lA glanced askance at t raven. Tills Inst turned to his betrothed with a star­ tled gesture and lips that gaped. Pe­ ter Traft alone betrayed no tihiborttuil emotion. Grinning cheerfully, he watched tin- two women, absorbed In ouch other— Lydia finding hrenth enough for the protest, “ But, Mrs. Merrilees, you mustn't I" the other con­ Bays ylaae of Hot water with SYNOPSIS.— A well-bred young Knglishwotnnn, nervous and sus­ firming her Intention with im emphatic phosphate before breakfast picious, finds when she boards the steamer Alsatia, bound from Liv­ nod and the statement, “ But I've made washes out poison*. erpool to New York, that her stateroom mate is Mrs. Amelia Beggar* up my mind, dear; so you muy us well stnff, a fascinating, wealthy American widow o f nbout sixty years. give me my head. Besides, you prom­ By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE The girl introduces herself us Lucy Carteret and says she is going to ised always to call me Betty.” To ace tho tinge of healthy bloom = = = tub« W —. ■ — ------ America to meet her father. Lucy's behavior puzzles Mrs. Beggar- Locking the metui box. she rose. In your face, to sec your akin get clear­ TMI LONE WOU.“ THE UAU SOWL.” stalt, who is vastly surprised to find the girl in possession of a mag­ “ Come, Tati. I owe my appetite five er and clearer, to wake up without u Eta. nificent necklace, stolen from a museum some time previously and more laps round the deck before lunch­ headache, backache, coated tongue or passes the news on to her friend. Quoin, a private detective on board. f »fTrifbl by eon. Peter, please take this back to I m m JawfE V im Lucy, dressing in the dark In her stateroom, hears a mysterious con­ the purser and get his receipt. If u nasty breath, in fact to fe d your versation between two men Just outside her window and recognizes you're nfruld, Lydln'll go along to pro­ heat, day in and day out, Just try in­ one of them us Thaddeus Craven, her father, whom she hasn’t seen C H A P T E R V I. side bathing every morning for one tect you." for five years. She confesses to Mrs. BeggnrstnfT that she Is In reality "W hat becomes of me?" Quoin do- week. Lydia Craven. The girl discovers her father and young Mrs. Mer- “ Thor«?, Peter," announced Mrs. Ileg- tuatided with mock truculence, Before breakfast each day, drink a rlleos, a charming widow, eugaged to be married. Mrs. Merrilees is garstaIf, “ there goes a very happy “ You're to walk the other side of gloss of real bot water with a tea- bewildered for a moment because Craven had always posed as a g ir l!” Her amazing complacency would lue," the Indy ordered iiiiis*rlously. spoonful of limestone phosphate In it bachelor, but she and I.ydla like one another. Craven tells Lydia he have suited a fairy godmother gloat­ “ and help mo mnke Tad behave." as u harmless means of wushlug from secretly represents the British government In the United States. ing over some signal beneficence. Craven breathed heavily. "Whether the stomach, liver, kldueys and bowels Bast the deck chair in which she I like It or not— " With n last reluc­ the previous day's Indigestible waste, was reclining, with l’eter Traft at her j tant glance at (he treasure box, he sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, Peter started and batted his eyes. Indy wunts to ask you something.” ' side, arm In arm, Lydia Craven and rose and somewhat sulkily prepared sweetening and purifying the entire Eh?“ he inquired stupidly. Mrs. Merrilees were striding briskly In a lower tone bo added, “ You're the to obey orders. alimentary eunul before putting more “ What do you think?“ aft. Hare color warmed the face of best little diplomat ever, i'll be grate­ food into the stomach. The action of "Ah— about what?" Craven's daughter, mirth danced in her f ful ns long as I live." And rising with hot water and limestone phosphate on eyes, a smile edged the pretty lips | “ Good heavens!” Craven exploded the sunniest o f smiles, lie drew up an empty stomach Is wonderfully In­ What do you think about thla from which the breeze caught a snatch a full. deep note o f exasperation, chairs for Lydia and Quoin. vigorating. It cleuns out all the sour man Quoin? la he strictly on o f laughter as musical us singing glass, ‘Here 1 sit yammering nt you— fermentations, gases and acidity and yes, Mrs. Merrilees?" the detective the level— or do you suspect him "Sorry." said Peter. “ Fact Is -I inquired, taking the place at her side. gives one a splendid appetite for hreak- and bore it to the ears of her two of connection with the profes­ fust. know Mrs. Merrilees won't mind being devoted admirers. Peter uml I have been bickering sional smuggler« aboard? A quarter pound of limestone phos­ let into my confidence on the ground “L'm-hm," Peter assented indistinct about you." tlie lady fibbed brazenly. phate will cost very little at the drug ly between teeth gripping the mouth- Uoor fact is, 1 m lu love with your Are you, or ure you not. wasting your store but Is sufficient to demonstrate piece o f his pipe. Basking in the j daughter. Tud. And Quota's talking brilliant