The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 26, 1917, Image 7

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n -------------------- —
Prominent Men and Women Start
Movement Whereby Every­
one May Help.
cent to n family, neither had spoken.
It was u means never before offered
for everybody lu the district getting
to know ulmost everybody else.
When the district hui been can­
vassed, a meeting was called. Tem­
porary officers of the small unit o f the
leugue were chosen. All It wua neces­
sary to do to become u member of
the league was to pay 50 cents Initia­
W o rk« Out W ith Qrsat Success In tion fee. This Is the only contribution
paid to the league pr. per; other con­
N sw York— Plana to Co-ordlnata
tributions depend solely on the ex­
and Dlract on Nonmilitary
penses und alms of the organization
Side Patriotic Bfforte of
In each congressional dlatrlct or In
All Cltlzane.
each election district.
Suppose that your own meeting, aft­
By D A Y T O N 8 T O D D A R T .
er It had been organized, decided that
New York.— Prominent men and It would he u mighty good plan to
women hero have aiarted a movement adopt one or more orphuns ucross the
Whereby «very man, woman ami child sea. Such a plau was actually put In
In the Untied States tuny aid their k « v - operation In one o f the precincts of
ernment to win the world war.
the Nineteenth congressional district.
It haa been under wuy hut n abort Two French orphuns were adopted, u
time, yet uaalatuucu o f great vulua wua little hoy und a little girl, and the
given to both the Liberty loun and monthly cost of $7 Is being raised by
Ited Croaa campaigns; the next goal leaving a tin box out at every meet­
eel la auch co-operation with "Hoover ing In which contributions may be
of Ilelglum" ua to make wuate In the dropped.
kitchen and on the table u problem of
In the Nineteenth district, one of the
the poat.
first steps taken was the enrollment
The new organization la called the o f every woman by woman workers.
Every woman waa asked wbut line
l'ntrlotlc Service league. It waa con-
celved by I*rof. Ellery C. Htuwell. ex- of work she was heat fitted for and
|>ert on International affairs and mem­ the list waa made up, election district
ber o f the Columbia unlveralty .fnculty. by election district, so that Mr. Htow­
The league'a purpoae la to weld the ell, aa chulrmun o f tho entire Nine­
nntlou together, with the community teenth district, knew exactly how
Idea extended to Include the whole many stenographers, cooks, clerlcul
workers, members o f nny culling, were
“ Impoaalble," you may remurk. “ It In his territory.
The actual good this «Iocs la that It
can’t t»e done. Community aplrlt la
very tine for a amull place or for u t allows every chalrum- to know tho
acctlon where folka of aliullar Inter- | "home strength" o f Ms district. He
eata und tastes live. Hut It wouldn't c h i i tell you, after consulting Ills lists.
Just how many cooks, nurses and other
work out lu a big place. Not a bit.'*
workers are In his district.
"W orks” In New •'ork.
however, la not the object ho much as
Hut It hua worked out lu New York
the {tower o f being In personal touch
und that lu a aectlou where IIvu both
with people. -Mr. Htowell emphasized
reformera o f the purely theoretical
this when he received a call for cooks
type and Insurgent workingmen lu a
j to go with the Heil Cross.
hoard atrip running ucroaa New York
He sent out the notice to leader*
the political dealgnatlou of
In the election districts and shortly
which la the Nineteenth congrenHlonnl
afterward they had obtained a score
dlslrlcL It Includea the hoinea of aome
or more of the men desired.
of the richest und the pooreat fumlllea
district leader himself persuaded two
of the metropolis.
! men to enlist. It Is this "neighbor­
In New York, of oil plarea, the com­ hood" touch, this knowing everybody
munity Idea o f natlouallam haa worked : In tho apartment house or city block
out, und very auccesafully, too. Aa i or county township where you live,
the terma “ community aplrlt" may | that makes the possibilities of the
seem ruther Indefinite to some, tho ex­ plan so great, according to Mr. Stow-
act Hlgnmennce o f what Mr. Htowell ! ell.
means when he use» the term may
Purposes of the League.
heat he set forth by himself.
