French Expect Big Things o f Our Fighters F I R E E S C A P E IS H O M E Robin Helects Hpokane Chamber of Commerce Building aa Modern Domicile to Rear ISrood. fsT A T E N E W S *! BAKING THE BREAD FOR GIANT ARMY Rugg Bros., o f Heppner, chief own-1 era of the Nunemaker Sheep & Land ¡ Spokane, Wash. Emily is a house­ company, have sold to Patrick Connell ¡ Organization and Methods Em­ American Officers, However, mitlnnnl defense by corroding the Iron wife who believes in safety first. 5000 acres of land on Rhea creek, the of our arms," was the wny Compere ployed in Preparing Staff Emily is a modern home builder who Think Hopes Will Not Be consideration being $56,000. Morel, one of the heads of the socialist selected the fire escape of the Spokane party In the chamber of deputies, said Chamber o f Commerce building as a of Life for Soldiers. Realized for Months. A sewing machine and a box of In a conversation 1 had with him re­ most desirable site for a family domi­ household goods shipped from Eugene cently. "Authority must he used with cile. Probably it was the solidity of to Brookings, Curry county, Oregon, greatest ease, Justice must he unwav­ the iron platform which appealed to will travel about 1200 miles to reach PRESSURE Of STRUGGLE FELT ering. More than that, allowances her, or perhaps she felt safer in the its destination, 175 miles across coun-1 THEIRS IMPORTANT SERVICE must he made for the duration of the city than elsewhere. Anyhow, the try from Eugene. frightful strain under whleh soldiers fact that below her roars the traffic of Journeymen barbers in Eugene went One Million Fighting Men Require Army Men Want Joffre Back at the and folk at home alike are laboring. a busy street and three feet away a on a strike Saturday morning because 4,000 Bakers to 8upply Needs - Discipline must he maintained, of noisy office force hammers tyjiewriters Front— "Morale" the Problem That their demand to change the opening "Frills" Eliminated While on course, hut this Is not the time for la Confronting the Foreign and slams deaks and chairs around hour for ahopa from 7:30 to 8:00 a. m. Active Service. martinets. makes no difference. Belllgerenta — How the was rejected by the proprietors. All "Without Indicating the moral state Emily is thrifty. She believes in union barber shops in the city are af­ Ceneorehlp Worke. Washington.—A bakery company at of our troops, It would he nevertheless conservation o f material. Pieces of fected by the strike. war strength in the United States army vain to deny thnt thoae engaged In an old rope twisted around the fire es­ By LINCOLN EYRE. State Engineer Lewis returned to Is divisible Into four sections of three (Correeponilent of Iht New York World ) this appalling conflict are morally and cape and a few strips of bunting ap­ units each. The sections are lettered Bo she Salem thia week from Prineville, Paris.—A few minute» before the physically tired. To pretend that we pealed to her as valuable. A, B, C, and D, and the units are num­ where, with Superintendent o f Banks are ns strong spiritually ns we were nt worked them into the foundation, ■peclal train bringing General Pershing bered from 1 to 12. In peace times Sargent and Assistant Attorney Gen­ and hlN him IT from Boulogne rolled In* the time of the Marne Is absurd. Dis­ weaving the loose ends of the rope eral Bailey, he has been investigating there are nine units to a company, but aster Is certain to follow a refusal to through the bottom o f her summer to the Onre du Nord the other day a the question of certifying to $900,000 for war service this Is Increased to tratnload of "permleelontilree” —aol- recognize the wear nnd tear U[>on the home and using the bunting in the worth of Ochrea irrigation district 12 units a company. One bakery com­ nerves of men. ami women, too, bear­ side walls. dlera on leave from the front—arrived pany Is designed to supply normally bonds. Paying no attention to the interested at the aninu Motion. The “ pollus," ing the fearful burden of this war.” a force of the strength of a division; a audience nearby, Emily collected rub- Little of the tremendous pressure A fine o f $300 and costa and impris­ section, an Infantry brigade, and a leaning out of their duaty third c I bhm coachea, ruught night of Marshal of the struggle upon Individuals Is vis­ j