talents on my devoted trail?” (TO m ; c o N t j n u k i ».) that Just us soap and hot water warmth o f a late Supteniher sun. as t0 her. J^o, naturally. Pm sick with Quoin looked puzzled. “ Something cleanses, sweetens and freshens the lazily content as any cat, Peter ! Jealousy, on your conscience?" lie udvunccd ten- skin, so hot water and limestone phos­ watched the girls swing down the deck phate act on the blood and Internal or- and disappe: Only by Accident Oid Healdcnta of guns. Those who ure subject to con­ stipation, bilious attacks, acid stom- ture. Th Apartment In Dig City Discover nch. rheumatic twinges. also those observe, Neighbor la Old Friend. whose skin Is sallow and complexion all the- _____ . . _ pallid, are assured that one week of “ Why not?" the Dowager Dragon gratuitous lover unless bored or ao- vised—don't!” Tw o boisterous children romping ip Inslde-hathlng will have them both demanded with asperity. "Didn't I u,d'uppy. | "W hy?" Mrs. Merrilees pouted. the halls of u large uptown apartment looking and feeling better In every discover who she was and bring her ( I Weu why bother me with your “ Why not. if, as IV ier would say. 1 house In New York met a middle aged way. and Tad together? That's why she's 'lovesick va p o rs;' ran get uway with It?" man and forcibly drugged him into the happy, if you must know— not because " e l l , 1 wanted to see how msty “ i f for no more moral reason " said library, where they p;\wveded to “ play you've fallen head over heels in love >OUl' cut up. Besides, Mrs. Beggar- the detective seriously, “ because it horse” with him by riding on Ids hnek with the girl mid moon around after has discovered my hideous se- can't be done. The customs people are while he galloped around the room on her like a stray puppy looking for a cret- and Is now busy or about to laying for you." ills hands and knees. good home." j distributing handbills. ^ | “ They'll be disappointed." and $2.50 per m onth They made so much noise that mem­ “ Ouch!” said Peter pensively, and Can t you shut her up? “ I km’t deceive yourself. Everym an Huy« a W)xli*i ft. lut. i»Hc«t» from $flo UiflOO. w ith ­ bers o f the family opened the door and replaced the pipe. ! *a" forbids cruel and inhuman j on f orce g nows WM your agent in a f«-w m ln utr«' walk o f th « huaim*»* rrn trr o f 1 looked In. With the two children still With a grim snifT, the Dowager punishments. Besides, I m not sure who s e c r e t l y purchased that three-hun- clinging to his buck with all their might Dragon withdrew momentarily into 1 want tler hushed. 1 m not ashamed fired thousand franc pcarl-aud-dlu- ( —they wouldn’t let go— the mail stood deep thought. “ Have you asked her t*lt> f act- and I let the 1 eggarstuff niond collar at Cottier’s In Purls.1 i up and bowed. alone, sooner or later she or someone H«*n horse did they discover lie wus their Transcript tion.' * , good— when every blessed drop of near neighbor. “ The weed intuition flourishes only j so intolerably stupid whe I with me." Such Is life in New York apart mem*. in the well-known sex. Man. possessed ' time recovered, fixed blood in me cries out against the sin­ itT ir o in r t.o e n n c tn n o o I o n n o lii * « ___ ful extravagance o f paying duty on— o f brain, reasons to a logical conclu- J her with a reproving glance. “ Uttered (bjg , New Gun Shoots Both Ways. sion ; woman— km !—shuts her lovely he An army officer has Invented a gun eyes, sticks a pin through the card, in the presence of a third partj, **c | opening the dispatch box, she re- said severely, "slander is act ona > i. njoved „ handsome Jewel case of which shoots both ways nt the same and if the perforated horse wins. claims her choice wus dictated by a ' I,’re,y h '1U! ' j U n r infatuated' ad- ~ralned morocco, unlocked this In turn, time. The purpose o f this arrange­ mysterious denied nl' 1 s as e , _ i " _ _ ' ^ ... ---------- and disclosed that same necklace ment Is not to fight the enemy In tlie o ixri i faculty u L u i i > U c i i i t r i i to L U l man. i J u i J . The 1 lit ( L f * i n ft ?! i word itself is a sort of abracadabra. ' ancef ' 5°!\. UT . , h„ . „ ..n,i then get wh,ch ^ ,Ioln had Just named, watch- front and the rear at once, hut to elimi­ at mere mention of which fools faint fy rat on e ’ ' . e banns__ ln? with a smile of gratified vanity nate the recoil, and thus to save the nn,i «•!