"W e nrc organizing that we may
•Several months ugo, when the ne- ] servo the government of the United
ceaslty of roualng the country to the i .States," suld Mr. Htowell, “ and nsslst
fuct that every resource o f the United to the full In this great fight for the
•States should he uvullnhle for war, things which we have always carried
Mr. Htowell thought o f the old towu j nearest our hearts— for democracy,
meetings In New Knglund.
for the right of those who submit to
“ If." he asked himself, “ this plan authority to have a voice In their own
worked to weld together n town or governments, for the rights nnd llb-
villugo, why could not the same prln- . ertles o f smull nations, for a universal
clple he applied to the entire nation 7” | dominion o f right by such a concert
Intensive thought on the question of free peoples as shall bring pence
confirmed his Ides thut It could. lie ( and safety to all nations nnd make the
selected the congressional district ua I world Itself at Inst free.
the heat geographical division for u
"The Patriotic Service league nlms
unit of the league.
to form In every congressional dis­
He chose the Nineteenth congression­ trict an organization to arouse, co-
al district to try out his plans. He I ordinate anil direct on the non-mlll-
had as coworkers other members of j tnry side the patriotic efforts of all
tho Columblu university faculty and citizens of both sexes nnd o f every
women who volunteered their serv­ age, so thnt an early nnd successful
termination o f the war may result.
Canvas House to House.
“ There nre other war organizations
Friends of those working directly In existence, but not on local geo­
with Mr. Htowell were ohtulned nnd a graphic lines.
For nn organization
committee was made up with at least such as the Patriotic Service lengue.
one representative from cuch election which Is formed upon geographic lines,
These, lu turn, cauvussed there Is renl need.
These societies
apartment houses and dwellings In with their particular objects will find
every one o f tho 115 districts.
contact through this local unit of
The surprising part about the be­ neighbors with the Individual men nnd
ginning of the movement was (hat the women In every household by whose
pioneers found no hoatlllty, only wel­ loyal service the nntlou’s task will be
come, In the houses they visited. This accomplished. We nre not competing,
In spite of tho fact thut although we desire to co-operate.
they inny have lived for years udja-
“ It Is at this time obviously Im­
: •
leges ho received 20 years ngo when
ho lived with his pnrents In one of
J tho N u "d o rfe r tenements. He suys
CHEER SOLDIER BOYS J thnt on January 14, 1807, an Iron gate
carelessly left leaning ngnlnst the
Cleveland, O. — Tho Young • building fell on him nnd fractured his
Women’s Liberty club has been 2 skull nnd thnt he hasn’t been able to
organized here. Its object Is to • pursue any regular occupation since
cheer lonesome soldiers In camp # thnt time. He snys he waited until he
or nt tho front. Each member • became of age before suing.
writes to somo soldier boy who •
hasn’t nny relntlves or sweet- 2 CARTOON CAUSE OF TROUBLE
The membership Is •
growing rapidly.
2 Nothing Funny About Charges Against
8clon ef Celebrated Elephas
Now York.— Formal charges against
o f the celebrated Elephas fam­
Ohio Man Asks $25,000 Damages for
ily o f Africa have been preferred by
Injuries Received Tw e n ty
Dr. William T. Hornndny. The defend­
Years Ago.
ant wasu’t lu court when the charge
Cleveland, O.— Witnesses with long was brought, being detained In the
memories will star when the court of Bronx.
The defendant’s name wns Cartoon,
common plena hears the case o f Mel­
vin W. Velle, twenty-four, against but tho complaints against blin were
Catherine Nusadorfer, executrix o f the anything but funny. He wns charged
estnto o f Jacob Nusadorfer and W il­ with being nasty and not letting his
liam Nussdorfer.
Velle Is suing for keepers enter his cage and acting In a
420,000 damages for Injuries be el-, perfectly uugcntlemuuly fashion. Con­
possible to name nil o f the activities
In which the organization may be­
come engaged. Hut It Is wise to state
some present specific duties.
Pre-War Period o f Five Years Shows
Help Get Recruits.
Enormous Climb Has Been Made
“ Tho government has called for
volunteers to fill the ranks of our ex­
in Nearly A ll Staple Foods.
State Fair Rules Out.
isting military fore««*. We should see
that those recruits are-obtained, due
Salem- Secretary Lea, of the State
Figures compiled by'the department
attention being puld to exemptions.
