/ le } ^-4 /T\ y* 7 ¿Fnn'öt (Brm tr iExpreaa A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Vol. 2, No. 26 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, TH U R S D A Y , J U L Y 5. 1917 Commercial Club Makes Report $1.50 per Year Chautauqua Begins Saturday Afternoon The famous Ellison-White Chau­ 'Phi* directors of the Commer­ tauqua for Forest Grove begins in the big tent on the College cam­ cial club desire to ex prêt» to the | pus next Saturday afternoon, July citizens of Forest Grove and vicin-1 7th, and continues until Thursday it,y their deep appreciation of the! evening of next week. There are spirit and fact of the hearty co­ twelve double programs or twenty- operation given by air in connec­ four events, all covered by a sea­ son ticket costing $2.50. Where tion with the recent state encamp* separate tickets are purchased for ment of the Grand Army of the rcs* leach program, the total of the Republic. course reaches $6.15. Following Organizations and individuals I is the program for the six days: alike stood ready to give of their Saturday Afternoon Announcements Superintendent time, money, services and accom­ Concert Lyric Glee Club y f modations, to the end that Forest Impersonations Francis Hendry Admission 35c (¡rove might in no way fail in her; A Organizing Junior Chautauqua— “ Mak­ hospitality to her honored guests. ing Americans” .......... ......... So liberul was the response of Evening those who would open their homes Concert Lyric Glee Club to entertain the visitors that, al­ Popular Lecture “ Eli and Dennis” though more than a thousand peo- j Dr. Andrew Johnson, Humorist. WOOD B R IG G S . L O R E N E W. W I L S O N . Admission 50c W. L. M E L L I N G E R . W. A. B O N E . pie were thus cared for, entertain­ Sunday Morning OOI» H IU G G 8 o f Kentucky U Mexican affairs, |«st and present, stirring community nddress. •’The Ad- ment could have been provided Usual Services at A ll Churches for the several hundred more coming to ( 'tuiutnuijuu with glves a lecture in which his persogn i 'venture o f Being Human.'' experiences with Villa. Carranza and W. A. Bone. Illinois’ tieloved poet- Afternoon members of the visiting organiza­ tils usimi huliMIng abundance Maclera strongly figure. philosopher and humorist, will be Sacred Prelude Fillion Concert Party tions whom we hoped and expect-: o f southern dialect and drollery. Mrs. I/Orvnc Wlswell Wilson o f Fed heard in the greatest of all his p'at- Inspirational Lecture— “ The House ed to have with us We regret W. L. Meliluger, noted authority ou erated Woman's Clubs la to deliver her jform addresses, "The House o f Man." o f Man” Wm. A. Bone that it was impossible for every Admission 35c home listen to share in the pleas­ E. W . C. S. Vesper Services______ ure of this entertainment All Fourth of July Accidents Wife and Mother Called / Queen Una the First All Invited. may justly feel, however, th a t1 Wilbur Underhill, nine-year-old Evening After an illness of two years Miss Una Emerson was elected they have contributed to the suc­ son of Harry Underhill, living with Hright’s disease of the kid­ queen of the firemen’s carnival Sacred Concert Fillion Concert Party cess of the occasion and know Lecture - Oration— “ The Price of Progress” Gov. Geo. A. Carlson that through such a spirit of citi­ northwest of town, celebrated the neys, Mrs. Ora M Nance pa-sed held in this city last week and of Colorado zenship is the reputation of our Fourth raking hay for his father, j away at 10 o ’clock last Sunday was crowned Thursday evening, Admission 75c but when the horses ran away and morning at the family home, Sec­ city made and borne abroad. City Recorder Dyke performing Monday Morning riumped Wilbur where the teeth ond a vena«* south. We believe that all thos' in­ the ceremony for the mayor in Juniors— “ Making Americans” of the rake picked him up and Deceased was the daughter of terested in the Commercial Club -------- English and Irish Stones rolled him along the ground for Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gardner the presence of hundreds o f citi I of Forest Grove, and especially 200 yards the celebration became and a sister to Fred and Gus zens. I he queen was escorted p relude Military Girls’ Orchestra those who have contributed to its monotonous. One t o o t h went the carnival by an escort Lecture “ Through Five Republics funds, should be apprised of the through the calf of the boy’s leg Gardner and Mrs. Bertha Howard through . . _ / v n I T . n V . 