I I W H E N IN S E A TT L E I IS F R Y E SEATTLE'S LARGEST COWPEAS GAIN FAVOR Becoming Valued Crop Through­ out the Central States. HOTEL Only lhr«*i lilorka fn »n Ihtpola ami Ikirks, Op. »«.Ur City Hall 1‘ark and Court IJ iium . Possesses Many Advantage* Over Clover — Mature* Quicker and Combine* Not Only Hay Crop, O '« « « « , i t . mi h m But Oraln at Well. With prlvaUi l>ath. I »>rr«un. C id u rn •».(« I panama. |3 00 tU Mi 14 no TIIK riNKHT IM»1.1 Alt ROOM IN AMERICA With datachail l*U>, I »>«r«on, II 00 |l Ml " W h e n In Seattle Try the Frye” íR y I* H. J O H N S O N .) Farmer* who have never tented the cow or Ntoek pea nhould hy all meen* — try a crop of that legume thin aprlng. Originally grown only In the South, It SIXTH ANI> EVERETT 8TS. linn npreail northward and heroine a F ou r lllnrka fro»n IlnUm Htattnn. Iln iU r n «w valued crop throughout tho central iu«tuuf«’ittrnl. A ll ruunw nnw iy (Ir ro rtia d SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OK MONTH ntntea. KaUi QOc. 75c. $1. $1.50 l*«r Day. belonging to the name family an red ______________________ - _____________________ »•lover, It In natural to compare the 'jualltlen of Ihe two, although III many roHpeetn they are entirely unlike. W • Ptjr lh* P m I b i «. (.’lover reijulren two yearn for ma­ I f In r n « l o f P u r * D ru gs « m i ( h « m i f t l i . A rc h v»«il»|...» »•. SktVWN II f • * r •. t HU99K9( I Uatcc turity, cowpeaa only three uionthn. A S lo c k in ii, A l»«lontirtal M u p p o rts ri, H u ip en sory stand of the clover In hy no mennn N e w H o u s to n H o te l D R U G S B Y M A IL l U m U i M fo r M *rt. and »11 cither K u lilr r (rimda o f r v e r y dflacriptkm . w n d t<» ti>« SILO OF GREAT IMPORTANCE (Hy W. M K E L L Y .) BEAUTIFUL RUGS) An* mail«1 from your O l.l) CAR- I'lT S . Itng Rug« woven all aizea. Mail order* receive prompt ami care­ ful attention. Send for l»ooklet. NORTHWEST RUG CO. E. Htli and Taylor Sti. I'orlland, Or. ! College of Neurology and Klectro-Therapeutics, Inc., Mowing Cowpea Crop. Druglem Practitioners certain and In nome section* han be­ come no precarious that farmer* are canting around for some other fertiliz­ 712 State, Salem, Oregon. ing crop to replace It. Again. < lover harvest comes In June D EVELO PIN G and when showers are naturally frequent PRINTING for F or • littU- IkjrMtiritf am ong you r fr ie n d » w ith and when the farmer Is busy with the K o d a k ». Krnd fo r in form a tion a » U> how you ran corn and with other work ; on the oth­ • o r u r t e r r «lit* and h ave Y ou r work done I*R E E o f Charm»- W r ite today, or »end us fo r tria l a roll o f er hand, pens are cut In August or fllru or n e g a tiv e * to bu print**! ami r ro o lv e 40 par September when the rush o f work la r * n t oft. over and when then* Is generally a dry PHOTO C RAFT »HOP. Plttork Block. Finally, cow-peas combine In P. O H ot 728. Po rtla n d . O regon s|x-ll. them Helves not only a bay crop but u grain crop as well. A g a t e C u t t in g All these Imisirtant advantages has r o a i t %o w i v u C u t a no the pea over the «-lover; and ugnlnst MOUNT VOU« AGA Tf IN A KXlO them I can only think o f the p«»lntii hoto MINO IMI CUT UNO full oc riN o ca a n o ag atc that the pea-vines require a longer time to cure. de|M-nod, wholesome grnln food a day to each cow will h«dp wonderfully and In connection with goo«l ensilage and clover hay will main­ tain her In very good condition. We have found «*arly <*ut clover hay one of the best winter fe«-«ls for dairy «mttle. We have often chunged from clover to timothy hay and invariably the yield o f milk would fall off. Well-cured clover hay comes nearer to b«*lng a balanced ration than any HIDE8, PELTS. CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. - - WHOLESALE PLUMBING 600DS SHIP CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL T h re e o f a kind Keep them in mind $135 $145 and Strongest Drag Saw made—Can be Operated by One Man and Carried by Two Men. Vaughan M otor W o rk s, hain P O R TL A N D , OREGON FOR s k in \ troubles That Itch, Burn, Torture and Disfigure Use Cuticura— Trial Free. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. They usually afford immediate relief in itching, burning eczemas, pimples, dandruff and most baby skin troubles. They also tend to prevent little skin troubles becoming great if used daily. