T^t-kr- t ~L t -- T ^-.t,T--LT-^-x^xrx-ri- SHEEP’S CLOTHING ner ns he signed to the in sp ecto r to do Ids hateful duty. T he th ree frlem le of Mrs. Merlile»»«, on the o th er hiuid. w ere acutely uneom fort able- Quoin In disgrace, P eter T ra ft firmly convinced th at th e di-puty was right iiik I consequently ufrnld to meet B etty's eyes, nud Lydia not only sore distressed w ith m isgivings, but re ­ pelled by B etty’s attitu d e. And this was the phase of th e affair disclosed to C raven when he bustled up. aglow with su 11 sf net Ion. “ Hello, people! I'm nil clear. Had the deuce of a tim e the silly ass want- e«l to rook me for duds I brought la aa lOOg agO as I0 0 tj fu t \\ b a t's the row ?" T h is lust w aa In a to n e radically changed, and at the sam e In stan t his fiancee decided to acknow ledge him on probation, how ever rigidly she might elect t»> deny th e r«-st of hu m an ity . Ho she unbent enough to beckon him with a nod; ami C raven h u rried on to get Ids an sw er from the one m ost con­ cerned. FOLLOW UP. By G E O R G E M. A D A M S . ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦F« How tmmmoii It Is In gam es of foot- laid und o th er sp orts, Nome quick- thinking player ■lushes off a thrill lug play, only to full back for th e rem ain d er of tlie gam»* Into obscur­ ity mid be forgot­ IsEsasasgsgàiiLsgsHSHsâsxs^sH^jrasasasasaszsaszsasHJsgsgsasi ten and for no o th e r reason th an do « n s to ta k e things seriously, es­ thill he falle*! to pecially out loud?" WHEN THE CUSTOMS INSPECTORS DISCOVER THAT MRS. — Follow tip. "Y ou’re—h o rrid !’* P eriodic B r i l T he udjectlve >vns ch ild ish ; hut MFRRILEES HAS BROUGHT IN A LOT OF IMITATION llaney Is not Suc­ Lydia w asn ’t In a mood to search for cess. JEWELS THEY SUSPECT HER OF TRYING TO one m ore dignified. She turned a frosty Follow lip. shoulder to th e young m a n ; but the \\ lien you think n W orthy T hought, PLAY A SMUGGLING TRICK seed o f suspicion hud been p lau ted in follow It up. Wlieu you do a L'seful the m ind o f one who couldn't forget Thing, Follow It up. W hen you strik e how lightly B etty hud confessed to an effi-eilve blow for a Bight Cause, Syneps.’s— Lydia C raven, trav elin g as I.ucy C a rteret, ru n s aw ay p rio r exploits in th e gcntlewom nuly Follow II up. It's tin* m an w ith the from her E ngli-n hom e to go to h er fath er, Thuddous C raven. In New a rt of smuggling, and her laughing con­ W h at I« your solution of the C ourage, first to s ta rt a tiling and York, whom she h a sn 't seen fo r five years. T hree days out on tAmril fession th a t nothing hut sheer fright mystery? Do you think th a t Mrs. then follow it tip, tim t a fte r a while. Uie steam er Alsuliu. she runs plum p into C raven, m aking love to Mrs. would p rev en t her atte m p tin g ugalu to M errilees Is trying to put over a Inis an accum ulation of points th a t M errilees, a young widow, engaged to m arry him. L a te r C raven ex­ outw it th e custom house. trick? Some m ighty queer hap­ stum p him G reat und M asterful. Fol­ plains his m ysterious conduct and supposed bachelorhood by telling And even while Ibis memory was penings are described In the next low up o r else you will fall back. Lydia he is a B ritish secret service agent in Am erica. She Is attack ed troubling h er the affulr took a tu rn to Installm ent. at night and a sm all box con tain in g sup|>osod valuable docum ents, Periodic B rilliancy Is not Success. fix doubt of B etty tiriuly in L ydlu’s which he h as given h e r to keep fo r him, Is stolen. T his Is recovered mind. T he G reat man Is sim ply tlie Small for h er by Quoin, an a m a te u r detective. W hen the p a rty lands ut New »’is» UK COM IM I.I» > mull become g reat. Every (¡rent man It began w ith th e retu rn of th e In­ York. Lydia, carry in g the sm all box. h as no tro u b le passing th e custom s at som e tim e or o th e r Is Die