Willis Goff, jr , is spending a Heat it. beat it, little car; few days in Portland. How I wonder what you are? Mrs. H. R. KautTman was a Climbing all the hills on high, Portland visitor Saturday. Passing all the others by. Miss Florence Littler attended For the Boy or Girl. As it passed the first man cussed. the Portland Rose show today. While the second merely fussed ; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Newton of Washington are visiting at the But the last man said. “Oh, say. It won’t stop it’s a Chevrolet." It is astonishing how fast A. E. Scott home. money will pile up when it is Work has been started on a Advt) new residence for Willis Goff on set to working and the inter­ Third avenue south. George Hancock is cutting his est works faithfully day. night .. , r> . clover and reports a fine crop. Mrs Charles Roe a n d son, ^ and Sunday, rain or shine, Bruce, are taking in the Rose A. J. Demorest. cashier of the compounded every six months. Festival at Portland. First National bank, is sporting a Certificates of Deposit, bear­ Miss Marcella Richards spent ,H.", *'UXon ¿,ar' . . . George Hancock and family ing 4 per cent interest and se­ Thursday and Friday in Portland cured by its entire assets, are and attended the wedding of a M otored } ? McMinnville f o r a friend. Sunday visit. issued by this bank. J. E. Loomis and family de- We furnish repairs for Deering, parted this morning by auto for Champion, Osborne. Milwaukee Eastern Oregon for a short visit. and John Deere binders and mow­ R. G. Ott, late of Hood River, ers. Goff Bros, Forest Grove. has accepted an engineering job at Forest Grove, Ore. The new curve-cut, form-fitting the laundry and has moved to this collars for men just received by city. John Anderson, the here-to-stay merchant. The latest thing out. j The Washington county Fife and Drum corps is adding melody Miss Beth Sexton will next to the patriotic parade in Portland week enter the training depart­ today. ment of the Good Samaritan hos­ Will Dunsmore of Portland vis­ pital, Portland, to take a course “ A Strong Bank in a Good Town” ited here Wedne-day and Thurs­ in nursing. day with Mr. and Mrs. R. C Miss Martha Allen is home Hill, on his way to Southern Cali­ from Monmouth for her summer fornia, where he will work for a CONDENSED NEWS NOTES vacation. She is accompanied by surveying company Miss Alice Thompson, who comes ....... n . Arsenate of Lead for the next for a short visit. . . . » ^ , * 1 » «• Tillamook ami Miss Myrtle Porter of tnis city spraying at Littler s Pharmacy. William Lasham, Tom Todd, were united in marriage bv Judge Misses Grace McFadden and Eugene Dopp and John Frost, W. I>. Smith at Hillsboro last Ethel Johnson of Hillsboro visited who are enlisted in Uncle Sam’s Saturday. The bride has been naval forces at Bremerton, are teaching in the Tillamook dis- Dulcina Brown Sunday. home for a short visit. trict for the past year. John Miller, on his way from To get the most salable fruit Marvin Ellsworth, the two- California to his Canadian home, it is necessary that the trees be year-old son of Mr and Mrs. A. stopped a few’ days at the E. C. kept we l l s p r a y e d . Get your Wescott of West Dairy, passed Brown home. Arsenate of Lead for the next away Sunday, after a short illness, For Trade or Sale—One 5-acre spraying at Littler’s Pharmacy. and the funeral services were held tract just outside Albany. Walk Word comes from Mrs W. M. at the Hillside church Tuesday, and fine road past place. All de­ Semones that the doctor had a at 11 a. m., Rev. R. L. Putnam livery wagons every day. Also successful operation in a Chicago officiating, Next week is Red Cross week, house and lot in town. Give full hospital for the removal of cata- racts from both eyes. He expects the following week we have the particulars. Ralph D. Lamb, to he back at Santa Barbara, G. A. R., W. R. C and Indies of Albany, Ore. 2t* Calif., by the end of the month, j the G. A. R. and the Firemen’- carnival. Then we have a social lull until July 7th, when the Chautauqua opens. After that comes the Washington