1, * r TV I L .4 on Horseback” Dr. G. X Whitefield manner in which their money has ¡and his head and face were badly of this city and was born in Lynn of armed Boy Scouts and carried Ray, F. R. G. S., “ The Livingston b» en expended under the manage­ bruised; otherwise he is all right. county, this state, on February a large key; emblematic of of South Am erica” 13th, 1881 She was married to . . . . . . . . ment of the board, and we here­ Admission 50c While Chas. Huhman was learn­ Evening with append a statement of the ing to drive his new auto, he ran T . A Nance at Sheridan on ownership of the city during the March 19th, 1905 h5*d lived week. receipts and expenditures which Concert Enturtaimnent.... Military Girls tr»o far up a hillside and the car all her life in the Willamette val- Ross R e d e r, vice president of A full evening o f mirth, m elody pertain to the Encampment. tipped over, penning M r. and ley, with the exception of about the fire department, made a short and mimicry The Treasurer has received the Mrs Huhman, their seven-year- Admission 50c six months spent at Caldwell, „ j . „„ . following amounts: Tuesday — “ Music Day” old son and Joe Wiles under the Idaho. The family had resided in addre8S at the ^ n a t i o n , giving $ 100.00 car From memberships sold M O R N IN G The fact that the top wa< this city a few months. 1 3001(1 statistics as to the benefit of 100.00 up saved the occupants from be­ Juniors- “ Making Americans” ...... From the City Council Mrs. Nance is survived by her a ^re department like that pos- _........... Nature Stories 829.00 ing crushed, but, as it was. Har­ From Subscription pledges husband and four bo>s, aged from sessed by Forest Grove For the AFTERNOON old, the Huhman boy, was slightly four to eleven years, and her p a st t w o y e a rs the a v e r a g e loss C ° ncert Royal Venetian Band Total injured, but no bones were broken. i i , .,„ .7 . , Community Lecture — “ The Adventure death leaves a place impossible to per a la r m , h as been •'>134.00, but of Being Human” Mrs. Lorene The following bills have been The car went back home on its fill in this family circle. She had up to tw o y e a rs a g o the a v e r a g e Wiswell Wilson, own power. allowed and ordered pair!: many friends in this part of tne loss w a s a little m o re than $400.00. Admission 50e 48.06 1 Mrs. Oscar Raines and two state who will sincerely mourn her FlHg and express This is pretty conclusive evidence _ , _ EVENING children were riding in a two­ 2.60 Music for chnrus — Grand Concert Jos. LoZito and Royal death, as she was a kind and af­ that Forest Grove has an efficient Venetian Band. .50 wheeled horsecart up Scoggin’s fectionate wife and mother and a Postage of Treasurer fire department. Much of the Popular Selections i 4 H. 7 ti valley, when the horse ran away Mary Adel Hays G. A. K. Badges loyal friend and good neighbor. equipment has been purchased by Coloratura Soprano, accompanied 6 . 2 C > through a slashing, throwing all Fix press on same Funeral services were held at the department o u t o f funds by LoZito and nis entire band. I 6.50 three occupants out of the rig. Printing programs Admission 75c the Buxton chapel at 3 o’clock raised by carnivals, dances, etc. 12.60 Mrs. Raines’ f e e t became en- Flag |s>le ... . Wednesday Morning Monday afternoon. Rev R. E. 3.00 tangled in the lines and she was Digging hole for same Three Firemen Resign Juniors— “ Making Americans” 40 .00 dragged 200 yards, completely dis- Dunlap officiating, and interment Street decorations ............ Indian Stories was in Forest View cemetery. The members of the Forest 50.00 robed and badly skinned and F'nrest (¡rove band, two days AFTERNOON The Wasser Company Mrs flara Saee Dead Grove Fire department held a Prelude K. ft. fare, Fife and Drum Corps 17.75 bruised, but no bones were broken “ Misunderstood Mexico” Board arid lodging F. & D. Corps 35.25 and she is not considered danger- Mre. Georg^™. Sag!%aged 60, I * « « — * T u «d a y « « I n , ; ~ W . L. Mellinger 2.00 ously injured. Neither of the Drayage passed away at the family home ( to close UP business in con-1 Admission 35c 4 ..M i children were injured. Forest Grove Kxpress, printing on South A street . last ... Tuesday nection with the carnival of last j E V E N IN G . 1 5 ' Tw o machines w e n t off the . H. It. Bernard, supplies Entertainment The W asser Company week. After all expenses were i.oo grade at Dug Hill west of town, evening, a*ter a long illness and Telephone rails . . . . , . Motion Pictures - - Mawson's Antarctic 3 o.oo but neither the occupants nor the funeral services were held at paid, there was a balance o f j Expedition, with Sir Douglas M aw- Street lighting ............. machines were injured. * *ie family residence at 2:30 this $146.00 from the carnival and son s own lecture. W . L. Meliin- L. M. Graham, express, tele­ ger, lecturer in charge. C. Wilder broke a reer wheel on afternoon, Rev. R. E. Dunlap ot- $29 25 from the department’s 8.88 phone, (tostage, etc Admission 50c Interment was in For- share of the dances given in the 3.75 j his car at Hillside and when C. Relating. Wm. Weitzel, weather vane Thursday Morning Macey tried to pull around the,®8* - \ cemetery, where the hus- Odd Fellows’ building. Woman’s Club, prizes baby pa­ Juniors “ Making Americans” ___ 22.75 crippied car. he broke a front band is buried, Japanese Stories rade The voting contest to select a wheel on his car. Clara E. Knight was bornat queen just about paid its own ex­ AFTERNOON Hoffman & Co., canvas "Stories of the South” Wood Briggs .16 Miss Diura White of Chehalem Troy, N. Y., on Dec. 14. 