AN N O U N C EM E N T • ► LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW You corn poatorud umn and women owed Buffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, nays this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freesone applied directly ou a tender. achliiK corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or burdened callus loosens so It can be lifted out, root and all, with­ out pain. A Niuall bottle of freeione costs very little at any d riiK store, but will positively take o ff every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as It Is Inexpensive and Is said not to Irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn’t any freesone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It Is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. ■T V " — "■ ■" 1 —- ■ — ■ ■ W a a r l t W a n l o r i Many romrtxm vy e e c is w a n t e d w„rlh 2, 7*,. on«« 1 (). National I>rue North Yakima. Waah. SCIENTIFIC ASTKOIXMilCAL In.tructl.m. Kor«M aata. Itaallliffi. Ilioka. air. A yviaral fora, carat for 6 yaara with aiiarlal indlratlooa for 1 yearr; or any particular .juaatlon with advlc». for II on, aand full hlrth data. AHTKOMJUICAL STUDIO. Portland. Oragun, I*. O. iloa MZA. HTUDY houkkeefiine. shorthand. taUeraphy, aalaamanahlp. Enallah branches. at an arcmilTrd arhuul. writa. or pbona Main 6S0 fur catalogue; ■red sate* guaranteed ixjaltluns. itohrik. Welk.r Hualnaaa tiolW*«. 1S7 4lh Hlrart. naar Murrtaun. Portland. O n e ». K ill A ll Flie s ’ 2L Ft«"*! «nrwheira.Oiblar Fly KUUraiU. la ami kill« «11 AM mu Neat. listi. •rr*ama». taJ, ran». i-moC, aad tbmmp H t-a ■' rjs6 • alii*» wear . » i l l M t pwU ae 'D a is y F ly K iller l a d e a ts f«. *e 4 » • » ( S-» s ( w « m , prepaid, il W. N A ftO l» IO M K M , ItO D a fta lb A a « „ O r w h l , « . « . • S l A r âl| A •****I**,,#**»»IM millIMMMMIIMilIfIMMMfl I : W M n O w f la M,r,M *• — Sor « Kyat ^ 11. l l a l Kfti — • ■■ iirsno alawl Brands U m u i - I Rcfriisbsi-IUiu.rea Munita I« a Fan.rts S Iraatajaui f<-r Ira* that fa«! dry and «marl. • Ulva four »r«s a* sjarh of four loving cara z at four faatto and vitto tba »am* rrgularUf. I CUI f9t THIS TW C ititi I t i K « ITISI 1 Sold at lm if and O ptio«! Hv*raa or b f Mall, g At! to rto I f f Ramviy C «. Chicifo. tar ft— laok a iM IIU IIIIIU I t lM It tlH Iin itlllM IIM tlt llM m ilt lH M IllM lIIM l Too Much Gratified. "T h e y suy the ex-ezur o f Kutiaia is very fond o f fish." "T h en he ought to be satisfied with the pretty kettle o f it he’s in just n o w ."— Exchange. College of Neurology and Electro-Therapeutics, Inc., Kits Men and Women for a life o f useful and profit­ able work as Drugless Practitioners F. A. HKEW STEK, M. D.. D EAN 721 State, 100 R o o m « 100 B atha Salem, Oregon. N a a r B oth Da p o t« A b s o lu te ly F ir e p r o o f R a p id Iceless R e frig e ra to r PORTLAND. OREGON Vaughan Motor Works, main 4 +H + h K + + + + + + + + + + + + + - f+ + + + + + + + + + + + + - r + h + + + + + + + + T + + + + + i- H Milk nn • A tasty sandwich Is made by mixing F. M. CRONKHITE Into action. n few finely chopped olives with a lit­ 4*47 Front Str##t Portland. O r,,o s tle cottage cheese. The bread need - + -F + + + + + 4 -f+ + -F F + + + + + + + + + + 4 H not he buttered for these sandwiches. Onion Sandwich.— Soak for an hour Says College Women Will finely cut Bermudas in Ice water j which 1ms been well sweetened and Have Big Part in the Work salted. Drain and mix with slightly Of Rebuilding the World I seasoned mayonnaise. Serve on rounds «if buttered bread. Any young woman who neglects the Ham finely chopped and mixed with By buying direct from ua at wholcaale price# opportunity In this war time to pre­ chopped pickles or olives makes a and save tho plumher'a profits. Write ua to­ pare for the rebuilding o f the world ! change from the ordinary ham sand- day your needs. We will give you our rock- will be n world slacker. In the opinion | wlcli. bottom "dlroct-to-you" prices, f. o. b. rail or boat We actually save you from 10 to SA per of MI m Ailn Klee, secretary o f the cent. All good, guaranteed. Knnsns State Agricultural