I quests, and therefore w ill not continue the war a day longer merely for the sake o f such conquests i f it could ob­ tain an honorable peace. County Exemption Hoards W ill Notify “ The Germans,” he said, “ wish to Men Selected by First Call Fail­ conclude («a c e as combatants who have successfully accomplished their ure to tie! Notice No Excuse. purpose and proved themselve« invinci­ ble. A condition o f peace is the in­ (From O fllc« o f Adjutant («»»irral. O. N O.l violability o f Germany’s territory. Portland Within a few days official No parley is possible with the enemy lists o f the draft serial numbers, show­ Brief Resume Most Important Possible Peace Terms Declared demanding the ceaaion o f German soil. President Acts to End Shipping ing the order in which they were “ We must by means o f understand- drawn in the lottery at Washington, by Chancellor Michaelis. Daily News Items. Board Controversy. , ing and in a spirit o f g ive and take will reach the various county exemp­ guarantee conditions o f the existence tion boards. Following receipt «if o f German empire upon the continent these lists, the boards will notify the and oveseas, ” continued the chancellor. men called up in the first draft. Dr. Michaelis' words on this point Until then it will not be necessary required s careful reading the are cap­ for those subject to draft on the first able o f various interpretations other call to report. But as Siam as thuy than the surface one. His German in­ receive notification from their boards, England Blamed for Causing War and dicates a willingness to make peace Rear Admiral Capps Takes Charge o f they must report promptly on the day Events o f Noted People, Govrrnmenta only as victors. designated. for Making Use o f Submarine« Fleet Company E. V Hurley to and Pacific Northwest and Other " I t must,” he continued, “ prevent The first step taken by each board nations from being plunged into fur­ Necessary Food is Scarce. Head Trade Commission. Things Worth Knowing. w ill be to (mat in a conspicuous (dace a ther enmity through economic block- | list containing the names o f all the ades and provide a safeguard that the men registered in its county or dis­ league in the arms o f our opponents trict, in the exact order in which they Copenhagen— W ith the statement does not develop into an economic Washington, D. C. - President W il­ w ill be called on the first and all auc- Eight new regiments o f cavalry, that Germany’s wish is to conclude offensive alliance against us. son Tuesday asked Chairman Denman, cceding drafts. A copy o f this list equip|>ed and trained as artillery, will “ We cannot again offer peace. We («a ce as combatants who have success­ also w ill be given the press for publi­ he added to the regular army immedi­ have loyally stretched out our hands o f the shipping board, to resign, and ately. fully accomplished their purpose, yet once. I t met no response, but with accepted the resignation o f Major Gen­ cation. I.et it lie emphaszied again that this Missouri has been added to those admitting the severity o f the food sit­ the entire nation and with Germany, eral Goethals as general manager o f list w ill have not only the names of states whoae quota in the regular army the army and its leaders, in accord uation, Dr. Georg Michaelis, the new the Emergency Fleet corporation. the men to be called out on the first has been filled, having recruited 6620 Official announcement o f the accept­ draft, but o f every man registered, in men with a quoti» o f 6586. imperial chancellor o f Germany. F ri­ with this declaration, the government feels that i f our enemies abandon their ance o f the resignations o f Goethals day made his first address before the lust for conquest and their aims at and Captain John B. W hite was made the order in which he must be called. The city council o f Paris has voted reichstag. No person whatsoever has any auhtori- to give a free site in the Hue Savorg­ Dr. Michaelis declared adherence to subjugation and wish to enter into ne­ with publication o f a letter from Pres­ ty to change this order. the submarine campaign as a means of gotiations we shall listen honestly and ident Wilson to Chairman Denman, Having poated this list and given nan de Brazza, near E ifel Tower, for a hastening the end o f the war, and readily for peace to what they have to asking for his resignation and giving copy to the press, the board will then club house for American students in looked lightly upon the entry o f the say to us. Until then we must hold the President’s opinion that the only notify by letter every man called up Paris. way to end the row which has delayed United States into the war, asserting out calmy and patiently. Major General Goethala, general “ The present time in regard to food the shipbuilding program was for both on the first draft. Each man will be the German fleet and the submarines directed to appear before the hoard for manager o f the Emergency Fleet cor- conditions is the most severe we have Goethals and Denman to be removed. physical examination on a specified (Miration, resigned Tuesday and hia would master that situation. In asking for Mr. Denman’s resigna­ date, which w ill be within seven days resignation was accepted by President