The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 28, 1917, Image 7

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Inventors Strive for Means to Rd
Sea of Menace to
Thouaanda of Lettera Recalved by
Boarda of Inventlona In England
and United States but Few
Practical Ideaa Advanced.
Ixuulon.—T h « N<*w York Herald's
dnvnl correspondent writ«*»:
A development o f (ho war which will
receive i|N «lal »Mention from the hln-
torlan I n Unit which I n connected with
the mohlllr.lni( of Inventlona for flicht-
I iik purpoNea. In Germany arlence wna
hlirneNNeil to the Moloch of cleatruc-
tlon beforp hoNlllltleN bcgati, and nil
the reaourcea o f technical knowledge
were hrought to hear for the ptirpoMc
of devlNlng new niethodN of killing. It
wun the une hy the I I uiin of | hi I moii run
mid xt ml I a r contrivance» which nwnk-
en«»l the allien to the neccMnlty for
mobilizing InventloiiH and the Imagl-
nntlve enterprls«* of thoughtful men
and pnlnntnklng InventIgutorn.
An a renult there were established
In Kronen and England hourdn o f In­
vention connected with the nuval nud
inllltary detmrtnientn. for the exami­
nation and trial o f such platm and pro­
posals an neemed to he of vulue. Hy
thene tneuNiirea the flow of Invention
wun directed to chunnelN from which
It wun hoped might I nkuo a provision
of new weapon» and new klndn of mu­
nition» helpful to the force» hy land
and »en.
Early Action by America.
With ready forethought America,
while yet at peace, provided her own
bureau of Invention. Hhe »Imuld be,
therefore, more ready to utilize her
natural Inventive gcnlun now that »he
bn» become a participant In the war.
It I n comparatively ea»y to Anil men
of expert Judgment and experience to
Inquire Into or advlne ui»on the feas-
Ihlllty o f achetncM and proposal», many
of which are only rough hewn hut may
contain the germ of Improvement»;
hut wlint 1» I cmm »Itliple In to detnch
and detail the right kind of officer»
from the naval and mllltnry nervlce» to
carry forward the work of experiment
and InveKtlgatlon to a point of uscful-
Junt at pr«*»ent the attention o f In­
ventor» In directed particularly townrd
finding mi antidote for the »uhtnarlne.
It 1» »aid Mint the consulting hoard of
tin* Cnlted State» navy received In one
week more than two thounnnd letter»,
each containing what the writer be­
lieved to he n solution of the subma­
rine tnennee. How many letters the
itrltl»h board of Invention» has re­
ceived on this subject has not been
made public, and yet It Is manifest that
no device has been discovered the prnc-
tlcal application of which 1» an nssured
success. The explanation o f this un­
satisfactory state o f affnlrs seems to
rest mainly In the Inability of the In­
ventor to grasp rightly the factors In
the problem.
The prlm-lpnl obstacle to effective
denllng with the U-boat Is Its Invisibil­
ity. Its quality o f submersion for n
considerable length of time, during
which It cun travel comparatively long
distances under water and chnnge Its
position without discovery by the
watchers on the surface. It Is true
that It must come up ut times to re­
charge Its electric accumulator» or to
give Its crew fresh air. It must more
often put Its periscope above water,
and the circumstances In which Its at­
tack Is made may oblige It to emerge
for the purpose o f bringing Its gun Into
The Real
In these conditions It may he trented
ns n surface boat, nnd proposals for
dealing with it, whether from the air
or the sea, have already ntlulned a
Missourian’» Original Method of Han­
dling Bell Boy Gets Him Into
New York.—James II. Guitar, post­
master of Columbia, Mo., found him­
self In court here on account of his
original way o f dealing with a hell hoy.
The boy had shown the visitor his
room nnd Indicated n disposition not
to leave.
•’ What Hre you waiting for?” asked
the Missourian.
“ Oh, Just n little salve. About a
qm rteY will d o !"
The man from Missouri picked up
n large sized "shooting Iron” nnd said
one word, "O ltl” The boy "got,” but
told the police, nnd Mr. Guitar had to
make explanations In court.
high degree o f effieleney.
where llie U-boat Is foreed to operate
or to reach the scene o f Its activity
ilirougli narrow channels or constrict­
ed waters, the value of nets and mines
us n deterrent tins, as official records
show, been proved up to a point.
