Ci /( "Vf * / (Thp jFmrfit $rmu' Ci yt / L ► >v_ «T > + j , zxpnsB A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Vol. 2. No. 31 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. TH U R S D A Y. AUG. 9. 1917 THESE MUST APPEAR FOR EXAMINATION New Business Firm For Forest Grove „ n o . . , . , ,, , , afternoon Pain for their new home in Portland. The guests were: Mrs. J. R Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Peaty o E. I). Stout, late of I orlland, Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur representing the Stout Auto com- j Reynolds, M Mr. r. and Mrs. J. A. pany, has taken a year’s lease on Elder and son. Lamborn, Mrs. the entire ground floor and base- Scott, Miss Kate Scott, Mrs. v r u »I i ¡Herzog of McMinnville, Miss M. Following are the names of Washington county’s drafted men ment of the K. of P block, on y Mc*Intyre> M r. and M rs. S. G who must appear at the county court house in Hillsboro today, to-1 pacific avenue, and the building Morgan Mrs. Showers, C W morrow and Saturday, Aug 9, 10 and 11, for examination for mili- j* being remodeled for an auto as- Odell, Rev. and Mrs. Dunlap, tary service: M-mbling plant, salesroom and Mr and Mrs. A. E. Gardner, Mrs. The following are required to report Order Nu 1 •> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21* 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 The 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 69 60 til 62 68 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 71 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 St-riitl NAMK No. 258 Harold Clifford Friedly ** * - * — • f r The e company u d M has i the i “ Washing- - AihlreNH on Itc-giHtration < Buxton 488 Arnold Berger Hillsboro, Route 4 1436 lam bert Linard Stewart Sherwood 854 Walter Pi. Olbehson Gaston 189-1 Ernest Franklin Thomson Timber Hillsboro 1878 Leonard Brown 1095 George Lee Cochran 1455 Ernest Ashley Haines Sherwood Forest Grove 788 Frank Lloyd Smith 1813 Joseph Henry Finigan Hillsboro 1858 Rutherford G Reiter Portland Hillsboro 1752 Carl H 1HMD 1117 Thud ileus Stevenson Banks, Route 2 West Timber 1672 Yasaburo Mishima 1748 Charles L Deich man Hillsboro 837 Charles F Crunican Gaston Cornelius 887 Henry Hergert Forest (¡rove 676 William G Ralston 275 Charles H Schmidlin Buxton Portland 509 Fred St offers Sherwood, Route 4 1185 Arthur II Rupprecht Hillslxjro, Route 3 564 Ottis Edward Johnson Banks, Route 1 945 Perry A Shearer 5ÍK» Florian Hemmy Hillsboro, Route 1 Orenco 1267 Rant Pi Dunsmoor Waldo Pimerson Raines 536 Cherry Grove Leslie Sears Robinson 1495 Sherwood, Route 4 Fred William Wenger 548 Hillsboro, Route I Banks 126 William Meeuwsen 1679 William Jacob Ruff Hillsboro, Route 1 Cornelius, Route I 1287 Joseph Cawrsc, Jr Forest Grove 784 Ernest Theodore Tucker Hillsboro 1732 John O Engeidinger Enoch Israel Will Forest (¡rove 765 Banks, Route 3 107 Julius A Vuylsteke Koslatinos Debegiotis 1546 West Timber 1563 George Drorbaugh West Timber Sherwood, Route 3 1869 William Walter Geiger follow ing are.required to report before the Hoard Aug 616 Joseph Yocum Hillsboro, Route 1 373 Grant Pi Newell Cornelius, Route 2 Hillsboro, Route 1 1676 Glenn N Gillonwater Or enco 1266 Arthur H Gritzmacher Ervin Meury 1891 Timber 775 James Hugh Pruitt Forest Grove 486 Rexford Edison Thorne Portland Horace Jackson Rice, Jr 692 P'orest (¡rove 600 Henry Martin Clemens Hillsboro, Route 1 Gaston 810 Jesse Faye Murray West Timber 1539 Leonard Dorsch Hillsboro, Route 1 1682 William F Van Loo 507 Otto Schulz Portland Paul Parson 309 Buxton Cornelius 437 John Frederick W itt 1324 Henry Kemper P'orest (¡rove Ernest Zuercher 604 liil sboro, Route 1 43 Frederick Jensen Huber M at Pavushek Hillsboro 1768 1548 I ’antelis Pantelakis West Timber Richard W Ripley Orenco 1264 1066 James Brooks Beckwith Hillsboro, Route 2 Gales Creek 924 Henry Robert Gevert 420 William Huntemann Hillsboro, Route 4 1014 Charles William Wirfs Beaverton, Route 3 1178 Arthur Frank Bcringer Sherwood, Route 3 514 Otto Hamel Portland, Route 2 Cornelius, Route 1 433 (¡heart Henry Olson 1329 Orlu Starr Combs Hillsboro, Route 2 10 Arnold B Syverson