College Rhubarb Marmalade. Northwest headquarters for leader Water Alumni association. Allow three-quart era o f a pound o f Systems and Fuller A Johnson Engin«a. Miss Itlce points out that at the sugar to each pound of rhubarb. Cut STAR K-D AVIS CO. closo of the war there must be n re­ In short lengths without peeling, co«ik 212 Third Street. Portland, Oregon building of national and International slowly, stirring often to keep It from Ufa. This will call for the best qunll- sticking or burning. A fter an hour No. 27, 1917." P, N. U. of leadership and the beat train* place In the Jars In the usual way. I Hotel Hoyt VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW E v a p o ra tio n o f W a t e r $1.00 the suit II row denkrcnenoteupplr to * we wed lend them, charges prepud «*> 'nnpt ol price, *1.00 each. As&w FREE ce mmer rriimdcd. Mad, '*3' l the Twe Horace on the Label. L e n Strauss & Co-, San Francisco Aatrletl GRAND PRIZE it the P P I E. R a safe,reliable e s in o l , skin "treatment £B S 0R B ______ IN E L A S M T E O N P E S S S from a Bone Spavin, R in g Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar trouble and gets horse going «ound. It acta mildly but ouickly and good re­ sults are lasting. D o e s n o t blister o r r e m o v e th e h a ir and hone can be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells how. #2.00 a bottle delivered. H o r s e B o o le 9 M fr e e . A B S O R B I N E , J R ., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En­ larged Glands, W ens, Bruises,^Varicose Veins; heals Sores. A lla y » Pain. W ill tell you if you write. #1 and #2 a bottle at | more Sauer, o> (P-timr*. (jtxral trjl boalc fce 10c n a w Treatment for the fa ce: On rising and retiring smear affected parta with Cutlcura Ointment. Then wash o ff with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. «. F. YOUNG. P.O.F., 403 Temple St, Springfield, Mat*. For the hands: Soak them In a hot lather of Cutlcura Soap. Dry, and rub in Cutlcura Ointment H ID E8 , P E L T S , C ASC ARA B A R K , Free sample each by mail with W OOL AND M O H A IR . Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Ft n i t all ) tm lire. Hrttt fir prices aid slippfeg tag* — Adr. T n i h . f . N orton C o . PRtNRtLOri r.seittiR, w«. Women of Middle >ige M a n y distressing Ailm ents experienced b y them a re A lleviated b y L y d ia EL Pin kh am ’s V e g e ta b le Com pound. Here is Proof by Women who Know. Lowell, Mass.—“For the last three years I have been troubled with the Change of life and the bad feelings common at that time. I was in a very ner­ vous condition, with headaches and pain a good deal of the time so I was untit to do my work. A friend asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta­ ble Compound, which I did, and it has helped me in every way. I am not nearly so nervous, no head­ ache or pain. I must say that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the best remedy any sick woman can take.”—Mrs. M Q , liear 259 Worthen St., Lowell, Mass. She Tells Her Friends to Take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Remedies. North Haven, Conn.—“ When I was 45 I had the Change of Life which is a trouble all women have. At first it didn't bother me but after a while I got bearing down pains. I called in doctors who told me to day my husband Pinkham’i them and took about 10 bottles of Vegetable Compound and could feel myself regaining my health. I also used Lydia E. I*inkham’s Sanative Wash and it has done me a great deal of good. Any one coming to my house who suffers from female troubles or Change of Life, I tell them to take the Pinkham remedies. There are about 20 of us here who think the world of them.” — Mrs. F lorence I sella , Box 197, North llavan, Conn. argaret u in n You are Invited to Write for Free Advice. No other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman’s suffering as has Lydia EL Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Women nmy receive free and helpful ad vice by writing tbe Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received and answed by women only and held in strict confidence.