Nevertheless, to overcome the sub­
marine, It Is not sufficient to be uble to
obstruct Its passage In certain limited
areas, or merely to he prepared to deul
with It during It» brief Intervals of
emergence. Something more Is wnnt-
ed than this. The real solution of the
problem will depend upon the possi­
bility of discovering Its whereabouts
under water ami making that discovery
either on the surface or In the air.
This Is the fruitful Held for Investi­
gation, and this Is clearly the direction
Indicated to Inventors ns the line along
which to devote their thought and
study If they are seeking mi antidote
to the submarine peril. The limita­
tion» thus »et up not only narrow» the
»cope for NiiggcKtlon but the number
o f persons w I iomc equipment by train­
ing and experience 1» likely to fit
them for the tu»k. In order to nave
themselves from an Inundation o f use­
less or Impracticable m-hemes, It 1»
surely worth the while of the various
Investigating boards to (»sue U> would-
be correspondents some rule» by
which the latter might he guided In
tanking suggestions. Much disappoint­ Urge Uniformity in Inspection L a w »—
ment would thereby be prevent«»! nnd,
Oregon and Washington Millers
much waste of time und trouble.
Hay Wheat Quality is Poor.
; •++++++*M-+++++4-fr»+4»4+»+ + I
Home.— Thank» to Italo-Aus­
trian rivalry, after the war A l­
bania will have the best system
of wagon roads of nny Balkan
state, Greece and Itoumanla In­
A few day» ago a new road,
450 kilometer» long, connecting
Knntl Qua rants with Kalonlkl,
was opened to the public. The
road 1» a monument to Italian
labor nnd engineering. Over 300
kilometers lie through
mountain» and deep gorge». A
motor ear ran cover the distance
between the two cities In about
20 hours.
In a few days a new piece of
road, 110 kilometers long, wtll
be opened to the public and will
connect Avlonn, on the Adriatic,
with Sulonlkl.
St. Louis Man’s Generosity to
Enemy Costs Him His
"Fighting Jimmy" Paul, First In Front
Line of Enemy, le Mourned by
French Foreign Legion— Even
Wounded Attend Funeral.
I ’nrls,—Generosity townrd the en­
emy cost tin* life of James Puul o f
St. Louis, n member of the fumous
French Foreign legion.
l ’uul was
known ns “ Fighting Jimmy,” and be
never fnlled to Uve up to his name. To
be called one of the bruvest men In
the legion Is n great honor, nnd that
was uu honor held by "Fighting Jim­
Twenty-four hours before one of
the general attacks by the French In
their recent offensive In Champagne.
I’aul wns sent out with n body of
picked men to “ w orry" the Germans’
first line with bombs.
Paul wns the first innn over the par­
apet nnd got safely through, together
with several other Americans. A fter
trying In vain to keep off the nttnekera
with machine guns, the Germans «cut-
tied Into their dugouts. Paul, who was
In advance, threw u dozen grenade
Into a dugout and called upon the
sknlkera to come out.
Victim of Treachery.
Only one German appeared. He
threw up his arms, shouting “ Com­
rade,” nssurlng Paul the rest o f the
men Inside were dend. Without taking
the trouble to search the man for hid­
den weapons, Paul turned to another
dugout. The Instant his back wns
turned the German drew nn nutomntlc
pistol and fired. Paul fell bnckwnrd
Just as Ills fellow legion members fol­
The Germnn fell with bayonet
wounds In his body. Tw o of Paul’s
best friends, Arthur Herry of Boston
and Christopher Charles o f Brooklyn,
knelt beside him. Paul lay on his
hnek nnd there xvns n smile on his Ups.
“ You nre not badly hurt, are you,
Jimmy?" asked his friends.
There was no reply, and they turned
the body over. The bullet hail pene­
trated the heart nnd death must have
been Instantaneous.
In the National Arts club hy the dub,
the mnyor’s committee on Shakespeare
nnd the Shakespeare cltih.
