I Hotel Hoyt GROWING SWEET CORN C «rM r Stalli and Mart SU., Portland, Or*. P L A N T SOME V A R IE T Y A T SHORT IN TE R V A L S UP TO AUGUST. Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated U ) U IIIM K 8 . M an icar. KATKH 74c t o « . HI'KCIAL-Waak or Monlb ACADEMY OF THE HOLY CHILD Poan CM* Yart, Portland, Oragon. Pkona Tabor I OH I A L o m , Quality Very Rapidly After Be ing Picked— Doe* Beat In Fertile Soil, But Adapts Itaelf to All Textures. SE LE C T B O A R D IN G A N D D A Y S C H O O L TO R O IR L S I B o y s U n d e r 10 A d m itt e d .] Sweet corn should nlwnya be found in the boine garden when spar« ul- lowa, since It loses quality very rup- Idly ufter beliiK picked. Ita sugar clmtiKcs Into starch, ho thut to have It at Its best It should be on the tire within lh minutes after being puller) from the stalk. fkrrn does best In a fertile soil, but Fit* Men and Women for Is uble to adapt Itself to all textures h life o f unuful and profit­ from sund to clny. To grow It In suf­ able work a* ficient (jiiHiitltlcH for the average fam ­ DrutflcHH P r a c titio n e r * « ily requires more space, however, F. A. B RE W STE R, M. IT., DEAN than for most garden vegetables. It 712 S ta te , S a le m , O r e x o n . should not be planted until after dan­ ger o f frost Is past. The row's should be spneed not closer than three feet apart, and for OITora airoptlim al ailvaiitairog. I.lmlti-I m ini. b«r o f pupil*. Imllvlilual caro, Thorough moral, nmnlal. phyalral training. Mmlorn languaca*. Mualr. A rt. College of Neurology and Electro-Therapeutics, Inc., H ID ES , P E L T S . C ASC ARA S A R K , W O OL AND M O H A IR . Vi «Ml al hm km Vrtti far pricn art tkippn* la» T n i H. F. N orton C o . ftr«Mi. on , sum», vi O ld F a l s e T eeth B o u o h t ™ « j » o lle r Ih r Iw ttrr, crown«. l>rl«i|frworic bought. A. 8. W ight, Box H40, Portland. Oragon. Ï Î T J Ï Ï ! Maria« Is for Tired Eyes. V Y V 0 V I9 9 R a d K y r a — S o re K y r « — “ ilrannlxUHl Hr wild« H mi a — Hrfrrxh»« R*nU,fne» Marin» !■ a Favorite Tmatiuerit f«• r Myna that fnnl dry and «mart Oivtfoov Myna ax uioch of your loving car« aa your Teeth and with the axait» regularity. CAAI FOR IN I « TON CANNOT OUT I f « (T ill Hold at Drug and Optical H%or«x or by MalL lik l e i M lya N mm N f C c , CtkAfe. far D m leak I M I I N l l l l l H I I M l I M U I I I M l I I 11 I I I I M i l l ! I M l I I I I I I I M i l M l M U M I I’m Simply Covered With Eruption— W hat Can I do? " I can't rest, I can't sleep, and moat of all, I hardly dare go out, for when It starts Itching, I simply have to scratch, no matter where 1 am." "Don't worry a bit—Just get a cake of Reslnol Soap and a Jar of Rcslnol Ointment. Use them according to di­ rections and I am aure you will get prompt relief, and that your akin will be all right In a few dfcys.” Reslnol Soap and Ointment are sold by all druggists. I/Ogiral Conclusion. “ There is one big difference be­ tween pie and words.” "W h a t's that?” “ When you mince your words you don’t have to eat them.” — Exchange. ABSORB ine M X * TBADt MARK »ft.U.S PAT Off Will rrduce Inflamed, Strained, S w ollen Tendons, Ligaments, or Muscles. Stop»the lamcnessand in from a Splint, Side Bone or >ne Spavin. No blister, no hair gon r one and horse can be used. $2 a bot sttle at druggist» or delivered. De­ seri your caie for apecial instruc­ scribe tions iiw H . and "n d interesting in U . . . . . . . hone B ook 2 M Free. — A B S O R B IN E, JR ., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces • Strained, T o r n Liga ­ K Good Variety of Sweet Corn. 11»«* larger growing lute varieties the distance luid best be three nnd one half feet. Stalks should be thinned to stutid from 15 to IS Inches In tbt row. In pluntlng, the seed Is covered with one or two Inches of soil. Culti­ vation must be thorough, frequent und shallow*. It Is possible to use the ground oc­ cupied by early corn for n fall plant­ ing o f such crops us spinach, turnip* und kale. Large, late vurtetles, how­ ever. will occupy the ground for prac­ tically the whole season. For early use the yellow sweet corns have recently become