(Tltp JflöTTBt Ökmtp fîxmTBB A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Vol. 2, No. 30 KOKEST GROVE, OREGON, TH U R S D A Y. AUG. 2. 1917 Will Macadamize Seventh Street $1.50 per Year Ray Williams Writes of Training Camp Life Presidio, San Francisco, With all members present ex July 28, 1917. cept Dr. Hawe, the city council M y Dear Mr. Benfer: met Tuesday even in« in adjourn-1 Guess you think I ’ve forgotten id session. my promise to write, but letter­ George I). Rogers of Portland writing has had very little place was the only property-owner filing in the work here. From reveille a protest against the proposed (5:20) until taps (10:00) the time macadamizing of Seventh street] R A P ID HRE GUN ON has been very much filled up. .. AMERICAN A EROPLANE between First avenue, north, and 1 Formations start at 7:30 ; after the Baseline road. As Mr. Rog­ rollcall (5:40) we eat and police ers represents but 151 of the 1200 camp, make up our bunks, clean feet abutting on the street to be our equipment and fall in for drill. improved, council decided to go From then until 12:30 there is no ahead with the work and the re­ letup — physical drill, company, corder wus instructed to adver- j battalion and field work constant­ tise for bids, all bids to be made ly. Skirmish, trench, bomb drill, to t he recorder on or b fore 8 p ., court martial and straight soldier­ rn. of Tuesday, Aug. 14. The ing keeps us going. One hour for macadam is to be crushed rock | noon. The afternoons, until 4:30, and sand, bound with asphalt, 18 are constant rounds of sketching, feet wide. S. L. Show asked that j lectures and conferences on gas wtu>n the street is improved, bet­ K A IS E R SALUTING defense, camp and trench sanita­ ter drainage facilities be provided. , ALW AHDfP, ¿Ae CROWN PRINCE tion, anatomy for first aid work r- ~ In view of the fact that sol and bayonet fighting. This last KER l NSKV many citizens responded to the | takes the form of digging trenches 5 to 10 feet deep and then either UBRJaCOBfiJaiCHAEUlS ilE B K ftg^ ..BÄftl president’s appeal to plant war defending or capturing them,dum­ gardens, which would perish w ith-! News Snapshots Fnd»*r the mipervUtoo of Rwrotnry of War Baker the nation held the blggeat lottery In hlatory when nearly 10,000,000 men between the aces o f twenty one and thirty-one learned mies being placed as men. Blis­ out irrigation, council decided to the order In which they become liable to nerve their country In the national army. Soon ters and arnica are in order after­ O f the Week reduce garden sprinkling rates to after the crown council wna called by the knUer. In which the crown prince took part wards. Fire control, estimating 20c per 1,000 square feet, with a after lieliiK summoned from the front and t'hancellor von Hethmann II o II wck resigned hla office, I>r. Georg Mlchaells ranges and target firing comes in succeeding him. It was generally believed that another peace movement would be launched by Germany. Internal minimum charge of 50c per month, j troubles In Kusala gave comfort to the enemies o f the youthful minister of war. Kerensky, and It Is said he favored “ spare time.” After 4:30 we have If people use only what water is moving the capital from Petrograd to Moscow. Through the mobilization of the national guard over a hundred thou­ time to shave and clean up for retreat, at which time “ colors” is actually needed, there will be sand men are now awaiting the call to go to camps. The $elug placed on many o f our army planes. enough for everybody, but if any at 5:30. Supper until 6 and then study until 9:30. And there is is wasted it may be necessary to j Banks, of Banks, inside guardian; naid ceitificates for reciting the plenty of it mapped out. again prohibit sprinkling. Mrs Alice Parsons, Forest Grove, unwritten work. Ice cream and A t present we are all “ marking City Engineer Kirkwood, who 1 outside guardian. time,” as the major is making our at the close of wafers were served has been drawing a monthly sal-1 I recommendations. Quite a num- These officers were installed at the meeting. ary since the beginning of w ork. , All hope of a consolidation of ber of the original 3,200 have re- on the “ sewer,” was put on day’s ! the c,ose of the me€t,n* bY J’resi- Albany ColUge with Pacific Uni- signed or been rejected; others dent Mrs. Lankester. pay, at $G per day, when his ser­ v e r ity of this city for at least have been “ made ’ provisional A fine chicken dinner was served vices are needed. another year was shattered by second lieutenants in the regular l m a in i i i i n c u - . . t J army; another group to the avia- ¡at noon by the ladies of the local Water and light committee was Nine days after being mailed he s y nod at Eugene tion. From the 2.000 or more re- ¡lodge, fully 150 men and women authorized to fence the water sup i from Washington, the official list last Thursday, when the delegates maining 700 or 800 are to be corn- ply on Clear ( ’ reek and to install being served with good substan • voted by a strong majority to missioned. N o one has the 1 ast tial dinners. of numbers of men drafted for a telephone at the dam, if th e ; give the college trustees another hint as to who will be chosen. The Shortly after dinner there was a military service have arrived at committee thinks such steps ad­ year in which to pull the