GRAIN CROP IS SHORT TO RESIGN POST N o r th »r tl Whwil Cut Almost H alf by Drouth nl Spring Cereal Hit Hard* Oat* and Harlev Suffer. ! ■ Sim DATS III JAIL FEW NEED BE CALLED Only 717 Men to lb* Drafted to C olon in Oregon; 7296 in Washington and 2287 from Idaho. or TUB Washington, D. C. — Because Ore­ Portland — The wheat crop o f the gon, in proportion to population, fur- Pacific Northwest is passing through a r\ .* . r ■ p, r » » nished more volunteers for the Na- ¡ German Chancellor Steps Down critical period this week. The pro­ Uption Of $25 Pine Declined by tiunal guard and regular army than Brief Resume Most Important any other state in the Union, its quota, and Out Through Pressure. longed dry spell has eaused much loa» Daily News Items. Washington Women. under the selective draft, is the small­ and hot winds in the Inland Empire est assigned any o f the 4K states. ^ are increasing the damage. The fact only 717 out of the 62,618 young men o f Oregon who registered Portland grain men, who are keep­ June 5 will I k * drafted for the Am eri­ ing in daily touch with the situation in can army is, on ita face, the highest the interior, fear that the Northwest official testimonial that ran be paid will not have more than half a crop the manhotsi and |>atriotism o f the sons o f Wehfoot state this year. Conference;» Indicate Little Chance for Prisoners Assigned to Sewing Room On the basis o f her (Mipulation, Ore Events o f Noted People, Governments One o f the leading authorities esti­ Reforms as Ordered bv Kaiser— gon was required, under the law, t o 1 for Several Hours’ Work Daily and Pacific N orth*eat and Other mates a yield o f 35,000,00t> to 40,000,- contribute .64 o f 1 |K*r cent o f the Austria Would Ask Peace. In Quandar? Over Vppeal. Things Worth Knowing. 000 bushels in the three states as total army o f more than a million men. against 65,000,000 bushels produced | The groaa quota o f the state was com­ last year. Another dealer here makes puted to t>e 7387 men, but on April I an estimate o f 10,000,000 bushels for Oregon had in her National guard 2423 London— Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg. Oregon, 17,000,000 bushels for Wash- Washington, I>. U. Sixteen woman A fl.OOO.OOO.OOd government plant men. between April 1 and June 3« she the German imperial chancellor, has ington and 8,000,000 bushels for suffragists, arrested while participat­ recruited 2259 more for her National to manufacture aircraft ia being plan­ resigned, according to messages circu­ Northern Idaho, a total o f only 30.- ing in the woman’s i»arty bastile day guard ami in that same time 1974 Ore­ ned, Secretary Daniels has announced. demonstration in front o f the White lated through the wireless stations 000.000 bushels for this territory. gon men enlisted in the regular army. King George lias called a *| k *«M k I It is the early spring sown grain House, were sentenced in police court The total number o f men Oregon con­ meeting o f the privy council for the Saturday night by the German govern­ that is being hurt in the dry sections Wednesday to serve 60 days in the tributed to the army since A pril I. purisme o f proclaiming a chango in the ment. o f Washington, but in the dry sections District o f Columbia workhouse for therefore, is 6657, and this number is title o f the royal house. Dr. George Michaelis. Prussian un­ o f Oregon the late spring-sown wheat olwtructing the sidewalks. deducted from the gross quota o f the The women were allowed the alter­ Do Sweeney, assistant secretary of W inter wheat is der-secretary o f finance and food com­ is suffering most. state in determining the number of native o f paying 125 fines, but they the Intrrior, died suddenly at his home generally in good condition, but the men to I k * drafted. missioner. has been appointed to suc- promptly refused the offer and were in Washington Monday from angina winter-sown acreage is not heavy. In the adjustment, however, Oregon ced Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg. Rains throughout the wheat belt this taken to the workhouse at Oocoquan, is credited with 13 additional men and |iectoria. He had suffered from the Rumors o f the abdication o f the week would, o f course, be o f benefit, Va., and turned over to a matron, who disease for some time. this number, added to the total number but the greater part o f the damage al­ saw that each got a shower bath and o f volunteers deducted from the gross kaiser are still unconfirmed. (Jucntin Roosevelt, a son o f the fo r­ exchanged her clothes for a heavy one- A Berne dispatch says an official ready done cannot be repaired, in the quota, leaves but 717 men subject to mer president, was M i m i n g 40 aviators piece prison dress. They were assigned telegram has been received there from opinion o f crop experta draft. who received commissions as lieuten­ The oats and barley crops are also to the sewing room o f the prison, Berlin announcing the resignation of The state o f Washington, with a ants in the aviation section o f the General von Stein, the Prussian minis­ needing moisture, but they have not where they w ill work several hours larger population, was asked to raise Arm y Signal Reserve corps. daily. ter o f war. The importance o f * his been affected as seriously as wheat. 