hish and completed her nest. Then onment in jail for 30 days is the sen­ unit, an Infantry regiment of war Joffre standing on the platform wait* ible to the casual observer. One might she settled down to housekeeping and tence imposed by Justice o f the Peace strength. Three beautiful blue E. W. Gowen, of Klamath Falls, upon log. with M. Itlhot, the premier; M. travel through France from end to end i motherhood. The organization and equipment are Vlvliinl, mlnlater of Juatlce, and other and never get a glimpse of It. The eggs soon appeared and three weeks “ Jitney Joe” Joseph for bootlegging. | such that each unit, section or com­ i later Emily had a family consisting soldiers one sees seem cheerful enough. While the city and county jails are so dlgnlturlea, to welcome the American The full of I. W. W., Joseph is at liberty pany Is complete In Itself, so that or­ There Is hustle nnd movement In the ! mostly o f yawning mouths. commander In chief to the capital. ders directing assembly may specify youngsters are now about ready to fly. on his own recognizance. streets of the cities. Even In the sluma “ Vive Joffre I" ahrleked a "permle- simply the number of bakery units, The nest is located just outside a alonalre," and the cry wna taken up the surface of things reveuls no trag­ The Umatilla county exem ption! sections or companies required at a window o f the Spokane Interstate Fair edy. Listen to the talk of "pollus” all ulong the line of dense-packed board has engaged an attorney, Frank among themselves, however, nnd sit offices. President Thomas S. Griffith, Davis, of Pendleton, to take charge of given destination and the authority cara. to whom to report. ' of the Fair association, sees in the "It's he who spared our Ilvea In alongside a circle of gossiping house­ visit o f the bird a good omen for the ¡ the legal part o f its work and to advise j The total enlisted personnel of a useless uttacka," Minuted a bronzed, wives of the i>oorer class, nnd one will ' annual show to be held September 3-8. | the men who have been drafted o f ! bakery company Is 61, of a section bearded veteran, "we want Joffre hack soon detect the tnutness of their nerves ¡ “ We have had mascots before,” says their duties and privileges under the 12 and a unit 4. Thus for 1,000,000 and the weariness pervading their at the front 1” Mr. Griffith, “ but this is the first time law. Mr. Davis is also acting in the fighting men about 4,000 bakers will “ Yea. yea." yelled Ida compunlona, thoughts. any mother became so interested in capacity of clerk for the board. be required, the Baker's Weekly states. The newspapers arc silent about all "W e want Joffre, who doean’t waate ' our work that she made her home The district attorney, John F. Hall, Composition of a Bakery Company. this; firstly, because of the censorship, our Uveal Give ua Joffre!” where she could watch all of our of North Bend, haa secured an order ¡ and, secondly, because they necessar­ There Is one commissioned officer In The Problem of Morale. preparations.” for the detention o f Sol Gardner, a ily are part of the conscious or uncon­ junk dealer, on a charge o f having charge of a company, his title being Fortunately the cry, which could scious propaganda for the maintenance purchased stolen goods knowingly. 1 assistant to the quartermaster; there not bate failed to reach the enra of of morale. When Incidents occur they Is also a chief baker, with the title of tbe prime mlnlater aa well aa the mar- print only what they are told by the CROP OUTLOOK VERY BRIGHT Brass castings and other material j found about his premises are said to quartermaster sergeant or sergeant, abut, died unity In the excitement of official press bureau. A paragraph like first class; four assistant chief bak­ Qenernl rerahlng'a arrival. To thoae this, for Instance, means little to a Northwest Counties of State of Wash­ have been stolen by boys at North ers, one for each section, who are ser­ Bend and in Marshfield. who had heard, however, nnd who are reader not fnmlllar with such mat­ ington in Excellent Shape. geants of tbe quartermaster's corps; aware of the altuatlon on the front nnd ters : Harvesting is under way in some there are 12 bakers who have titles Olympia — Some cheering news in In the Interior of France today, Ita alg- "Last night at seven o’clock