T " CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Job printing phone 821. D on’t buy an ice cream freezer until you have seen the triple­ motion machine on sale at the The Kxpress prints butter wray- Gordon Hardware store. | mts with non-poinonnus ink. I W e furnish repairs for Deering, Money to loan Y’alley Realty Champion, Osborne, Milwaukee C o., Forest («rove, Oregon. 19-if and John Deere binders and mow­ Pearl W Williams has moved e r s. d o ff Bros, Forest drove. up dales Creek to work for W . H . T o have your sewing machine Miller. run easily, get your oil at the deorge d . Hancock, real es­ Book Store; guaranteed to be tate, farm loans and fire insur­ pure oil and not to gum. 27 ance, new Anderson block. 00 | M r. and M rs. Edgar Medwed Found— M a n ’s purs«. recovered at this office. M ay be LION Special SUITS from this long-established concern that supplies the apparel needs of Men and Boys, assure of correct garments at economical prices. The utmost in val­ ue and lasting satisfaction. G U I KUHN President Morrison at Fourth and 166 Third Street. Two Stores in Portland Double S. & H. Stamps r,ve" F. O. Ex.. 7-12-17 I the place o f beginning, containing 69.8 by the County Court of Washington acres. County, Oregon. The following real estate trans­ Now, therefore, by virtue o f said ex-1 Dated this June 21, 1917. fers were recorded with the regis­ ecution, judgment, order, decree and MATTHEW S. WEIR. order o f sale, arid in compliance with ter of deeds at Hillsboro during the commands o f said writ, I have lev- Administrator. ieon, arrived Friday from Omaha Corvallis, July 1 0 .—M any bean Attorneys for Plaintiffs. dersigned has filed with the County for a visit with the family of L . growers of the Willamette Valley conducting an electrical supply Court of Washington County, Oregon, First publication June 28th, 1917. M . draham , who is a brother to and Western Oregon are contract­ house in this city for the past six his final report in the Estate of Rosanna months, has sold his stock and I Notice o f Sale Anderson, deceased, and the 3rd day o f M rs. Williams. ing the sale of their 1917 bean business to M rs. Alyce Todd and | Notice is hereby given that under August, 1917, at ten o ’clock A. M. has c r o p o n a commission basis. M rs. H. B. M oore came up has enlisted in the navy. The and by virtue of an order duly made, been set by said Court for the final from Portland M onday and ship­ This has come to the attention of rendered and entered in the matter of hearing o f said report. All persons in­ sfock has been moved to the Todd ped I)r. M oore’s office furniture Dr. Hector Macpherson, head of the estate o f Alexander S. Weir, de­ terested will take notice and file any p:ace, on lower Main street. ceased, in the County Court o f the objection to said report on or before rural economics at the A gricultu-; to Astoria, where he will practice State o f Oregon f o r Washington said date. J. M. HIATT, Notice o f Sheriffs Sale ral College, who says that the his profession. County, on May 28, 1917, authorizing Langley & Langley, Executor. In the Circuit Court o f the State of M rs. L. I). Hell was in Hills­ practice is entirely one-sided and and licensing the undersigned adminis- Oregon, for Washington county. Attorneys. boro last week to visit her brother, un business-like. Agnes Belle Mocroft and Lavina F. trator o f said estate to sell all o f the McCoy, plaintiffs, timber standing and growing upon the ‘ ‘This one-sided contract,” said Ijowell Brown, who has enlisted DR . H . C. F O R T N E R va. following described real property situ­ he after a tour of some of the in the marine corps and is now Daniel T. Thomas and Millie H. Thomas, ate in W’ ashington County, Oregon, 1 Successor to bean districts of the valley, “ guar­ his wife, H. W. Wait and Julia F. at Mare Island for training. DR. H. W. VOLLMER to-wit; Wait, his wife, and Charles D. Ed­ antees the growers nothing and The North half o f the Northwest wards, defendants. Lloyd Newton, process man at OFFICE still they have to pay for it. That By virtue of an execution, judgment, quarter of Section 32, T. 1 S. R. 1 W. the l(x*al condenser,- has been at In First National Bank Building is, there is no guarantee that the decree and order of sale duly and le­ of the Willamette Meridian, at private gally isaued out o f the above-entitled Chehalis, W ash., the past two Telehones sale for cash in hand, bean crop will be sold for any circuit court and under the seal thereof weeks teaching the process work 1 NOW THEREFORE. I will, from Residence 332 Office 333 more than the grower could get in the above-entitled cause, to me di­ rected, dated the 27th day o f June, and after Monday, July 23, 1917, at the to a new man at the condenser for it— or even as much and a 1917, on a judgment duly rendered and law office o f H. T. Bagley, in the there. D. D. & M . B . B U M P considerable percentage of t h e entered in said court and cause on the Hillsboro National Bank building, in 26th day o f June, 1917, in favor o f A g­ M rs. Eva Adams