1.1 per cent o f the total arr.iy, or a A t the party's headquarters there King George has conferred the m ili­ The acreage o f both these cereals is resignation lies in the fact that the gross quota o f 12,768. was a flurry o f uncertainty over the tary medal for bravery on three mem- Prussian war ministry is in reality the larger than usual this year, and in Washington had in her National war ministry for the German empire, spite o f the drouth a crop above the question whether the women should be guard, April 1, 224», and from April 1 bent o f the American le g io n o f the permitted to serve their sentences Canadian forces. The men are lattice ar.d that General von Stein is a staunch normal is expected. to June 30, recruited 1764 additional, without protest or whether their cases Cor|s>ral Dick, Sergeant Harlan and supporter o f the Pan-Germans, who and also recruited 1446 men for the should be appealed. 1‘rivate l’orter. are the bitterest opponents o f peace regular army, a total o f 5450. Wash­ Although no one at the headquarters without annexations or indemnities. F I R E AND POISON F L O U R I S H The textile shortage now deprives ington got, on adjustment, 22 more, would confirm it, there were indica­ General von Stein recently aroused the leaving 7296 to be drafted out o f 108,- Germany o f napkins and tablecloths, tions that the course o f the women’s ire o f the Socialists by taking part in Klamath County Livestock Killed by the use o f which in hotels and restau­ 330 who registered June 5. friends might be determined finally by the distribution of Pan-German propa­ Hundreds -A ttem pt Incendiarism. Out o f 41,150 men who registered in rants in that country has been forbid­ the attitude o f Dudley Field Malone, ganda against peace efforts. Idaho, 2287 will be drafted. Idaho had den. Hotels are prohibited changing Klamath Falls, Ore. — Attempts to collector o f customs at New York, who The political turmoil which has been a National guard o f 962, recruited 865 bed linens more often than once a came here to testify for the women, convulsing Germany since Russia’s start fires in Klamath Falls and on a more, and recruited 711 men for the week for guests. first startling success on the resump­ stock ranch in the vicinity as well as and later asked the court to be per­ regular army, a total o f 2538 to I k * de- It is reported in a lx>nd«>n' Exchange mitted to act as their counsel. The tion o f her offensive has culminated the poisoning o f large numbers o f live­ durtod from her quota, along with an Telegraph dispatch from Lausanne request was granted, but instead of for the present in the resignation of Idaho's gross that no more Zeppelins are being con­ stock led to more active steps Tuesday taking any legal ste;ed and there M o n ta n » .................... 7*71 10.4/1 affect the fabirc of the German empire Argentina has instructed her minis­ being increased by Sheriff Humphrey were many rumors that he hail re­ N « . »d a 1 1.416 and have momentous consequences on N o rth D a k ota 7.717 ter in Berlin to demand of the German and guards at all manufacturing plants signed his collectorship and would taae O rrav.n . . 717 7.1*7 government an answer to the Argen­ the progress o f the European struggle. are being strengthened. up actively the fight o f the suffragists, Sou th D a k ota . . . . t»717 Í.R64 tine note railing for satisfaction for U tah .................... U N (N i The local fire department answered who repeatedly have been in Police »«h in if ton ................ 12.7*0 the l . M torpedoing of the Argentine W y o m in g an alarm Monday right at 11 o'clock Court during recent weeks for their .............. »10 steamer Toro and the promise to cease at the home o f C. A. Bunting, for­ demonstrations at President W ilson’s attacks on Argentine shi|i*. A rupture merly president o f the Klamath Falls doorstep. These rumors Mr. Malone in relations is considered imminent. Water Users’ association here, where himself would neither deny nor affirm. A speedy passage by the senate of fire was set with kindlings under the The collector spent nearly an hour the $640,(8)0,000 aviation bill, passed north side o f the barn near the house. with Mr. Wilson, When he departed by the house Saturday, was predicted north wind was blowing, and i f the from the executive office* his face and by Senator Chamberlain, chairman o f fire had not been discovered before it manner showed evidence o f great emo­ the m ilitary committee. He hail little Zurich— The Austrian reichsrath was had gained headway the barn