The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 02, 1917, Image 6

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' formed I She had every reasonable ex­ solent eyea, and laughed unpleasantly. fled yon never looked twice. Hut I was
cuse for desiring to rid herself o f her "W ell, I’ve been spoiling for a row all positive then that they were false, and
responsibility as quickly HS possible day, and now Pm going to have one or even more positive later, when 1 saw
and wash her bands of the whole mat­ know the reason why."
(lie real collar In the imitale box.”
ter: she never wanted to see the collar
"Make your mind easy about that,”
“ Siili I don't understand."
Peter advised gravely. "As a tidy
" I f you remember, Craven took bis Former French Empress Active,
It was evidently defective hearing young disturber of the pen CO» Hetty, (line about Ictehlng that box from Hie
Though 92 Years Old.
alone that caused the desk clerk to re­ you show class."
purser. It was a good ten minutes be­
quire a repetition o f the name.
"Shut up, P eter!” Again her glance fore he got back. He had time and to
"Mrs. Morrllees.”
challenged the three. "W hat’s up?" spare to open your despatch box ami
The clerk retired to consult the room she demanded in sudden suspicion. substitute the counterfeit for (lie genu­ Consort of the III Fated Napoleon HI
Spending All Her Meane and
rack, and presently returned with the "You didn’t cull me over here now Just ine duplicate key you knew nothing
Strength Caring for Wounded
official smile. Impersonally apologetic. to tell me you believe me capable of about, of course.”
“ I thought possibly Mrs. Morrllees hud smuggling that collar— you know you
at Engllah Home.
s s ^ e s s s
A ilW
arrived during the day— "
ly. then checked aliti turned sullen.
didn’t I”
When Oermnn prisoner* of war nr«
“ Yes." Lydia affirmed, “ she did— this
"W ell?" Mrs. IteggurMnlT demanded,
"No, my dear," Mrs. HeggarstnfT re­
afternoon, 1 believe."
plied; "but we did want to talk with while Hetty and Quoin obliged the marched to II barbed wire Inelosuro
C*ptiih W
The smile boeume even more remote­ you about It.”
near Frlmley, Aldershot, England, they
young man by looking their curiosity.
i. J~i* V*«
ly regretful. “ I’m sorry, but Mrs. Mer-
"W ell ?"
"Oh, I don't like to say It," he mut­ pass down an avenue below a beautiful
rllees is not among our guests.”
"It's this way, Mrs. Merrllees," tered unwillingly. "You’ve made out mansion standing <m a wooden hill. It
C H APTE R X II— Continued.
Some Instants luter Lydia became Quoin volunteered: "W e’re nil your | too strong a case against him as It Is often happens thnt ns the Hermans file
— 14 —
1 conscious that she was staring, to the friends, ami all my Interest In (Ida
and I’ve always had a sneaking fond past the gateway lodge, a sail ejrrd,
‘‘Anyway.” Lydia returned, “ I've the pained embarrassment of the young natter Is purely laiprofesslonul as far ness for r old
venerable woman Is standing or sitting
"id Tad."
address In my pocketbook. Mrs. Beg- man. Hastily averting her gaze, she as you ure personally Involved.”
It Is doubtful If any of (lie
garstnff Is stopping there too, you remarked the clock, and tnechuuically
prisoners know that she Is the surviv­
Mrs. Merrllees nodded brusquely J
know, and I’m to lunch with her Mon­ noted the hour; it was a quarter to but focused an Interested regard on the
KEEP CANDY FROM CHILDREN ing consort of Napoleon III, who deliv­
| eleven.
day !”
ered his sword to the king of Prussia
face o f the detective,
’Proceed," she
“ Are you sure?” she faltered.
“ To be sure!" Craven opened his
said sweetly.
Sweets Cause Early Decay of Teeth, Is at Sedan, September I. IK70.
"Oh, quite.”
arms and stepped toward her. "My
Kmpress Eugeni© celebrated her
“ W e’d like to have your personal j
Assertion Made by Dr. Harvey
Hut Craven had promised to meet word of honor that you dldu't turn this '
dear, dear girl, you don’t know what a
second birthday recently by
W. Wiley.
her there, had given her the necklace trick."
help you are to me I”
watching the sight of ii new nnd large
Lydia didn't move or speak; but her to deliver to Hetty at the Margrave.