unknow n, spector, accom panied by the custom inspection. W hen Mrs. M errilees d eclares a $«0.000 necklace, the In­ house official in churge of the pier—a MARCH FIRST MONTH OF YEAR obscure m an. Make >»>ur life count by spector tells h er it is w orth about $300—ju st an Im itation. T his Infor­ m iddle-aged m an, th is one, w ith a com pelling every single effort to F ig ­ m ation asto u n d s them and Mrs. M errilees rulses a row. ra th e r consequential m anner, gold- Was So Placed in Roman C alendar and ure in th e final sum m ing up. F o r uf- rlm m ed eyeglasses, und a not unkindly te r till, Surt-i-NN Itself Is nothing m ore Continued U n til C om paratively expression. Recent Times. nor h-ss lim n work welt p«-rformed and "M rs. M errilees. I believe?" he nsked Follow ed I 'p tiny u fte r (lay, y ear u fler X. say. i;-he couldn't decently express CH A PTER M nrih was th e first m onth in the y ear. —11— too g reat concern over th e d isap p ear­ with m uch urbanity. Mrs. M errilees in terru p ted herself Itom nn year, and since th e Itomnna Periodic B rilliancy Is not Success. T he silence w as sh o rt-liv ed ; but ance of som ething th a t had been dedi­ w ere a w arlike people, they honored ab while it lasted a pow er of scorn cated to her on h er wedding d ay — I ru p tly to tu rn and exam ine the Yes?” | Mure, the god of w ar. by mwiilng the ; ;++4 I I H + + + 4 -M -+ ♦ + + + » » ♦ + + + ; ; played like lightning round th e de­ how ever rem ote th a t event. Yet she deputy w ith th e eye o f disfavor, first m outh M artlus. It w as th e first she asked brusquely. wus gravely if unintelligibly dis­ voted heud of the ap p ra iser. m outh In m any p a rts of ICuro[te until a Facts in Figures. T he dep u ty Introduced him self. "T he tressed. B eneath h er ready sym pathy I As for Lydia and P e te r (who had 1 com paratively recen t date, even In j u s t joined th e group), they gaped in | stirred a qualm of pecu liar u n e a sin e ss., Inspector has Just Inform ed me of this E ngland (In- y ear bi-gliinlng M arch 20 H aw aii has tw o m ountains D istracted by the rum ble of m en’s —e r —u n fo rtu n a te m atter," he pursued. open a m a z e m en t; w hile th e inspector ■ until 17,'»2. 14.000 reel high. voices, she looked up. to find th at “And I thought I m ight ix>sslhly be able looked sorry fo r C harlie. T he-S axons culled It I.enet M onnt—■ I ’nlte»! H intes received 208,- 1 ’ A fter lightning, th u n d er, rem ote, Quoin had added him self to the group to help stra ig h te n It o ut.” length m onth -I.... .. In M arch, the (too IminlgrmilN last year. ! and w as studiously a tten d in g to Be- j "K ind o f you. Pm se re .” But the days becom m aestoso, "A re—you—m ad ?" e noticeably longer, and T u rlo rk . Cal,, will cun 2T».oo<> "Me? No. m a'am , not a bit. It's te r s account of the cou n terfeit collur. | tone of Mrs. M errilees com pletely be­ th is w as tlie origin of th e nam e "I«eut.” Ions of petn-hes tills year. T heir eyes m et presently, and Lydia lled th is statem en t. "Ilu v e you an y ­ nothing to me. you know.” T he English have a proverb, “A peck W ilm ington. Cal., is to have "D on't quibble, if you please. I w as su rp rised by the look he bent upon thing to pro|M>se?" of M arch dust Is w orth u kin g 's run- n $.'».000.000 shipbuilding plant. w ant to know w h eth er or not you’re ! her, a regard som ehow fain tly reml- | "If I m ight have th e privilege o f a som e," and an o th er, "A dry Murch 1’nlted S tn tes In 1010 exi»ort- d aft. You know perfectly well th a t niseent of th eir p artin g subsequent to ; word In priv ate— " th e deputy si^ g c s t- never begs Its b read." w hich express ed SiriO.lNNi.lNjO w orth of le a th ­ necklace is w orth ninety—sixty thou- h er ad v en tu re of the night before last. ! ed blandly. th e ir fulth In th e belief th a t a dry er. She favored him w ith h e r shadowy, Quoin