and resi­ tion, and he walked rapidly away. doubt, he said, that the measure, pro­ dence undoubtedly would have been thrown into an uproar on Saturday destroyed. Mr. Bunting lives in one Washington, D. C. — Uncertainty as viding for a fleet o f 22,000 airplanes, when the former Czech minister, Herr o f the most exclusive residence dis­ P L A N S A R E AGAIN D E L A Y E D to Greece’s status in the world war would become a law before August 1. Praschek, declared the hate o f the en­ tricts about a mile from the center o f was cleare«! away Tuesday with the re­ Mrs. Esther Hirdsall Darling, of tire world was not directed against the city, ar.d it is thought that the ob­ Goet hals-Den man Breach Over Ship­ ceipt o f official information that the Nome, Alaska, who sold many racing ject was to get the department far Greek government not only has severed dogs to the French government, has building Program W idens. Austria, but against Germany, and away so that fires could be set else­ relations with all four o f the central received the Cross o f War won by that Austria should detach herself where and be destructive. Washington, D. C.— Differences be­ powers, but is actually in a state o f Alaska dogs for service at t^ie front in from her ally, says a Vienna dispatch. Great numbers o f livestock have tween Chairman Denman, o f the ship­ war with them. transporting 90 tons o f shells to an Information has reaches) the State isolate«) post under fire through a b liz­ “ How are we to obtain peace?” de­ been poisoned in the lava bed country ping board, and Major General Goeth- manded Herr Praschek, “ i f we clir.g to on the Oregon-Califorma line south o f als, manager o f the board’s fleet cor­ department that the Greek minister in zard that rage«l four days and nights. here. poration, which have halted the g o v­ Paris has notified the French govern­ the German side? Four o f the largest and most modern J. Frank Adams, one o f the most ernment’s ship building program, ap­ ment Greece considers herself a full “ Must we continue to sacrifice our German submarines were destroyed by prominent and extensive ranchers in parently were far from a settlement belligerent awl w ill act accordingly. interests to the expansion o f Germany? American warshi|is which were con­ Klamath county, last Saturday discov­ Wednesday night. He said it was not only necessary to Must we continue to submit to the General Goethals, who Monday post­ issue a formal declaration o f war, as voying the first installment o f A m eri­ German militarism that has drawn us ered 25 head o f his horses and 200 cat­ tle dead. F ifty head o f cattle from poned his plans for constructing two the government feels itself bound by can troojis to France, according to a into this war?” the “ P ” aad ‘ ’ P itch fork " ranches, and great government shipbuilding plants the declarations previously issued at re|s>rt from German sources. A Berne The speaker declared that Czech dep­ belonging to various farmers in South­ and for requisitioning ships now build­ Saloniki by Premier Venzel««*. who dispatch to a Rome news agency and uties had beer, imprisoned fo r attempt­ ern Klamath county, were also found ing, has made no move toward going took with him to Athens all the re­ forwarded from Rome by the Central ing to bring about an alliance o f Aus­ dead, besides about 40 sheep belonging sponsibilities and commitments o f the News carrie«l the information. ahead^with his program. tria with Russia and France, and ad­ to Cox Bros., o f this county. Nor would he add anyhing to his temporary Saloniki government. The Swedish government has in­ ded that if they were to be stigmatized No clew has been obtained as to how statement that Mr. Denman had asked As a belligerent Greece is expected structed its m in ister at Berlin to pro­ as traitors then all Czechs who be­ for delay to give the shipping board to lose no time mobilizing her war re­ test against the torpedoing o f Swedish lieved similarly should be so stigma­ the poison came to be placed. Mr. Adams also reports that about sources and joining effectively in the fishing boats by German submarines. tim e to go over his plans. tized. 11 o ’clock Monday morning he discov­ Chairman Denman put the whole re­ allies' operations in the Balkans. A Danish inventor, it is announced, The strength o f the Venizelos army London — The Berlin newspapers ered an attempt to brun his big bams sponsibility for the delay on General has discovered a process for making forecast the appointment o f Count U l­ and other outbuildings on his home Goethals, who, he charged, was slow is placed at about 60,000 men, awl the rich K. von Brockdorf-Rantzau, Ger­ ranch near Merrill, south o f here. in furnishing information asked o f him remnants o f the form er regular army; news print paper from seaweed. The man minister at Copenhagen, as suc­ Two small sticks had been set at the concerning his plans. A t the