The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 05, 1917, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Kr. nts o f Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Thing* Worth Knowing.
Socialist Marchers* Ranks Broken by
Mon in Uniform in Boston
Battles Are Numerous.
Boston Riotous scenes attended a
Socialist parade Sunday which was an­
nounced as a peace demonstration.
The ranks o f the marchers were
broken by self-orgnaized squads o f uni­
formed soldiers and sailors, red flags
and banners bearing Socialist mottoes
were trampled on, and literature and
furnishings in the Socialist headquar­
ters in Park Square were thrown into
the streets and burned.
Police reserves stopped the rioting
after it had been in progress an hour
and a half. Many arrests were made.
The police took into custody some of
the participants in hundreds o f fist
fights that were waged on the Common
and in the line o f the parade, while
agents o f the Federal department o f
Justice, under direction o f Assistant
United States Attorney Goldberg, ar­
rested a number o f persons who w ere
alleged to have made unpatriotic re­
marks. None o f the soldiers and sail-
ors w ho figured in the disturbance w as
The procession consisted o f hunrdeds
o f men and women, many o f whom
carried babies. Most o f the marchers
carried small red flags with white cen­
ters, emblematic o f the peace demon­
stration, and there were large banners
bearing inscriptions, some o f which
“ Russia has a six-hour day. Why
not Am erica?” and “ Liberty loan, a
first morgtage on labor.”
A large
American flag was at the head o f the
H a lf a hundred men in the uniform
o f naval reservists, national Guard, ar­
rested some men. Marines and Cana­
dian “ k ilties” intercepted the proces­
sion at the corner o f West and Tre-
mont streets and again at the corner
o f W inter and Tremont streets,
Power Given Boards to Decide
on Each Case.
System by Which Choice W ill Be Made
W ill Be Made Only a Few Days
Before Starting, is Belief.
the members
R e g u l a t i o n s R a s ed on !t*ed .
" T h e regulatio ns have been drewn
w ith a view to the needs and olrcuin­
stances o f the whole country, and p ro­
vide a system which It 1» expected
w ill w ork w ith the least Inequality
and personal hardship. Any system of
solectln g men fo r m ilitary
whether voluntary or Involuntary In
Its operation, necessarily selects some
men to beer the burden o f danger and
sacrific e for the whole Nation.
system here provided places all men of
m ilita r y ago upon an even plane, and
then, by a selection which neither
fa vo rs the one nor penalizes the other,
calls out the requisite number f o r
" T h e successful operation o f this
law and o f these regulations depends
necessarily upon the loyalty, patriotism
and Justice o f the members o f the
boards to whom Its operation Is com ­
m itted end I admonish e very member
o f e v e ry local board and o f every dis­
tric t board o f review that their duty
to their country requires an Impartial
and fearless perform ance o f the deli­
cate and d iffic u lt duties Intrusted to
They should remember ae to
each Individual case presented to them
that they are called upon to adjudi­
cate the most sacred rights o f the In­
dividu al and to preserve untarnished
the honor o f the Nation.
"Our arm ies at the front w i l l bo
strengthened and sustained If they be
composed o f men free from any sense
of Injustice In tho mode o f selection
and they w ill be Inspired to lo ftie r
e f f o r t s In behalf o f a country In which
the cltlxen . called upon to perfo rm high
public functions p erform them with
Justice, fe arlessn .ss an d Impartiality ”
War Minister Kerensky Leads to
Victory in Person.
Turk« Aleo Are D #frated sn d Routed
in Caucasus by Cavalry — New»
is Great Joy to Russian*.
W A S H I N G T O N . July 1 — Preparatio n
I’drogra»! Russia has resumed the
f o r tho mobilisation o f the fir s t con ­
offensive. More than 10,000 prisoners,
tin g e n t o f 625,1)00 troops o f tho now
many gun» and other articles o f war
N ational A rm y ailvnnceU another step
material and several atrongly fortified
_ ..
today when President W ilson promul-
Austro-Germ an
position* In t i g l l r i g
« “ ted tho ivgu lu tlo n * to go v e rn
••milt A
1 |)roVt« ¡t. T h e y hear testimony to the
emptlona from m ilitary service,
Announcement was made Tuesday
Local and uppeal exem ption boards
. .
