4 I ll A I C I I K I I N O I KS t h e red cross Public sale bills printed at the AttfcUnt Fire Wardens Express office. Allnn Rice, district fire warden Clarence Mai-y, who has l>een am I w ear a Croaa of brilliant red Field straw hats, two hits. ('. K Men’s khaki trousers $1.25 to T hat itaiala for r»'ai-u»> from the dead; for Washington county, has ap­ ployed at Orenro, s|ient Sunday at Roy A Co. It alao staiala for sai-riflee, pointed D. C. Zenor lo o k o u t at home. $1.76 at Roy’s. When men amt women pay the price. Warranty deed and mortgage the head of Clear Creek; W R. Mr. ami Mra. I .ou W right and son, Judge R. M. Stevenson and son, It shown the world the debt of love and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sear» took blanks for sale at this office. Robert, were trading in this city T hat m ust have come from heaven Hayden, upper Galea Creek; Fay dinner Sunday at the J. Haney home. Meade, Green Mountain; Win. New goods arriving every week Monday. above, Dewey lleighler returned home Hal For no reward do we receive Weir, patrolman (). & C . grant I urday from Idaho, where he has been at A. II. HotTman A Co.’s. Mrs. H. A. Williams of Willa- I employed for the past two month«. The latest in straw hats for mina is visiting friends in this city Who w ear the Red Croaa on our sleeve. la n d s in East Dairy s e c tio n . took Sunday The Red ('roes means a royal gift The following road supervisora (- Mr' *’*v?y *,M' men and boys at John Ander this week. dlnner at the lieighler honie. Of self; or m eans that we may lift will act without pay aa volunteer . j' Mr. Macy and aon, Cläre nee, Mi son's. Buy your t>athing suits and Hum anity to higher place assistant wurden«; Chan. Meach- j u wi« Ju nkere and Mlaa Myrtle Gllpin Mrs W. C. Benfer returned yes­ summer underwear from A. (i. And elevate the human race. em, Hillshoro, Route 1 ; John Fri- j went to Portland in Mr. Mncy'a car I.ike sentinel, we wait the call terday from a ten-day visit with HotTman & Co. day, Banks; J. H. Hotfman, Gas- Friday. They viaited the “Round-Up” And give the best we have our all. Portland friends. Glenn Hour, who has been work And with it ju st that tender smile I ton; A h h o IVters, Sherwooil; G. I*""1 r*P°rt m v,’ry ‘W ightful time. It will be a real pleasure for ¡ng jn Canada anil Washington, T hat mnkea the g ift well, worth the Mann, Cornelius; Alfred Pieren, Mi«» Edna Kern of Portland i» visit­ ing at the hum* of her uncle, Fmnk while. you to step into the A. G. Hoff- has returned to this city. Hilhboro, Route 1; John Schmidt- Bennett. man £ Co. store. Beans are going to be too val­ W hat di>es the Red Cross mean to you? /.er, Sherwood, Route 3; Charles Mr. Kilen hu« rented hi» place to Mr Miss Martha Allen loft today uable to waste in the threshing. Oh, friend of mine, what will you do? O’N’eill, Dilley. Pevey «ml will live in future ul the for a visit with Miss Wanda Sain, S e e t h e thresher at Gordon’s For, g reat or small, no m atter where. Soldier»’ home, ut Ko«et>urg. Warden Rice axks that people May find a place and do their share. hardware store. . King «ml son, Ralph, «ml l>e«n up Scoggin’s valley. In* careful about setting or leaving «ml >■«1 Ru»«ell Oh. wondrous badge of honor dear, Gilpin were visitor« «t the S. E. Todd, Arthur Shearer and Messrs. Walter Roswurm, Frank _ . , , , , . , The emblem of the volunteer, tires in or near timber. I "R ound-U p” Saturday. F.merson and Roy Hesseltine mo­ h r.in k > m n h returned last n ig h t T hat wondrous Cross of brilliant red, The T h atch er Sunday School held it» Keil ( ross at (¡ales Creek from a fishing trip to the Wilson Whose deeds of love the world has led. tored to Portland Tuesday. annual picnic Sunday at Soda Spring». river. They got nice strings -John DeW itt. Mesdnmes B. F. White, H. Eer- Mr. ami Mr». Jaine« Went. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Duncan rin and H. E. Inlow and Rev. A. Mr». A. tUUinger and Mr. I,. M (Jr* Lester Jones and Leslie Webb — and children expect to leave soon left Sunday f o r Grass Valley, Boys’ work shirts 60c at Roy’s. B. Patten and W. H. Holds went ham and family snjoysd a delightful on an auto trip to Walla Walla. where they will spend the sum- Howard McGill was up from to (iales Creek last evening and picnic «upper at ‘'R ippling W ater»” o n Francis Wade of the ambulance mer working in the harvest fields. Portland Monday. assisted in the organization of a Galea Creek, Friday evening. corps going to France, visited Miss Jennie Armstrong has been Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Bishop, and Found—Black feather fan. Can Red Cross auxiliary, with the fol­ friends in Forest Grove last week. visiting at the ( ’rook farm, east of lowing officers: Mrs. James Wood, Dorothy, Catherine and Francis lx* recovered at this office. town, for some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Latta left Jones visited last week at the Ed Tatro of Dilley was a busi- chairman; Mrs. Ada Hines, vice today for an extended visit at El- chairman; Mrs. Walter S a rc n t. |{e(] ( ’roS S S tlllS irilllT S , Barnett Roe farm, beyond Wap ness visitor in the city Monday. lensburg and other Washington secretary; Mr Pert Hints, ireas- 1 ato' Edward Burns left Monday for points. for Sale Matched team of the training camp at 'Frisco, Mrs. Henry Rice and niece, The people , . of the , town are All installment subscribers to large black horses; one black mare, Man.size work shirts. 