Fair board, has anrfounced rules which
o f I-abor are accepted by the temporary
"Cases of need In the fuinllles of will govern the entries o f all exhibits
food administration unquestionably as
soldiers will occur. We should find for premiums at the fair and declared
representing the most accurate infor­
them nnd co-operate with the Hed that these rules, which are as follows,
mation on price conditions the country
Cross In aid.
over o f any that are available from
‘ ‘ The fairgrounds will be open for
“ We must have n bureau o f employ­
offleiai sources. From that department
ment for those who have lost their the reception o f all articles six days
comes a detailed statement o f the d if­
Jobs and for those who must now seek before the commencement o f the fair,
ference in the retail prices o f nine
and all entries for premiums must be
employment— wives und sisters.
staple food commodities for a pre-war
"Preparing surgical dressings and made in person or by letter with the
period o f five years, 1909 to 1913, in­
all the other activities o f the military secretary, as follows:
clusive, except in the matter o f eggs,
“ In the horse, cattle, sheep and
end o f the Ited Cross will demand
where information was obtainable for
time and effort. Let us all see wo do swine departments on or before Sep- the year 1913, as compared with aver­
! tember 15; in the poultry and indus­
our share.
ages for the first three and four
“ We must make sure we do not have trial department, on or before Septem­ months o f the present year, as nearly
such Juvenile delinquency as has oc­ ber 20, and in all other department be­ a war period as can be reduced to de­
curred In Knglund nnd In Germany. fore 6 o ’clock in the afternoon o f Sep­ pendable figures.
Tho Iloy Scouts, tho Junior Nnvy tember 23. The board reserves the
Flour for the pre-war period aver­
league and the Junior Police must use right to accept entries in the livestock aged $6,712 per barrel, as compared
purt o f the hoy power o f the commun­
with $11.56 for the first four months
ity. The formers of the state need i September 15, but i f this is done a o f 1917; lard raised from 15.06 to
22,000 laborers.
23.40 cents, and butter from 36.3 to
“ Food will he scarce. We must find earned by the entry will be exacted.
47.3 cents.
how to use It to the full. And we
Commeal increased from $2.74 per
must tnuke known to all the methods must be in place on exhibition by 10 100 pounds to $4.07; ham from 24.1 to
o ’clock on the forenoon o f the opening
o f this conservation. Only by Intelli­
32.1 cents; bacon from 25.2 to 31.2
day o f the fair, and all horses entered
gent efforts for ourselves shall we be
cents; milk from 8.7 to 10 cents; eggs
for speed contests must be in stalls
uble effectively to stand hack of those
from 33.8 to 46.7 cents, and dressed
and entered in accordance with the
younger than we who fight
poultry from 19.9 to 26.6 cents per
rules governing the racing program.”
"Finally, the Patriot Service lengue,
These comparisons o f pre­
are with those for the first
realizing It Is more difficult In n de­
The Marion county court has finally
mocracy than In-an autocracy for the signed up the contract for the con­ three months o f the present year.
government to Initiate and to get struction o f a new steel bridge across
things done will bring home to every the W illam ette river between Marion
citizen through speakers and litera­ | and Polk counties at Salem.
ture the necessity nnd the opportunity bridge w ill cost $237,901.
Decrease o f 24 Per Cent in Nine Years
for universal service In this fight for
Preceding War.
down nicely over the state and we
Prominent Men Enlist.
Supplies o f corn in the Central West
George W. Wlckersham, former at­ hope that we are gettin g the difficul­
have reached the lowest point ever
torney general; Alton B. Parker, once ties curbed, ” stated Governor Withy- known, according to a statement o f
Democratic candidate for the presi­ combe Friday after hearing reports conditions for June 1, 1917, obtained
dency ; Oscar 8. Straus, former am­ from a number o f storm centers where from official sources.
bassador to Turkey— these ure but a that organization has been menacing
The five corn-producing states o f
few o f the men who are working to peaceful conditions.
Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and N e­
extend the l'ntrlotlc Service league.