Hetty laughed, staccato. "Hut If 1
"Hear your children on whole wheat, detachment of prisoners marching tit-
direct and searching gaze proved dis­ Impossible that he could he mistaken say I did?"
cornmenl, sklin milk and the Bi­ ward their concentration cutup.
concerting. With arms almost about as to his fiancee’s hotel, he who hnd
Quoin shrugged. "That would end j ble," said Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chem­ was ii dramatic contrast to the events
her, Craven hesitated, his look at once been flying round all afternoon, "get­ my Interest."
ist and food expert, to the mothers who o f ninny years ago which robbed her
abashed and aggrieved. "My dear ting Hetty settled"— his very words!
"And If It turns out I didn’t—eh?”
attended Ills lecture at the Forsythe of her seat on the French Imperial
Insensibly I.ydiu's eyes durketied
Lidd y!” he expostulated.
"Then 1 may be aMe to tell you some­ | dental Infirmary the other afternoon, (hrone.
The girl sighed and shook her head. and became Informed with nn expres­ thing to your advantage.”
Surely there Is not another woman
says the 11* tstoii Post. Today we lira
s'll that had suittnl better the eyes of
"I'm sorry, father. No, please don
Hetty sat up sharply. "You mean eating too much brand and too little In the world who hns lived through
say anything more. I’m glad to be of one by right o f years more inured to you know where my necklace Is?”
such experiences ns this one. who
I bran.” he added.
service; and perhaps, Jn the course of mental anguish.
"Did you smuggle It?" Quoin coun­
"One Hour Is Just as good ns another forms the link bet ween the riotous
"Hut surely this Is the M argrave!"
time, I shall understand you better.
I and It is ridiculous to pay an extrn past o f the French and the glorious
"Yes It is. Mrs. Morrllees may be at
I ’.ut tonight—” She made a helpless
f A note o f unimpeachable candor In­ j dollar or two to get some particular present of united democracies. It wns
gesture. In unfeigned sadness. “There the Plaza, or the Savoy, or the Nether­ formed the woman’s voice. "I give brand." lie Continued.
“ White flour, her beauty and popularity which aided
are too many misunderstandings be­ lands, even the St. Uegls— not quite so you my word of honor 1 did not. 1 know- I regardless o f brand ami price. Is n de­ Napoleon III to establish himself as
tween us, and I don’t seem uble to near. I f you cure to sit down u mo­ nothing about it. Beyond the fact that vitalized and demineralized food prod­ monarch. It was the Interest aroused
think clearly enough to reconcile them ment, I’ll inquire by telephone.”
I myself placed a genuine necklace In uct. They don’t have wholesome foods l>y her mnrrlage with Napoleon III
“ You're very kind,” said L ydia; "but
tonight. Tomorrow. I hope— ”
that case, and saw a paste necklace on sale at the grocery stores because which enabled him to bring about the
She was at the door before Craven I fancy I won’t have to trouble you. * ! come out o f It— ”
Crimean war. although that war mark­
! no one asks for them.
found a reply. “ At your pleasure, my Mrs. Bcggarstuff will know. I hope I'm
ed the beginning of his fall.
lady 1" he laughed, not pleasantly. "I not mistaken in believing that she Is with a look o f triumph at Trnft.
Kngcnle's Influence over her hus­
confess it’s a new thought to me, that a stopping here?”
The face o f this last suddenly as­ If you mix whole wheat products with band was well known and It Is tmsslble
The smile o f the young man passed
man In my position may have no se­
milk you can live forever. We have that her Intelligence went far toward
the bounds o f strict decorum, ns from sumed n most unbecoming brick-red
crets from his child.”
i hue. "That's nil very well," he failed to realize what a splendid food helping him to realize that Prussian-
“ Please don't say any more tonight,” a desk clerk to one of the public, lie grumbled, "and I'm not doubting Hetty
in be found In Indian corn meal. Wo Ism wns the real menace o f Europe.
Lydia begged, with her hand on the was enchanted to be able to answer a little b it ; but.” he stammered and do m>t know how to live.
