100 D im a 100 BalKa N w lo lli Ü > i»4 i AUolutaIr Hr*pruW | Hotel Hoyt I C k im i J iilk and Hoyt 3u , Portland, Ora. Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated M )U HE GOT THE FANS Officer Met Objections of His Superiors in Washington. H IM KM. M a n w r . RATES: 1 U l o t i . SPECIAL- W**k or Month Offered to Trsnefer One of hie Heavy­ weight Enslgne to Make Room for Extra Equipment. College of Neurology and Electro-TherapeuticH, Inc., When n squad (if civilian volunteer* went (ill a huttlexhlp training endue, Fits Mon iuh I Women for Lieut. F. li. Roberts one dny told them h life o f useful and profit* about service with the destroyers. able work mm “ No Mpeciiil attempt,” be told the l ) r u « l ( ‘MM I ’ract it ¡oners volunteers, "In nmde In selecting the F. A. B RE W STE R, M. !>., D E A N men to serve in torpedo craft, wheth­ 712 State, Salem, Oregon. er they nre fut men or lean men, short men or lull men. The character and Nplrlt are (lcveled hy association ut­ ter their urrlvul. A m u rule, they are older thnn the men on the huttlcNhlpH. “ You ull know that one of the ebur- aeterUtlca o f a destroyer I m ability to make high speed. To tlsln end It has alwoys been the policy of the naval constructors to keep fittings o f the vessel strong but of light weight. No chnnces were ever lost hy the naval constructors In lightening the destroy­ V m I, Pork, Barf, Poultry, Buttar, Egg* ers by removal of any liftings thut and Farm Produca they considered unnecessary.” to (h a Olii Itallabla I v - n l l r i « twiuaa w ith a T o Illustrate: A flotilla of destroy­ racrjrti « f 45 yaar* o f Hqusro Itnallnira. and ba aaaurad o f T O P M A R K E T P R IC E S . ers was dispatched from the Atlantic coast to the Philippines vlu San Juan, F. M. CRONKHITE the Azores, the Mediterranean, the 4 M 7 F ro n t S tra ot P o rtla n d . O r a r o n Suez canal, Indlun ocean and the West Indies. It so happened that on one o f these HIDE8, PELT8. CA8CARA.BARK, destroyers the commanding officer was WOOL AND MOHAIR. a man weighing 2.‘M) pounds. Ills two »• n it in m lis t Nrttt f*r prtcai md shipping tags assistants, both then ensigns, each T hi H. P. N orton C o . Pwtiud. ore. sutne. wn weighed well over 2i»<> pounds. Out of a half-dozen chief petty officers three s c ii n t i h c A B n O U M K A L iaatrwM m F u r L » , Kd’ fviiitifn, liooka, « t r . A fo r « - < of them were heavyweights, and In the r «a t fo r ft yearn w it h I p o e k l io d lc fttio n i fo r 1 y«-ur, rest of the crew were two others of or arty pctrtiruU r tjum tion w ith lolvlr«*. fo r $1.00. the same avoirdupois. « « « m J fu ll tiirlh d « U . A S T R O L O G IC A L H T U L IO . Portla n d , Orrtrun, I*. O. B ox H26. Upon arrival In the Philippines the weather was hot and sultry, the sun S T U D Y bookkeeping. shorthand. telegraphy, keeping the decks of the vessel warm, •aloam anahlp, K n gllah branches«, at an eccrtvIIYrd adding another torment. •i ll1 *»1. *r\U \ nr p|M M M ain 600 fo r r a t «lo g u «, raduah*« iruaranU*«*«! ixjeition «. H ehnke W a lk e r The vessel's original allowance list ualnraM ( 1 6 7 4th Street. near Morrtaon, had Included one electric fan, so the Portla n d . O reg on . ' commanding officer submitted a requi­ sition requesting that a fan be fur­ tp T M d nished for the wardroom, and one In l^gevsl RnrRhM« Dtlsy KilUr «tir, t« «nd kill« «11 each compartment in which the crew N eal. cloao, ortMurtgnlai. eon voti* ut, «o d ch«ap. a I-— aa.l——— Ufrio were quartered, a total of five fnns. P - f K.n a. rail ta p i,)*, f 1 I» : wltl M Mil mj The request In due time reached «Ufa. A «à tm r Washington, and some three months Daisy Fly K iller ln*d by dagtar«, ar « san| Inter was returned disapproved ns the Ey aipraaa. prat-«, i. fl.OU. hurcuii did not wish to add uny un­ H àioiD aoM taa, i t o Daiuia **•., or*ehi,u, n. v. necessary weight to the vessel for fear of reducing Its speed. l| A .r Aft.^****w*****ni»fRiiiiiiiiiiiiimnMiiiiMiiniji Nothing daunted, the commanding S mOVIOS Mnwla! Red MUrlM I* f0r Tlfl4 Ef«l- I officer returned the requisition with n Kyn — Sort Rye« — | 2 (¿rantjl*u*1 Hyelld«. K mu — 3 statement thereon o f the weights of 8 H fffik b w i KmatonM M rtrin« 1« a F a vorita S 2 Tr»'«tuieut for Mr«a that feel dry and «mart. a himself, his two commissioned assist­ • (ilfp your Mr** a« tun« h of your loving cam a ants and other members of the crew 3 a « y * * *i r Tmm h and with t h « «a am regularity. 