in jail. his m ilitary escort. men from 4570 districts. COMPILED FOR YOU BIG STICK LOOMS UP