m ade ns If to w ithdraw . sand dollars. Look a t th e bill. In ­ M arch m eans a prosperous y ear. T his S outhern C alifornia is g a th ­ spector, be good enough to show th is enigm atic smile, now vuguely tin ted ; "W alt, please. T h is Is Mr. Quoin. Is explained hy the fa rt th a t they do ering $1,000,000 u »lay from w ith solicitude. You may have heard o f him." person C o ttier’s bill.” m ost of th eir plan tin g In M arch, nod tou rists. Nodding briefly, w ith n thoughtful "W ho h a sn ’t? ” th e deputy re tu rn e d T he a p p ra ise r exam ined the receipt unless the soil is dry, plum ing often U nited S tn tes last year ex- air. Quoin retu rn ed his consideration plensantly. “P roud to m eet you. sir.” w ith ostensible astonishm ent. “I don't Is deluyed. p o r t e d glass bottles valued at "M r. Quoin has kindly volunteered u n d erstan d this, m a'am ,” he faltered. to P e te r and the a rtic le de Paris. It's different in Am«-rtcn. In the mid­ i ’-ViOO.OOO. “I sim ply cannot und erstan d i t ! ” to help m e In this—o u trag e. A nything "N or I ! ” dle W est inure ra in falls In Mnrch Glen county, C alifornia, will “C o ttier's don’t deal in im itations, B etty declared, abandoning the puzzle j you w ish to suy he may hear th an In April o rd in arily ami alm ost ns devote 14,B it ac re s of land to "As you please, m adam , b u t—” T he m uch In M arch us In Mny. I know,” he pursued w ith g re a te r con­ as hopeless. Then, catching sight of rlce-growlngf fidence. “All th e sam e. I'll sta k e my th e detective, she hailed him. “Quoin, giauce of the deputy veered significant­ Almost universally In th e North Job th a t those a re fish-skin pearls, do come here a t o n ce!” and Immedi­ ly to P e te r and Lydia. Temi>erate zone. M arch Is reg ard ed a* p aste brillian ts, and—well, the se t­ ately, heedless of bystanders, began “ No! Mrs. M errilees Insisted w arm ­ the windy m onth. N orm ally It mark« to detail her perplexity In a high, tings, I adm it, a re genuine.” ly. “You cun have nothing to say th u t th e tru n sltlo n from w inter to spring. War Service of Y. M. C. A. any of my friends m ay not h ear.” "Then y our job is a s good as lost. querulous voice. A fter a moment o r tw o Lydia rose Requires Vast Expenditure “T hen, m udam —p erm it me to udvlae I shall file a com plaint and have you Curing By E lectric Shocks. and Joined P e te r T ra ft. “Poor d e a r!" you. in all deference— ” discharged for incom petence.” From tim e to tim e new s lias com e of “ W ell?” T he service w hich the Y. M. C. A. “If you’ll pardon me. I don't be­ she said gently, w ith u slight nod to a uew electrical tre a tm e n t In use In Is planning to give th e selective n a ­ “ It will save you n g re a t deal of lieve you will. Mr«. M errilees." the F rench arm y by w hich men, a p p a r­ trouble to produce th e original collar, ently hopeless cripples, have been tional urm y In Its In n ton men t* Is go­ “Easy, B e tty !” P e te r T r a it in te r­ ! pay th e duty on It, und—” ing to req u ire 1,100 se c re ta ries and posed. "P erh ap s he’s right, a fte r all.” cured by giving them very pow erful “Q u o in !” B etty exclaim ed In n tone shocks of electricity. T he d e ta ils of $.’<.000.000 of w hich nearly $2,000.000 “Be quiet, P eter. W hen I w ant your tins alread y been paid In or ptcdgisl. : of Irrita te d perplexity. "W h at can th is advice. I'll let you know. C ertainly th is tre a tm e n t cam e out In a recent person m ean?” It Is to tie noted th a t un arm y of 1,- I ought to know w hen I p aid for th a t j m ilitary tria l. So painful a re the Quoin w as silent. i mio . ooo men, w hich tlie 200 buildings collar—” shoeks used In tin* cu re th a t m any of tin- Y. M. C. A. profMiaea to erect “ I don’t m ean,” the d eputy pursued, "T hen you have been sham efully the so ld iers refused to su b m it to the will accom m odate, will re q u