Wln-n tin* North Herman Blind wns
formed in istkl he knew thnt here wns
“ Oh, very w ell!’’ he returned with a
lieve It o f Tad, and as for I.ydln—" lie clous fashion III wearing high heeled Ms real rival. From the date of the
"It was giMxl o f you to come over so
shrug and grimace of strained patience.
made an exasperated gesture. "Quoin’s stilts flint ruin their health and make formation o f this bund I'russtu hns
Into, dear— to please an old woman.”
“ Ilut—half a minute!”
them unable to become mothers. The gone steadily forward with plans for
crazy — that’s all 1"
Opening the d"«>r for her. he followed With this the Dowager Drugon took
"W hat’s this?" Hetty put In quickly. mothers of this country are anting world power, nnd It must be with feel­
out into the hall, where a stolid bellboy Hetty Merrllees Into her urtus and
and Lydia?" She waited an In­ white bread, cake and lee cream, und ings of Joy that Kllipresa Eugenie see*
was waiting for his answer to the kissed her on both cheeks.
then expect their children to bo born today the greatest countries on earth
“ Truth to tell, for the fun of It,” said stant, her color waning. “ What have healthy.
knave of clubs. To him Craven pre­
allied with France against the old
Mrs. Merrllees. "I was glad of nn ex­
sented a piece of silver.
of Napoleon III.
“ I’ll tell you," said Quoin gently.
"See my daughter down to the ladles' cuse to stay up. I'm possessed of a
drt-n. Tbt* child does not have a sweet
Throughout England the name of
entrance,” he said, "the Forty-sixth devil tonight. I f I wusn’t ut heart a re-
tooth until It Is ncqui risi by being fed Empress Eugenie Is revered.
lace. hidden in a Chinese puzzle box, tc
street elevator, you understand— and
sweet stuffs. No wonder Its teeth de­ ever charity and kindness were to be
after that send up the gentleman who
cay and fall out before maturity. Som© found It was almost certain Mint her
her exemption, us an alien, from rigid
brought that note, by the Broadway
women use malts and tnnku every of- name would appear In connection
ort to put on Ib-sh In-fore motherhood. therewith. Throughout the years that
Mrs. Merrllees rose from her chair,
“ Yes, sir,” the youth mumbled ador­
That Is bad.”
have elapsed since she went to Eng­
ingly to his tip.
land with Nupoleon F I after the de­
Craven stood watching the figures of
A Vacation.
feat nt Sedan, she has un­
“ I saw it In Miss Craven's posses­
Lydia and the bellboy diminish down j
An evangelist said la a temperance ceasingly among the i*>or nnd the sick.
sion. The rest Is Inference from con- address In Boston;
the perspective of the long corridor, ;
Her wealth hns been nt the dl*|K>sul
i trlbutory circumstances."
until they turned a corner
“The booze even gets Into men’s va­ of charitable organizations. Her only
The detective endured her stare cations arid tangles them up.
son. Prince Louts, who went to Eng­
without flinching; though the color of
"A Manayunker took the steamer for land with her, died on the field o f
his dark face deepened and his breath Boston with Ills wife. Hut the iiiluut©
battle In Zultiland.
came a trace more quickly. Convinced he got uhourd he disappeared In the
The taxicab chose the northwest cor­
Her home on Fnrnhorough lllll hns
ner of Fifty-sixth street as the most In­
black, tll-smelllng hole they called the been transformed Into a hospital for
away, moved to n window, und stood ha r.
convenient spot attainable to blow out
British officers. .Since early In 1018
there with her hack to the room, gaz­
a rear shoe. But Lydia had drawn
"Ills wife, some hours later, hurried she has been using alt o f her means
ing thoughtfully out Into the misty down to the bar mid said to him:
luckily in New York’s gigantic lottery
nnd what strength she has left In enr-
chiaroscuro o f the plaza.
o f chauffeurs. This man knew his busi­
"*()h , Heorge, come on up and see Ing for these men who come to her
‘That's why we wanted your word the scenery. The hills nnd woods are
ness. Before the girl had recovered
from the bnttlelb-bl* of France.