The first story wus that Shakespeare
had gone oil on a birthday pnrty with
Ben Jonson nnd after sleeping by the
roadside had caught the cold which
caused his death. I>r. Charles William
Wallace, who lias spent many years In
Knglnnd In research work In Shake­
spearian», said that In all his Investi­
gations he could find no hint that there
wns nny truth In this story.
lie added that he believed the story
that Shakespeare when n young mnn
wns arrested nnd sent to Jail for deer
stealing is In the same class ns the
other story, fbr he could find no record
o f It nnywhere, nor nny reference to It
hy writers o f Shnkespenre’s dny.
Rodin Gets Aztec Sculptures.
of the more famous examples o f Aztec
sculpture have been sent by the Mex­
Avon Bard 8tole No Deer.
New York.— Two famous stories ican government ns a gift to Rodin, the
about Hhnkeapcnro that hnvo spread French sculptor. Ilodln In return has
far nnd wide In many countries. Includ­ promised to send n reproduction of one
ing Scandinavia, In »plto of the libel of his works to be placed In the Na­
law#, was» sptlled at the dinner held tional Academy of Fine Arts.
A fter that, nny German showing
fight wus ruthlessly bnynneUed. Those
who surrendered wen- spared, although
their trip from the front to the rear
was far from pleasant.
A fter the position had been thor­
oughly cleared out, the legion mem­
bers retired, bearing with them Paul’s
body. Every man who could attended
the simple funeral. Even wounded
men hobbled out to the Improvised
Paul had been decorated for bravery
nt the battle o f Beiloy-en-Snnterre, on
the Somme. In July, 1916. At that time,
single-handed, he held n sector of n
trench after his seven companions had
been killed.
Someone once referred to St. Louis
us a German city.
“That’s not true," exclaimed Paul.
“ It Is no more a German city than
Purls. True, there are Germans there,
but you find Germans everywhere.
You wtll find that St. Louis will send
over some mighty good soldiers.”
Rich and Poor Alike Must Work at
Least 36 Hours Weekly, Says
New Statute.
Charleston. W. Vn.— All loafers look
alike to the law In West Virginia. A
statute Just passed by the legislature
provides that every able male between
the ages o f sixteen and sixty must
work nt least 36 hours weekly nt
“ some lawful nnd recognized business,
profession or employment."
This hits ’em all, both great and
small. The law Is effective, no matter'
how big nn Income any Individual may
Students nre exempt during
school session. Violators mny be fined
$100 or be put to work by the state, In
which case their dependents get the
small wage ullowed.
The purpose o f this law Is to make
every uhle-bodled male do something
useful during the war.
Raise Flags Underground.
Rhonnndonh, Pa.— At the Draper col­
liery the other morning the Inside em­
ployees raised two Amerlcnn flags 1,000
feet below the surface In the mammoth
vein gangway In honor of two o f their
workers, Edward Phillips and Robert
llahn, who hnve enlisted. One ting
was set floating nt each chute from
where the men worked.
Every em­
ployee o f the Inside workings was
Trick to Get Copper and
Liverpool.— In demanding the con­
fiscation o f certnln shipments o f “ cu­
rios” from Jnpan to Sweden, the
government attorney read the follow­
ing letter in the prize court sent by
j a Hamburg curio firm to a dealer In
“ We would like to obtain large
quantities of very heavy copper and
bronze vases, nnltnnls, etc.
It Is es­
sential that the objects be very cheap,
but we lay no Importance to their con­
dition, execution, etc. You enn send
us the roughest nnd most faulty speci­
mens. The nrtlcleSj-must be massive
nnd not hollow, ana must have the
appearance of curloa. I f you can ship
ten to twenty tons monthly as carlo»
to Sweden, we shnll be glad to have
you quote lowest price. You might
also arrange to pack the case« with
raw rubber so works of nrt won’t dans-
ago. Aluminum objects o f art also In­
terest ns."
Sheriff Gage'a raid on the steam
schooner Hardy, Saturday night at
To lower the high coat o f living by Marshfield, netted
439 bottles of
decreasing the cost o f grain, the Pub-- whisky, 56 o f beer and five gallons of
lie Service commissions o f Washington
and Oregon heard evidence showing
The Johnson Moores Logging com­
that uniformity o f state lawa on
weights, measures and inspection with pany o f Astoria, has sold its timber
federal laws was a necessity, at a holdings and logging machinery on the
meeting in the Tacoma, Wash., Com­ Cartwright tract near Seaside to Olson
Bros. The latter w ill log the timber
mercial club rooms Wednesday.