A livestock deal o f more than ordi- j braska had on hand at that date but
The lengue has now been organized
nary importance was consummated at 357,000,000 bushels, as compared with
In the Seventeenth congressional dis­
Klamath Falls last Saturday, when the an average o f 467,000,000 bushels for
trict, adjoining the Nineteenth, here,
herd o f
Shorthorns the nine preceding years, or a decrease
nnd hus been successfully Inaugurated
j owned by O. G. Laboree, o f the Bly in the reserve fo r these five states o f
In Boston.
\ country, were taken over by Frank H. 24 per cent. This is the smallest re­
“ The plans for extension through­ McComack and son, Eugene.
Sixteen serve by 15,000,000 bushels during
out the country have been formulated,” cows and six calves are in the herd.
that period, the smallest crop being in
said Mr. Stowell, “ so that It may be
1914, when it fell to 372,000,000 bush­
possible to marshal the combined force
Sheriff Needham and Constable els. The largest crop was in 1913,
of nil loyal citizens behind the presi­ Varne returned to Salem from the San- when it reached 621,000,000 bushels.
dent. The spread o f the lengue will tiam country late Wednesday night
Iow a’s corn reserve for 1917 has de­
save an Immense amount of duplica­ with Ray Graves and Mrs. Ruth Ab­ creased 15 per cent from the nine-year
tion. In each community the loyal of­ bott, charged with threatening the life average.
ficers will know their own people. of ex-Sheriff Tom Word, o f Portland,
Illinois’ reserve shows a decrease of
They will, for example, easily secure ; along with other persons who went 37 per cent, and is the smallest reserve
cooks nnd attendants for deporting with Word to claim ownership to the in the entire ten years by 11,000,000
hospital units. They will find needed Black Eagle mine near Breitenbush.
mechanics. They will direct their ap-
Ohio’s reserve is a decrease o f 45
Corporation Commissioner Schulder-
peifls for funds to all those who are
per cent from the nine-year average,
man, in a statement issued recently
willing to contribute. The Patriotic
and is 29 per cent less than the pre­
relative to the business o f the corpora­
Service league furnishes the machinery
vious low record for that period.
tion department, shows that for the
by which the wisdom of Hoover can
Indiana’s reserve is a decrease o f 23
year ended June 30, the operating ex­
per cent from the nine-year average
he brought with emphasis to every
pense o f that department has been 7.7
and only in one year, 1909, was the re­
kitchen In the land.
The citizen
per cent o f the revenue received,
serve less, and then only by a million
leaguers constitute the ‘third line of
which sets a new record in the cost of
defense.’ ”
the administration o f any department,
Nebraska alone shows an increase,
Mr. Stowell said thnt the term “ citi­
the report declares.
and that o f only 4 per cent.
zens" wns used In Its new accepted
meaning to Include women In the full­
Although nearly 50 fires have been
est sense. He pointed out that the reported in different parts of the Ump­
success of the project In the Nine­ qua National forest during the past
teenth district wns due. In great ex­ four days, S. C. Bartrum, superintend­
tent, to the energy o f women, prom­ ent o f the Roseburg Forestry office,
inent among whom was Mrs. Nicholas says that practically all o f them are ! Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, $2:08
Murray Butler, wife of the president | under control. The most serious fire * per bushel; forty fold, $2.05; club,
o f Columbia university.
is raging in the Steamboat vicinity on $2.10; red Russian, $2.00.
Another of the women was Mrs. the North Umpqua river, and covers
M illfeed— Spot prices; Bran, $32.00
James N. Taylor, who Is devoting most approximately 70 acres.
per ton; shorts, $35.00; middlings,
of her spare time to the league.
The public service commission and $42.00; rolled barley, $48.00; rolled
oats, $50.
Woman Puts Money in F ir«.
i Genreal Manager Dyer, o f the South-1
Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy,
Alliance, O.— Picking up n handker­ em Pacific, still fail to reach a con­
Oregon, $26.00 per ton; alfal­
chief In which was $650 when she clusion as to whether the road or the
cleared newspapers from her room commission is right in checking up car fa, $18.00; valley grain hay, $16.00.
