WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK FRUIT TO HAVE PLACE OVERSUBSCRIBE LOAN Food Controller Says President Must Have Full A uthority to Regulate Price* and F reight Service. S u rp lu s C ertain to lie $700.000.000 and May Reach $000,000,(MM. NEW OFFENSIVE GERMANS flETREAT IN MESSINES REGION W ashington, I). C. Secretary Mc- Adoo announced Monday th at no part of the g reat over-aubacription to the W ashington, I). C. — *'I feel confi­ liberty loan would be accepted, and dent the fru it and vegetables of the Brief Resume Most Important N orthw est, when ready for shipm ent, Duma Orders Troops to Attack tliMt his statem en t of May 10, in which British Patrols Are Harassing he declared th a t the issue would be will In* moved prom ptly,” said Senator j lim ited to $ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 sto o d good On Eastern Front at Once. Daily News Items. Enemy Continually. now as then. McNary Monday night, a fte r dining Mr. McAdoo's announcement will with H erbert C. Hoover, prospective I result in (taring down hundreds of the Federal Food adm inistrator. larger subscriptions until the total ‘‘From my talk w ith Mr. Hoover 1 j reaches the $2,000,000,000 lim it. How learned th at a fte r congress passes the I much will have to be taken from the pending food control bill, the P re sid e n t' I amount the country offered to take was and Mr. Hoover, working together, un-j still an unknown quantity Monday. der th at law and under the recently | Prolonged Inactivity Along F iring Line The over-aubacription will not fall be- Recent Offensive Was Moat Nurcc«*ful E vents of Noted People. Governm ents enacted preferential shipm ent law, j low $700,000,000, it seemed certain will have absolute authority to compel is Considered Treason Expelling and Pacific N orthw est and O ther Attack Yet Mude. Say* Ornerai ! and may go as high as $000,000,000. the railroads to carry perishable food of Germ an Agent Ratified. Things W orth Knowing. In disposing of re|s>rts that the amount Maurice L ohm - m Very Low. products, and it is their purpose, so of the issue m ight be enlarged to in­ Mr. Hoover assured me, to see th at clude all offers, Mr. McAdoo Issued these products are moved w ithout de­ th e following statem ent: la y .” Petrograd, via London—The Duma, Sixty-nine alleged slackers from London A dispatch to R eu ter's T el­ "A llotm ents of liberty bonds will Y ears ago when Mr. Hoover went to in secret session, has adopted a resolu­ W estern W ashington are taken before J Oregon to assist in planting the first not l>e made in excess of the $2,000,- egram company Saturday from head- the Federal grand jury at S eattle to prune orchard in the state, he became tion for an im m ediate offensive L»y the 000,000 offered. I a n n o u n c e d this on i q u arters in France says: anw er to a charge of failure to regis­ acquainted w ith Charley McNary, ami Russian troops. "T h e enem y’s withdrawal in the vi- May 10, when the details of the loan The resolution declares a se|>arate w ere fin,t published, te r for conscription. I cinity of Messines ridge is extending the two later m et a t college, but until The ” 1 have asked the Reserve banks to somewhat fa rth er southward. All m eetings of the N ational Ger­ Monday they had not seen each other peace or prolonged inactivity on the German heavy shells are generally re ­ b attle front to be ignoble treason to- tabulate separately, and on supple­ m an-American ’ Alliance and of the j for 20 years. ward R ussia's allies. m entary lists, the nutwcriptionM re­ ported uh falling at the aXtrWM rang'', Wisconsin and Milwaukee branches Mr. H oover invited Senator McNary | The first m eeting of the Pan-R ussian! ceived in the afternoon, June 15, in which means th at the enemy has w ith­ have been indefinitely suspended be- to dine w ith him, and th is afforded the ‘!