2 g CARE FOR TH IS TOO CI8R0T BUT l( W ETEtt g and requested that one o f these heavy­ 5 Hold at im ig «n d Optical H lom « or by M all, a weights be transferred and thut a man | Ath B v riM ( y t B aa ttfy Co.. Ckteofo. for I r n Book 3 «Mill IIIIIII III I till IIII III Hill 11 HI III HI IIIIHIII It MM Mil II mil* weighing about 150 pounds he sent In his place. The fans were forthcoming nnd no- Present Style. body was transferred. Since thut time “ I always call a spade a spade.” " W e ll, just now it's not whut you’re electric fans are among the few com­ calling one, but if you’re using one forts found on destroyers. that matters.” — Exchange. Shark Fishing Season. The best season for catching shnrks Naturally. "W h a t did he do when you told him seems to be during the cooler months he hadn’ t put a good face on the mat­ from October to March, Fishermen say that sharks nre not so plentiful at ter?” other times o f the year. “ He changed countenance.” The flesh, flns, maws. Jaws and other bones, livers nnd skins all enter Not Alwaya. Into the commerce o f Aden, which Is " L ik e produces lik e.” "D o n ’ t you think that short rations the center o f the shark-fishing Indus­ produce some tall thinking?” — Ex­ try. The fresh meat o f the smaller •harks Is sold regularly In the fish change. hnznar at very reasonable prices to the poorer classes o f natives who ennnot A Wiae Answer. afford other sorts o f llsh. The meat She (fishing for a proposal) — Do Is strong, but Is said to he quite palat­ you ever find yourself hard up for able when one Is accustomed to eat­ words? ing It. The principal consumers o f H e— No, darling, but I ’ m far too ■ shark meat are the Arabs, although hard up to express them.— Exchange. the native Jews and Somalis also use --------------------------------------------------- ' It. The Somali nnd Arab are Moham­ medans and their religion forbids eat­ ing ttie flesh o f any fish that hns not a b s o r b I N E scales. However, the working classes f m T RADF MARK TRAD! MARX RIG.U. MG.U.S.PAT. OFF. ( I Reduces Bursal Enlargements, o f natives are so poor thut shark meat is the only sort of tish they can afford. I . l Th icken ed , Sw ollen Tissues, & ] Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- W ness from Bruises or Strains; Lily Bed’s Beautiful River. g V (tops Spsvin Lameness, allays pain. Rome o f the most beautiful gml ex­ Does not blister, remove the hair or tensive natural water-lily beds In the lay up the horse. $ 2 .0 0 a bottle world nre to be found nlong the up­ at druggists nr delivered. B ook 1 M free. per Mississippi. During the summer A B S O K B I N K , J R . , f o r m a n k in d — an months persons come from miles a n tis e p tic lin im e n t f o r h ru U rs, c u t s , w o u n d s , stra in s, p a in fu l, s w o lle n v e in s or g la n d s. It around to look upon these vast ex­ quisite display 4. When the river is h e a ls an d s o o t h e s . $ 1.00 a b o t t le at d r u g ­ g is ts o r p o s tp a id . W i l l tell you mors if you low portions o f Its bed, In some cases w r ite . M a d e in the U . S. A . b y scores of acres Iti extent, nre covered V. F YOUNG, P D.F., 403 Tsmpls St.. Springflaid. Matt. with shallow water, or wholly exposed. In such places the white and yellow lilies, surrounded hy their shining B U Y D J R E C T jg green leaves, are to he found, some o f the beds stretching ns fnr ns the eye M l * can see.— Popular Mechanics Muga- el no. SHIP S K ill A ll F lie s ! ^ V |Po Your Own Plumbing | Bv bnyln* direct from us at whotmala price* and u n the plumber’s profits. W rit* us to­ day your needs. W e will give , ou our ri>el(- bottom "direct-to-you” prices, f. a b. rail or boat. W e actually save you from 10 to 85 per cent All anode ruarantosd. Northwest headquarters for leader Water Systems and Fuller A Johnson Enstnaa. S T A R K -D A V IS CO. >12 Third S treet Portleed, O r* son P, N. U. N o . 2 9 , 1917 . WHERE 1ARLET0N IS BURIED American Tourist Discovers Tomb of Dashing Officer Who Wor. Fame In Revolution. What became o f Major Tarleton a ft­ er the Battle o f York town? Except for a very few people, says A. O. Itrudley In the Nation, everyone In England has forgotten the very name of the young cavalry leader. But tnuny persons In America must hnve won­ dered what became o f the dnshlng sol­ dier, nnd how It huppened that In the long years o f war that shook England and Europe hla name never onee ap­ peared. When Mr. Bradley, In n leisure hour, entered the fine old fourteenth century village church at Lelntwurdlne, In Herefordshire, lie did not think that the bare, unseated chape! promised much of Intercut; Indeed, he was Just turning away when In a fnr corner and partly concealed by ladders, buckets, planks and other articles necessary to the cleaning o f the church, he cuught sight o f a lofty