you were on »he level before we told Just beautiful.’
from the shock of the tire explosion
you,” Peter explained.
and the subsequent shaking up he had
" ‘Ah, what tlo I care about your hills
“ I see,” said the woman In n gentler and woods. Do you think I'm golu'
brought his niuchine to a standstill,
Tin* name Tlmiskamlng Is from the
voice. "Please tell me ubout It."
jumped down, and was communing
to lose lay vacation over hills und word Tlmlkumlng of the Niplsslng In­
“ Very ve il." Quoin rescinded with woods?’ "
with himself in terms of confidential
dians, the Intrusive letter "a" being
the story, from his view and point, of
profanity concerning the ruined tire.
due to (lanndlau French. It I* derived
Then, opening the door, he an­ I’m Sorry, but Mrs. Merrilees Is Not Lydia’s adventure In the fog. "It Was
from tltnlw, "It I* deep,” nnd gaming,
your necklace in the box, the real thing,
nounced that this was the last stop.
Among Our Guests.”
Some persons in high places were "In the water,” meunlng in "the deep
beyond mistake,” he concluded.
"Sorry,” he said, “ but I got no spare
touched, once upon a time, with curi­ wnter." It Is the name o f the luke
“ But," Hetty urgued, bewildered, "I osity.
tire, and if I had I’d need half an hour i spectnble widow woman, I'd cut loose
lying between northwestern Quebec
For two don’t see— ”
to make the change. Now I'll have to n,ld misbehave scandalous,
“ It would he fun to see what sort of nnd
wait for the repair car.”
\ cen,s 1 d ht‘ad a mof> t0
"Wait. I think I can make every­ n living the world enn make with one
through it flows the Ottawa river.
thing clear. When Southpaw shut the
A prey to vague mistrust, Lydia got
invested o f her wraps, she sailed box and gave It up. on my demand. 1 hand tied behind Its back!’’ they re­ Near Its western shore Is Mie Cogult
out. Southward the avenue lay black
marked and so saying started the do- district, famous for Its rich Mllver
and lonely save for the lurching lights tempestuously ^nto the drawing room watched him pretty closely, and saw baele Involving half the nations.
mines. In places the waters o f the
of an ungainly bus groping over the
him slip a playing card in with tin
Hut their curiosity wasn't satisfied. lake are very deep, ns the Indlnns evi­
wet asphalt; to the north the plaza was
necklace. After I got outside I opened
"Let's see If the world can make any dently knew, for they gave It u mime
like a well In the air, shot through and chair and bowed politely.
the box up on my own account, partly sort of a living with both hands tied
that means "In the deep water.” A
through with glimmering light.
behind Its back!" they proposed, und band of Algonquin Indians, known as
►or I Indian’
n d i s i n f ! 1 ” ” h
p f commented.
f i m m p n t n r l “ “ Though
T h / ii ic r h
“ I don’t know what to do,” Lydia prior
partly to have a look at that card. It drew the rest of the nations Into the
th« Tlmlsknmlngs, nnd closely related
ventured in her distress. “ I’m a I believe the poor man would die happy was a knave of diamonds.”
to the Ahltlbl, once lived ou the shore
stranger in New York—” With a pang i f he could get just one long, lingering
Hetty swung back from the window
Hostilities were prolonged during a of the luke.
she realized how fatal such an admis­ slant at you as you look tonight. Pip­ “ Hut what can that mean?”
number o f years, but In consideration
pin’ I”
sion might prove.
" It ’s a question I think Craven enn o f wllllt they Settled III the event they
His Choice.
I feel like rlppln' something or answer— if lie will. Anyhow, we’re saft
But her chauffeur was a prosaic soul,
were well worth while.— F.xi-bango.
Bright Lad—Oh, I say. Uncle, what
who had never chartered his car to a somebody, Peter ” Betty declared with ,n assuming »he card was Intended for
animal do you think you'd like to he on
Then she line, and certainly It must have had
gang, and recked little of the terrors of a brief, metallic laugh.
No Need for Delay.
a cold day?