Particularly the flour millB o f Wash­ for the Prouty mill.
ington and Oregon are affected by the
One o f the largest lamb deals in the
difference in the quality o f wheat
Baker vicinity was closed this week
which cannot compete with that of
when R. B. Caswell, o f Kidwell & Cas­
California or Chicago and Minneapolis
well, o f Portland, contracted fo r more
because the inpsectors are compelled
than 30,000 lambs at a total price of
to pass smutty wheat, it was charged.
more than $300,000.
“ My experience o f 30 years,” said
Ralph B. Smith o f the Puget Sound
Governor Withycombe has reappoint­
Mills company, “ shows that Washing­ ed W. D. Whitcomb and W. R. Mac­
ton wheat is o f lower quality every kenzie, both o f Portland, as members
year. It is smutty when it comes to o f the State board o f accountancy for
the mill and the miller has no choice terms o f four years, their former
but to take it. By the time it is thor­ terms expiring June 3.
oughly cleaned its cost has risen con­
Precy Cupper, assistant state engi­
siderably and the consumer, who pays
neer, probably w ill become assistant
ultimately for the additional expense,
secretary o f the Desert Land board, to
begins to howl.”
succeed J. L. McAllister, who resigned
“ Discoveries o f the last year show
retently to become connected with an
that the smut is not the fault o f the
engineer’s corp at American lake.
farm er,” said L. M. Jeffers o f Port­
The Eugene Woolen Mills have re­
land, grain supervisor o f this, the 32nd
district. “ Farmers in order to take ceived an order for 25,000 yards o f
the United
advantage of the first rains are obliged olive-drab cloth
to plow up the fields early and the States government, according to an
recently by E.
ground becomes infected with smut announcement made
The cloth is to be
spores. Our department is equipping Kopp, manager.
12 machines with dust collectors which supplied in quantities o f 3000 yards a
we think w ill practically eliminate the month.
infection. I f the collectors prove sat­
A team o f horses was drowned and
isfactory and not too expensive, sta­ two wagons lost when a ferry on the
tistics and estimates will be put into North Santiam river, one mile north o f
the hands o f all those raising grain. Shelburne, broke loose and floated two
A ll w ill have to use it, for one field miles downstream Friday. The ferry
can infect a whole district.”
finally drifted against a bank.
The commission then began the con­ teams and wagons were on the ferry
sideration o f rye and oats. Here again when the cable snapped.
uniformity was thought to be advis­
Oregon’s total registration under the
able, but there was some discussion of
what the standard would be. The war census was slightly greater than
question o f color should be the basis the first announcements indicated. A
for at least four grades, according to final detailed summary o f war census
Mr. Jeffers. He suggests, also, that returns from the various counties,
the commission fix a maximum moist­ completed for the entire state by Ad­
ure weight per bushel. Oats and rye jutant General W hite gave, Oregon a
were fe lt to need the same legislation. total registration o f 62,922.
Bad order o f sacks and the discount
Tariffs were filed this week by the
allowed for their repairs was the final Portland Railway, Ligh t & Power com­
subject discussed. The state claim of pany in accordance with the order re­
1 and 3 per cent discount was agreed cently issued covering rates o f that
by all the men present as not suffi­ company fo r commercial light and
cient, and the 3 and 6 per cent allowed power, which is effective July 1. The
by thé Seattle Merchants’ Exchange company also has accepted the order
was thought more reasonable.
covering residence lighting and domes­
tic heating.
Wheat— Blues tern.........................$2.35
F o r ty fo ld ..................................... 2.32
Club............................................... 2.30
Red Ru ssian................................ 2.28
Oats— No. 1 w h ite ......................$44.00
Barley— No. 1 fe ed ..................... 42.00
Cattle— Steers, p rim e ... $9.50@10.25
Steers, g o o d ................... 8.75@ 9.25
Steers, m ed iu m .............
8.00@ 8.75
Cows, choice................... 8.25@ 8.50
Cows, m edium ...............
7.50@ 8.00
Cows, f a i r ......................