, | e llv iT « l July 1, tho
. a . ...I.,- «...
at the White House that President
already have been appointed and the
an o offensive
t for
n r an
ffe n s iv e hv
Issuance o f the regulations w ill permit
Wilson does not expect to take a vaca­
them to organise Immediately and p re­
O ffic ia ls A re K a rm p t.
tion this summer, but plans to remain
pare fo r the concluding phases o f the
Persons w ho must be exempted or ago in a communi at ion to the United
in Washington whether congress ad­
task o f g e t t in g tho men under tra in ­ discharged by the local board Include:
Ststea government.
in g fo r duty In France.
journs or not.
O ffic e rs o f the United Slates, o f the
The Brilliant Russisn advance, the
states, te rritories and the District of
K x r m p t l o n Is I. n s l S te p .
Colonel W illiam S. Barker, o f the
In the order In Which they must Columbia: ministers o f religion, etu- newa of which ha“ sent a wave o f re-
Salvation Army, left America Tuesday
come there are three atepa In the o r ­ dents of divinity, person r In the mill- | j 0jcing through the en tire country,
, . .
ganization process o f the National ta ry or naval service of the United '
for a port in France, where he will
States, su b ject, of Germany, alt other " a a l*»l >*>' * “ r M im tacr Kerensky In
take charge o f all Salvation Army-
are registratio n, selection nnd ex e m p ­ aliens, w ho have not taken out their
operations among the overseas division
first papers; county or municipal o f f i ­
For the last four days the war min­
tion. T h e fir s t step has been carried cers, custom house clerks, workm en In
o f American troops.
ister has been continuously at the
through and a p p roxim a tely 10,000,000 F ederal armories, arsenals
nd navy
men between 21 and 31 years o f age yards, persons In the Federal service front, spending every effort to urge
The French steamer Himalaya, o f
have been registered. The regulations designated by the President fo r e x ­ the troo|>s to advance.
He finally rode
the Messageries Maritimes, with 204
Issued today cover In detail the o p era ­ emption, pilots,
erchant marine s a il­ to the front-line trenches, nnd, placing
tion o f the third step, exemption.
passengers and crew, has been sunk as
ors, those with a status w ith respect to |
In form a tion concerning the second dependents which tenders their exclu ­ himself at the head o f the trocqia, gave
the result o f an explosion in the Medi­
step In the series, however, still Is sion desirable (a married man w ith d e ­ the order to advance.
terranean. One hundred and seventy-
la ck in g and o ffic ia ls are guardin g pendent w ife or child, son o f a d e ­
The spectacle of the (s.pular war
six persons were saved.
closely the method by which selection pendent
w id ow ,
minister on the firing line accomplish­
A concerted movement by American
brother o f dependen orphan child un­ ed what oratory had failed to do, and
S election M ay H r by N u m ber.
composers and dramatists and leaders
T h e exemption regulations announced der 16 years o f a g e ) , those found m o r­ the Rusisan line swept forward into
o f national civic and musical organiza­
that the boards w i l l be advised o f the a lly deficient, and i.ny member o f any the German trenches.
selection process later, although none w e ll recognised religious sect existing
tions, for the production o f American
The heretofore lethargic, monstrous
o f the steps prescribed except the or- M ay 16, 1617, whose creed fo rbid s p a r ­
opera and other native music in the
i K
o r f the
ssisa u u n o
m e boards
o o a r u s c can
a n be
do c
a r r i e d ticipation *n w a r and whose rellgln •» army punished the forces «if the enemy
convictions accord w ith the creed.
kaisers most severely.
The attarks
New York
Reed _ Amendment
Gives Prohibitionists
',ut. Jln,.ll, hthe *c,ectlon machinery has
Claims fo r exem ption because o f de-
tauneneu in
in ivew l o n e .
finished the names o f the men whose
were as vicious as the recent frater-
Greatest Victory in History.
fitness and desirability f o r A r m y serv
himself, hit w i f e or other dependents, j n iz in g w ith the fo e had itccn fool-
Forty-seven deaths from intestinal
lea the boards are to Judge. There Is
Wahintgon, D. C. — Twenty-three one hint, however, aa to how the selec­ or by u third party, w ho has person­ hardy.
trouble have occurred in New Madrid
ally Investig ated the case. T h e claim
The Turks, t«x>, felt the strength of
county, Missouri, in the last six weeks. states t>ecame bone-dry Saturday mid­ tion machinery Is to work.
