CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Found Black feather fan. Can In* recovered ut this office. this country miss the golden op­ portunity for large-t service in the world's reconstruction work. With an adequate supply of properly trained young assistants, the old engineers of the country could do five or even ten times what they are now doing by man­ aging the European engineering work through their assistants. The Kxpretut print» hut ter wrap- pei'H with non-poiHonoua ink. Money to loan Valley Realty Co., Forent drove, Oregon. Hi-tf Wanted Housekeeper for wid­ ower with four children. No woman in family It* George ( ¡. Hancock, real ch - title, farm loans and fire insur­ “ It is thus evident,” says Mr. ance, new Anderson block. 60 Waddell, “ that we must manage V. S. Abraham was down from ! not only to prevent any falling off the farm Monday, trading with in the attendance at our technical local merchants. schools both during and directly A fine line of nifty fall sweaters after the war, but also greatly to for men, women and children just increase it.” received at John Anderson’s This can be done, he thinks, by Mrs. Chester Wright and Miss urging more young men to go to Joan Pierce visited Sunday at the college and by showing their par­ Chris Peterson home near Hills­ ents that it is their duty, both to boro. the boys and to their country, to send them; by inducing freshmen Billy Schultz, jr., and family with aptitude for technical courses are expected home tomorrow from a two weeks’ vacation at (lari to take them; by having drafted students assigned to some bran h haldi beach. Beans are going to he too val­ of engineering service where they uable to waste in the threshing. wdl be more effective and also get S e e t h e thresher at Gordon’s experience for future work; and by granting government aid to hardware store. youths of special ability but in­ J. VV. Griffith who went to sufficient money for college work. Washington some time ago to work in a lumber camp, returned home last week because of a strike in the camp where he was work­ Astoria, Aug. *». George F. Rodger«, Salem capitaliHt, ha* crew building ing. shipyard to construct four government “ Uncle Bill” Hay returned last ships. Ways are being laid. O re g o n to la? made n o rth w e s te rn ce n­ week from an enjoyable outing at lying Beach, Wash. He says he, te r fo r m a n u fa c tu re o f aeroplanes and tra in in g c re w s . would have remained longer, but Mr Far hr an and Wilson Bros, ship­ the bathing suits gave him sore yards at Astoria have keels on govern­ ment contracts. eyes, and wore out his camera Engineering for the next ten years or more wdl be the most lucrative of all professions. SIGNS OK PROSPERITY LION Special S U I T S from thin long-established concern that supplies the apparel needs of Men and Boys, assure of correct garments at economical prices. The utmost in val- . ue and lasting satisfaction. (%>n €& J/u fi# C h Morrison at Fourth and Ititi Third Street. D o u b le S . & H . T w o S t o r e s in P o r tla n d Stamps X ’n Astoria- -Million-bushel bulk grain bina completed. Silver Lake Leader— -Thompson val­ ley irrigation project being completed. Pendleton— Work started on $l.r>,000 Rieth school. Dust Poison Controls Spotted Bean Beetle O A. C Experiment Station. Corvallis, Oregon. Aug (>. Those greenish yellow beetles, with black spots, which are just now feasting on the blossoms and leaves of bearw and cucumbers in western Oregon and will -oon be devour­ ing the silks of the young corn, are con troll* d at the O. A C . ex­ periment station by a poisoned dust. As prepared by A. L Lov- ett, the entomologist, the dust is 85 parts either finely sifted wood ashes, air slaked lime or *ulfur, with 15 parts powered h ad ar.->e nate. It is lightly but thoroughly applied to the plan's with a dust gun or a coarse salt sack or ch* e*e cloth bag, early in the «lay while the plants are wet. A few plants are left undusUd for the beetles to gather upon later, when they are killed by picking them off the vines and dropping them into a small pail of water having a thin fHm of kerosene on top. Corvallis has a furniture factory and W. L. Benfer, wife and little it is promised to put the whole influence daughter left Sunday morning for I of the State Agricultural college hack Salem, Utah, where Roy has a of it to make it a mammoth concern. good job offer'd him. Mrs. Ben- Faculty und students are to get their fer’s folks live near Salem and the families to use products of this factory Oregon women who wish to change in residence will