ire nn unahnshed. "to he offensive; b u t—the cheated, Mrs. M errilees," th e inspec- ( treatm en t, p re fe rrin g to rem ain rrlji- Inference Is unavoidable. You a re equipm ent of 200 plunos nml piano to r put in. pled. At th»? tria l of th«-se m en It de­ know n to have p u rch ased a valuable veloped th a t tin* new tre a tm e n t is be­ players, 208,000 feet of Aims a day, "Q uite Impossible. I know real ' pearl co llar In P a ris —’’ ;i,i*m,ooo sh eets of w ritin g pap er dally, gems from articles de P aris, and I ex- j ing used In cases of psychic shock, 10,000 pens a day and a b a rre l of Ink, “ I believe I declared It I” a mined th is necklace w ith th e g re a t­ w here th e chief Injury Is to th e nerv­ “But upon exam ination you produce ous system or to th e will pow er. Men 95 autom obiles mid trucks, 200 mov­ e s t care before I purchased It. Since only a com paratively w orth less Im ita­ may be p artlnlly paralyzed from such ing-picture m achines, 200 grnphn- then it h a s never left th is box, which tion, and nssert th a t you have been purely nervous shocks, and In such phones mid 10,000 records, 40.000 h a sn 't been out of my c are an In stan t robbed of th e original.” except when In the p u rser’s safe.” cases th e new tre a tm e n t has resto red pounds of Ice p er day, a Bible to ev­ ”1 a s s e r t ! I have a sse rte d nothing." the use of th e affected limbs. Its ac­ ery m an, m agazines by the hundred “I'm sorry, b u t I know w h at I Mrs. M errilees drew u long breuth, know. If you're th e Judge you think ceptance has now been m ade com pul­ tons. closed h e r te e th w ith a vindictive snap, sory In som e of th e m ilitary hospitals, yourself, m a’am, I can only suggest und reopened them to observe w ith a com m ission of physicians having Iced Cocoa. th a t you tak e th is to the light and— w ithering distinctness, “Go aw u y ! You vouched fo r Its harm leasness. In spit« B oll a h alf cupful of cocon, three- here. I'll lend yon my m agnifying a re in s o le n t! You presum e—oh, you of its u n p leasan t n atu re. q u a rte rs of a cupful of sugar, and one glass.” annoy m e ! Do go — before I forget my­ cupful of w ater to m ukc a rleh sirup. "T hank you, I sh a 'n ’t req uire it.” self I” Put th is In a Ja r on Ice and It ia ready W ith a g e stu re of rage. Mrs. M erri­ C red it M an’« H ard Lines. •a-WT' to serve at n m om ent’s notice. Add a “ We c a n 't assess an Im itation a t th e lees snatched th e case from the ap ­ W hen th e cred it m an m akes a nils- value of th e real necklace, of course, tnblespoonful of the siru p to a glass p ra ise r's h ands and moved tow ard the tnkc it Is “good night," say s th e P itts ­ of cold milk. nml yet we know th a t th e original is patch of sunlight. Before she had “ Then You Have Been Sham efully burgh C red it B ulletin. But w hen a com ing in to tills co untry by th is b oat.” reached It, studying th e collur a tte n ­ plum ber m akes a m istak e be ch arges Cheated, Mrs. M errilees," the Inspec­ “T hen perm it me to recom m end the M in t Jelly 8auce. tively on th e way, Lydia saw her tw ice fo r i t ; w hen th e law yer m akes tor P ut In. o th e r p assen g ers to yo u r a tte n tio n .” Com nine a cupful of c u rra n t o r nny slacken pace and falter. a m lstuke, it’s Just w hat lie w anted, "W e’ll do our best to overhaul them correct any possible m isconception as ta rt Jelly, beaten with th e Juice of one because he has a chnnee to try the One short m inute in th a t strong to the. object of h e r sym pathy. “I'm all, I prom ise you. B ut If th e goods case a g a in ; when the c a rp e n te r m akes orange and a h alf cupful of finely g lare sufficed. As pale In m ystifica­ so sorry fo r h e r!” don’t tu rn up, w e’ll feel re lu ctan tly a mlstnkt*. It’s Just w h at be expected, m inced m int. Let stan d In a cold tion as she h a d previously been with “W ell,” sui