made by the husband must be accom ­
A t least 100 persons, mostly children, night, the effective hour o f the Reed
panied by nuppor Ing a ffid a v it s signed the reorganized arms o f the revolu­
organization to take o v e r from the reg-
are ill with the disease. The number amendment prohibiting shipment of . 1st ration precincts the cards and lists by the w if e and by the head o f a fa m ­ tionary army. The Ottomans, in the
ily residing In the same territory. A Caucasus, were routed, and at last
o f known deaths from the disease in liquor into dry territory w h e re its o f the men regis tered on June 5, and claim
by the w if e or a third party must
manufacture or sale is prohibited, i aa their first duty, to provid e a serial he accompanied by tw o supporting a f ­ reports from headquarters Russian
Southeastern Missouri now is 118.
fid a vits signed by heads o f families. cavalry was pursuing them unmeroi-
, .
Eleven other states are partially affec-
This has given support to the b e lie f
The German authorities broke the | ^ by the legislationi w'hich
.Similar rules govern claims on ths fully.
The Turkish stronghold o f
grounds of other dependents.
recent strike at the shipyards in Stet- u -i j u . s
.. , ..
, . hailed by temperance advocates as the R eports w e r e current recently that the
southeast of Lake Dari-
tin by the same means they used to
g r e a t e s t s in g le step tow ard atxdition »ele ctio n d r a w in g w as to bo made In cases within fiv e days a fte r the closing bar, was stormed and the village of
crush the A pril strike. They threat­ o f the liquor traffic in the n a tio n ’s his- v' ashlngton,
o f proofs, and their decisions are final. ■ Kngidja, north o f the lake, was occu­
I ’rpsnmn ably
ened to muster the strikers as soldiers
the process o f selection
C ertifica tes o f exem ption
w ill
not pied.
j tory.
w ill be announced only a short time necessarily be permanent.
T h e y may
and subject them to punishment meted
The la w bars fr o m prohibition areas! before It Is put Into operatlonT When be revoked wl'.h chang.n g conditions or
out to mutineers unless the men re­
■ all m ail m a t t e r c o n ta in in g a d vertise- that w i l l be Is not known
may be granted only f o r prescribed
sumed work.
Septtm ber 1 has been the ten tative periods.
ments o r solicitation s f o r orders f o r
date set f o r c a llin g the 650,000 o f the
The Reichstag this week w ill be intoxicants.
first contingent to the colors fo r traln-
called on to approve a measure supple-
Ju stice and postoffice d e p a rtm e n t ing. T rogress w ith construction o f the
m e n tin g the budget f o r the current officials h ave made e x t e n s iv e prepara- 16 d ivisional cantonments f o r the troops
fiscal y e a r a u th o rizin g the chancellor tions f o r e n fo rc e m e n t o f the statute. wl1*
“ «D on . how ever. It is
to mobilize a new war credit o f 15, N o ru lin g has been made r e g a r d in g the d ejay
Nine Killed When Car Blunges Over
000,000,000 marks, bringing the total status o f medicines containing alcohol
T h e examination process w ill not
Twenty-foot Embankment Into
appropriations for the war to 94,000,- and that question may be among the take a great deal of time. I t Is dlffl-
A strike o f 9000 coal miners of
Western Kentucky was called at a
mass meeting in Central City Saturday
night. The strike went into effect
Tuesday. Higher wages are demanded.
23 S T A T E S M A D E
000,000 marks.
i first to be passed on by the courts un- cult to caIcu,at® tho time the local
boards w i l l need In passing on the
cases that come b efo re them.
Registration o f the country’s house­ der the legislation.
The language o f the anti-shipment
Spce«l to He Required.
wives as members o f the food admin­
is very comprehensive, impos­
T h e regu lation s provide, however,
istration was begun Monday by state
defense councils and the women’s com ing a fine o f $1000 and imprisonment that decision In any Individual case
£jr for six months, or both, on any person shall not be dela yed more than three
mittee o f the National Council.
purchase or cause days by the local boards. T h e w hole
Ray L. Wilbur, head o f the adminis- ' I , who
. . shall
. “ order,
process probably can be carried through
tration’s conservation section, said it ^ toxica tin g liquors to be transported in less than 30 days.