same while not over 30,000 now, has at new process is said to entail half the cessor to Dr. A lfred Zimmerman as south side o f the bam, and to them time he made it clear that the ship­ times been mobilized to a total o f cost o f making pa|K*r from wood pulp. imperial foreign secretary, according was attached a powerful m agnifying ping board, as holder o f the stock in 200,000 men, and is capable o f reach­ Bar silver went to 80 cents an ounce to the Exchange Telegraph’ s Copenha­ glass so placed as to have produced fire the fleet corporation, w ill study the ing 300,000 i f munitions are provided. in New York Thursday a new high rec­ gen correspondent. and a blaze when the sun arrived at a general’s program carefully The regulars practically were demo­ ord since the war and for many years before certain position in the sky. The glass givin g it approval. bilized by the allies when former King before. Heavy coinage demand by Paris— The Paris press hails the re- later was proved to have been o f suffi- As soon as complete information is Constantine held the organization as a European countries is believed the tirement o f Dr. von Bethmann-Holl­ ■ cient strength alone for the purpose. at hand a meeting o f the board mem­ threat to the allies’ rear, but can cause. w eg from the German chancellorship Mr. Adams says he has no reason to bers ar.d General Goethals w ill be quickly be called to the colors again. with varying degress o f satisfaction. suspect any o f the many laborers he called to go over the situation. W ith 1600 street railway employes Commissioner Jonnart, whom the al­ R e­ Some o f the comment is in a jubilant employs for these actions. ports that General Goethals had been lies entrusted with enforcing Constan-! on strike f«>r higher wages and shorter tone, while other editors treat the Mr. Adams has furnished great refused an immediate conference he re­ tine’s alidication, has reported that a hours, traffic in Toronto, Canada, is al- event soberly. All, however, are numbers o f horses for the aliles since quested with Mr. Denman to go over Greek army o f 250,000 w ill be raise«! most paralyzed. Truck« awl automo- agreed that it indicates a crisis in the war began, and raises great herds all questions involved were not con-1 to add to the 700,000 allied soldiers al­ biles had much trouble in moving the crowds. Germany o f unprecedented importance. o f beef cattle every year. ready in the Balkans. ! firmed by the board. MICHAELIS APPOINTED GIVEN PRISON GARB AT PEACE PROPOSAI ■ Brazil Agrees in Part. Plan for Making Nitrate Changed. I. W. W Held as Slackers. Rio Janeiro — The British govern­ Washington, D. C.— Secretary Baker Hoquiam, Wash. — Three men were ment has proposed to Brazil, through announced Tuesday that plants for the arrested in Hoquiam Tuesday and the ministry at London, a plan under production o f intrate from atmospheric ! lodged in the county jail at Montesano which exportation o f Brazilian coffee nitrogen would be constructed immedi- on charges o f interfering with con- to England may be resumed on condi­ ately at a cost o f about $4,000,000, and scription. They are John awl Victor tion that the coffee be transported in that water power would not be used. Suhonen, brothers, and Eli H ill. A ll German ships confiscated by Brazil, Sites have not been selected. Further three are Finns, They are said to be and that these ships also carry other discussion by localities desiring to be Industrial Workers o f the World atrik- food products. Brazil, although wil- considered as possible sites is closed ers, and had been doing a go«jd deal o f ling to ship food products, cannot agree temporarily, the announcement says, | talking in the logging camp against that the coffee shall be carried exclu- while the site committee o f cabin et! the draft. Officers found neither of aively in the confiscated German ships. I officers is making further studies. | the three men had a registration card. COMPILED FOR YOU CRUCE ENTERS WAD ON SIDE OF A11IES Police Chiefs Suspended. East St. Louis, I1L — The board of fire and police commissioners, after a meeting Sunday night, announced that Chief o f xulice Hanson Payne and Night Chief Con Hickey had been sus­ pended pending investigation o f the police department. According to W. G. Watkins, chairman o f the board, the suspension o f the two officials is due to the recent race riots, and is the first step in an investigation that is* expect­ ed to shake up the entire department. Representative Rankin, o f Montana, announces she would ask the house la-. I bor committee for a general inv«*atiga- tion o f the hours o f labor for all wo­ men in government employ through«>ut the country. Sergeant Major Antoine Paillard, one o f the French aviators wh«> partic­ ipated in the bombardment last Friday o f the Knipp factory at Eaaen, Ger­ many, and who failed to return, has, it ia now learn«!, land«) safely in Hol­ ism !