quite popular. O f course the Golden Ban­ tam Is u well-known variety. Early Minnesota lias long been a fuvorlte. White Mexican Is a valuable earl} corn. Eurly Mnlukohf Is u very early sort of excellent quality, which doe* better In the North than In the mid­ dle stutes, however. Eurly Adums I* a variety frequently grown for mar­ ket, and Its virtues are rather those of the market thnu o f the table. It Is a flint corn, not n s\wet corn, but II used during the very short period j when Its qualities are at their best. It: j flavor Is good. It U possible to huye a fulrly lonj season o f usuble corn If three varl eties, such ns Golden Bantam, Crosby and Country Gentleman are planted simultaneously In early spring. Tc make the season continuous until frost, however, It w ill be necessary tc plant some variety at Intervals ol two or three weeks up to the last ol July. Crosby Is a very good vurlet) for this purpose. Hook "KrMcncc” tree. W. F. YOUNG, P D F., 401 T«mpl* St., Sprlngfisld, Nits S H IP Vnnl. Pork, Beef. Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Form Produce to the Old Relisbl* Rverdins house with s record of 44 year* of Square D esllnn, snd 1 T O P MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 48-47 Free» Street Portland. Oreroa B U Y JD IR E C T £ l D o Y o u r O w n P lu m b in g | By baying direct from as st whole**!«. pries* snd aaes tbs plumber's profits. Writ« us to­ day your needs. We will glee you our rock- bottom "dlmet-to-you” prices, f. o. b. rail or boat. We actually aaee you from 10 to 44 par cent. All good* guaranteed. Northwest headquarters for Leader Water Bystema and Fuller A Johnson Engines. STARK-DAV1S CO. 212 Third Street. P, N. U. « Parties* O r e « « . N o. S I , 1917. IJees will pay well for their keep In honey, but that Is not all the good they do. They Increase the fruit crop by fertilising the blossoms. If there were no bees nor similar Insects there would be little fruit. The wind can­ not be depended on to do the necessary work o f carrying the pollen (that yel­ low powder) from the male blossoms to the female blossoms. Most of this work Is done by the bees In their trips from blossom to blossom. Weather at the time the orchard blooms has much to do with the size o f the crop. I f It Is wet, cloudy and cold, the bees cannot work as they will when It Is cleur and warm. Con­ sequently fewer blossoms are fertil­ ized and there Is less fruit. You muy have noticed that some times one side o f an apple tree will be set heavily with fruit, while there will be little or none on the other side. This Is often caused by strong, cold winds thut prevent the bees from working on the exposed side of the tree. H E A L BABY RASHES That itch, Burn and Torture Cuticura— Trial Free. w ith CLIMBED STAIRS ON HER HANDS foo IQ to Walk Upright Operation Advised. Saved by Lydia E . Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. ______ This woman now raises chickens and A hot Cuticura Soap bath la sooth­ ing to Irritated skins when followed does manual labor. Read her story: by a gentle application of Cuticura Richmond, Ind.— “ For two years I Ointment. Use Cuticura for every­ was so aick and weak with troubles day toilet preparations to prevent from my age that such troubles. A fter this treatment when g o i n g up baby sleeps, mother rests and heal stairs I had to go merit follows. very slowly with Free sample each by mall with my hands on the Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, steps, then sit down Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. at the top to rest. — Adv. The doctor said he thought I should have an operation, and my f r i e n d s thought I would not live to move into our new house. My " 1" daughter asked me Tails how to loosen a sore, to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable tender corn so It lifts Compound as she had taken it with good out without pain. results. I did so, my weakness dis­ appeared, I gained in strength, moved SAVE A L L B R EED IN G ANIMALS S o humbug! Any corn, whether into our new home, did all kinds o f garden work, shoveled dirt, did build­ hard, soft or