T h e re w e r e no surprises In the ex a m ­
was hoped enrollment would be con- in interstate commerce except for sci­
entific, sacramental or mechanical pur­ ination iemulations. T h e task o f pass­
pleted within two weeks.
poses into any state or territory, the in g upon the Individual cases Is left
entirely tc the local boards. W h i l e the
W illiam H. Moody, former associate laws o f which state or territory pro- Presid ent lese rv e s the r ig h t to d e s ig ­
justice o f the Supreme court, died at hibits the manufacture or sale therein nate Industries necessary f o r the pub­
his home in Haverhill, Mass., at 1 a. o f intoxicating liquors for beverage lic good, the question o f w hether re­
tention o f any individual e n ga ged In
m. Monday.
Justice Moody retired purposes.”
these Industries is essential Is l e ft to
seven years ago because o f ill health.
The same penalties are prescribed the boards.
He was secretary of the N avy and at­ for violations o f the anti-advertising
O ffic e r s I lr ln g T ra in ed.
torney general in the cabinet o f Presi­ section. For a second offense in eith­
W h ile these steps are being carried
dent Roosevelt, and was appointed to er case the penalty is made one y e a r ’s out to get to g e th e r the men of the
National A rm y , the W ar Department
the supreme bench in December, 1906. imprisonment.
Is making- progress with the even more
Following are the states w n o lly d iffic u lt task o f fin d in g o ffic e rs for
About 250 rioting negroes in East
A labam a, A r i - the forces.
St. Louis, Monday morning, every
1’a rt o f these w ill «orne from the 16
zona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia,
man armed either with a rifle or revol­
fficers' tra in in g camps. The first 10,-
Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Missis­ o 000
o f the 40,000 men at the camps
ver, virtually took possession o f the
sippi, Nebraska,
Carolina, w ill be selected f o r commissions in
“ Black B elt,” killed one policeman
the first Increm ent o f the new A rm y,
North Dakota, Oklahoma,
and seriously wounded other.
W ith­
Rhode Island, South Carolina, <snnth and that Is I®*» than h a lf the number
out a word o f warning the negroes
1 o f o ffic e r s necessary.
Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, V irgin ­
The W a r D epartm ent today approved
opened fire on a police department au­
ia, Washington and West Virginia.
recommendations o f commanders of
tomobile in which the officers were
re g u la r regiments, which w ill commis­
riding and raked the car with bullets.
sion 3000 or more regu la r non-com m is­
Two Pro-Germans Expelled.
sioned o ffic e rs to be captains In the
The steamship Humboldt arrived a t : Mexico City— R. Zubaran, former ¡^¡rat 625,000 con tin gen t o f the N a ­
I t is understood that
from Southeastern
Alaska Mexican minister to Germany and tional A rm y.
more than 60 men fro m each regiment,
Thursday with $400,000 o f gold bullion former representative o f the constitu- In addition to those now at the o fficers'
from mining camps along the Yukon, tional government in Washington, now tra in in g camps, w ill be commissioned
Furs valued at $180,000 also were a leader o f the Mexican senate, and f o r the period o f the war.
Itr g u la r to Re In Command.
Jesus Ureta, best-known orator in the
A trained and experienced regular
country and one o f the leaders in the
A small contingent o f the United house o f deputies, were expelled from o f f i c e r w ill command each regim ent o f
... ..
, ,
, »he National A rm y. T o aid him hs will
States Flying Corps arrived in Eng­
the C onstitutional L ib e r a l party, which have several other re g u la r offic e rs ex-
wearing civilian has a m a j o r i t y in congress.
T h is ac- Perlenced in particu lar lines such as
clothes with blue silk armlets, bearing tion was a ttrib u ted to the pro-German ' hl*L adjutant, at least one Major, his
, .
ordance and q u a rterm a ster officers,
in white letters “ United States Flying
sentim ents o f the men.
and som e others. T h e remainder <jf ths
Corps. ’ ’
Two conscientious objectors to con­
scription, Frank J. Otto, Jr., and
Stephen Stanley, o f Philadelphia, have
been sentenced in the United States
court to serve a year in prison for w il­
fully failin g to register on June 5.
Admiral Frederick von Tirpitz, for­
mer German minister o f marine, has
arrived at St. Blaise, in the Black
Forest. He is suffering seriously from
diabetes. Von Tirpitz has been Ger­
many's chief advocate o f unrestricted
submarine warfare.
$10,000,000 Lent Britain.