*8 councils of workmen order that I may b» in a position to drawn his big guns ss far as |M>w*ible, cause of the w ar w ith Germany. senator opportunity to learn much of conKrt- and soldiers’ delegates, upon the vote consider, in m aking allotm ents of the short of actually putting them out of He first inquired of which depends the im m ediate des­ More than $30,000,000 is involved in Mr. Hoover’s plans. $2,000,000,000 of bonds, th<*te applica­ action. a first m ortgage filed w ith County Re­ about the outlook for m arketing the tiny of Russia, both international and tions, which through no fault of the "T h e B ritish contact patrols are corder E. T. S tew art a t Globe, A riz., perishable products of Oregon and the dom estic questions, was held here subacriber were not recorded on time. harassing the enemy as much as possi­ N orthw est, and was fully reassured by ” this week by representatives of the " I t is impossible to foretell what ble ami the artillery is m aintaining a Mr. Hoover said he ‘ Councils y’ American Sm elting & Refining com- w hat he learned. throughout the em pire and not only appreciated the food value of the arm ies a t the front have sent dele- decision will lw> reached in this m atter steady bombardment of his new |aisi- pan.v. or to determ ine the basis u | k < ii which tions. ” fru its and vegetables and the impor- ’[ Im portant sections of the German allotm ents will he made until substan­ Vessels arriv in g a t S eattle from ta n t part they play in the diet, but he ga tes. The congress will organize a large tially definite returns have been re­ i front between the Lys river and St. Jap a n report an enormous am ount of knew the im portance of shipping shipbuilding there. The three largest these products prom ptly when they num ber of sections on the sj>ecial ques­ ceived from the several Federal Re­ ! Ives have been abandoned by the G er­ tions of labor, peasantry, finance, in­ The organizations of mans, it ia announced officially. shipyards in Jap a n have received ripen. ___ ______ Senator McNary showed Mr. dustry, food, nationalities, the local serve banks. these banks, unusually efficient as they ' B ritish troo|is followed the re tre a t­ enough orders to keep them"busy for Hoover telegram s indicating th at the (,HVc been overwhelmed by the ing Germans closely and made consid­ th ree years a t least. fruitgrow ers are much disturbed, and governm ent, which will d ra ft reports for the consideration of the whole con- m ultitude of applications received at erable progress at of Ploegsteert F ifty Salt Lake idlers are seized by th eir Prices affected by the prevailing gress. The v ital questions are the na- the last moment. " wood. local police and sent to Garfield, where uncertainty, but Mr. Hoover gave pos­ tional attitu d e toward the w ar and the j ______________________ _ The Messines offensive was the most they were compelled to accept work at itiv e assurance th at this apprehension E latio n of the revolutionary demo­ successful attack which the B ritish will be groundless if congress grants $2.50 a day w ith a construction com- RUSSIA IS PLEDGED TO U. S. have yet made, every single objective cracy to the coalition government. pany which is engaged in m ining work the President authority which he has ; It is expected the congress will em ­ th at was marked in the prelim inary asked to regulate food distribution. for the government. phasize a demand for the cessation of Klihu Root and Party Anaured War plans having been attained, said Major j the war, but will declare against a General F. H. Maurice, chief director The Geneva correspondent of the Will Continue to Victory. The newspapers of of m ilitary operations at the war offi­ P aris Journal Des Debats telegraphs FOOD SAVINC PLAN IS BEGUN separate peace. ; the Bolsheviki ex trem ist wing are Petrograd -A stirrin g proclamation ce, in his weekly talk with the Associ­ th a t form er King Constantine, of Greece, may not stop at Lugano, as it To Enlist Housewiqes of C ountry in clam oring for the congress to condemn placing the council of workmen and ated Press. Comparing this assault the governm ent and proclaim for the soldiers’ delegates on record as irre- with the Somme battle. General M aur­ had been reported he would do, but go Science o f Conservation. im m ediate tran sfer of all power to voeably op(>oaed to separate peace was ice stated th at the B ritish gained on d irec t to Baden, the famous health re­ workmen and peasants. j adopted by the council Sunday. The the first ilay more than twice the W ashington, D. C. — P relim inary so rt in