4 âlir Ifnrrat tôrnur txprPHa Published every Thursday at Forest Grove. Oregon. W . C. Benfer, Kditor ami Publisher. . Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12. li»16. at the poeto (h ce at Forest Grove, Oregon under the Act of March S, ISTI» ____ Subscription Kates P # d in advance l>ne year Six months Three Months $1.00 .50 .25 On Credit One year Six months Three months $1.50 75 _lH.' THURSDAY. JULY •'1 am sorry that you do not wear a flag every day and I can only ask you if you lose the physical emblem to be sure that you wear it IN YOl’R hka rt ; the heart o f America shall interpret the heart of th e w o rU .” President Wilson. Elsewhere in* this issue will I k * found a list of Forest Grove boys "'ho have registered for military service. If you know any names which should I k * added. Sheriff Applegate would undoubtedly fa- glad to hear from vou. t N O T E S A N I) C O M M E N T S S T A G N A T IO N When someone stops advertising. Someone stops buying; When someone stops buying. Someone stops selling; When someone stops selling. Someone stops producing; When someone stops producing, Someone stops earning; When someone stops earning. Stagnation sets in. Don't bring stagnation. his many achievements in the field of electrical discovery, al­ ready comes close to that mark. But he, or those concerned with his work, are not much given to toasting, which makes the an­ nouncement douhly significant, particularly since Mr. Kdison is known to f>e searching to find a cure for the U-boat scourge.- Portland Journal. Europe during the past three years. T hen ask your God to forget that he ever heard you whine. That counciimanic resolution to clean up a few stink-holes must have been smothered in commit- tee. Of course, our councilmen only draw $3.00 per month, and some of them are worth it. Every mysterious fire tire or ex- ex­ Because Oregon boys have been plosion is now laid to the I. YY.W. so free to enlist, the draft will Some of the members of that out- deal gently with this state. fit are pretty bad. but fires have Some of those windy l T. S. sen­ been known to have broken out ators. who talk much and work unexpectedly before the world little, should join the I. W. W. ever heard of the I. W. W The In the interest of the pubic insurance adjusters will substanti- health, the Express objects to ate this statement. Uncle Charley Russell, the shoe dealer, says he was well pleased with the Foley & Burk carnival, for he sold the various emploxes <>f the concern : 1 H pairs of men’s oxfords and he was still better pleased with the Chautauqua, for, one member of the Venetian band purchased from Mr. Russ II sixty pairs of children’s shoes. The Why Not a Trip To Oregon's Popular H e a th R e s o rt s Tillamook County Beaches Newport Beaches LOW Round-Trip FARES with Daily Train Service For information and iHMikletx, call on your local agent . or write John M. Scott, General Passcngcr Agent Portluml, Ore Pyrt'^as*‘r 8 w >fe runs a store in New York and he saw that Mr K u * * U * as offering bargains in c'11*t^ren s shoes, so he bought s,x*y Pa*rs and shipped them to Wl^e* t0.^e 80 ^ at an advance OVl‘r what they cost him* 450 >ou stt things are not always cheap- est in the big cities. Mildred G. Morley Wilber I,. Thounts canning the kaiser. Cans some- Xhe kids> bjg and Htt,ei y Harley B. Lament times burst under pressure o. too and Gjd are enj 0ying themselves Edward H. Hail much gas.^__ jn tbe --s bol es” along Southern Pacific Lines Tns Serial Numbers of Possible Soldiers What are you raising or making for the county fair? If you don't do something to make it a sue- cess, please don’ t whine if the fair Gal-s Creek. And it’s lots of fun. if one may judge by the shouting ( Continued from and splashing—and a sure cure for a grouch. There are a few Henry A. Tays old Killjoys in this town who Geo. A. Shaw is a fa ilu re Ivan T Bradt should go swimming. All I. W. W.s are not tramps. Faul I.. Schultz Some of them draw the same sal­ The Wall street Journal says Ross W. Red er aries as United States Senators the Ford Motor company makes Edgar C. Morford and are as unpatriotic as food but $21 profit on each car it Harry C. Pollock speculators. makes, but when you read, in the A dozen years ago Upton Sin- clair didn’t like canned meats ‘ (according to h is story, "T h e Jungle.” ) but now he wants the kaiser "canned.” same article, that during the first .five months of this year the com pany turned out 311,933 cars and that orders are now on hand for 127,000 cars, it is easy to see that Henry won't have to give up meat If Germany is depending on her or