Meager reports o f Dr. Michaelis’ experien ced and in the month o f July address, received Saturday, were sup- has been the worst. Drought has de­ tion. President Wilson suggested that o f the mailing o f the notice. Wilson. lemented Sunday with more complete layed and want exists in many cases, he would be glad to “ take the same A t the same time, failure to receive but I can declare with glad confidence A lim it o f $5000 an reward for in­ disinterested and self-forgetting course this notice w ill not be accepted as an versions. formation upon which smuggling rases ‘ ‘ Although,” said Chancellor M i­ that relief w ill shortly set in and the that General Goethals has taken.” excuse for not appearing on the day chaelis to the reichstag, “ English population can then be supplied more , “ When you have done as he has set. The burden o f appearing when may aurreasfully be prosecuted and re­ adequately.” done,” the President wrote Mr. lien- he is called is on the man himself, and coveries o f duties obtained, haa been statesmen knew, as shown by their man, " I am sure that you may count it is up to him to find out when he set by the government. bluebook, that Russian mobilization with the utmost confidence upon the must appear; there is a stiff (»enmity must lead to war with Germany, they Luther Burbank, noted horticultur­ ultimate verdict o f the people o f the for failing to answer the call. addressed not a word o f warning to ist, ill from an inflamed appendix, was country with regard to your magnani­ Russia against military measures, Remember, that regardless o f reported to be much better Tu»*aday. mous and unselfish view o f public duty whether a man intends to apply for e x ­ Dr J. K. Shaw, hia phyaician, said an while my predcessor, in instructions and upon winning in the retrospect the emption or discharge, he must appear , operation would not now be necessary. July 29, 1914, to the Ambassador at same admiration and confidence that for physical examination on the day Vienna, directed him to say that we Federal investigation opened in Salt 1 have learned to feel for you.” would willingly fulfill our duty as an set. He has seven days from the post­ President Wilson’s action came as a ing o f the list and the mailing o f the Lake Wednesday o f the coat o f copper ally, but must refuse to permit our­ and mill and «melter surprise. Officials generally had notice to him by the board in which to produetion selves to be involved in a world war charges under the direction o f three thought he would make a further through Austria-Hungary disregarding file application for exemption, and 10 Washington, D. C.— Selective con­ metal ex|ierts representing the Indua- effort to patch up differences and di­ our counsels. The man who wishes to scription was put into effect Friday, vide specifically between Chairman more days in which to file proof. trial W ar commission at Washington. kiodle a world war does not write like And remember again, that no claims this, but a man who is laboring and when a national lottery fixed the order Denman and General Goethal’s (lower for exemption because o f employment Efforts to find sufficient labor for the has labored for peace to the utmost. o f m ilitary liability for the 10,000,000 conferred on him by the shipping act. in necessary industries, including a gri­ farms o f California have proved a fa il­ Chairman Denman received the culture, can be considered by your ure. The prospect now is that much “ The concentration of the Russian young Americans registered for serv­ E’resident’s request for his resignation county exemption board. army compelled Germany to seize the ice. o f the crop w ill go unharveated. Gov­ sword. To accomplish the result, 10,500 at noon and tendered it immediately. Such a claim must be made to one ernment conscription o f labor may “ I want to help the President in o f the three district appeal boards, at have to be the means chosen o f solving “ There was no choice left to us, and numbers had to be drawn, one at a what is true o f the war itself is true time— a task which began in the morn­ every way possible,” he said, "and Portland, Eugene or I.a Grande. It the problem. never have questioned the wisdom of can only be made then a fter the man also o f our weapons, particularly the ing and lasted far into the night. Clothing is to lie issued hereafter to submarine. We deny the accusation The lottery was held in the public­ his decisions.” has passed his physical examination the American soldier only in accord­ Edward N. Hurley, a Chicago busi­ and been certified by the county board that the submarine warfare is contrary hearing room o f the senate office build­ to international law and violates the ing, with War department officials in ness man and form er chairman o f the as called for m ilitary service and not ance with hia individual needs. The war department has decided to abandon rights of humanity. charge o f the actual drawing and with Federal Trade commission, w ill Eie- | exempt. the system o f issuing regular allow­ “ England forced this weapon in our members o f the senate and house m ili­ come chairman o f the shipping board. A fte r you have appeared before your ances, which afforded soldiers an op­ hands through a