spent Friday market price will go to the selling Attorneys at Law nes Belle Mocroft and Lavina F. Mc­ Hillsboro, Oregon, proceed to sell at at the H. J. Rice home at Haynes agencies. Coy, plaintiffs, and against Daniel T. private sale all o f the timber now Loans and Real Estate Thomas and Millie H. Thomas, his wife, standing and growing on the real Station, where M rs. Trageser a “ Although the acreage has been and H. W. Wait and Julia F. W’ ait, his D. D. BUMP. M. B. BUMP, sister-in-law of Mrs. Adam s, is re- greatly increased in this and other wife, defendants, for the sum of property above described, said timber Residence Residence Hillsboro being sufficient to manufacture ap­ Forest Grove. cu|H*ratin», after an operation at states there is no indication that $1,000.00, with interest thereon since Oct. 7th, 1915, at the rate o f 7 per cent proximately 1800 cords o f wood. Bids Phone 444 Offices—HILLSBORO the Hillsboro hospital. the price will be forced d o w n .! per annum, and the further sum of will be received at the law office o f H. $89.60 attorney’s fees and for costs The newly-elected officers of The demand is enormous and con­ and disbursements o f said suit, taxed T. Bagley, and the purchaser may bid N .H O F F M A N upon the entire body o f timber; or up­ Forest Rebekah lodge will be in­ tinues to grow. For this reason at $38.60, and also the costs of and up­ on the basis o f a fixed price per cord, on said writ, commanding me to make Attorney At Law stalled next Wednesday evening, the growers had best keep the sale o f the following-described real to be paid after the same is converted into cord wood and prior to the removal property, situate in Washington coun­ Patent Office Business Solicited July 18th and all members are marketing in their own hands and o f the same from the premises, and ty, state o f Oregon, to-wit: urged to be present. Visitors get all the profit there is to be - Oregon Beginning at a stone, the re-entrant said sale will be subject to confirmation Forest Grove, corner on the west side of M. M. Watts m ade.” welcome. Secretary. D. L. C. and running thence north 1 1 degree 30 minutes east 18.37 chains to a post on the north line o f said D. L.C., thence following said north line N 88 degrees 54 minutes W 48.22 chains to a jioint where said north line crosses the center line of County Road No. 118; thence following center line o f said IN County Road as follows: S. 51 degs. Fruits and Vegetables in Season 31 mins. E. 3.03 chains: south 57 degs. 45 mins. E. 4.90 chains; south 35 degs. 24 mins. E. 7.12 chains; south 11 degs. 08 mins. E. 3.22 chains; south 41 degs. PHONE 701 15 mins. E. 7.96 chains, to a point where the center line o f County Road crosses the south line o f said D. L. C.; South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore Allow an O R EG O N -EL E C T R IC A gent to thence following said south line nortn 89 degrees 39 mins. E. 31.22 chains, to Assist in Planning Pleasant dilbert Potwin returned to his and Louis Crawferd, all of Bux­ job in Portland Saturday, after a ton, visited at the fl. Lidyard ten-day illness at the home of his home the latter part of last week. parents in this city. The short-burner “ B on-A m i” Miss Heth Sexton, who is taking kerosene stove brings the heat a course in nursing at the dood close to your cooking utensil. Samaritan hospital, Portland, vis­ 1 See it at the dordon hardware ited friends in this city M onday. j store. Hurry and get that swell new Kenneth, the 12-year-old son summer suit. John Anderson is of M r. and M rs. N . R Brown. savin» it for you and it is up to- ; fell out of a tree last Thursday the-minute in style at a reason­ ¡evening and bruised himself up able price. ¡quite badly, but escaped with­ Washington County Transfers Bean Growers Can Sell Their Own Crops Best J H. T. GILTNER T H E P -L -E -A -S-E Staple and Fancy Groceries PLEASURE TRAVEL Summer Trips. THROUGH ROUTES FIN E TR AIN SERVICE Summer Season Fares in Effect Every Few Days to the principal Cities and Resorts o f the East and North. OLD PEYTON GRAVELY ) MADE THE FIRST DLUG O F TOBACCO THAT EVER! WAS MADE g r a v ely NO M A N EVER MADE AS G O O D Canadian Rockies Circuit Trips, Glacier and Yellowstone Parks, Double Daily Train Service East Sea Trip to California in Rail Time FO R E ST GR O VE CELEBRATED C h ew in g Plu§ \ A Ï I»» Y TON BRAND B E F O R E T H E IN V E N T IO N O F O U R P A TE N T A IR -P R O O F P O U C H G R A V E L Y P L U G TOBACCO M A D E S T R IC T L Y FO R IT S C H E W IN G Q U A L IT Y W O U L D NOT K E E P F R E S H IN T H IS S E C T IO N N O W T H E P A T E N T P O U C H K E E P S IT FR E S H ANO C LE A N A N O O O O D A L IT T L E C H E W O F G R A V E L Y IS E N O U O H A N D L A S T S L O N G E R T H A N A B IO C H E W O F O R D IN A R Y P L U O . TAKE- IT FROM BILLY POSTER, HIS BILLBOARDS ARE SPREADING THE: GOOD NEWS Round Trip to San Francisco, including meals and berth, from any Oregon-Electric station, $32 for 30-day ticket and $35 round trip for . 90-day ticket. J. E. FARM ER, Agent « f i 'i - i J