potatoes dur,n 8 this year, ,f subs to save her, she is lost, for money can buy these luxuries the U-boats are not getting as many ships as they were getting Senator M cNary, who succeeds three months ago. the late Harry Lane in the U. S. senate, has discovered, he says, Experts claim eggs which have that the senators waste lots of been washed will not “ keep,” valuable time talking about things either in pickle or cold storage. of little importance. Yes. Sena- If you find eggs so dirty they re­ tor, if you keep your eye on the quire washing, use them within average U. S. Senator you will 24 hours. find that he talks "through his "D ry everything you can and hat” right smart, but very often what you can’t can,” is the ad- he gets well paid for talking need- vice a Kansas paper gives its ed legislation to death. There is And a Missourian re- “ method in their madness,” some- readers, marked, “ That d o n ’ t explain times. nothing to nobody ’ The general manager <4 the Ed- Next time you feel like grumb­ ison company says that Thomas r , .. ling about your lot, try and re­ Edison "m ay soon become the , call what has happened to thou­ most st important figure in the na- na sands of good men and women in tion.” Mr. Edison, by reason Life Saver SAVE THE LIFE OF THE TOWN. It will die if you don’t boost it The best way to boost it is to H OM E PAPER C AR EFULLY READ TH E Take an A C T IV E IN T E R E S T in the town’s affairs SPEND YOUR MONEY IN TOWN with the local merchants. Page One) S O U T H E A S T P R E C IN C T Wm. C. Schultz ; Chas. E. Munkers Jas T . Benoit i Harvey E. Inlow Ira YV. Varley |C1 d e L Cr,'| w . St 0 ckma uy W. Stockman Cecil W Creel L*-land G Alexander Fred L Davidson C. E. Schoonover Jas. S. West Merton C. Lane Frank H. Smith Tom Pouios Louy C. Arthur Fay W. Shearer Max M. Richer Francis M. Joell Paul M. Gilmer Enoch I Will Geo. M . Ra mussen * ulr, im v rjUr ' ,nn' n Nelson Larson u „ . Raymond G. Lacy .. ... , Cornelius T. Richardson Vernon Burlingham Leon L. Logan Carl Con nett Orvel C. French Earl B. Brook bank Ralph W. Reinemer Rudolph A. Schultz Raymond A. Green Walter Watkins Chas. Staley Edgar Thacker John V. Ireland Wm. D. Haskell Jas. H. Pruett ' • Don C. Giitner Geo. Carter Samuel G. Morgan Curtis D. Miller ; Glenn P. Potwin S O U T H W E S T P R E C IN C T Jesse G. Sage Henry Fogel ! Frank L. Smith Ernest T. Tucker Ray T . Williams Edgar H. Swanson Frank S. Smith John Henry Busch 7B5 7B6 7H7 7HH 7H9 i‘M) 79 791 they will visit in Chicago, at the National Christian Association Headquarters, with Mrs. Ober's uncle, Rev. William Irving Phil- lips, and later will spend some time at the Yellowstone National Park. 79 1 ■*“ Get your vacation accessories, 79 ■ 93 siirh as Talcum Powder, Face 79 ■-H Creams, Bathing Caps, etc , at Wm. F Brooks 79 ■9-» Carl A. Stribich Jos. A. Morley Pearl W. Williams Daniel N’ewsham Harry J. Kunkle 79 ■9*> prices are right. 79 r97 ¡•2 the past week: HO: q»3 80! HO <94 Henry Wahl 801 Chas. F Kirby 106 HO <05 re A number of those in the fore going list are already in the train ing camps. th e Hillsboro during ***• *‘l to I* "11'* 1- Vail. 1 nr re between sees 10 and 16. 2 N 4 * { , 000 . Rosalia Wank to Galea Creek & Wil »on River R. R. Co.. 4.56 arrea in *e< 2 N 4. $1. H. E. Lee et ux to Benton S. Phil­ lip s et ua, a tract S of N’E corner of W half o f S W ijuar of aec |6, 2 N 4, $ 10 . 745 Word comes from Mrs. Harold , S. A. Stafford et ux to John It. How- 746 Ober, nee Helen Phillips, from ell et ux, 2 acres W o f NK corner see 747 Manchester, N e w Hampshire, :#>. 2 N 4. $10. 74b that the weather there is very, O. W. Olson et ux to Galen Creek & Wilson River R. R. Co., ijuar acre on 749 pleasant and the state beautiful, line between secs HI and .T2, 2 N 4. $ 541 , 750 but still she has found no state E. A. Hyde et ux to Ella T. Hyde, 7 5 1 like good old Oregon and will I k * S o f lots 1 and 4, hlk 85, Forest Grove 752 glad when she returrfs. Mr. and $ 10 . H. E. Lee et ux to J. W. Phillip«. 7=9 M r-. Ober will visit Boston this S W corner of aec 15, 2 N 4, $10. 754 week, before returning to New 75= York. On their westward journey Job printing phone H21. You May Save a Few Pennies by sending out of town for your printed mat- ter-and you may not save a cent. Let the EXPRESS quote you a price before you buy printing without seeing it. By patronizing the Express, you get to see a “ p r o o f of your job before it is printed-and your money stays in Washington county, where you have a good chance of shaking hands with it again. Come in and let us talk it over. The EXPRESS Phone 821 Forest Grove, Ore