6.75@ 7.25
H e i f e r s ..........................
5.00@ 9.25
5.00(<j. 7.25
C a lv e s ............................
7.50@ 9.50
Hogs— Packing . . . . . . . . $15.00@15.50
Rough h e a v ie s ............... 13.90@14.25
Pigs and s k ip s ............... 13.00@13.50
Stock hogs...................... 11.00@12.50
Sheep— W ethers............. 10.00@10.50
E w e s ............................
L a m b s ............................ 11.00^/13.50
Flour— Patents, $11.80.
M illfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $33
per ton; shorts, $38; rolled barley,
$48 ; rolled oats, $54.
Corn— White, $72 per ton; cracked,
Hay — Producers’ prices: Timothy,
Eastern Oregon, $28@30 per ton; val­
ley timothy, $22@24; alfalfa, $20@23;
valley grain hay, $18@20.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 37c per
pound; prime firsts, 35c.
prices: Prints, extras, 38c; cartons,
lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 38c; No.
2, 36c.
Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 30c
per dozen ; selects, 32c.
Poultry— Hens, 15@17c per pound;
broilers, 16@20c; turkeys, 20c; ducks,
18@22c; geese, 10@12c.
Veal— Fancy, 14@14Jc per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 19$c per pound.
Vegetables — Artichokes, 70 @ 75c
per dozen; tomatoes, $1.50@2.00 per
crate; cabbage, 2@3c per pound; eg g ­
plant, 25c; lettuce, $1.75@2.00; cu­
cumbers, 75c@$1.50 per dozen; pep­
pers, 20@35c per pound; rhubarb,
2@3c; peas, 6@7c; asparagus, 5@6c;
spinach, 6@7c per pound.
Potatoes — Buying prices, $3.50@
4.00 per hundred.
Green Fruit— Strawberries, Oregon,
Hops— 1916 crop, 3@6c per pound;
1917 contracts, nominal.
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 47@53c
per pound; coarse, 58c; valley, 60@
63c; mohair, 60@65c.
Cascara Bark — Old and new, 6Jc
per pound.
daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. S. C. B itt­
ner, livin g near Pendleton, was ac­
cidentally shot through the heel Satur­
day by her 11-year-old brother, Le-
land, as he was loading a .22 rifle.
The sister stepped in range just as the
cartridge was exploded.
She may be
permanently crippled.
That the nation is in war and that
the men o f Oregon are preparing for
the call to arms was reflected by the
attendance at the opening o f the U ni­
versity o f Oregon Summer school. The
total registration the first day was
156, and four-fifths were women. The
enrollment on the opening day o f the
school last year was 247.
A jury in the Lane County Circuit
court Monday
returned a verdict
against the Southern Pacific company
for damages in the sum o f $10,000 for
the heirs o f W illiam Framhein, who
was killed in tunnel No. 4, on the Coos
Bay line o f the Southern Pacific sys­
tem June 16, 1916.
A severe drop is being reported by
all Lower Valley orchardists, and from
present indications the crop o f the
coming fall w ill be far below estimates
made at the time o f the heavy bloom.
The total crop fo r the season w ill prob­
ably fall below 750,000 boxes o f fruit,
says a dispatch from Hood River.
The Heppner wool market showed
strong bullish tendencies at the public
wool sale held Saturday. Bids ranging
from 42 to 55J cents for fine wool and
58 cents for coarse grades were freely
offered, with no takers.
county sheep men are standing pat,
and at this time seem to have the best
o f the situation.
W ith the disposition o f $1,000,000
worth o f road bonds, out o f the $6,-
000,000 voted by the people, facing the
state, it seems safe to assert that
when the present $240,000 or so o f
rural credits money on hand is loaned
out, that no more attempts w ill be
made to sell further rural credits
bonds until the first batch o f the road
bond money, is disposed of,
A 10 per cent dividend was declared
by the Farmers’ Union Grain agency
at the annual meeting at Pendleton.
The agency is the owner o f the big
elevator which w ill be in operation for
the first tim e this season. A con­
servative estimate is that one-third o f
the Umatilla county farmers w ill use
the bulk grain handling system this
year, including Sam Thompson, David
H. Nelson and Jesse Hales.