neutral blockade. tary committees as witnesses. Washington L. Capps, chief construe- county exemption board and have England prevented neutral trade with Through the day there was a small tor o f the navy, w ill succeed General passed the physicial examination, it . portunity to effect individual savings. Germany and proclaimed a war o f crowd o f spectators, but altogether Goethals as general manager o f the w ill still be some time before you w ill | Eight suffragists o f the women’s starvation. Our faint hope that Am er­ probably less than 1000 people saw any Emergency Fleet corporation. Bain- actually be called out to join the army, j (»arty took up their posts beside the bridge Colby, o f New York, w ill be­ You w ill be notified when it is time gate o f the W hite House again Tues­ ica, at the head o f the neutrals, would part o f the process. check English illegality was vain and day. They carried banners with quota­ As a result o f drawing, every regis­ come a member o f the shipping board for you to report for service. the final attempt we made by an hon­ tered man receives a definite place in in place o f Captain John B. White. tions from some o f President Wilson’s speeches to congress, but attracted lit­ orably intended peace offer to avoid the liability-for-service list. Already the last extremity, failed. R E T A I L P R I C E S O F F O O D RIS E tle attention, and one s(»ecial (»oliceman 687,000 have been ordered to the colors easily preserved order. “ Then Germany had to choose this to fill to war strength the regular S E C O N D A R M Y P L A N S MA DE last measure as a counter measure of army and national guard and to consti­ Statistics Show Some Staples Jump To assure the folks at home o f news self-defense. Now also it must carry tute the first increment o f the national Five Billions Added to War Expenses o f the American soldiers serving in From 55 to 150 Per Cent in Year. it through for the purpose o f shorten­ army. Allies W ill Need More. France, Adjutant General McCain is ing the war. The submarine war is Washington, D. C.— Heavy increases about to establish a new division in his To obtain that total 1,374,000 men accomplishing all and more than all it w ill be called for examination within Washington, D. C. — Plans worked j in retail food prices in the United office. It w ill have to do with com­ ¡3 expected to. It impairs England’s a few weeks, officials estimating that out in congress for raising war reve- States within the last three_ years are pilation o f all sorts o f information in economic life and the conduct o f the two registrants must be called for nue were overturned Wednesday by shown in statistics compiled Tuesday regard to the officers and enlisted men war month to month in a growing de­ every soldier accepted. These 1,374,- by announcement o f forthcoming addi- by the department o f Labor. The on duty abroad, which w ill be supplied gree, so that it w ill not be possible to 000 w ill be taken from the head o f the tional estimates for war expenditures sharpest advance was in flour, which to their friends and relatives on in­ oppose the necessity for peace much liability list, every local district fur­ aggregating more than $5,000,000,000, jumped 150 per cent in price. Pota- quiry. principally in anticipation o f assem­ toes increased 125 per cent, lard 82, longer. We can look forward to the nishing a fixed quota. Plans have been completed for further labors o f the brave submarine The drawing was conducted with bling a second army o f 500,000 men sugar 79, corn meal 77, bacon 56, bringing all American aviation force« with complete confidence. bread 55. ceremonies as democratic as the ideal under the selective draft. Secretary McAdoo, at a special “ We look without serious concern citizenship it embodied. During the first year o f the war at Paris under a single direction, upon the optimistic sentiment in the It was shortly before 10 o ’clock meeting of the senate finance commit­ many prices decreased slightly but by working in conjunction with other Airplane squadrons entente countries caused by Am erica’ s when Secretary Baker, entrusted by tee, revealed that the War department the summer o f 1916 they were mount­ military units. intervention. It is easy to reckon how the President with the carrying out o f alone is preparing estimates to cover ing rapidly. Most o f the increase was w ill be divided into tw o classes, tacti­ The former w ill much tonnage is necessary to trans­ the draft law, rapped for order. The additional expenditures o f nearly $5,- duing the last 12 months. Wholesale cal and strategic. port an army from America to Europe, congressional committees were in their 000,000,000, and asked the committee prices o f many commodities have more operate V ith in a range o f 25 kilome­ ters and the latter within a range o f how much tonnage is required to feed seats, and on a small table stood the o f hold up the $16,70,000,000 war tax than doubeld since 1914. 