Beaverton, Route 3 1045 Leo Herliert P’itzlaff Cornelius, Route 2 Lloyd Henry Murray Laurel, Route 2 1031 Hillsboro. Route 1 1705 Waldemar A Prahl 1331 James Pidward Smith Sherwood, Route 4 Hillsboro, Route 1 1685 Carl C Gillenwater 487 Harry Hansen Beaverton, Route 2 Orenco 1282 IiCo Joseph Gray P’orest Grove 1323 Theodore Van Loo The following must appear August 11 Hillsboro 18-17 Clifford Malven Ratz Forest Grove 797 Joseph Abner Morley Banks 140 Arthur Connolly 1536 Gust Angelos West Timber Hillsboro 1723 George N Pingeldinger Hillsboro 1779 Charles Pilwin Adams 1236 Alfred Neilsen Hillsboro. Route 3 Cornelius 432 Pimil Vanaker Beaverton, Route 4 18 W alter Brown Congdon Dilley 652 Clarence Willard Rice ton county agency for Ford cars and will specialize in these cars, which they will receive knocked down, to be assembled in this city, but some of the other tried and te ted makes of cars will also be handled. M r. Stout ha, been with the Ford company at Portland for the last five years and knows the motor business from all angles Repairs and accessories for most of the standard cars will be car­ ried in stock and vulcanizing will be made a feature of the repair shop. It is expected that the I company will employ at least a half dozen men to start with, more later if the patronage justifies it. Mr. Stout is a married man and Mrs. Stout will come to this city as soon as she completes her va­ cation visit to the l>e.ich. Pretty Wedding at North Plains $1.50 per Year Great Revival at Christian Church The revival meeting a t the Chris ian church, conducted by Kellems and McCallum, the sun­ shine evangelists, is increasing ev­ ery night in interest and power. Large audiences have been in at- tendency this week and every ser- vice seems to be a little better 1 /.. 0 . __.i >----- u _ Kyle and Charles t Reynolds -mg a friendly interest in the meetings and the best of spirit Thirteen Fined for Speeding prevails throughout the entire The county court having d e -! service. cided to abolish speeding on th e! The two young evangelists, al­ highways of Washington county, though they have traveled widely thirteen auto drivers were arrest- and have conducted meetings all „ .over the coast, are Oregon boys, ed 5 aluri ay„ tan‘i Sunday for ex- both being graduates of the Uni- ceeding the 25 mile speed limit set Vers¡tv Gf Oregon and the Eugene by a state l aw. 1 he thirteen |>ible University of Eugene. In nam» d below appeared before j Judge D. W. Smith Monday, plead guilty to the offense as | charged and were fined $10 each: j A. P. McKenzie and Loren H. Watkins, Forest Grove; G. E. Heislér and John Parsons, fíales Creek; M L. Sturdevant, Cor­ nelius; T A. Davis and H. Walt­ ers, north of Hill-boro; Wilbur ¡ Dillon, Hillsboro; P. O. Boyd, Portland; James Minor, W. D. Summers. E. J. Hoover and S. E Draper, re-idence not given. Complaints have been is u<-d for four others on the same charge. A wedding of interest to Forest Grove people was that of Jessie Reynolds and Fred Beaty, of Portland, at the home of the bride’s brother, Arthur Reynolds, Washington, Aug. 8.— The first at North P l a i n s at 2 o ’clock Wednesday afternoon. Rev. R one-third of the quota of 687,000 Je-se R Kellems E. D u n Tap o f t h e Methodist men drafted for army service un­ church performed the ceremony (Ier these rction bill will be called which was witnc .jed by a few to the colors Sept. 1 and sent to addition to his college work, Mr. friends and relatives training camps between Sept. 1 Kellems, the speaker, has done Miss Reynolds is well known in and ^ This information has been graduate work in Columbia Uni- Fore >V Grove having clerked in communicated to the governors of versity in New York City. He the John E Bailey store for sev- ad states by Provost Marshal, will finish the work for the Ph. D. eral years, going from hereto General Crowder. degree s o o n . Although b u t Sheridan where >he has been em- r, . n .j. (T twenty four years of age, he has ployed lately. Mr Beaty is em- f O O « B lIlS H aV C tbeen preaching for nine years, ployed by the Portland Railway, n , n , McCallum is also a minister, Light and Power Company. P a S S e d B o t h HOUSeS ,at on* time P88* * °.f th* ,r , , . . „ Woodlawn Christian church of I he bride was unattended. She Washington, Aug. 8.