: * ]fc* *«•.* «* infitw è i *-f - * his wounds. Our boys will (Tltp ÌÌurrat (Srmt* iExprMJH ufxm fight more heroically, confident Published every Thursday «t Forest il rove, Oregon, W . (.V Benfer, Editor and Publisher. Filtered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 19t*\ at the nostotHee at Oregon under the Act o f March A, 1871» Forest Subscription Kates Paid in advance One year Six months Three Months , 0 $1.00 .50 .25 On Credit One year Six months Three months T H U R S D A Y , JU N E 21 1017 ” 1 am sorry that you do not wear a flag every day and I can only ask you if you lose the physical emblem to be sure that you wear it in YOUR HKART ; the heart of America shall interpret the heart of the world.” President Wilson. N OTES AND When you are asked to contrib- ute e for the Rpd Crass, remember that if you don’ t “ come across,’ the kaiser may do so. The owner.-» of seveji of the leading barber shops of Portland have announced that the total proceeds of their shops tomorrow- will be given to the Red Cross fund. It’s about time for some of the old timers in the “ Spinster city to take their annual hair-cuts. anyway. One of the hardest workers for Red Cross funds in this part of the state is B. J. Simp-on, ag**nt in this city for the Southern Pa- cific, who, in addition to looking after his job at the depot, has been nursing a sick wife and de- voting from two to six hours per day to the Red Cross campaign, And there are several dozen men and nearly as many women who have backed Mr. Simpson up loyally in his work. When President Wilson asked Oregon to take $8.500,000 of Lib­ erty Load bonds the web-feet re­ sponded by giving him one-third more than asked. This week we are asked to raise $600,000 in the state for the Red Cross and the Express predicts the amount will come to close to a million. Ore­ gon people are patriotic and will in many instances deprive them­ selves of necessities to finance the war and the Red Cross. Forest Grove is naturally a beautiful city, barring a few weed- grown vacant lots, but it needs decorating in the national colors next week. The old soldiers and their ladies represent strong and patriotic military organizations C O M M E N T S that it tiny fall, the Red Cross will carry t h e m b a c k of the trenches and do all that skill and Grove, love and devotion can do to save their lives. Knowing too, thai if a little cross in a foreign land II jo must mark their last resting place, .75 the Red Cross at home will I h * • keeping want from mother, wife' or children. Wherever war makes need, the! ^ Rid Cross serves. The service of the Red Cro s demonstrates above all that we do not brutally tight to beat down and break a foe, but for liberty, not so swayed.by lust of battle that we cast from the and, while they no doubt admire flowers and shrubl>ery, they have a strong liking for flags and bunt­ ing Let this adornment in the national colors extend to the resi­ dences, so that when the visitors go into the residence section for their meals or beds, they need not pass a house that does not carry the stars and stripes. Show your colors, good people. Talk to McCready We have everything with which to build. We bought last fall and we are selling cheap. You will be building a house, barn, silo, auto house or an up-to-date chicken house, and the first comers are going to get the best prices, because we can’ t- buy now for the prices at which we are selling. Our lumber is all dry and we have the best- kept stock in Washington county. for $1.25 a roll. W ater-proof I v O O l i n g paper, $1.75 for 500 feet. Doth just what you want for chicken houses. ^and *,TU‘ 8^ ln*)0* ° ‘ m* r,'*v the Red Cross. Thus, even as America fights, America’s heart thrills in response RED PAIN T at $1 .25 in ones, $1.20 in fives. to the Red Cross appeal and American pocket books open wide. Thus, even as Oregon gives her The Main Street Lumber Yard young merv to the army and navy, she gives her money to the Red Cross that our defenders may be Qefended. Throughout the state the emer­ IF THERE WERE gency appeal of the Red Cross 1 « . NO REI) CROSS has set in motion an army of vol of our Catholic association not avail» Catholics less loyal to their country be- America’s part in the world con- unteer workers that are getting ble for service, viz: 780 Sisters of Char- cause they refuse to uphold the bigotry flict would on y be ruthless war enthusiastic, patriotic, generous ity and 117 Sisters of Mercy, making in such an organization? Is it just to nearly 1000 hospital nurses. What an ask for their money under the cirrum- re-ponse everywhere. fare. amazing exclusion in time of war! stances? Oregon’s dollars are not slacker . During the four years of our Civil war, We would be Js.-nding forth our If ever there was a time when big- forces solely to lay waste, destroy before the Red Cross came into ex- «try should be atam|*«*d out it is Now. People who h ive watched the ¡stance, the Crtholic religious orders The intelligent man and wonum will and kill. unwarrant* d upward t e n d o f were the main dejs-ndence of the Sani- agree with ine. We ahould acorn to For our soldiers and sailors, we prices on foodstuffs are predicting tary Commission. The regulations of countenance anyone who will not rec- would give no evidence of the that, unless congress does some­ the Medical Hoard of the Red Cross, ognize the good in others, lie his creed, concern felt at home for their wel- thing or allows the president 'o which monopolizes all service for army color or race what it may. Fa|>ecially should this intolerance be stam|>ed out fare. do something to -top the price and navy hospital attendance, make it In our selfish clinging to con­ boosting, there i- liable to l»e a impossible for any religious orders to if it interferes with the welfare o f our country. The Stars and Stri|»es stand become Red Cross nurses.” venience, comfort and