The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 12, 1917, Image 1

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Voi. 2, No. 27
The Chautauqua
Pleases Patrons
a ----------------------------------------------------- -------- — ---------------
A lp in e
Y od lers
P rogram
$1.50 per Year
Red Cross Committee
Doing Good Work
The Military Relief committee
The Ellison-White Chautauqua,
the Forest Grove Red Cross
S in g e rs F ro m th e T y r o l in “ A n E v e n in g in the A lp s .”
which comes to a close this even­ n____ ________________________________ ————------------------------------------------------------------- n auxiliary has completed enough
ing with a concert hy Orau’s Al­
articles to fill Box 8 and the box
pine Yodlers, has been the most,
will b*- packed and shipped next
satisfactory of the three annual
Monday afternoon to the Red
assemblies held in this city and,
Cross chapter at Portland. At
while the sale of season tickets
the same time the local workers
was not as heavy as had been ex­
will start on a box of bandages
pect! d, so many single admission
and other hospital supplies for
tickets have been sold that the
the wounded patients. Old linen
guarantors will probably escape
and cotton fabries are still accept­
without a loss.
able to the committee. Please
The opening entertainment was
don’t forget the date and place—
given Saturday afternoon hy four
every Monday afternoon, 2 to 5
male musicians, vocal and instru­
o’clock, at the A. G. Hoffman
mental, call»«! the Lyric Glee club.
These gentlemen set so fast a pace
The committee expects in the
that th** writer believes they are
near future to give a benefit to
still in the lead in public favor,
raise funds to purchase needed
although the Military Girl« gave
materials. Watch for the dates.
two entertainments Monday that
There is work for a few more
are thought by many admirers to
have been the best of the series,
and this afternoon the Alpine
Yodlers are pleasing a big audi­
ence with their delightful vocal
H E «ritmi d o sili« concert o f the dler*. Till* U the aam e com pany th a t and echo songs of th e land of W illiam
Messrs. Hoffman and Nichols,
Klllami-W hite C hautauqun assvm- for forty week* took New York Hlp- Tell c reate moat convincing Illusions
and instrumental music.
owners of the Hoffman Evapora­
t>11 <- m thl* sum m er will be “ An
All the lectures have l>cen en
Sunday assem blies hear th e Yodlers
an* a re exclusively Swing and a re be­
tor, have for several weeks been
tertaining, but that which will
yond doubt th e g reatest yodlers ever In tw o ap p ro p riate concerts. O ther
in stru m en t ami co*turned funtnsy, pro­ HSMeuibled In one com pany. T he sing­ wlae they ap|>ear only in full evening busily engaged in remodeling the
be remembered longest is Dr. (1
duced hy U raus’ T yrolean Alpine Yo- ing of the h u n ting songs, pastoral songs concert.
plant to make it more efficient in
W. Ray’s lecture on South Amer­
the extraction of the juice of the
ica. Dr. Ray time and again
Loganberry and have contracted
strained the credulity of his hear­
large quantities of these ber­
ers as he told of the immensity of
the resources of Brazil, Bolivia,
m ore th an th an k you fo r the generous meet with Scholls Grange Wed­ ries from as far away as Laurel-
h o sp itality a n d m any kindnesses in nesday. July 25th.
A number wood. They expect to begin ex­
Argentina and Peru. He says
which we w ere sm othered d u rin g th e from Gale and River>ide will a t­ tracting next Monday.
South America is the last ami
recent E ncam pm ent o f the G rand Army tend
The next meeting of Gale
A press and sterilizer with a
least-known frontier and offers
If the number* of the (Irani, of the Republic .-.nd its A uxiliaries. I t (•range will be held in the even­ capacity of 1600 gallons per day
amazing opportunities to those Army, Women’s Relief Corps and is the consensuol opinion o f th e "O ld ing of Saturday, Aug. 4th, at 7:30
oys" from 18*11 to 1917 th a t your o’clock.
seeking a new west.