Vegetables — Artichokes, 80c per
the other dny, Mrs. Rosa Cfefzer threw shortages, another letter having been
all Into the furnace ami started a fire. received by the commission from Mr. dozen; tomatoes, $1.50 @ 1 .8 5
The currency was consumed before Dyer, in which he does not agree with
she discovered her mistake.
the commission's ideas on the subject. lettuce, 35@40c per dozen; cucumbers,
40@90c per dozen; peppers, 30@40c
Figures gleaned from the forthcom -' per pound; rhubarb, 2 @ 2 }c; peas, 3J
Enough Is Plenty.
@ 5c; spinach, 6 ic ; beans, 3@7c.
"Going to dinner, Jones? Come In ing Oregon Blue Book, which w ill be
Green Fruits — Strawberries, $2@
issed by Secretary Olcott in a week or
nnd have nn appetizer."
2.50 per crate; cherries, 8@12c per
“ Great Scott, man! I enn’t afford to
lar and two special elections since pound; apricots, $1.50@1.75 per crate;
pay for tho nppetlte I ’ve got now.”
1902, at which initiative or referen -, cantaloupes, $1@3.25; peaches, 75c@
dum measures have been voted on, a $1.25 per box; watermelons, 2@3|c
sequently Doctor Hornndny, host at total o f 155 measures have been sub­ per pound; apples, $2@2.50; plums,
the Broux zoo, asked the bonrd o f es­ mitted to the people. O f this number $1.60@2; currants, $1.25@1.50; rasp­
timate for $1,400 with which to build 56 have passed and 99 have been de­ berries, $1.75@2; plums, $2.00.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 37c per
nn adjoining cage, so that while the feated.
pound; prime firsts, 36Jc.
keepers clean one cell the elephant can
The empolyes o f the Kratz Shingle prices: Prints, extras, 38c.
be shunted Into another.
company at Clatskanie went out on
Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 33A
strike Monday.
They demanded 10 @34c per dozen; ranch, candled, 36c.
FINDS CURE FOR GANGRENE hours’ pay for an eight-hour day.
Poultry— Hens, 16@17c per pound;
Thomas Doyle was suspected by the broilers, 20@21c; turkeys, 20c; ducks,
New York Doctor Announces Discov­
manager o f being an agitator. The old, 15c; young, 20@22c; geese, 10@
ery Th a t W ill Probably 8av« Lives
authorities were notified and the man 12c.
of Many 8oldiers.
was requested to leave the state. Sun­
Veal— Fancy, 15|@16c per pound.
day afternoon the shingle weavers
Pork— Fancy, 19J@20c per pound.
New York.— Dr. Carroll O. Bull of
held a meeting and decided to strike.
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 58@61c
the Rockefeller Institute for Modlcal
Most o f them are still in the city w ait­ per pound; coarse, 58@61c; valley,
Research has announced a discovery
ing for a decision o f the company.
72J@75c; mohair, 60@65c.
which w ill probably save tha lives of
Cattle— Steers, prime, $8.50@10.00;
thousands of soldiers durtug the war.
“ Made in Germany,” stamped on good, $8.00@ 8.25; medium, $7.50@
It Is a discovery of an antitoxin tte t pocket scissors being placed in 75
7.75; cows, choice, $7.00@7.75; me­
neutralizes tho work of germs In duffle-bags which women o f the Salem
dium to good, $6.00@7.00; ordinary to
wounds where gangrene usually devel­ Patriotic League are preparing for
fair, $5.00@ 6.00;heifers, $5.00@8.00;
members o f Company M, Third Oregon bulls, $5.00@7.00; calves, $7.50@9.50.
Doctor Bull hns tried the experiment regiment, “ somewhere in Oregon,”
Hogs — L ig h t and heavy packing,
out on guinea pigs with splendid r e ­ was discovered by a husband o f one of
$15.00@15.50; pigs and skips, $12.50
sults. Ho Is the tlrst American doctor the women and caused a furore among
@13.50; stock hogs, $12.00@13.00;
to make such a discovery.
the men. The women were ignorant rough heavies, $14.00@14.50.
o f the fact that the little scissors bore
Sheep— Lambs. $6.00@12.75; year­
There Is a reaction la Norway such a stamp, it is stated, but they are lings, $8.50@10.00; wethers, $8.00@
against encouraging the Investment o f being informed.
9.00; ewes, $4.00@8.00.
foreign capital In that enuutrys