Germany. The first act of the Pan-Russian con­ proclam ation was prompted by Aus- ground captured in the first four days work of organizing the country’s Employes of the E ast Helena, Mont., housewives into a g re a t food conserva­ gress was to ra tify the expulsion by trian efforts to lure Russia into a sep- of the great conflict along the Somme, sm elter of the American Sm elting & tion army was started by H erbert C. the provisional governm ent of the arate peace. while the B ritish casualties at Mcg- Refining company were notified re­ Hoover Tuesday. Swiss Socialist, R obert Grimm, who is gines, using the same periods for com- Petrograd — " T h e Russian people j cently of a voluntary increase in pay Actual registration of the women reported to have been the medium o f 25 cents per day, to prevail as long will not begin until July 1, but Mr. ; through which the Germans attem pted consider war inevitable and will con­ they were in the Somme fighting. He The Russians have no im- ' said the victory was due to the super­ as the sale price of lead is $11 a hun­ Hoover is now organizing his staff to to arrange a separate peace w ith Rus­ tinue it. perialistic wishes. We know th at you iority of the B ritish artillery and air dredw eight or over. carry out the work. Operation of the j sia. have none. We shall fight together service. Grim m 's case was taken up imme­ plan will lie in the hands of four main Gold am ounting to '$22,000,000 was to secure liberty, freedom and happi­ Rem arking th at the B ritish suc­ received by J. P. Morgan & Co. at divisions— an advisory council of wo­ diately afte r the delegates had elected ness for all the world. I am happy to as th eir president N. C. Tcheidse, cesses were steadily growing g reater. men, an advisory council of househosld New York Wednesday for the account say th at I do not see any moral idea ! o f G reat B ritain from O ttaw a, Canada. economy experts, a com m ittee on v o l-1 president of the Petrograd council of or factor between America and Russia General Maurice added: workm en’s and soldiers’ delegates. " We still have the undeveloped re ­ untary service and the women’s section j This is the first gold im portation since to divide us. We two fieoples— Rus­ sources of A meric* behind us, which the interruption of the m ovement al­ of the Council of National Defense and i Members of the American commis­ sia fighting tyranny and America ; gives us complete confidence in the fu- sion devoted Saturday to inform al con­ sta te defense councils. m ost two months ago. standing as the oldest democracy— to re ” ferences with prom inent Russians. Actual adm inistration will be along * The B ritish tran sp o rt Cameronian, five lines—dom estic science instruc­ Elihu Root, head of the mission, met hand in hand will show the way of w ith a small num ber of troops on tion, publicity, supervision of m em ber­ Alexander J. Guchkoff, chief of the happiness to nations g re at and sm all." These ringing words, expressing the PROHIBITORY TAX DECIDED board, was torpedoed and sunk by an ship, development of state relations 1 m unition bureau. attitu d e of the Russian government enem y subm arine in the E astern Medi­ and co-operation of organizations. toward America and the American Effect Will Be to Suspend Distilling. terran ean on June 2, it was officially Motion pictures will tie used, Mr. CAN WIN WAR WITH FLYERS mission, headed by Elihu Root, were announced a t London. S ixty-three Hoover announced, to teach food con-1 Senate Committee is Told. ________ voiced by M. Terschtenko, m inister of persons, including the captain of the servation measures and the elim ination W ashington, D. C.—A prohibitory transport, are presumed to have been of food waste. Voluntary offers of Marconi Says 100,000 American Aero­ foreign affairs, responding for the tax on foodstuff» used in m aking bev­ council of m inisters to Mr. Root's erages, tentatively agreed to last week drowned. planes Would Mean Victory. service have been accepted from the address of sym pathy and good will on The B ritish m inistry of shipping has national association of the motion pict- C h ieag o -A n im m ortal entered the the part of the American government. by th«; senate finance com m ittee, was still fu rth er increased Saturday ami issued a w arning to possible charterers ure industry and from its allied organ- reception room of the McCormick resi- then was formally w ritten into the of shipping a fte r the w ar th a t " th e y izations, the Associated Motion Piet- dence Sunday and genially inquired: Praise of Kaiser Ordere«!. war tax bill. The new ra te is $00 a can have no assurance th a t national re­ ure Advertisers. !