on the regard to the food situation and forest sections of Morrow county and the of sergeant or corporal, each one being nlflcnnce wua not loat. To me It meant Iloulevard de la Vallette a brawl start­ fires came to Olympia this week. M. yield is proving much better than was In charge of a unit, and eight other that nfler nlmoat three yenra of ln- ed. for trilling reasons, among five sol­ L. Dean o f the agricutlural depart­ expected. In the northern part of the bakers for assignment to duty with the Ct*aaant alnughter, the “ pollu” haa diers. Some Knhyles emerging from ment reports that the northwest coun­ wheat belt yields o f as high as 11 company or with detached subdivi­ learn«*d to dlatlngulah very clearly be- n nearby factory and pusaershy were ties were never in better shape. The sacks or approximately 25 bushels an sions, according to the necessities of tween leaders who sacrifice their men mixed up In the scuffle. The police condition and some o f them will har­ acre are being reported. In the Eight the case; 32 assistant bakers, who are uneleanly and thoae who. like the victor Intervened to re-estnbllsh order. Sev­ vest as high as 150 bushels of oats to Mile section harvesting will not com­ corporals or privates of the first class; of the Marne, never tunko n move with­ eral arrests were made.” mence until next week, but most far­ two cooks for each company and two | the acre. out counting the poaalhle coat In Uvea. What really occurred, though not a The Whatcom and Skagit county mers are now expecting from 10 to 15 { other cooks or general police make up It wna. moreover, another hit of evi­ newspaper so much na hinted at It, farmers are all doing a big business, bushels. the total enlisted strength of a bakery dence that there la no more Important was rather more serious. The soldiers and putting up more vegetables and Tbe Public Service commission has company. problem among all thoae at preaent who were on leave from the front, fruit than ever before, in some in­ received word from the Interstate Tbe commissioned officer in charge confronting belligerent governments had heard that the Kahyles. who are stances doubling the pack of last year. Commerce commission refusing to ac- of a bakery company in the field Is than that of "morale.” The spirits of Aruba Imported to clean the streets, Fire Warden Papex received word cept an advance o f 20 cents a ton on ■ responsible for the operation of the the men In the trenches, aa well aa of were to bo used to repress disturb­ that the Skykomish, the forest fire re­ the intrastate rate on coal between bakery and the training and discipline their wtvea, slatera, aweethearts, pa- ances among the civilian population. ported in green timber, was under con­ Marshfield and Klamath Falls, as pro­ of the personnel. renta In the rear, inuat he kept up to They had been told so by their wives, trol as the result of a heavy rain. The vided in the Southern Pacific’s new Each field bakery receives from the the mark. Every day Increnaes the one o f whom had been ogled by a Area in Pierce county that threatened tariff. The State commission detected quartermaster general a complete atrnln upon soldh-ra nnd clvlllnna In Kabyle. When the “ pollus" attacked the town of McKenna were brought the change provided in the tariff as al- ; war-hnraMHed nations. Tight-strung them tho Kahyles naturally resisted, under control by back firing, and all lqwed by the Interstate Commerce equipment, which Includes, for ex­ nerves are spanning apart everywhere and a riot ensued In which a dozen danger is past The most serious loss commission and reported it to Wash- j ample, 432 bake pans, 36 folding bread racks, 4 ranges, and such other minor In the cities and Tillages, far from persons were severely wounded. was that in Skamania county, where j ington. articles as axes, brushes, buckets, cans, the ring line, aa much aa In the zone This affray was preceded by an the Wind River company lost $50,000 No stock poisoning arrests have ¡ hatchets, fire hose, measures, paulina, o f the nrtnlea. That la why the coin­ even bloodier affair. In which u num­ worth of logs, machinery and equip­ been made in Klamath Falls. J. M. scales, scoops, dough scrapers, etc. ing of Pershing nnd hla division la of ber o f Annnrnltc soldiers were attack­ ment, including