200 kilometers. such an army. France and England lottery jar, sealed with brown paper bill until the detailed estimates o f all are scarcely able to feed and supply and showing through its transparent departments are submitted. The com­ Eleven American army officers, their own armies without influencing walls the heap o f number-filled cap­ m ittee agreed to the request and R U SSIA N L O A N S H O W S F A I T H members o f a special commission sent the economic situation still further. sules that must be taken out, one, by pigeon-holed a report on the measure to France, Engnnd and Belgium early A fter our previous success we shall be one. which it had planned to submit during $75,000,000 Advanced by U. S. Makes in June as investigators o f srmy con­ able to master this situation also Secretary Baker briefly explained the day. ditions, arrived in America Wednesday Total o f $175,000,000. through our fleet, particularly the sub­ the purpose o f the drawing, The new estimates, including $500,- then on an American steamship. The offi- Washington, D. C. — The United cres visited all the commands on the marines. That is our firm conviction stepped forward to be blindfolded and 000,000 additional for the Shipping and assurance. W e and our allies, draw the first number. board and $100,000,000 for the Navy States Tuesday emphasized its faith western front and shrapnel-scarred therefore, can look forward to any fur­ It was No. 258. Then, in quick sue-1 department, are to be submitted to the in the Russian government by extend­ steel helmets which they brought back ing it a further credit o f $75,000,000. ther development o f m ilitary events cession, other numbers were drawn, committee late this week. as souvenirs supported their admission This is the second Russian credit, that they had been under fire. with calm security. Besides the additional sums needed while cameras and motion picture ma “ The burning question in our hearts, ' chines recorded the scene. for the American war program, Secre­ the first, for $100,000,000, having Plans are under way In Manila, for however, is how much longer the war tary McAdoo told the senate commit­ been established soon after the United the formation o f a full regiment o f States entered the war. It is under­ is to last. With this, I come to a tee that the $3,000,000,000 authorized England Sends Thanks. stood rfiost o f the $100,000,000 already M o n » in the hope that eventually it matter which stands in the center o f j for loan to the allies probably would London— On behalf o f the govern­ all our interest and all our proceedings ment, Ix»rd Robert Cecil, minister o f last only until October and that about has been spent fo r railroad supplies will be attached to the American expe­ today. Germany did not desire the blockade, asked the Associated Press $2,000,000,000 fo r their further assis­ and that much o f the $75,000,000 w ill ditionary force in France. war in order to make violent con­ be used in the same manner. to express to the American government tance would be needed. President Li Yuan Hung, in an­ and people the gratification and appre­ nouncing his resignation, urges the $350,000,000 in Gardens. Camp Gets First Animals. Sinn Feiners Asking Aid. ciation o f the British government for country to support Feng Kwo Chang, Washington* D. C. — The gardening vice president, for the presidency. Tacoma, Wash—The first carload of the reception and assistance given to Washington, D. C .— Tw o communi­ 15,000 animals to be used at the army the British recruiting campaign in the cations addressed to congress contain­ campaign has resulted in the planting Fen Kw o Chang has refused the posi­ cantonment when the 46,000 men are i United States. The results o f the re­ ing pleas by the Sinn Feiners in Ireland o f more than three times the usual tion o f chief executive. in training arrived Saturday from Fort cruiting campaign in the United for American aid in their demand for number o f gardens in the Uinted Keogh, not far from Miles City, Mont. States have been a source of satisfac­ absolute independence from England States, with the prospect that their Letters received in Chicago from The shipment had been on the road 12 tion to the British government. were left at the W hite House Wednes­ products w ill reach the total value o f American soldierB in France indicate days. The animals w ill be brought to day by Irish representatives. One is $350,000,000, according to an estimate that a few stogies would be much ap­ the camp from many places in the Uni­ Mrs. Roosevelt Greeted. signed by Patrick McCarten in behalf made by Charles Lathrop Pack, presi­ preciated g ifts by the men at the ted States, but the major share o f Pipe tobacco and cigarettes* Paris — Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, o f the Irish repubic. The other is an dent o f the National Emergency Food front. them w ill be gathered at concentration Jr., arrived from New York Saturday, appeal signed by 26 officers “ o f forces Garden commission. are available, but, says one letter, points in the west, such as Miles City, and was greeted by the prefect o f the formed independently in Ireland to se­ In the Pacific states the gain ¡ b set “ we are really suffering for good old Mont., and Tw in Falls, Idaho. United States nickel cigars.” at 185 per cent. French government. cure liberation o f the Irish nation.” G0ET1ALS RESIGNS: TO POST DRAFT LIST OF CURRENT WEEK AMERICA IS SNUBBED NEW MEN ARE CHOSEN 607,0 00 CALLED TO COLORS BE LOTTERE COMPILED FOR YOU