“ Which is the gentlem an w ith whom quirem ents will perm it such a rra n g e -' Mr. Hoover announced plans for en- j am (,ave t(,e pleasure of an inter- I Amsterdam, via London — The Ber- j hundred pounds instead of $20 a bush- lin new spaper Vorw aerts reprints a ,.(( and representatives of the d istillers m ents. ” This w arning is interpreted listing the aid of the country’s sum m er j V j e w v > > as indicating th a t the governm ent an­ schools in teaching household econom -1 ^ reporter answered th e call, ! circular from the Prussian m inister of declare it unquestionably would lie ef- ticip ates being obliged to continue to ics. Through the schools Mr. Hoover th ri(]ed at standing face to face with education addressed to all school teHch- J fective in forcing suspension of the control shipping a fte r the war. expects to reach some 200,000 teach- Marconi, despite the effort of the ill us- ers in Germany w arning them ag ain st d istilling industry. The section aH ap- I "enemy ag e n ts” in our midst trying to proved also prohibits im|K.rtation of K ing Victor Emmanuel, of Italy, ers, who will return in the autum n to tr j0U8 scientist to place him a t his ! sow d istru st between the German peo- d iHtilled beverages. about 125,000 communities. L ater ease> Signor Marconi was not well, has accepted the resignations of The circular O ther liquor tax increases were ap­ of and wa8 possible th a t he m ight not pie and th eir em p ero r." General Alfieri, under-secretary of the plan contem plates the teaching oCblic T * [KT " ' e S T "u urges th at all th e teachers constantly proved by the com m ittee virtually food conservation in every p u b lic1 P ^ ' c | be able to continue through the whole h(*(J hef()IX> the eye8 of the rh i,dre' sta te for war, and Signor Canepa, w ithout change from the house sch«?d- Tall, under-secretary for agriculture. He school in the nation and in most of the ^ u r Df tj,e Italian com m ittee. college;-:. 1 8|ender> more French in appearance the em peror’s g reat m erits and the na­ ules. The m anufacturers tax of 5 per has appointed General Alfieri under tio n ’s indebtedness to him and the cent on athletic goods, cam eras, patent than Iatlian, the inventor of wireless Hohenzollern fam ily .” secretary for arm s and m unitions; j Forest Fire Under Control. medicines, perfum eries ami cosmetics j telegraphy stood stra ig h t as an arrow, General Montanari under-secretary for \ V orw aerts characterizes the circular was reduced to 2 per cent, and a sub­ O jai, Cal.— D evastating brush fires Speaking officially on the p art th at w ar, and Deputy Mario Cerm enati j s titu te tax on scalpers’ sales of tick ets which swept an area of about 50 square sc;ence ha8 played in the war, he said as the " lim it of blunder.” under-secretary for agriculture. was adopted, m aking the ra te from 5 miles the first three days of this week “ The airplane is an enormous factor in Ex-Congressman is Held. The decree ordering the shutting off were reported under control Wednes- ^ ¡ g conflict and will, I believe, grow to 50 per cent instead of 50 per cent o f gas for 13 hours daily has caused day night, a fte r property dam age es­ even more decisive. Clarion, F a.