Notice the change in have been installed and a carload
Ladies of the G. A. R., who were b B eau
tifu l city is e n title d to the ex alted time and it is hoped there will be of bottles arrived Saturday, with
M. L. Mellinger’slecture, “ Mis­ this city’s gue-ts from June 26th
rank o f "G em C ity ” of the Pacific a good attendance.
two more carloads on the way.
understood Mexico,” delivered to 28th, inclusive, continue telling
N o rth w est.
In accepting th a t high
The plant handled a Iarge quan­
yesterday afternoon, was a strong what a good time they had whiie rank let us place ourselves square on
tity of berries last year, but
one and the speaker did not tickle in the city, the |>eople of Forest the line of doing, and ” do our b it”
nothing compared to what it is
the vanity of his hearers hy tell Grove may he comp» lied to pro­ th a t we may alw ays re ta in th a t proud
of handling this season.
ing them that all Americans were cure larger hats to accommodate
” W. J . R. BEACH.”
good and pure. In f a c t , he 'swelled heads. The following re­
City Dads Hold Short Session
visiting at the C. R. Lasham
charges! that the Mexicans had port from the committ» e on res­
Well-Known Woman Called
home in this city.
The members of the city coun­
good and sufficient reason for be olutions of the 26:h annual en­
Mrs. Frank Thatcher, one of
Mr. and Mrs. Price and daugh­ cil held a short session Tuesday
ing suspicious of Americans. Our campment of the department of the best-known and most resptet- ter of Portland visited Sunday at evening, heard and accepted the
grandfathers had allowed their Oregon, G. A. R., was adopted by ed women of Wa-hington county, the Olmstead home.
monthly report of City Treasurer
zeal for the aquisition of territory that body by a unanimous rising passed away at the family home
Mr and Mrs. J. N. Berry of Sparks, allowed the monthly bills,
to blind them to the great love vote and would have been pub­ in the Thatcher di tiict at 2 Cedar Canyon visited at the J. H. instructed the treasurer to turn
the Mexicans had for their own lished earlier, hut the document o’clock yesterday morning, aged Shearer home Tuesday.
Misses Martha and Gertrude over to the library board $461.70
country. He thinks the common was inadvertently carried away fifty years, death being due to a
Allen are attending the N. A. E. in the library fund, authorized
people of America mean well by hy a member of the committee:
sudden attack of bowel trouble.
convention ih Portland.
Councilman McCready to pur­
the Mexicans, but some of the “ To th e m em bers o f the E xecutive
Mrs. Thatcher was the daugh­
Miss Elcy Walker went to Port­ chase a carload of coarse sand for
corporations can see only the C om m ittee of F o rest (¡rove who plan­ ter of the late William David and land Monday, where she spent
street repairs and adjourned to
great piles of rich gold, silver and ned and carried out th e very success­ was born in Queensland, Australia, the remainder of the week.
July 17, at 8 p. m.
other ores, caring naught that the ful, com prehensive a n d satisfa c to ry coming to Oregon with her par­
Dorothy and Victoria Seymour, j Just before adjournment P. W.
Mexican common people need program o f e n te rta in m e n t th at we have ents when a child
She is sur­
these riches. The speaker ad­ I received du rin g our sta y in the city, we vived hy her husband and two who have been visiting their aunt Watkins staled that he desirpd to
at North Plains, have returned
mit ted the Mexican people were desire to ex ten d our g ra te fu l thanks.
daughters, Mrs. Orminda Haney home.
resign his position as chief of po­
not fit for a democracy and feared “ The fre e au to trip s to d ifferen t of Thatcher and Mrs. Josephine,
lice, but the council adjourned
that America might some day p a rts o f th e city and su rrounding coun­ Griep of Fruitland, Idaho, as well
without taking any action on the
have to intervene to save them try will be rem em bered w ith pleasure. as one brother. Henry David.
visiting at the N. A. Frost home, resignation.
from exterminating each other in "T o e n u m e ra te the m any kindnesses
Mrs. Thatcher will be sorely at Watts.
search of a remedy for their ills. received would be an endless task , and missed
R. C. Walker has resigned as
in this part of Washington
Miss June Walker went Mon­ city electrician, intending to go
The Mawson pictures of the to specify th e nam es o f those who county, as she was one of the
antarctic, shown last night, were helped to m ake our visit p leasant would most beloved women of the dis­ day to Cherry Grove, w here she on a homestead near Bend, and
; visited several days with Mr. and Ed Sayres of this city and W. W.
excellent and the pagaent, “ Mak­ ap p aren tly be to copy the city di­ trict in which she lived.
