“Yes," said Lydia, slitiug up. “IX laying for somebody to buy (ho diluir lie hud the counterfeit all reudy, of you want it?” " if convenient." course." Without another answer she rose am. “But that’s what l don't understand." “Simplest thing iu (lie world. went to tht* bureau, found her hand- Chance Is he found the copy rently made hug, produced the puzxlo box, umt to Ids hand. Nine out of ten of these silently, with uverted face, gave il tv ! smart Frenchwomen, like the original her father. owner of the collar, have their best ills footsteps were audible crossing i pieces duplicated in paste for public the sitting room. Then she heard him | Ufi© (ìrundnia'M Sam* Tea and wear. Somehow or oilier he must have closing tils bedchamber door. Sulphur Recipe and Nobody got hold of that. The only question Is. will Know. With some effort Lydia pullisl her­ when did he make the substitution? self together, rose, bathed tier face nnd Betty swears it was the genuine ar­ eyes with cold water, then sought her Tho uso of li.oui’i been . ............ ................ . 1,10 USO °* Hugo and Hulphtir for re- ticle she received, and It 11 1 mirror to survey and repair as best she storing faded gray hair to Its natural out of her possession since, ex. opt ( could Ilio ravages of tears. I oolor dates hack to graudmothar’a A U T H O R o /" T H E : LONC while In the purser's safe, and when l time. Hhe used It to keep her hair W OLF,” " T H D R A brought It to her, up there in the | beautifully dark, glossy uud attractive. veranda cafe, day before yesterday. B O W L .'T T C . Whenever her hair took on that dull, Do you suspect Craven of be­ Looks as if it was up to the purser— faded or streaked appearanc«, this COPTW1CHT BT lOUIS JO iLP » VAftCC ing up to some trickery? Why simple mixture was applied with won­ unless you care to point the well known should he become grouchy to his derful effect. finger of suspicion ut me— or Deter!" J daughter? There Is a big devel­ But brewing at home Is mussy and “How absurd!" opment of the story in tho next out of date. Nowadays, by asking at LYDIA BEGINS TO SUSPECT HER FATHER OF DECEIVING “Think so? Well. I'm glad you do. j installment. any drug store for a 60 cent bottle of my dear." ills humor had softened. "W y e th ’s Sage and Hulphur Com­ HER IN SOME MANNER AND SHE IS DEEPLY GRIEVED Drawing near, he pinched her cheek pound," you will get this famous old affectionately. “Not that there's tiny (To UK CONTINI!ED.) preparation. Improved hy the addition —SOME MYSTERIOUS THING SCARES HIM reason for you to worry. Only, If Betty of other ingredients, which can he de- still wants to play Lady Bountiful at SMOKED HIS CIGAR BY PROXY I pended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. your wedding, she'll have to dishursc Synopsis— I.yilia Craven, traveling ns Lucy Carteret, runs away A well known downtown druggist the price of another necklace." from her English home to go to her father, Thaddeus Craven, iu New Bismarck Gave Cherished "Weed" to says It darkens tin* hair so naturally “Daddy ! As If I thought of that!" York, whom she hasn't seen for the years. Three days out on boa"d Wounded Soldier and Enjoyed nnd evenly that nobody can tell It has “Probably you don't, being yourself. the steamer Alsutla, she runs plump Into Craven, tunking love to Mrs. Watching Man’s Contentment. been applied. You altnply dampen a Still— you'll marry some day. and pearl Sponge or soft brush with It and draw Merrilees, a young widow, engaged to marry him. Later Craven ex­ coliurs don't grow on every hough of With all tils hrusqueness nml even, this through your hair, taking ouo plains his mysterious conduct and supposed bachelorhood by telling orange blossoms.” By morning the Lydia he is a British secret service agent iu America. She Is attacked at times, brutality, Bisumrek, snys strand at a lime. gray hair disappears, and after an “I'm uot thinking of being married," at night and a small box containing supposed valuable documents, Frederick Marvin, had much of the other application or two. It becomes Lydia murmured, looking away. which iu lias given her to keep for him, is stolen. Quoin, un amateur "live and let live" philosophy, and It beautifully dark and glossy. •“Oh. 1 presume not- no more than humanized him so ttint men loved him detective, recovers it for her, and when the party lands at New York, W yeth’s Huge and Hulphur Com­ the next girl of your age! Nothing do­ I.ydia. carrying the box openly, has no trouble passing the customs In­ and willingly followed