Albany , j)ffi.cers are fine men and absolute- i nice program, including two songs the office of Adjutant General visable. institution out of the slough of y *mPart,a\ . . . . . . by Mesdames Bernard, Graham, White, at Portland. Four days is . . . r ^ . Each day in the squads of eight Purchasing committee was in­ Fourteen of the twenty men the leader (corporal) changes, 1 Benfer and Carmack. the usual time for mail to make debt. structed to advertise for cord- trustees reside in Linn county and His work consists of drilling the Mrs. Sabin of Hillsboro gave a this trip. wood and street commissioner was As all man roistered have been ,hey "e re unanimously opposed squad semaphore and | recitation so well that she was re- instructed to flush Council Creek, ¡called for another and when Mrs. ¡drawn. In order to decide the or- J ? 'lthw cl0Smg 0r mergln8 the marchfng! HU work i wafehrt after which council adjourned. Payne of the -same place rendered der in which they are to he called 1 ge’ . . . . . and graded. Each 32 men have a for examination, the Express will T ' ™ 1 oi ( he leader and each half company and made on condition that the Col- I her the same way. not attempt to again publish the , . , . then the company L has a captain. - , names until alter the exemption ¡ W was not to be moved except j These officers change every day The Hillsboro Rebekah degree i a a tr \,x.vi „ ».a i- hy unanimous consent of t h e ann on the first draft, the j authoritv to move the Col- We have to be in our bunk- at tend the annual convention of ¡. j the event this is not “ taps” and a non-commissioned district No. 15, comprising Gas­ plimented the staff members upon procedurevv.il be as follows: officer in charge of quarters takes the excellence of their work, told *'rom the list already made o u t! j ^ ne ton, Banks, Hillsboro, Scholls and it is intimated, the next check to see that we are all in. how much she enjoyed being at i bY the board and posted, as just Forest Grove ' synod will authorize the closing of The food is excellent, the quart­ ’I'lie meeting opened at 9:30, j the convention and awarded M rs.;explained, showing the names the college. ers fine, the weather beautiful and with the district chairman, Mrs. i Anna Templeton of this city a a^ mt>n *n that county in the a dandy bunch of fellows, all of Marian Moore of Banks, in the certificate of merit for her p e r- ' exact order in which they are to Postoffice Is Moved which makes it pleasant. We chair. Mrs. Sylvia Bernard of this faction in giving the unwritten be called, the board will take the During Saturday night, Post­ have number of rich men in the city, past noble grand of Forest work of the degree. Several other,names ° f lw 'ce tbe number of master Wirtz and his assistants company; Ghirardelli, the choco­ late man, is one of them. We are lodge, gave the address of wel- members of Forest and other mcn needed in the first draft and moved the postoffice fixtures and called “ short-cuts” by the regular come in rhyme and a right catchy lodges came within one word of W'P notify them by maill to apjiear mail to the new location, just army officers. We are all wonder­ and artistic welcome it proved t o ! being letter perfect in this work. T ° r physical examination. 1 he north of Verts hall, lower Main ing how we will make out with be. Mrs. Josephine Case of H ills-: Past President Mrs. Woodburn names> ° f course, will be taken in street, and Sunday morning the the national army, but all of us * e . drafted , . men Iwiro responded to the address. of Columbia lodge, Portland, and the order of their liability for ser -1 postoffice f o r c e w a s working ar.nCen^u*n vi-p .,i r , « , * mi ° will all be ready to do their part. smoothly at the new stand. The . . . Mrs. Mary I^mkester of As- Past President Mrs. Greer of Vl0e' The first one-ihird of the men new D|ace has more room and Just.n and (.aston . j O. tion on the sixth day; and the last t%er change. Two rather than France, seems more Grove, chairman; Mrs. Florence Quite a number of the visitors one-third on the seventh day. All hundred new boxes have been or- ¡n our minds as to ultimate des- Burtt, Hillsboro, vice chairman; remained for the regular meeting must appear for examination by dered for the postoffice, but all tinaHon. Hope to see you in a few weeks. have not yet arrived. Mrs. Rhoda Hesse, Scholls, sec­ of Forest lodge, at 8 p. m , when lhe seventh day. Every man who intends to ap Sincerely, retary. The appointive officers the local degree team initiated a . Harold Robinson and Clarence Ray Terry Williams, are Mrs. Payton, Hillsb t o , mar­ candidate. This team was also »,ly f?,r exemption or discharge Ixenneville left Friday morning j . . , , . . . .. regard ess of the ground on which! Student, R. O. T .C ., 2d Co. shal; Mrs. Sohran, Banks, con­ highly complimented by the pres- they * claim it, must appear for 1 for Grass Valley, in eastern Ore- ductor; Mrs. Sylvia Bernard, For­ ident who awarded Mesdames physical examination on the day ¡gon, where they will work in the New goods arriving every week est Grove, chaplain; Mrs. Mary Bertha Ortman and Sylvia Ber- named in the notification ¡at A. G. Hoffman & Co.’s. harvest field. Albany College Goes It Alone Official Numbers Finally Arrived Rebekah Convention i !;er ™cal 80,0 the audience 8erv«f Largely Attended