Washington, D. C, — The Treasury
department has placed an additional
$10,000,000 to it the credit o f England,
making total loans to Great Britain
for war purposes o f
This makes a total to the allies of
Paris— An official announcement was
made Monday night that the armored
cruiser Kleber had struck a mine off
Point St. Mathieu on Wednesday and
o ffic e r s w ill com e from the reserve
lists, the tra in in g camps, or the ranks
o f the regular service.
T h e Presid ent Issued the fo llo w in g
statement to«lay:
"'T h e regulations which I am today
causing to be promulgated, pursuant to
the direction o f the selective service
law, c o verin g the rem ain in g steps of
the plan for c a llin g Into tho servic e of
the United States q u a lified men from
those who have registered ; those se­
lected, as the result o f this process, to
constitute, w ith the regu la r A rm y, the
National Guard and the Navy, the
f i g h t i n g forces o f the Nation, all of
which forces are under the terms o f
the law placed In a position o f equal
right, d ig n ity and responsibility with
Falls Whirlpool.
Many Others Shot Fleeing East
Niagara Falls, N. Y. A belt-line I
car on the Great Gorge route loft the
rails, plunged down a 20-foot embank-
ment and turned over in 10 feet o f wa­
ter on the edge o f the Whirlpool Rap-
^OUiS FlaillCS.
Louis, III.
ids at 3:30 p. m. Sunday.
l‘urn,nK ¡ n f v®
!,f Kw,t ,8t*
. . .
Lious at 1 o clock I uesday morning
Nine persons are known to be «lead, lind at least 20 dead negro bodies and
two persons known to have been on the | crowded hospitals testified to the tcr-
car have not been seen since the acei- r,,r that reigned h«-re while mob after
dent and probably are dead, an indefi- m"b swept the streets seeking negroes
nite number, estimated at from two to whom they might slay,
ten, are reporte<i missing an«J more!
Five negro sections o f the city were
than a score are in hospitals, suffering
by mobs, terrorized negroes fl«?d
from th«-ir burning homes only to meet
from injuries in thè accident.
A washout, due to recent h«*avy bullets from guns o f the rioters, four
rains, was the cause o f the disaster *>ther negroes were shot by snipers and
which occurred just below the canti­ two war«- lynched.
One white man was killed by a negro
lever bridge, an«l 60 feet below the
point where the smooth water o f the sniper, arid before the burning began
upper reaches o f the Niagara river four nergoes anil one white man w«-re
I his includisi the detective
break into turbulent waters o f the Iti lieti.
Whirlpool Rapids. There were more sergeant, whos«- death at the hands o f
than 50 persons on hoard, acconling to M neffro mob late Sunday night was the
direct cause o f the outbreak Monday
general estimates.
The car was running at a speed o f ufternoon and Monday night.
20 miles an hour.
Less than half a
Estimates o f the number o f dead run
minute elapsed from the time the mo-j "P lo 100 and higher, but these esti-
torman fe lt the first sway until the mates are purely conjectural. The ex­
car was bottomside up on the edge of a«-t number slaughtered probably* will
the rushing rapids.
never he known, as it is thought that
As it slipped down the 20-foot in­ many bodies were consumed in the
cline from the tracks to the eilge of flames.
the river, screaming men and women
Afljutant General F'rank S. Dickson
fought to escape and some o f them arriveil shortly after midnight anil
He said
were able to get free, hut were unable took charge o f the situation.
to obtain a footing on the steep bank. the troops would he distributed in
There was a mad scramble in the small groups throughout the city and
shallow water between the wrecked that they would be instructed to dis­
car and the river hank.
From the perse every gathering o f persons for
riverside the bodies o f at least two of any purpose whatever.
the passengers were seen to lie caught
in the sw ifter waters, and were car­
Dog Gone. Constable Sued.
ried down to the whirlpool.
Roseburg, Ore. Constable Howard
Members o f the National guard regi­ Church I uesday had his first roundup
ment, who were on guard at the with the new state «log license law,
bridge, saw the accident and were the when Roy K c II owh , a prominent Rose­
first to the rescue. The soldiers slid burg merchant, refuse«l to pay the li­
down the bank into the river and cense and sue«l to replevin his dog and
worked in water up to their waists recover $50 damages. The complaint
gettin g injured passengers free from charges that the law is unconstitu­
the wreckage and passing them up the tional and provides for double taxation,
bank, where an emergency car had as dogs are personal property and sub­
been placed to carry them to the N i­ ject to tax. The case w ill probably be
agara Falls hospital.
taken to the Supreme court.