after liltn. The pound is a delightful toilet requisite ing with Deter Truft. eh?" spection. When Mrs. Merrilees declares u $00.00) necklace and the story of the last cigar at Kocnlggratt for thoso who desire a more youthful "Oh, daddy! Don't he silly!" inspector finds it an imitation worth $300, she is held and searched as a illustrates what lias been said, says1 appearance. It is not Intended for the Lydia met his gaze fairly and hon­ cure, mitigation or prevention of die smuggler. Despite past tricks, however, Mrs. Merrilees is honest this the Yorkshire (E n g.) Dost. estly. laughter In her eyes, and Craven ease. time. “The value of a ^;< mm I cigar," said accepted her disclaimer without ques­ TO BKKAK IN NKW HHOKM AI.WAVH I NK Bismarck, as he proceeded to light an tion. AIU-n'« Knit t W . IS « anttM>t>tlr i«iw.l«-r It excellent Havana, “is last understood “ Well, Dm sorry for Deter. He's n iM-Vf’ i i t » t l i t l i t i i » > am i t>llataring. Kt-hcw-a l om > , when it Is tin* last you possess and ( C H A P T E R X — Continued. lutikuua. amt Hwollan. H a n illiiir A r h ln g K«nrt. "Which? Oh. I see!” Here the cur good hoy— well off too. And he's mighty ( l l v i a rr.1 am! rum f.irt A n -a p t mi ■ u ln titu tc. drew away, so that Black Dutch was no strong for you. Mustn't let yourself be there is no chance of getting another. Ham pin K K K E A.klraaa, A l i m H. O l m . t « l . I* . After a brief conference he turned longer visible. “I’m not dead sure," misled by Peter's reputation. Just I«*- At Kocnlggnitz 1 tiad only one elgnr Roy. N. V. back to Lydia and Deter. “A had busi­ Deter resumed, “but he looks a heap cause he’s got the name of a gay young left Iu my pocket, which I carefully ness he doubted iu an undertone, like a chap Quoin pointed out in the butterfly is no real reason why he guarded during tin* whole of the bat­ wagging his head. “Betty's played the smoking room one night— one of a shouldn't he in deud earnest this time." tle, as a miser does tils treasure. 1 did not feel Justified In using It, game straight as a die this trip; but brace of deep-sea sharks we had “I wish you wouldn't say such nothing on earth will make these )***>• aboard. Chap with a queer name— things.’’ “I painted in glowing colors in my mind tin* happy hour when I should pie believe that, after the way she's Lefty— no, I've got it— Southpaw “ W ell— don’t forget him, when you carried on in the past. Looks like an Smith. \\ hy do you ask? You cer­ enjoy It after the victory. But 1 mis­ do come to think of marrying. And,” all-day session— no good your sticking tainly can't know the fellow I" calculated my chances. And what was Craven dismissed the subject airily, “of round; nothing either of you can do. Lydia sank back into her corner, course you would be happier as mis­ the cause of my mlscalculatlona? A Quoin und I will stand by Betty; but with a head awhlrl. “No," she said, tress of your own establishment thun— |M»or dragoon. He lay helpless, with you'd better cut along. You won't tnind “no, I don't know him. I— iu*— some­ well— playing second fiddle in mine." both arms crushed, asking for some­ N o humbug! Any corn, whether dropping Lydia at the Great Eastern how reminded me of something very thing to refresh lit in. I felt In my hard, soft or between the toes, will Had he shipped tier tin* girl could unpleasant.“ hotel. Deter?" pockets and found only gold, and that loosen right up and lift out. without hardly hnve suffered deeper pal.; and “No— I won't precisely what you would lie of no use to him. But stay. a particle of pain or soreness. humiliation. He wanted to in* rid of This drug Is called freezone and Is might call uiind.” Deter declared, C H A P T E R XI. 1 had still tny treasur in* safe. In shortly the corn or callous will loosen come self-supportiug the hospitable forget to call, as he’d promised. Quoin ; pointinents that its appeal was strong doors of Mrs. IJeggarstafTs home of­ preparing n list of Improbabilities, tc and can be lifted off with tho fingers was persuaded that such oversight i to the sybaritic strain with which This drug freezone doesn’t eat out fered a haven where Lydia felt sure Include such a thing ns a collision be­ would be symptomatic of insanity. His heredity hud endowed the girl. of finding a welcome, sympathy, uffec- tween an airplane nnd a steam roller,” tho corns or callouses but shrivels Toward six o'clock she dropped, worn tone was light; but his direct and pene­ says the Popular Mechanics Magazine them without even Irritating tho sur­ tlon. rounding skin. trating gaze embarrassed the girl, and I out, into an armchair beside an open With n brisk trend nnd n cheerful "A rear etui crash of two s<> utterly *11 f Just think! No pain at all; no sore­ she was fluttered by consciousness that window in the living room. Wearily countenance Craven returned to the sit­ ferent machines seems extremely In ness or smarting when applying It or bn r cheeks were unaccountably aglow, the girl's eyelids drooped. Insensibly congruous. Anti yet this Is precisely ting room. “Hello! What's troubling afterwards. If your druggist don’t her fingers tremulous in his firm grasp. she drowsed, drifting into a sort of my girl? Something on your rnlnd, eh?" what occurred not long ago at an avi­ have freezone have him order It for Betty Merrilees offered a cool cheek halfwaking nightmare, wherein she ation field near Buffalo. N. Y\ Th* you. She eyed him gravely. “ Do you real­ to Lydia’s lips. “Don't worry about with her father waged incessant war xtenm roller was being used on th* m e!" she protested pettishly. “Besides, agnlnst powers of darkness, shapeless, ly wunt me to marry Deter Truft?" «In- turf when an airman attempted tc demanded. in your heart of hearts you believe I’m featureless, inscrutably malign— make n landing. In doing this he cither "W hy consult my desires? You'll do guilty— you know you d o !" The Inst rays of the sinking sun flood­ by C U I T H ' I B l A C K l f Q f i l l * mlcal'-nlnti <1 the relative positions of L t i v 1 1 • c -i. “I don't!” Lydia insisted, and in the ed her face, even as It Impregnated her as >oQ please anyway— Just as I did at his craft and the heavy roller, or be­ If' h ( p r r l a r r r . t l»y ’ your age. It’s a good match, and If you next breath. “You didn’t— honestly?" dream, with the hue of blood. Twilight, c a m e 'object struck,’ for the nose of wra'.rrn at • k • I*-* vc they ' Betty’s mood melted transiently. succeeding, caught together the gap­ find you cure enough for the young- 1 the plane wns plunged with consider »h en * »(h er ' »aceIn** fall. “Honest In ju n !” she declared with ing arras of the sky. Minutes wove a ster,” he raised Ids bunds in mock bene­ a b l e force against the rear of tin- other if W r’fo f* » k M *r. 1 tc»* muntoli, diction, "bless you, my children 1 But mirth in her voice, but downright can­ web of hours— machine. Fortunately no one wns had in don Pkf. Blachl*! P 111 . 11 M B0-S sst SM - W s c b ls f flit« . 1* 00 dor in the eyes that held Lydia's. “And Abruptly Lydia found herself on her — upon my word !— never can tell about ly Injured, hut the propeller of the air l '*# any In}»* *«*, I aj ! ( itt**’ « %tm (>!«•% ( an*! «frun geat. I don’t blame anyone for climbing up feet, a low cry shuddering in her you women. Only two minutes ugo— ’’ craft was broken, the landing gear 7 h# B*»perl'»#tty ol I wtle» |>f'"lii* ts ia >1 .* *»» * -r It f«an of . • YAmNH an » ami'm "That was when I still believed you wrenched, and the radiator smashed." , on the fence, either,” she added in throat, aware that the room was ablaze ONLY. Ì U .131 UN CUI rKM X II w i n diro* t. cryptic phrase, “all except these de­ with light, that shr was no longer wanted me with you, when I thought I T bs C sttsr la b s rtt s ry . I s r b s lt y . Cantam i* ¿J spicable customs m en!" alone. Then, calming, she realized might be n help to you, not an obstacle , To Close London Churches. I'eter’s town car was waiting at the nothing more terrible than Craven’s iu the path of your happiness. Better The City of London will have forty j to marry at once— the first bidder— and or fifty of Its church«** dosed In tin pier entrance, and when’he had helped return. her into it, Lydia, looking out through He stood near the center of the room, repent too lute. If that must bt— thun j near future, till after the war, as n re­ the limousine door, viewed a section of staring, evidently at n loss to account to know I'm in your way.” mit t of the bishop's scheme for relean -1 “Llddy, my dear little girl I” The Ing clergy for national war work j the throng of passengers waiting for for her agitation, his face slightly tone was fond, the smile indulgent; hut | There a r e now only about 20,000 pen] taxicabs, in the forefront of which flushed yet lowering. stood two men. “ Well?” he demanded sharply. "W hat with sharpened vision she saw through pie resident in the city (the centro! I the pretense. One faced her and first attracted at­ the deuce is the matter with you?" portion of the whole municipality), nn