JtfurcHi (6n ttt? lE xjirpaa Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. H enfer, Editor and Publisher. E n te re d as second-class m a tte r Jan . 12. 1916, at the poetofflee a t F o rest Grove, O regon, under the Aot of M arch 3, 1879 Subscription Kates Paid in advance One y e a r ................. Six m onths ............ T h ree M onths .. $1.00 .50 .25 On C redit One y ear Six m onths Three m onths $1.50 . .75 . .40 TH URSDAY. JU N K 28 1917 “ I am sorry that you do not wear a flag every day and I can only ask you if you lose the physical pn> emblem to he sure that you wear it IN YOUR HKART; the heart of America shall interpret the heart of the world.” President Wilson. NOTES AND The self-sacrificing men and women who worked so hard to make the Encampment a success and those who worked for a solid week raising Red Cross funds are the kind of people who make a community worth while. Forest Grove will always be worth while so long as it has such spirits C O M M ENTS The editor of the Express is proud of the fact that Dilley is in Wash- ington c o u n t y . Aren’t you' Cornelius did even better ($1153. \5>* b“Lil is considerably larger than Dilley. And Forest Grove, asked for $3,000, raised $4,550.00. the fact that the G. A. R. En­ campment interfered, but, since this is now over, it is hoped many more ladies will turn out next Monday, between 2 and 5 o’clock, for this noble work. Muslin and linen fabrics are badlv needed by the workers to make hospital sup plies. Set* if you cannot spare some for this work. Forest Grove has done well in a financial way for the Red Cross. !,et us not spoil our record by falling down on this sewing work. Talk to McCready We h ave everything with which to build. We bought last fall and we are selling cheap. You will be building a house, barn, silo, auto house or an up-to-date chicken house, and the first comers tire going to get the best prices, because we can’t buy now for the prices at which we are selling. Our lumber is all dry and we have the best- kept stock in Washington county. for S1-25 a roll. Water-proof tVOOIing paper, $1.75 for 500 feet. Both just what you want for chicken houses. Many people in Portland and other cities of Oregon view with alarm the fact that the members of the State Grange anti Farmers Union have endorsed the Non- Partisan League, which has cap tured the political power in North Dakota and threatens to insist that the farmers and laboring people get a square deal. Until RED PAINT at $1.25 in ones, $1.20 in fives. the Express hears that the Non- Partisan League has done any- mischief in North Dakota, its ed -: itor refuses to “ view with alarm” i The Main Street Lumber Yurd its advent into the political life of: Oregon. Where the people have so good a chance to express them­ selves through the ballot box as they have in Oregon, these afore- said people can generally be de­ fended on to do what is best for Warranty deed and mortgage llillahoro, O regon, proceed to sell a t p riv ate sale all o f the tim b er now themselves Since* the farms of blanks for sale at the Express of- stan d in g and grow ing on th e real Oregon probably pay the big end fice. p ro perty al>ove described, said tim ber of the taxes, it is no more than being sufficient to m an u fa c tu re a p ­ F inal N o tier right that the farmers, through N o tier i* hereby given th a t the un­ proxim ately 1800 cords of wood. Kids the Non-Parti is certainlv Datriotic She stands day on the subject of food con- F irs t pub. Ju n e 21; last Ju ly 19. are , rich are stingy third . . . . m the ? P‘ percentage ’ of recruits . ‘ Iservation Mr noover Hoover tninKs thinks in in ., because „ ___ they f , n- lv,r and others are poor because they „«..subscribed her! no other way can »e do more to N otice o f Sale givers all their hves. qUota have been gtvers uberty bonds , ! wh.p our enemies than by savin« N otice is hereby given th a t under o f an o rd er duly m ade, Of course none of the stingy ones two million dollars and now has food' espec-jaJly food that is now rendered and en tered in the m a tte r of live in Forest Grove, or this city raised one-third more than jit r wasted. Every ounce of foot! th e e s ta te o f A lexander S. W eir, d e ­ could not have raised the amount share of the Red Cross fund wa ted jut,t that much help to ceased, in the C ounty C ourt o f the it contributed Forest Grove has taken her place America’s enemies. Let US see if S ta te o f Oregon f o r W ashington Dilley isn’t a very large town at the Iront in all three of these ! we cannot sacrifice just a little, I County, on May 28, 1917, authorizing Copeland & McCready and the people thereof go about movements and the Express con-j UP,,,‘ e n tire body ^of lim b er; or up on the basis o f a fixed price |*er cord, to be paid a f te r the sam e ia converted into coni wood and prior to the rem oval o f the sam e from the prem iaes, and said sale will he subject to confirm ation by the County C ourt of W ashington County, Oregon. Datevi this Ju n e 21, 1917. MATTHEW S. W EIR. Administrator. H. T. BAGLEY, A ttorney. 24-L5 “ ; ~ “ ------------------- Notice to ( m otor* In th e County C ourt o f the S ta te of O regon, for W ashington county. In th e m a tte r o f the L ast W ill und T e sta m e n t of H e rb e rt G. Ila z litt, deceased. N otice is hereby given by the under* signed, ex ecu trix o f th e Isst Will T e sta m e n t of H erltert G. Trlltor o f^ a ifl^ J tH r'u T '^ li'a i.T th e and Ila z litt, deceased, to th e cred ito rs and . tim . . b er stan . d in g and grow ing upon the all (N-rsons having claim s ng ain st said I follow ing described real projierty situ- e s ta te , to p re se n t them , w ith the nec­ essary vouehers, w ithin six m onths ale 'n '^••hington County, Oregon, from the d a te o f the first publication I to-w it; o f this notice, viz; the 7th day o f Ju n e, The N orth h alf of the N o rth w est 1917, to the undersigned a t the law ut- ° f Hollis & G raham , on Pacific ( q u a rte r of Section 32, T. I S It 1 W ,.g. F o reatG ro v e, O regon. of the W illam ette M eridian, a t private ‘ ! Avenue, D ated a t F o rest Grove O iregon, i this l,Hle f(,r cash in hand, j 7th day of June, 1917. *;ho' e who do our fighting may s- * business •- — *■* - ■ blare ■ *i gratulates . . . .. . on their . . pat nave assurance of full stomachs their without of the people trumpets, but when the funds be- riotism and liberality. May the on Which to right. P. G . Kenzie of Seattle, gen- gan rolling in for the Red Cross, broad cast upon the water come you would have thought Dilley back with a bountiful increase, eral superintendent of the Pa was the metropolis of Washington The ExprfcSS is informed that cific Coast Milk Products Com- county. Asked to raise $500, the ' but fourteen women met at the pany and at one time superin- members of the committee rolled Red Cross sewing rooms, in the i tendent at the local condenser up their sleeves and raised H offm an store 7ast M o m la v visitor in this city and ^ <)^v THEREFORE, I will, from K «?»Swin Z! ' ! t . $1,059 nonman store, isst iVionoay to 1 w a s a business . 1 iui 7 «♦ and aft>»r a f te r Mnmiuv Monday, .iniv Ju ly 9. 23, 1917, a t the ( fcxfcutnx E x ecu trix o f thi the i*HMt Will xnd I tint- before they ceased their labors sew for the wounded soldiers and i last Friday. i «• , ti „ , . . : am en t o f H e rb e rt