» Howard McGill of Portland vis­ American Troop Ships Attacked ited his parents here' today. Washington. Au«. 1. Details Dr. Lowe, Friday. Buy your bathing suits and of the attacks by German sub- A son was born Tuesday to summer .underwear from A. G. marines upon the first expedition Hoffman & Go. of American troops sent to France Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Will. Go to the Book Store for your became known for the first time Warranty deed and mortgage sewing machine needles for any today when the report of Rear- blanks for sale at this offiee. Admiral Gleaves. commanding the 27 A daughter was born last night make of machine. The Cheapest Fully-Equipped Car for the price Word from Jessie Covert, at a naval convoy, was made public to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morley of Portland hospital, is that she is by Secretary Daniels. The first this city It will be a real pleasure for' growing stronger daily. , r attack . . was . made . . .. on Admiral .. r . you to step into the A. 0 . Hoff. I he smoke fron. the forest tire £ UlUinarv Every CHEVROLET owner has complete confidence man & Co. store. near Cochran was blowing into j and ,rast (wo '8Ubm.,rinw w m . in his car. for he knows that it represents the sound­ est mechanical principles. Ladies’ high-lace boots for town pretty thick today, indicated to l>e engaged. street and dress wear. We save. Everything for your summer We test every p a r t; motor parts, transmission, The Admiral staled the belief you dollars C. E. Roy & Co. outfit, in the latest styles. Hats, that the U-boats had knowledge clutch, axles and all other units are rigidly inspect­ Misses Elizabeth and Jewel Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, etc. of the coining of the troop ships ed for measurements; and each part in which maxi­ Whitehouse left Friday for a Roy & Co. mum strength is required is tested for strength. and were on watch for them. month’s outing at the Tillamook The second group of transports J. A. Farrell, living northwe t This is why CHEVROLET cars enjoy an envi­ beaches. of the city, suffered a badlv cut also was attacker! by two sub­ able reputation. You buy lasting satisfaction when A son was born Sunday to Mr. lip yesterday when his team ran marines, one of which apparently you purchase a Chevrolet. We advise you to ask was sent to the bottom by a and Mrs. Theo. Vanderzander of into a fence with him. Wilkesboro, but lived only three To have your sewing machine bomb dropped from an American hours. run easily, get your oil at the destroyer. None of the troop ships were If you are looking for an un- Book Store; guaranteed to be Distributors for Washington County hit. the report sajis. usual value in Men’s Shoes, at pure oil and not to gum. 27 So.tX) to $6.50, see ours. C. E For Sale—Matched team of Prizes Are Awarded Roy & Co. large black horses; one black mare, Landeis, Erary & Clark, the To get the best results with about 1500 lbs., and one gray big cutlery firm of New Britain, The party consisted of L. M. Graham Chautauqua Statement vour camera use the AnscoSpeed- mare, about 1000 lbs. M. S. Al- Conn., has just notified Goff Bios! Following is tin- financial nU li'incnt and family, Miss V orettu Perry, Mr ex film, for sale only by Littler’s len & Co. It of the winners in the kitchen ef and Mrs. J. S. West of Forest (¿rove, Pharmacy. Dr. and Mrs. Higgs were out ficiency contest held by the Goff for tin- ('hauluut|uu recently hcle made w,lh 39.85 same tertained the (J. L. It. club. Ice cream visiting for the past few days gray suede lining, a coin purse, a food-chopper. Paid for nails 2.20 and cake were served by the hostess. Mr. J. A. E.der, who made the A dvertising in local pa|*ers 25.00 Honors went to Mrs. C’. N. Johnson sod with her daughter, Mrs. Rufli, in with coin, and white embroidered best loaf*of bread submitted in Labor 36.32 the consolations to Mrs. Flsie M eltndc Banks. She left Saturday and re- waist. Reward, if left at Express! the contest, received his prize a; Ellison-W hite company 891.56 and Miss |ia/.cl Hughes. turned Wednesday. ¡office. It' the close of the contest. Mrs. I,. ('. Mis* of Forest (¡rove vis­ Frank Little, an I. W. W. organ- Ro>’ Benfer, who has assisted Total Disbursem ents 1,010.93 ited a t the 11 tithes home Thursday. izer, was taken from his room in bis father on the Express ever Will Tell It All Miss Hazel Hughes visited her aunt I have just taken the agency at Cherry (¿rove Saturday and Sunday. a Butte, Mont., lodging hou-e s*nce *be paper was started, has; The Portland Oregonian will Tuesday night by masked men been offered a better position near next Sunday b e g in publishing for the celebrated Hart, Schaffner Cecil Hughes, Robert DeShazcr and A rthur Brodcrsen of till- Thinl Oregon and hanged to a bridge until dead, 8alt Lake and, with his wife and Ambassador Gerard’s story of & Marx tailored clothing for men. infantry