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. — Adv. Complexion That Everyone Admires! Don't envy a good complexion, have one. Each time you cleanse your face with Resinol Soap you give It a “ beau­ ty treatment” with the soothing, heal­ ing Resinol m edicatio:. If aided. In severe cases, by a little Resinol Oint­ ment, this usually leaves tbe com­ plexion naturally clear, fresh and free from pimples, redness, roughness and blotches. Resinol Soap for the sham­ poo keeps the hair live, rich, and free j from dandruff. □ rick Silo at Iowa State College. other crop we grow on our farms. If the cow could hold enough clover hay we would not need to feed unythtng els«*, but she likes a variety, and does decidedly better when fed ensilage with her clover hay. Corn ensilage adds palatibillty and succulence to the rutlon and makes it easier to masti­ cate and digest than dry fodder. __________ Spray Made of Arsenite of Soda, First Heads Should Be Ready Not Water and Black Molasses Proved Later Than First of July— Start Efficacious In Wisconsin. I Plants in Hotbeds. Kill the adult fly thnt lays the eggs 9i not all rou have. Write (or prices and skipping tail and d«> nwny with the possibility of THI H. F. NORTOn CO. forttand. Ora.; Seattle, We having maggots damng«* your onion and cabbage crops. To control these pests use this spray which was trl«*«l last summer with suc­ Auto Supplies Direct to You cess In many cabbage nml onion fields: Dissolve five grams (one-sixth o f an W R IT E T O D A Y ounce) of araenlte o f s«xla In one gal­ FLEMING PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE lon of hot water, mid on«*-half pint of blnck molasses nnd stir thoroughly. 112 Fourth St., Portland, Ore. Apply to the plnnts In oanrse drops, using n sprinkler or whisk broom. In fair weather, one application a week Veal, Pork, Beef, Is sufficient, hut. In rainy weather Poultry, Butter, Egg* twice weekly Is better. and Farm Produca 1 leg In to use the mixtures when the to the Old Rallabl# F verdina hoiiM with a record of 48 year« ot Rquu-n Healing«, and plants first npi>ciir nlxm* ground, nnd ba aaaumd of T O P M A R K E T PRiCtA. In the case o f cabbage, continue regu­ F. M. CRONKH1TE larly for a month or so after the 48-47 Front Stroat Portland. Oraron ulonts have been set out In the fldU. » i r* ■V - J L ! The dairy cow hus n pluce on the No. 28. 1917 N. U. wolkolauned fruit farm. N a tu ra lly he loves h e r. she loves h im . and th ey both love W R I G L E Y S . The Lightest PESTS DAMAGE TRUCK CROPS EARLY CABBAGE FOR MARKET • S h e slipped a stick in e ve ry le tte r and m ailed him a box now and th e n . VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW S o re Eyes?; ELECTRIC MOTORS WRIGLEYS AN NO U N C EM E N T V > Bought, Sold, Rented and Repairad W A L K K R ELECTRIC WORKS Hu muido, cor. 10th. l'ortlaml. Ore. H e ’ s telling h e r th at nothing he received fro m hom e brough t m o re j o y , longer-lasting P le a su re , g re a te r re lie f fro m th irs t and fa tig u e , than Dllryman Who I* Without Succulent Feed During Winter I* Up Against Hard Proposition. LAUE D A VIS DRUG CO. Trujim Export« Third and Yamhill, Portland, Or. Fita Men ami Women for a life o f uaeful ami profit- aide work um out reference to ttielr fcrtlllzlng vaine, eowpeas rank a mori g thè rnost proflt- able of erops ami It Is rat ber surprls- Ing that furmers are not more ulivo to tld* polii!. Itegulnr poa hullers bave l»ecn of very slow Introductlon In ibi* pnrt «»f thè country. l'eiis uro siili bulle«! li» wheat tbreshers and In «■onsequenc«- ar«* bad- ly split and shattored. They w111 yleld t«Ti and flfteen bu*h- eìs tu thè acro In fav«»rable «-«»ndltlons. 11ullliig, Instcnd of damaglng thelr valli«*, uctunlly *e«*m* to Iricreaso It, f«»r II break* up tho coarse stems and sbreds Ibom luto a soft mass that Is «mten up «-leali l»y tb<* st«»ek, t * liti «il l«-«l peli bay makes u foruge Ibat Is imsiirpassed and ealls for Ut­ ile or no grulli to uupplement lt wtiou Ihe tennis are Itile, It Is a line rat lori for thè milk cow ami In fnet Is rellsbed hy all klmls of stock thoiigb aoinetlrnes a few tlays aro r«-e sold before the first of August. Skim milk has In it considerable quantities of protein nnd ash. When fed to calves lt Is valuable as a bone und muscle builder. Wntch whnt your neighbors are not feeding In the live stock line aud feed that kind o f stock. Cooler is in th< bottle Sold Every here The Portland Brewing Company