New York for the overseas Immigrant. deigned to notice the other man pres­ some significance. Thnt, If you’ll per­
Johnny was Invited to a party, hut
Uncle— Um—er— ah— let me see— I
"The clock says a dollar twenty,” he ent. “ Oh, you. Is It, Mr. Quoin? Hardly mit, establishes n secret bond of un­ could not go, been use be bad to go with
think I should like to be a little otter.
responded, with a disgusted jerk re­ expected to find you here.”
derstanding between two known black­ Ills mother to tile depot lo meet his Anything else?
“ Deep regrets I” the detective replied legs and Thnddeus Craven.”
storing the “ flag” to perpendicular.
uncle. Upon the uncle's arrival lie said
"O h !” said Lydia brightly, after a cheerfully— and for that was shown a
“ But why didn't you tell ine tills nt to Johnny; " I f you are ii good boy
’Twasn't Fair.
blank moment; and found her purse. cold If adorable shoulder.
the time?”
while I am here I will buy you a base­
fastest time made by the
"Oh, come now, Betty I” Peter pro­
"Please tell me the way to the nearest
"Because, very naturally, I wasn’t nt ball," whereupon Johnny replied: "You junction train?"
tested. “ Don't cut up rough with all sure you wanted to be told.”
cab rnnk.”
don’t need to wait. You enn buy It
“ A train with three passengers mndo
"Cab rank” was a term not In the Quoin. Angels could do no more than
right away. Just think how good I the trip In 17 minutes and 41’ seconds.
“ If you'll pl.-nse explain— ’’
chauffeur’s vocabulary; but he grap­ he has done today.”
“ Quoin means,” Peter Interrupted, wns— I stayed away from a party to It was discovered later that the brake*
pled manfully with Its occult sig­
"H e still has n sneaking suspicion “ you’ve been such a consistent per­ meet you.”
man wus pushing.'*
nificance. "You mean stand,” he ex­ that I really did smuggle that necklace. former, he hesitated to do anything
plained, not unkindly. “ I f you don’t Do you believe It too?”
Maxims of Agriculture.
calculated to cramp your style, If this
mind walking a couple o’ blocks, I ’ll
"Don’t ask me: I might tell you.”
thing was what It looked like— a frame-
“ It Is a maxim universally ngreed
say he loved the ground
take you to the Margrave.
"And you?" Mrs. Merrllees demand­ up between you and Tad to beat tlie upon In agriculture that nothing must
she wnlked on.”
about the nearest, and anyway I got ed hotly of the Dowager Dragon.
be done too late; ant! again, thnt ev­
"Now ?”
to telephone for the repair car.”
" I don’t think you above anything
“ Hut what right hnd you to Jump at erything must be done at Its proper
"Since her father bought a limousine
“ Thank you,” said Lydia timidly— I’d stoop to— If you want the truth, my
uny such conclusion?” Hetty Insisted. season; while there Is a third precept she’d he Insulted lf he even dared to
grntltude leaping in her heart to that dear. I myself wasted several hours
“ Because t knew you knew real gems which reminds us that opportunities hint that she ever wnlked.”
kind destiny which had ordered this today trying to mnke the customs look
from false— nnd the necklace you had lost can never be regained.” — Pliny the
accident in Just this spot. The Mar­ foolish, and— how shall I say It, Peter?”
shown us that very morning was coun­ Elder.
None Whatever.
“ Didn’t get away with it.”
never learns how to get
Lydia marched resolutely Into the
"Much as I disapprove o f slang—
A Word for the Rattler.
"It Isn’t possible I” Betty protested
off a street car.”
hotel. She would be delayed not five thank you, Peter.”
The difference between a tattler and
hotly. “ I saw It myself.”
‘Th nt seems to he true, but she nev­
minutes longer than If she was to en­
“ So all three o f you are against me I”
"So did I ; nnd was Interested enough a rattler Is that the snake gives the er hns the slightest difficulty learning
gage another cab Immediately. Let Mrs. Merrllees lounged more deeply In
— well, you’ll recall I asked to see them other fellow a chance and the sneak to step In and out of a swell llinoo-
graven object If he cared to, when la- her chair, swept their faces with in­
In a strong light? You were so satle- won’t
"No wonder they call him ‘Loeb the to Sa„ sfv lnvs, lf a,„lUt