60Ot G5t. Miss Francis Rice, both of Hill­ about 15P0 very enthusiastic anti want In >lo lh, ||0 0 (l00i000 Cro*. fun.1 lopO lbs., and one gray and 75c Roy* g furnwhing store. side, were shopping in this city on mare, about 1000 lbs. M. S. Al­ ... n ,i ,, .. „ ./h e tr p a r tln w a r d p r n v td tn i »uP - in , ho Grove d u ,ric, lorn Smith went to t ortland plies for the Red Cross hospitals . _ k„ _ > , , . Tuesday. len & Co. It . . . . . . . - . v ' hereby notified to pay July in- . . , . , .. , „ . . Monday to enlist as a wireles. op- on foieign soil. , To get the best results with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith have r tor stalu iuat to M R..Johnson, tra il your camera use the Ansco Speed- received word that a daughter was Or. Bishop to Washington urer, at the First National Bank. White duck oxfords, rubber soles ex film, for sale only by Littler's born early yesterday morning to Dr. J. S. Bishop has lx*en sum- Forest Grove, within the next ten and hi els. Roy’s F u r n i s h i n g moried to Washington, D. C., in days. Pharmacy. W. H. Hollis, their daughter, Mrs. Mabel Smith, Store. Prof. Lester Bennett left Mon­ of Selwood. I connection with business of the R- E- Dunlap, Chairman. Mrs C. A. Maddux of Portland mtdical section of the Council of day for his home in Philomath, Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caples after spending ten days with is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G.^ National Defense and expects to Datei! July 18. 1917. and two boys, Mrs. Maude Kin- friends here. E. Roy this week. j |eaVe for the national capital Sat- ney of Astoria and Mr. Hoiladay LOST REWARD C. A. Broder:>on and Ra eigh Portland picnicked up G des 1 MLss Avenel McIntyre left last urday or Sunday, I/)st—A lady’s diamond ring in week for Condon, where Mr. Mc- Walker are freshening up the Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs J. S. Buxton Forest Grove Tuesday, probably Congregational church with a coat j Intvre is located. M onday took t h e i r daughter, Iwtween the Roe & Co. furniture Mrs. J. S. Bishop, Misses Em­ of white paint. __________________ __________ Oliver Evans and wife of New- Mrs. Covert, to the Cedar C rest1 store and the First National hank. ma Penfield and Anna Taylor and John Anderson, Dan Pierce and ^ jr Roward Taylor attended the ^,er^ motore<^ UP Gales ( reek for Sanitarium, near Portland, for a Liberal reward. Address H. B. . E. >ehoonover are driving !at- i meeting__ meetings of ... the X E. A. in Port- a Httle filin g excursion Sunday, course of treatment for a stubborn Cusick, care Cusick & Co., bank- est model Maxwell cars, bought ]and )ast week j R a y Giltner and family and case of asthmatic trouble. Mrs. ers, Albany, Ore. 2« from M. S. Allen & Co. .. , .. .. „ chas Munkers and family left Covert stood the trip nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goff, Mr. ^ na* Christian Church Mrs. Frank Baer and Mrs. F and Mrs. Willis Goff and Mr. and 'Sunday for a week at Garibaldi Go to the Book Store for your The people of F orest Grove, mem­ W. Jones spent Sunday and Mon- Mrs. Claude Smith and little beach. sewing machine needles for any ber« of o th er churches and all, are in­ vited to a tten d the Revival Meeting*, day in Portland, attending the daughter, Gertrude, picnicked up! The Hoffman-Nichols o g a n make of machine. 27 which begin August ftth, with the Kel Pentecostal meetings in ssssion Gales Creek Sunday. i juice plant is now handling about Sunday, w h ile George 1 Upjier lema Brother», Evangelistic team . A there. Mr. and M r.. H. W. Shutt an.l >“ " * • P * * * * ’ “ i was giving h is family an auto ride, real tre a t for those compelled to stay You don’t need to send away baby arrived from Oroville, Calif., icou U=i more" the machine upset near the Deth- here all sum m er. Come once and you for your bathing suit—John An­ to make their home in Oregon, i Miss Esther Lasharn, who has leffs school house and bruised ! will come again. I f you aing, we in- j vite you to help in the chore». derson has them for men and Mrs. Shutt is a daughter of M r been visiting at the Willis home Mrs. Tupper severely Member» of the congregation are women, just as good as you can , and Mrs. A. J . Barkham. at Banks- ^turned to her home in urged to atten d the preparatory meet get anywhere for the price. _ , , „ ., this city Sunday. OKEGON KLEUTKIC TIME (A R I) ingn every Tuesday, Wednesday and A r t Caples returned F riday! l>atr«t J u ly I«. 1*17 Thursday evenings a t 7:30. Miss Beatrice Pogue returned Wiles & Sohler this week sold from his fishing excursion to T en ! . „ Bible School at 9:4ft a. m. Brum Arr K. G. Monday from Portland, where she L. Wild- Lv. P. C. Arr. Pt. L t . Pt. someone with you next Sunday. Our , , , , . .. , . , Mile creek, about forty mile down *A r