luxury, we revolution among t h e working They are debarred because of the for Liberty and Union. I,et each of would give no sign of the “ Spi it people of this country. It look- habit or costume worn. No difference us realize what that means, ami strive of ’76’’ or the splendid quality of in the writer that, whether th in g s 1 how sanitary, how convenient, how d e­ for the lilmrty of others as well as our sacrifice that threngthened the are M *erjOU3 a> intimated or not, cent it may tie, it must be abandoned own, and the Union which makes us Copeland & McCready because the soldiers would know the nurses were Catholic. Why not ask the physicians and medical attendants to Karm.nts into an ages. of lords to either work in harmony abandon the pins indicative of their Our dollars would be slackers j w j t | ) | h e p i w i U e n t i n his dwire t„ lodges, etc.? and the sold,er boy you told good- smash the food , rust or r, si Long, long before the Red Cross was bye to, probably would not come ( r o m ,, a r e v o |u ljon born our Catholic orders, ls>th men and women, went to the assistance of the ac again. should come because of the in* sufferers during the terrible flays of the But there i- a Red Cross , action of the senate, th** writer Yellow Fever in the South. And dur- fingers of our women of the civil it is about time for l he cold blood- wares they tore their d e lic a te ^ merabtr, Amer,ca-S hou„. truly brothers. (R E V .) J. It. BUCK. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington county. In 1st matter of tin- Last will md intent of Herb* rt <;. Reelitt, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the untier? signed, executrix o f the Inst Will ami Testament of Herbert G. Hazlitt, deceased, to the creditors and all persons having claims against said estate, to present them, with the net- essary vouchers, within six months from the list** of the first publication o f this notice, viz: the 7th day of June, i917- the undersigned s t the law of America has un-heathed the hopes ihe heads of the senators ing the Civil War, the marvel o f all sword and e!evat* d the Red Cros> ¡will be the first to fall into the our soldiers was the devotion -regard- U n every battlefield, our soldiers „ . > ■ i , t , less of country or creed — o f the “ An- Will not go further than the , , . . , , . gels of the Battlefield, as the Sisters stretcher bearers of the R. d Cross. ula.ol/s , w m ‘ made to ,et lonse of Mercy were called. Even the poor. their holds on the pocketbooks of despised negro found a friend in those will not risk their lives more th e p e o p le , possibly III re o f th em noble Sisters. Avenue. Forest Grove. Oregon, splendidly for o^r liberty than could b u y Liberty bonds a n d con- And now, uhen our country needs ait) tinted at Forest (»rove, Oregon, this the stretcher bearers do fo mercy . , ,„¡1 „ , _ I,, I. . ,r, I so sorely, when the efforts of everyone 7th day of June. 1!*17. trihu e more liberally to the Red . . . . . . . , , BERTHA AGNES HAZI ITT is required, the bigotry of a few seem .. , ' 111 ' } . . r '. Our ally will not love us better r Cross ( _ f (SS » i. .. i , .. . . . . Executrix o f the Last Will and rest- to hamper the good work that might be ament of Herbert 0 . Ha/.litt, deceased. for the strength we give his fight- The Walker Orchestra will be done It debar» the most efficient aid Hollis St Graham. ing arm than the healing we lay from the ranks of the helpers. Are 22-5t Attorneys for Executrix pretty badly scattered Saturday, as Mr and Mrs. C . L. Walker are at Brownsville, playing for the annual reunion of the Linn county Pioneers, Sam Walker will be playing for a fiance at Yocault, to Wash., and Raleigh goes to Yarn- him to play for a dance. L a d ie s ’ Low Round Trip Fares Sample Line of New Fall Sweaters Just received a line o f Sample Sweaters, for Ladies and Misses—the very newest models, with the big square collar, belt and pockets. Beautiful colorings, no two alike. Just the thing for autoing, camping, the beach, street wear and the cool summer even­ ings. They are marked to sell at wholesale prices— A Saving of $1.50 to $5.00 ( Men’s Sweaters Included ) Come in and try them on. No trouble to Show Goods. C. E. Roy & Co., Gents’ Furnishings One Door East o f Capíes & Co. FOREST GROVE To get the most salable fruit it is necessary that the trees be kept we l l s p r a y e d . Get your Ar-enate of Lead for the next -praying at Littler’s Pharmacy. THE PUBLIC PULSE EASTERN DESTINATIONS On Salt* via California Many dates’ in June, July, August and September. Liberal Stopovers - Limit Three Months. * ■ • An Explanation Forest Grove, Ore., June 19, 1917. To the Editor of The Forest Grove Express: Many people have wondered and ' some have asked why the movement in favor o f the Red Cross funds in not re­ ceiving the co-operation o f Catholics. | In order, therefore, that we may not be misjudge*!, I would appreciate it very much if you would print this letter. Catholics generally, feel that they cannot give their sup|s>rt to any move­ ment which so flagrantly ignores them, as the following will show: Mrs. Bellamy Storer, president of the Catholic Women’s Association, (a niece o f ax-president Roosevelt,) in a letter to "A m e rica ,” tells how the as­ sociation is affiliated with the National League for Woman’s Service, with its ! object “ to work for our country in its hour o f need.*’ The League co-operates with the Red Cross and Mrs. Storer, | ; telling of the great work done, con­ tinues: . “ In all this work there is one branch ......... - . ■» . .. . . Enjoy a Beach Outing Trip at Newport or Tillamook B E A C H E S MANY ATTRACTIONS AND DIVERSIONS Round Trip Fares on Sale Every Day — Return Oct. 31. Also Week-end on Sale Saturday and Sunday, Return Monday. For information ask our local agent. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore Southern Pacific Lines