County Fair. Last Monday evening’s Port­ land Journal carried a picture of a number of the young men in the Engineers’ Corps, including sortie of the Forest Grove recruits, who have been notified to prepare to go to American I^ake for prac­ tical training The Masonic bodies of Oregon are holding their state meetings in Portland this week. O. S. Higby was delegate to the Royal Arch branch, L. M. Graham and A. E Scott represented Holbrook lodge and Mesdames E. E Williams and M. J. Abbott were delegates to the Eastern Star. * Prof Wm. M. Proctor of Los Altoes, California, who formerly taught at Pacific University ar­ We have done valuable experimental and rived Tuesday to spend a few designing work, with the result that the rlays before going to teach for the summer in the University of Wy­ average number of miles to the gallon of oming. During his stay there gasoline is unusually high and the tire Mrs. Procter and children will be i n Seattle with Mr. Proctor’s mileage is also unusually high. mother. The family will be back in California next winter. gf Proper weight, construction and spring Sherman E. Ober. aged 55 years, and a resident ofNehalem. passed suspension are responsible for this marked away at the home of Mrs. S. L. change in automobile efficiency. Phillips, in this city last Sunday morning, enlargement of the heart being the cause of dissolution. Mr. Ober was born in New York state and came to Oregon six years ago. He had been in a Distributors for Washington County Portland hospital about a month FOREST GROVE, ORE. before coming to this city, three weeks ago, and his friends had given up hope of his recovery. He was a widower and is survived by one son, Harold, who, with his wife, Monday accompanied the remains to Jackson, New York, for burial. Start an Account First National Bank Chevrolet.. Automobile manufacturing is no longer a question of making a dependable motor car. Economy to the owner in operating expense is the important thought. WILES & S0HLER Let HAZELNUT A t Srhults a Phone 061 BUTTER YOUR BREAD Christian Church Next Lord's day is Children’s Day in the Bible School. We hoped to give a big program in the evening, but on ac­ count of so many children leaving the city we are forced to give it up. A short program will be rendered in the morning at the 11 o'clock service. You are invited to hear a few songs, recita­ tions and a talk by the pastor. , The subject for the evening service: "The Fool’s Religion.” R. L. PUTNAM. Pastor. FARMERS, Take Notice! WE WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR Binder Twine at the following prices, for two weeks, or until June 20th. We only have a limited amount bought, so first come first served. Clover Leaf, 650 ft. - 21c; Portland price Diamond Manilla, 600 ft., 20c; Portland price Standard, 500 ft. - - 18c; Portland price ’ 25c 24c 22c We furnish REPAIRS for Deering, Champ­ ion, Osborne, Milwaukee and John Deere Bind­ ers and Mowers. Buy a “ Florence” Oil Stove and make . your Wife Happy. GOFF BROS. Foretti Grove, Ore Phone 683 The Pacific Market for GOOD MEATS, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables TRY OUR Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c C. H. GIGUERE, Prop. Phone 0301 You'll enjoy mowing the lawn if you get the easy-adjusting, light-running “ Eclipse” mower. Adjusted by a single thumb-screw and is self sharpening. See it at the Gordon Hardware Store. Money to loan- Valley Realty Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Miss Nellie Brown, returning 1 from Columbia University to her | home in Tacoma, Wash., visited I relatives here last week. Firemen’s Carnival JUNE 26 to 30, inclusive Foley & Burk Shows AUSPICES The Forest Grove Fire Dep’t CLEAN, MERITORIOUS ATTRACTIONS BIG FREE ACT Every Afternoon and Night! Dog & Pony Circus UTILE WILD PEOPLE 0-2 Big Eli FERRIS WHEEL Siamese TWIN GIRLS Born Grown Together Beautiful a Thriller Merry-Go- Round Newlyweds and Snookums, Dog and Monkey Hotel Big Circus Side Show, Loretta, the Armless Wonder, and Many Other Attractions of Merit 5 - Big Days and Nights -- 5