between the toes, will Department of Agriculture Urges loosen right up and lift ouL without ing and cement work, and raised hun­ dreds o f chickens and ducks. I can­ Farmers Not to Be Tempted With a particle of pain or soreness. not say enough in praise o f Lydia E. Present High Prices. This drug Is called freezone and la Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and a compound of ether discovered by a if these facts are useful you may pub­ “ Don't sell your breeding animals Cincinnati man. lish them for the benefit o f other Ask at any drug store for a small women.” —Mrs. M. O . JO H N STO N, Rout* unless you can replace them Immedi­ bottle of freezone. which will cost but ately with better ones," Is the mes­ a trifle, but la sufficient to rid one’s D, Box 190, Richmond, Ind. sage the United States department of feet of every corn or callous. agriculture Is sending to farmers and Put a few drops directly upon any stockmen everywhere. Don't let the tender, aching corn or callous. In­ Plftflsd xn 7 wher «.Da*«* F’ f Killer xttr. tx and killxaD '»tal, conveniente xx»d cheap. tcmptutlon of high prices now being stantly the soreness disappears and L a * ‘ a a>l M t o o . M a is »/ M u i, (aa t —7 T Z shortly the corn or callous w ill loosen jp ovsr ; vili M M Ir offered for live stock or undue fear of I injarw anrthia*. G—f * ad « f s c t i f s . A s k tm the prices asked for rnuny popular and can be lifted o ff with the fingers. This drug freezone doesn't eat out D a isyF ly K iller feeds mislead you Into sellNig u cow| the corns or callouses but shrivels f o M b y iM M t r « , o r « ama* bf «i,rto*. prwvsdd. fl.OOL or sow that will drop the golden calf them without even Irritating the sur­ MANOLO IO M KR I, INO DaKxlfc Avx., Brwofcly», N. Y. or litter. Such near-sighted proflt- rounding skin. tuklng or lack o f couruge. If wide­ Just think! No pain at all; no sore­ " F a ir and warmer” is the dope. spread, would strike at the founda­ ness or smarting when applying it or That from many points we get. If your druggist don’t tion o f the country’s live stock indus­ afterwards. And it gives us cause to hope have freezone have him order it for try and cripple It for years to come. you. W e shall have a summer yet. As there Is a shortage o f meat animal* throughout the world, we ennnot hope ANN O UN C EM ENT to Import new breeding stock to re­ place those we foolishly have killed off. Our own br«-edlng animals, there­ fore, must be regarded ns the seed i ^ - Now $135 t »VI«» Now $145 essential to the domestic meat supply The Lightest and Strongest Drag Saw made—Caa of the nutlon. be Operated by One Man and Carried by Two Men. It Works! Try It VAUGHAN'S PORTABLE DRAG SAW Vaughan RAKE FOR G A TH ER IN G BRUSH M o to r W o r k ., PORTLAND. OREGON Implement Invented tor Purpose ol Collecting Undergrowth Is Idea of a Nevada Man. In Illustrating nnd describing a re­ volving rake, the Invention o f A. R Clayton o f North Fork, Nev., th« Scientific American says: "This Invention provides a rake fot gathering sagebrush and similar under­ growth, suld rake embodying a wheel “ V E L V E T ” FROM S H E E P FLO C K Animals W ill Mow Orchard and Keep Down Weeds About Windbreaks, Fences and Buildings. A small flock will mow the orchard anti keep down the weeds about wind breaks, fences and buildings. AH ol this Is simply Incidental “ velvet” ns the wool clip pays for the flock's keep. The mutton return Is the main source ments. Sw ollen Gland*. Veins or Muscle* I H eel* Cut*. Sore*, Ulcers. A lla y * pain. Price o f profit. «.0 0 a hoftle SI dcilcrsor Seltrrred. Little Honey Gatherer* Carry Pollen From On# Blossom to Another— Weather Counts. “ We got this boat together in re­ markably short tim e,” remarked Noah jubilantly as he stood ofT and surveyed the ark. “ Y es,” replied Japhet. “ All we bad to do was to go ahead and build her o f wood. There hasn’ t been any steel construction to stand and ar­ gue about.” — Washington Star. K ill A ll F lie s ! ^ S C IE N T IF IC A R T K O U X IIC A L Inatrurlioo* Korcw**tx, Hook«, **te. A M«n«-ral fore* f l i t for 6 yk'iorn with «(»««rUl in