Mis. Keith Abraham.
^ Ebbett of Eugene have applied
ing Americans.” by the Juniors, recto ry .
Funeral services will be held at
to be given this afternoon, prom­
"A . E. B O R TH W IC K ,
the residence at 10 o’clock to- the Washington coast artillery, is for the position. Mr Sayres is
ises to be very pretiy and inte­
“ J . L. W EL L S.
: morrow (Friday) morning. Rev visiting his folks in this city. He now on the job, but has not been
hired i>ermanently
" C o m m itte e .”
R E. Dunlap of this city officiat­ leaves Sunday for Fort Stevens.
If there be any men, women or
Under date of July 6th, Past ing.
Interment will be in the
Auto Line to Portland
children in the city who have not Department Commander B F. Mountain View cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Philip
P. Loomis of Portland has start­
attended the Chautauqua, they Pike, who was called t > his home
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
should try to go this evening, at
Ewett of Portland spent Sunday ed an auto line from this city to
at Newberg on account of the ill­
7:20. Admission 75c.
Gale Grange met Saturday and here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Portland, making one round trip
M. L. Bowman, the superin­ ness of his wife before the encamp­ transacted considerable business Thomas Philip.
per day. He leaves the Forest
tendent. has kept things moving ment closed, writes Past Com­ though the attendance was small.
A. Keen of McMinnville, who Grove hotel every morning at 7:45
like clock-work, without offending mander Beach of this city that By the moving to Clackamas purchased J. C L atta’s interest!
anyone, and Miss Luce, junior Mrs. Pike is considerably im­ county of Brother A. T. Buxton’s in the Forest Grove Steam Laun­ and leases Portland for the re­
supervisor, won and held the proved and adds that “ Forest family, th offices of Master and dry, with his sister, Miss Arlie turn trip at 4 p. m. His charges
friendship of the children thru-
which had been held by Keen, has moved into the Latta are 75c each way. Mr. Loomis
Grove did certainly treat the old Ceres
out the six days and nights.
Brother and Sister Buxton were home. The Lattas wi I leave in has a comfortable car with a cap­
hoys fine in every way. There is made vacant by resignation and a few weeks for a visit in the
acity for 20 passengers and is pre­
nothing left to be wished for and an election resulted in J. E. Lew- east.
Chautauqua Coming Again
pared to take parties up the Col­
ton succeeding to the office of
Enough pledges of season tick­
Clarence Mott, a railroader of umbia highway as far as Multnof
ets have been secured for the 1918 the encampment as being one of Master, while Mrs. Nora Rice Texas, is spending two weeks here mah Falls on Sundays, leaving
Chautauqua to assure its coming. the most successful of the many will act as Ceres for the remainder with his parents and grand par­ this city at 7:45 and getting back
of the year. Mrs. Brodersen in­ ents. Mr. Mott has been in the at 6 p. m.
Instead of there being 21 guaran­ we have attended.”
Our own Comrade Beach adds vited Gale Grangers to a Silver employ of the railroad for 21 years
tors, as this year, there will be 100
Rev and Mrs. A. B. Patten a t­
the following to the expressions of Tea and Parcel Post Sale to be and has not seen his grand-par­
for the 1918 event, spreading the ►
given by Riverside Grange in the ents, Mr. and Mrs. VanNortwick, tended the N. E A. convention
risk over more territory and as­ appreciation:
in Portland this week.
"T o my friends: I can say b u t little near future. Pomona Grange will since he was a small lad.
suring more ticket-sellers.
Hoffman Plant Will
Handle Many Berries
At Forest Grove Chautauqua Tonight
Veterans of 1861
Express Their Thanks