visited home folk« Sunday. little daughter, will leave Sunday Germany’s reasons for bringing Come in and pick out your suit. A num ber of the Artiaana enjoyed a Mr. and Mrs. B. E. I^amont re­ on 1he big world-war; her treach- John Anderson. picnic Sunday at the DeShazar place. turned Monday from a visit to f o r lta h . Mr. and Mra. Goodrich have gone to James Ham of the Fore-tGrove erous actions toward the Lnit*d t h a t c . i i i: it n o i i s th e Tillamook beaches Their W ashington for a w eek'a viait. son, Harley, who has been work­ hotel Saturday and Sunday visit­ States while pretending to be this Mra. H arry Miller haa been ill for Mr. and Mra. V underburg's little ing at Wheeler, returned with ed in Portland his niece, Mrs country’s friend. Mr. Gerard was several day a with a alight attack of dau g h ter waa taken to the F orest Annie Mar-h of North Dakota, .G- S. ambassador to Germany h eart trouble, hut ia reported b etter. (»rove hospital Monday to he operated them. four years and he is better than Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons spent ori t ,,r appendicitis. The Newaka Camp fire girls whom he had not seen for forty- Sunday at the home of Mr. M. E.* Sim- Mr. and Mra. J. W. Hughes and two anybody else able to write this l e f t Wednesday morning f o r | two years. The visit was a pleas moria. children Tuesday motored to Washing- startling story, which has lieen Canon Beach, where they will ant one to both unch- and niece. known to the administration for Mias Lois Inskecp, who haa been via- t ° n 6»r a abort viait with Mra. Hughe* iting with Mra. A. Ballinger returned relative*. spend their annua! vacation. The To show their appreciation of several months, but never before to her home in Portland Sunday. The ladies of Dillt-y resumed Hewi ng girls expect to stay nearly a 'their teacher, Mrs. Livingston, given to the public. The telling Wednesday for the Red Gross. The Wm. dleighler haa moved into the month. who will soon leave for the . m. on Tuesday, Aug. 7th. was standing in such a way that are visiting a t the home of her Hiater-1 of ice cream and cakes were urday ev< ning, August 4th. All in-law, Mrs. Hazlet. C hristian Church she fell and broke her left arm served, after which a picture of officers please he at their stations Mrs. H azlet and family and Mrs. We are expecting the KELLEM S just above the wrist. The lady the group was taken. It was re­ at 7:30 o’clock. Routine wor k, re­ Willis and family left Saturday for 1 BROTHERS, Evangelistic Team, to be suffered considerable pain for a gretted that several of the cla-s ports of special committees and Rockaway beach, where they will spend with us cn August 5th. We most cor- time, but is recovering nicely dially invite the m embers of the o ther were unable to be present. The insta'lalion of Master and Ceres the week. from her injury. AI Hayden and family are enjoying churches to participate with us in this class was pleased to have with will he conducted, followed by an an outing trip a t Nehalem. They ex- evangelistic campaign. All citizens of By a vote of 65 to 20, the U S. them as guests the pastor and his address by th e n ew Worthy |>ect to return home the la tte r part of Forest Grove are invited to attend senate yesterday passed a resolu-! wife. The following were present: Master and discussion of Grange the week. these m eetings. We know th a t if you Mr. anil Mrs. A. Ballinger were mem­ come once, you will w ant to come tion submitting a prohibition Rev. and Mrs. Patten, Mrs. Liv- work. A large attendance of bers of a motoring p arty Sunday, again. amendment to the various states, mgston and the Mi-ses Jennie Grangers is urged which took a trip to Yamhill Locks. R. L. PIJTNAM, Minister. The states have six years in which Armstrong, Anna Taylor, Liola Secretary. to ratify the amendment. Both House, K a t e Scott, Christine Oregon seators voted for the reso- Mackrodt, Camilla Abernethy, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kirkwood lution, which now goes to the j une Walker, Alice Crook, Lois tb 's “Bernoon for a camping trip over on the Nehalem. house. Livingston and Ethel Tupper Get your vacation accessories, such as Talcum Powder, Face Creams, Bathing Caps, e tc , at Littlers Rharmacy, where t h e prices are right. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haynes were admitted to the Forest Grove At S>rbultz a hospital this morning. TRY OUR Joe A. Wiles would like to write your insurance. Will give you service that will be to your Phone 061 P h o n e 0.301 C . H . G IG U E R E , P ro p . i advantage. Upstairs in Ander­ son block, room 2. 52 H T “— wmmmammnmmmä NOTES AND PERSO N A LS CHEVROLET 1918 Model $715.00 delivered at Forest Grove Wiles & Solder Bros. Forest Grove - - Hanks The Pacific Market = = = = = for = = = = = Let “High-Flight” Perfect GOOD MEATS, M Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c YOUR BREAD