five donkey engines. Lundell, from the bureau of animal in -! such Immeasurable value In the never- ed by a crowd of women and “ permls- Field and Garrison Breada dustry, who has been investigating ceasing propaganda going on over nil slonnlres” and several were killed. An stock poisoning cases, stated that he ! Bread used In the army posts In peace France to maintain nt the necessary Annnrnltc hattullon was brought to estimated a total loss o f livestock time Is known as garrison bread. Tbe level France’s determination to win Pnrls at a time when the strikes were amounting to $150,000 in Klamath term field bread Is applied to a type the war. nt their height, an ’ the rumor spread county. He secured the range dis­ of bread having a greater density, a American officers, who hnve sensed with miraculous swiftness ull through tricts and made a thorough investiga-! thicker crust and a consequent higher this Insistence upon the greatness of the city that the Annnmttes had been Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, $2:1 tion, but found the stock had been capacity for retaining moisture than the aid to he provided by the United summoned because the French garri­ per bushel; fortyfold, $2.12; clut dead so long he was unable to ascer­ garrison bread. Field bread Is Intend­ Htntes lire n Idt fearful thnt expecta­ son would refuse to fire upon the $2.12; red Russian, $2.12. ed for consumption by troops at a dis­ tain what poison had been used. tions difficult of realization will he crowd In the event of n riot. Millfeed—Spot prices: Bran, $33.0 tance from a field bakery. Logging operations on the California aroused among the French army nnd That there was any truth In this per ton; shorts, $36.00; middling! Seven runs of garrison bread can be Barrel company’s tract of timber in people. They know the obstacles thnt may he doubted, hut certainly the pres­ $43.00; rolled barley, $49.00; rolle made In the army working day, Insur­ the Klatskanie river district are to be lie In the wny of Immediate military ence of the Mongolian troops nt so oats, $52. ing a production of 1,512 pounds of Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothj commenced in the immediate future. co-operation on n grand sen!« nnd feel stressful n period wns unfortunate. An- bread to the unit, or 18.144 pounds to Carl L. Koster, president of the Hum­ that a great many months must elapse nnmltcs are anathema to nil Parisians \ Eastern Oregon, $26.00 per ton; alfal the bakery company at war strength. boldt Cooperage company, will be in before the weight of American arms nowadays, simply as a result of the fa, $18.00; valley grain hay, $15.00. In making field bread, it Is possible Vegetables — Artichokes, 80c pe Astoria in about a month to establish can make Itself felt In the fighting. rumors and the really furious fight that to have seven runs In 16 hours, which ¡ the camps. dozen; tomatoes, $1.50 @ 1.75 pe Allow for Frightful Strain. arose out of them. Yet, beyond a for­ Is an average day’s work in the army per pound “Today our principal preoccupation mal communique no moro communi­ crate; cabbage, l*72c All three o f the girls who escaped field bakery. Seven runs will produce lettuce, 35c per dozen; cucumbers must be the prevention of thnt lassi­ cative than that about the Kahyles, from the State Industrial school for 1,008 pounds a unit each day, or 12.096 tude nnd discouragement which, ns there has been no mention of the mut­ 40@85c per dozen; peppers, 30*740 girls Sunday night, and who were pounds for an entire company at war per pound; peas, 5c; spinach,* 6Jc chased through the brush and woods our enemies hope, will weaken our ter In print. strength. beans, 7(778c. near the school by bloodhounds at the Green Fruits —Cherries, 7@9c pe orders o f Mrs. Minnie Darst, superin­ THIS GIRL SOME SWIMMER I DOG “ RUSHES THE GROWLER’* pound; apricots, $1.25@1.60 per crate tendent o f the school, were back at the GRAIN W ENT THROUGH FIRE cantaloupes, $1.25*7:3.50; [teaches, 90 institution Wednesday. watermelons, 2| After Ten Years It le Found In Rulne Draws Boat Tied to Her Ankle and Matter le Fined for Violating Law Re- @$1.15 per box; In the Two-Mile school district, in per pound; apples, $2*72.75; plums of an Elevator In Performe Other Amazing qulrlng That Dogs Shall $1.50*72; currants, $ 1.26