1851, penses, with probably a dollar Pagaent V. I. Fuqua, supplies “ Making Americans” .70 i Valley w a s accidentally s h o t ana was married to George B. profit. C. A. I.ittler, supplies Junior Chautauauans and 5.40 through the leg bv her sister, who Sage at Fillmore, M inn., on Aug News-Times, printing “ Miss Columbia’ ’ While the firemen made a little . 1 5 ' was practicing with a target rifle, 15, 1875. The family came to For- Admission 35c (■onion & (¡onion, supplies 6VfifllBll the accident occurring twelve est Grove from South Dakota in °,ut ° f the carnival the owners of E V E N IN G nassed the show claim to have left $1,000 . „ , , . V ... ~ 1910 and the husband $462.95 miles south of Hillsboro. Total husband passed here that they mad'e in Marshfield. Clcmg.Entertainment- An Evening in the Alps” - Quaint Switzerland away shortly after that date. Bal. in hands of Treasurer $ «n.06 George, the six-year-old son of Their total receipts in this city in Song and Story — Alpine Echo Deceased is survived by six If mistakes were made we hope Mr. and Mrs. John Sandstrom of Songs Hunting Songs— Model­ were $1,550.30 and the depart­ it will be attributed to inexper­ the Spring Hill section, passed children— Mrs F. E. Smith of ment got $378.50 of this amount ing Graus’ Alpine Yodlers Admission ience, rather than intention. We away at the Forest (¡rove hospi Summit, this state, Guy D. Sage Transportation to the next stand _______ 75c sincerely trust that the efforts of tal Sunday, following an operation of Hartline, Wash , Mrs. L. E. is said to have cost the company ■ Junior Chautauqua 10 a. m.; admis- the Commercial Club and citizens for appendicitis. Funeral services Howard of Barnard, S. D.. Misses $1380. When the wages of 100 rion 15c. combined were really successful in were held Tuesday at the Buxton Clara and Alma and Mr. Jesse men and women and other ex- Afternoon concerts 2:30. giving some pleasure to our guests ¡chapel. Rev. Sandstedt of Port Sage of this city; also four broth­ penses for a week were considered, Afternoon lectures 3:00. Evening concerts 7:30. and their friends, and that, we may and officiating, the interment be- ers, ’ Frank Knight of this city, it is probable that the loss was Evening lectures 8:15. George L. Knight of Chatfield. again be honored by their pres ing in Forest View. not short of $1,000. Minn., Fred Knight of Edgemont, ence. Three members of the fire d e -1 The Forbis a n d Carmichael Yesterday was a quiet day in Ark., and Edwin Knight of Okla- ( families and Miss Manche Lang- We sincerely thank all who Forest Grove, there being no cele- homa City, Okl. j £ u c £ r and Jesse Pen v -tu rn e d le^ of this city 3Pent the daylight helped and we feel deeply grate­ During her residence in this city ¡n their uniforms and announoeH hours of the Fourth at the Wall ful for your hearty response to the i hrat.on. Many people went to through with the Ho. cabin, near Roderick falls and in call for service. May this ex­ Hillsboro, where there was a good Mrs. Sage had endeared herself to .. were the evening those mentioned and pression of our appreciation in­ program, including an aeroplane a large number of our citizens by | tment Their resignations _n._ j the the younger younger Burlinghams Burlinghams and tended for all be likewise received (light, baseball, speeches, music, her kindly disposition and neigh- p Misses Mildred Thomas and Edith by each who lent of their energy, etc. Quite a number of local peo- borly spirit and there were many time and money to the success of pie went to Balm Grove, to spend sincere mourners at her funeral Miss Mildred Thomas, enroute' Stalley went to the Forbis farm, the day picnicking. outside the family circle j to her home in I xh Angeles from where they were not hindered b the G . A. R. Encampment. FO R EST G R O V E C O M M E R C IA L All the children were at the a term in an eastern college, is ordinances against a patriotic ce Mrs. Sadie Atkins of Portland is visiting relatives in the city. CLUB. funeral. ♦ j L w m the guest of the Burlinghams. ebration T a l