mural monumen*. The lettering on It ran as follows: "N ear ttys place are deposited the mortal remains o f Sir Banastre Tnrle- ton Baronet General In the Army— Knight Grand Cross o f the Order of the Bath, Governor o f Berwlck-on- Tweed, Colonel o f the Gallant 8th Hussars— He represented his native town of Liverpool for seven Sessions and closed his distinguished cureer In this place Jan. 25, 1833." In 1798 Tarleton was sent to Portu­ gal, hut was very soon recalled at his own request, and with that exception he never saw a shot fired after York- town or served anywhere abroad, al­ though England wus constantly fight­ ing until Waterloo. He got promoted regularly, however, for he stood well at court and was a member of the prince (if Wales' circle. Tarleton belonged neither to the no­ bility nor to the landed gentry. He was the son o f n Liverpool merchant, an unusual origin at that time for a «lashing cavalry officer and the best horseman, according to good authority. In the British urtny. He had entered Oxford and had studied to become a barrister, but gave up clusslcs nnd the law for soldiering and a commission at twenty-one years of nge On returning from America, how­ ever, he turned from solillerlng to poli­ tics; he lost no time In entering the house of commons, nnd sat for his native city of Liverpool for 20 years. He became a major general In 1794, a lieutenant general In 1801, n full gen­ eral In 1812, n baronet In 1815 and a O. C. B. In 1820. He also held the full colonelcy o f several cnvalry regi­ ments In succession and was for some years governor o f Berwick. He ap­ parently retired with his w ife to Lelntwardone for the last years of his life, lived there quietly nnd did not mix with the neighboring county fam­ ilies. The seclusion of his gorgeous tomb, behind the cobwebs of a disused aisle, gives a flnnl touch of mystery to the romance that enrly associations with Virginia hnve connected with Tnrle- ton's name.— Youth's Companion. Some Birds Are "Sprinters.” Birds with short, squnre wings, like the king bird, quail tvp«l ruffled grouse, nre sprinters; those with a wide stretch o f wings nre "distance run­ ners." Birds of the first class attain their hursts of speed through their very rapid wing stroke; birds o f the second clnss hnve sustained powers of flight, but get under way more slowly. All the gallinaceous fowl are sprint­ ers. They take wing like a bullet; their wings make n loud, whirring sound. The quail or ruffled grouse can gain full momentum within sixty feet o f risin g; the wings heat from five to seven times a second. The quail cov­ ers from forty-five to fifty feet the first second aw ay from the gun; his wings flash like a rapidly revolving wheel. The wings of the rutiled grouse roar until the sound can be heard 200 yards awuy. Welcome the Birds. Are all the beautiful birdhouses thnt were made last winter now In plnce nnd occupied? Lot us give a glad welcome to nil the birds thnt can be Induced to live near us. Not everyone realizes the benefit these little crea­ tures confer. The work they do In preserving our crops nnd fruit from the rnvnges of Insects needs to be told again nnd ngnln. Besides this great use, the happiness they give us with their songs and their benuty Is not to be told or measured. Many a heavy heart has been cheered and com­ forted by the robin’s friendly "cheer up, dearie, oh«A-r Bp" ns he flits about n home. Robins love to be friendly, How About Other Sensesf nnd there nre other birds which love “ The sense o f direction Is so strong­ human society. Hnve you in your ly developed In the average man," yard a dish of water for them to drink stated Professor Pate, “ that he can nnd bathe In? I f not, put one there, rise In the middle o f the darkest night nnd observe how gladly It is made use that ever was, unerringly find his way of.— Exchange. clear through the house to a burglar proof snfe, work the combination with­ New Name for an Old Kind. out a light, take out ii bottle o f hair W alker— What did you say Is the restorer and drink heartily o f Its con­ make o f your new car? tents by mistake for the cough remedy Ryder— From Its performance since which stands on the little table bealds I have had It, It Is evidently Make his bed.” — Kansas City .Star. Shift. - ... The Cooler The Drink That Fits for Hot W eather Is In the Bottle! A Brew that Stands Alone. M ade by our patented process. Ask your dealer. in stock, ASK If he has’nt it US. Portland Brewing Co., Portland, Oregon. ANNOUNCEM ENT VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW :L V .£ „ N ow $135 I«-,'-.,Now $145 The Lightent arvl Strongeftt i>rair Saw made