be very and give it state-wide publicity. Klamath Falls—-U. S. Indian office at 1< arn to b dietitians for hospitals agreeab e to her Washington authorizes three new and other civil, military or red Levi Keck has sold hi-- little bridges over Sprague river. cross institutions having tofeid farm near Beaverton to three Koseburg— Work starte«! to «(»end stenographers from Portland, who $.r>no,(N)0 on Pacific highway in this large numb rs of people, may do so at their State Agricultural Col­ are going into the chicken busi­ county. Marshfield—-New shipyard here will lege ness. In company with W. J A course in dietetics has Good, Mr Keck is visiting friends work double shifts under electric lights. been added in Home Economics, St. Helens—-Another motor ship 2H.r> in the Coos Bay country. which is said by Mi s Milam, feet long to l>e built in yards here. Culumbia City — Somarstrom Bros, head of domestic sciet.ce to be of have contract for four government much interest to young women ships. who a*e not able to take a full Halfway — Homestead I r o n Dyke four-year college course. They The most lucrative as well a - ' Copper Mining Co. building club house. the most patriotic service young; Grants Pass— $90,000 will he spent on must be at least 21 yea^s of age to men can perform for the next ten Josephine county p o s t and military enter this course, and g aduates of a four-year high school course, years or more is training and roads. Kcho has let large contract for con­ or its equivalent. Maay inquir- practicing engineering, says J. A. crete walks and crosswalks. i s are coming in for urther in­ L. Waddell, consulting engineer, Portland—-Factory to make spruce formation. New York. parts for aeroplanes o|>ened here. Country Calls Youths to Engineering Service Salem — Kx-Governor West before Mr Waddell is well known in Public Service commission plead for Portland business circles, where right to install Home phones free for he was supervising engineer of the three months to revive declining sys­ great Columbia interstate bridge tem. and also the O. W. R. & N. rail­ Oregon Hassan Paving Co. erecting way bridge across the Willamette. plant H t Huhhard. Before Htiy more drown Albany hojies A summary of his reasons for the to have a public swimming | kk >1. statement follows: Junction— Pacific highway south of More than ha f of the world here being macadamized. Hood River— New factory to eva|x>r- will have to be reconstructed after the war. America’s railways and ate apples and make vinegar to be built. bridges will h a v e deteriorated Odell— Fruit packing house going up from over-use and lack of upkeep.! here GO by 100 feet. This reconstruction is almost Dee— Sawmill here unable to operate for want of labor in logging camps. wholly the work of engineers. Huhhard to have new Southern Pa­ European engineers are being cific station. killed off by the thousands and S. P. Company will rebuild highway large numbers of American engi­ fronv Mapleton to Cushman Station. neers serving in Europe will he Portland— Northwest Steel Company killed or incapacitated for work^ to build plant to make plates, shapes The supply of new engineers in and liars. Myrtle Point— Pierce and Stark will the warring countries has been ojien shingle mill on Catching creek. cut down fully one-half by the call Taft has four cheese factories and to a* ms, ju 't at the time when it launched first ship built on Siletz bay. Army and navy may be supplied with should be doubled. loganberry jam. The demand for technical spec­ Newspa|uilding. Seattle, Wash. (Donated Advt) Forest Grove, - Oregon D R . H . C. FO R T N E R D. D. & M. B. BUM P A tto r n e y s a t L aw H. T. G ILTN ER Staple and F ancy Groceries F r u its a n d V e g e t a b le s in S e a s o n PHONE S o u th M a in S t r e e t - I WONDER WHY THEY ARE l _ (TH E POINT 151 NOW TEUJNG MEN WHAT EVERYBODY] YOU CAN GET T H E r- HAS KNOWN FOR 8 5 YEARS] GENUINE GRAVELY] AROUND HERE I 701 F o r e s t G r o v e , O re G R A V E L Y 4« CELEBRATED Chew ing Plu§ . B E F O R E T H E IN V E N T IO N O F O U R P A TEN T A IR -P R O O F P O U C H G R A V E L Y P L U G TO B A C C O M A D E S T R IC T L Y FO R ITS C H E W IN G Q U A L IT Y W O ULD NOT K E E P F R E S H IN T H IS S E C T I O N . N O W T H E P A T E N T P O U C H K E E P S IT FR E S H AND C L E A N AND G O O D . A L IT T L E CHEW O F GRAVELY ENOUGH AND LA S TS LO N G ER TH AN A IG C H E W O F O R D IN A R Y P L U G . draref.v Jbfaccc Co. OMvtue.VA. **Vtf6?*'*0 _ E V ER YB O D Y IS FALLING INTO STEP - BILL POSTER RIM BOARDS ARE BEING READf------ -1 -*■ - - **