—The arrest of Clarence flat. The income, excess profits and The United •consternation in Paris, where m a n y ! tim ated at $300,000 had been done and S tates will be looked to for this con­ D. Vanduzer, congressman from Ne­ publishers’ taxes will he taken up a t industries are dependent on gas for three had died from shock or exhaus­ tribution in a g re a t measure. It will vada, ex-United S tates attorney and once. The com m ittee now hopes to lig h t and power. tion. The dead: E. Velenzuela, Mrs. require an hundred thousand flying m a­ ex-speaker of the Nevada legislature, present the redrafted bill in the senate chines to subordinate the other m eth­ and of J. ElHon Smith, of (Larson City, early next week. The U nited S tates Steel Corporation Frances Maroquin and Miss Sawyer. A boy and a woman each suffered a ods of war to the a ir fighting; 10,000 Nev., in connection w ith the sale of Wednesday announced it had taken an China Fare* Civil War. additional $25,000,000 of the liberty broken leg while trying to escape from would help m ightily, but they could $2000 worth of m ining stock to resi- Fekin—President Li Yuan H ung’s not settle the w ar; 100,000, I think dents of Clarion county was announced bonds, m aking a total of $50,000,000 the flames. here Monday. The two men are al­ unconditional method af dism issing One of the heroic actions of the fire would. subscrilied by this corporation. , was the dash made by four men in an " I f an overwhelm ing force of air- leged ot have sold stock in a gold mine parliam ent is strongly condemned in A rthur W. Copp, superintendent of automobile through five miles of burn­ plances could be m ustered so th a t the which was found to be nothing more the Southern provinces where attem p ts th e Souhtern division of the Associat­ ing brush to W heeler Hot Springs, 18 are being made to am algam ate for the enemy fliers would be driven from the than a hole in the ground. e d Press, died in W ashington, D. C., ! miles from Ojai, to learn w hether purpose of offering m ilitary resistance. air, they would be helpless in ranging Monday of a com plication of diseases, more than 100 visitors at the resort Allien to R ecruit in U. S. It is believed there«that th e pres’d e n t’s and directing artillery , and would, of a fte r a lingering illness. He was 49 were safe. All communication with course, be at an incalculable disadvan­ W ashington, D, C. — Monday the action will precipitate civil war. The years old. the resort had been cut off. W ar departm ent prom ulagted regula­ Fekin Gazette, which has been a sup­ tage. ’ ’ ________________ _ tions under which recruiting can be porter of the president, now strongly German language instruction, ex­ Americans Go to Front. Mine Hero is Buried. carried on in the United S tates by the denounces him, saying he is using the cept to students of chem istry, has been P aris—Two hundred and seventy vol­ Butte, Mont.— Manus Duggan, called agents of the allied governments, country for his own ends. abandoned for the period of the w ar by th e faculty of the Cleveland, O., Case unteers left the headquarters of the the hero of the N orth B utte Mining which seek to enroll th eir own citizens Z apata Peace Rumored. School of Applied Science. French American Field Service for the front com pany’s d isaster of last week, be­ now residents in this country. United S tatesjrecru itin g stations were ordered El Faso, Texas -G overnm ent agents during last week, m aking altogether will be substituted. here Saturday night received a report 1500 men actually serving with the cause through his efforts the lives of to give all assistance possible. The Spanish torpedo-boat No. 6 French or American ambulances or 25 m iners were saved, was buried here from Mexico City th a t the Zapata Japanese D estroyer Hit. W ednesday morning discovered the in training camps within the army Saturday. The funeral was one of the brothers had accepted the peace term s G erm an subm arine U-52 disabled from zone. Tokio— While Japan destroyers were offered by the government and had larg est ever held in Butte. gunshots which had struck her en­ Three hundred Americans are in the Duggan, a fte r bulkheading an entry attack in g a subm arine in the M editer­ agreed to quit th eir revolutionary cam ­ gines. The subm arine was towed into newly organized transport branch. The which resulted in the saving of the ranean on June 11, the destroyer Saka- paign in the m ountains of Morelos, Cadiz and stripped of her w ireless ap­ field service has 700 cars and hundreds lives of his companions, becam e lost ki was torpedoed and damaged, says a fte r more than six years of guerilla paratus. more have been ordered. w arfare. an official announcement. and was overcome w ith gas. COMPILED FOR YOU TO STAND BY ALLIES ABANDON GREAT LINE