— The food Portland. He has a rich baritone wore a tailored suit of blue, and control bill passed through the voice and never fails to charm his a w™ et i at; * Mth. a cordage bou-; last stage of legislative enactment hearers with his solos This will <,U a I k|K L‘ * .u . • . . at 4 o’clock this afternoon, when probably be his last meeting for At the appointed hour the bridal ,t was finally adopted by the sen- some time, as he is a member of party entered the parlor to the ate in form previously approved the 14th ambulance corps and will strains of Lohengren 8 wedding by the house. The vote in the soon leave for service in France, march, and stood under a bower fH1ate was 66 to 7. President The young evangelists expressed of ferns and sweet peas, where the Wilson’s signature will make the th e m w fv i d X X t e d w ith F o r a t impressive ring ceremony was per - 1 biii ^ i » w wieuiseives ueugnieu wiiu rarest impre- Grove. Mr. Kellems said, when formed. A light luncheon was served the . ^JIS Anna Dixon was in Port interviewed , . regarding . - , his , plans , M r< A I.' Gardner sf rv- land several days this week, buy- for the meeting, that he had sel- fng ice cream ' while Miss \I , in8 for her hat store. ' f m been in a town of the size of mg i nt i ce ertam, wnue m is s ivi. --------------- Forest Grove where the streets E. McIntyre was at the co fe e ; Guy M cN utt arrived yesterday and homes present such a clean. urn. Misses Kate Scott and Mar- from Grant county for a visit high-class appearance. "W e are garet Morgan assisted. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. going to enjoy our stay here and The happy couple left on the C. S. McNutt. we trust it will result in lasting good for the whole community ” The services begin every even­ 87 927 Pilmer Harper Gales Creek ing at eight o’clock. 88 1484 Arthur Jesse Wheaton Beaverton, Route 1 739 Ira Ward Varley P'orest ('.rove 89 A delegation of Beaverton resi- Hilbboro ¡ 90 1751 Mason Sulinger ■ dents headed by M . P. Cady was 601 Arthur Ray Hundley Hillsboro, Route 3 ! fil ; before the county court Thursday Stephen Kemper 1322 Forest Grove : 02 j with a subscription list totaling 98 1146 George Paul Borchers Sherwood, Route 4 Banks $700 with which it is desired to ! 04 1103 John Heltzel improve the street in Beaverton Hillsboro, Route 2 96 1395 KYank Jacob Hanson •tt; 606 Hector Feuerstein !: unning south of the M . S. Barm s Hillsboro. Route 1 Beaverton ; residence. It is expected that the i 07 182 George C Jennings city will appropriate $400 and the : 98 1771 Paul Lewis Gappa Hillsboro 513 Paul Erwin Ritter 1 99 court is asked to apportion a suf­ Linnton, Route 2 46 Lawrence Gillmore 100 Aloha ficient sum to complete the stretch Beaverton | of county road connecting the 101 1020 Wayne A Van Kleek 102 1651 Albert F Nackers Cornelius street with the rock road. The 103 1099 Chester V7 P'rydendall Banks court will make a trip to Beaver- i ton and look the ground over.— P'orest Grove 104 1636 Henry Vandecoevering Beaverton Hillsboro Independent. 223 John Barry 105 106 1441 P'red Raymond List Sherwood August Specials Banks, Route 3 ,107 117 William H Cop Hillsboro, Route 1 108 602 Edward H Kauffman $5.00 Ladies’ Oxford, rubber 390 Lawrence J Bacon C ornelius ' 109 1 heels, $4.00. Banks 110 75 Edward S Sehlegel $3.50 L a d i e s ' B a b y Doll Hillsboro 111 1818 James S H Brandaw Pumps, $3.00. Forest Grove 112 772 Edgar Thacker $8.00 Ladies’ Brown Kid, High 113 1456 Delbert Raymond Tigard Bootee, $7 50. Forest Grove 114 721 Rurt Arthur Grove . I $8 00 Ladies’ Grey Kid High The first eighteen men on the above list had been examined a t : Bootee. $7.50. noon, the majority passing the physical examination. Harold C. $6.00 Ladies’ Grey Kid Cloth Friedly, the first man, has a wife and two children and asked for ex- Top, High Bootee, $5 50. emption. Fully half of those listed for today are married. ’ c . E. R O Y & CO. One-Third Drafted Men Wanted by Sept. 1