«» man niimh tran« » « * * because I don t forbid the banns— the effect on her four friend* time required in bringing the gun back and wise men climb trees. , ., At length. “ Sixty thousand dollars?” Into position for n second shot. Tlie Secretly charmed. Mrs. Beggarstaff "Just for that.” said the woman, Quoin Inquired listlessly. force exerted by the exploding powder wrinkled her nose unbecomingly. “ For “ Just for that. Peter. I ’m going to “ My dear man, l do believe you’ ve In any gun Is equal In both directions, once you admit man is deficient.” heap coals of fire upon your ungrate- seen the b ill!” hence the recoil, or “ kick.” By having Grinning, Peter made a quaint obei­ rul head— and heaven knows I hope Smiling, the defective shook his a barrel open in both directions, by sance, and strolled aft, leaving Mrs. Enhaut, Pa. - “ I was all run down and they’ll scorch and blister— ” head. placing the charge of powder In the weak inwardly. I had female troubles Beggarstaff to gnaw her nether lip over “ Marble?" Craven suggested with j I “ Worth half as much again," Mrs. middle of the gun and by h: • r a pro­ and nervous feelings the discovery, too tardily made to be open incredulity. Merrilees affirmed. "Cottier wanted jectile o f equal weight on and my head l*>tn- b side turned to his discomfiture, that what ered me. 1 Would o f the powder charge, the _ i -i itself “Be dulet’ Tadi and run an errand j ninety took him from her was his utter in- often have crying ability to rest in Ignorance o f Lvfiia for ,ne- ,ike a biddable child.” Mrs. “They seem perfectly matched." Is not moved by the explosion. The spells and feel a.i if Craven’s whereabouts. For the two Merrilees loosed the drawstring or a , Qnoin pursued, knitting Ills brows; projectile fired to the front Is nn ordi­ I was not safe. I f young women bad failed to round out lace work wristbag, took out a tiny j <*but p j like to look at them in u nary explosive shell. The counterbal­ I heard anyone com­ pocketbook, and from this last extract- ; stronger light.” ancing Is a charge o f fine shot o f equal their circuit of the deck. ing I would run and “Take them out into the sun. if you weight. The shot loses Its velocity lock the door so they Turning past the veranda cafe, at ed a slip of paper. “ Take tliut to the and falls harmlessly to the ground would not see mi'. the after extreme of the promenade purser and bring me what it calls for. ’ i like.” I tried several doc­ With assumed reluctance Craven Craven sat forward in nervous Im­ within a few feet o f the gun. deck, Peter came upon Mrs. Merrilees, tors and thev did not seated at an adjacent table in com­ heaved up from his place and rolled patience. “ Do be reasonable I” he ex­ help me so I said to forward, while his fiancee cradled her postulated. “ It’s sheer Idiocy to have pany with Craven. Find Substitutes for Flour. _.ny .____ r ‘ . I gues ____ rny n niothi guess A second glance showed him Lydia chin In her hand and regarded Peter that thing up here at all, with God Since wheat find rye flour became no I will have to die as there is no help for loin f«j knows who spying! And there are scarce In Europe, substitutes have been m e.’ She got me one o f your tittle in the angle of the starboard rail, with a whimsical smile. “ Quit i t ! ” lie said crossly. "You some queer fish aboard— eh. Quoin?” sought even for sueli purposes as thick­ books and my husband said I should try Quoin at her side. I stopped the doctor's “ Rather!” the detective agreed ening the electrolyte of dry batteries. one bottle. In response to a hail from Craven, haven’t got anything on me, you dryly. W'uferglnss, kieselgithr. gelatin, saw­ medicine and took I.ydin E. Pinkham's he turned sulkily to that quarter, know.” “ Please be advised!” Craven urged. dust. starch and glass wool are among Vegetable Compound. I t soon m ade a “ IIow about the others?” where, at least, a cheerful disposition “ Others? I never looked cross-eyed “ Lock that thing up again and let me tlie more or less satisfactory substi­ change in me and now I ain strong and wouldn't go unappreciated. Indeed, he do all my work.” —Mrs. Auut.'STUA take it back to the purser.” tutes, and a base or binder for the elec­ B a u g h m a n , B ox 86, Enhaut, Pa. was welcome. Having privately dis­ at a girl before this.” “ Tad, you’re tiresome!” Mrs. Merri­ trolyte Is obtained by using one of seminated news o f their engagement. “ P e te r!” Why will women continue to suffer “ Well, hardly ever. And, anyway, lees began. these substances or a mixture of two day in and day out and drag out a sickly, Craven and Mrs. Merrilees were indus­ But Quoin Interrupted. "Craven ts or more. This binder Is made to ub- half-hearted existence, misning three- triously conducting themselves In as from now on I'm going to wear a sign­ sorb tlie electrolyte, which may be a fourths o f the joy o f living, when they He sketched the site right.” smartly an unloverlike manner as pos­ board here.” “ Oh, w ell! I f you will spoil every­ concentrate 1 solution made by stirring can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's sible. A tentative third was always upon his waistcoat: encouraged in their company. Private. No Thoroughfare. Thla means thing, take all the fun out o f rny sur­ Into distilled water, at about 100 de­ Vegetable Compound? I f you would like free confidential ad­ you! grees Fahrenheit, a mixture o f SO parts prise.” “ Sit down there,” Craven Insisted. “ It seems so funny— you I” Laugh­ o f sal ammoniac. SO o f calcium aeetute, vice address I.ydla E. Pinkhum Medicine “ Surprise?” Peter echoed. “ The steward’ll be back in a minute. Co., Lynn, Muss. Mrs. Merrilees nodded emphatically. ns o f zinc, chloride and 10 of glycerin. I want to talk to you about this ing quietly, the woman looked up to wretched concert tonight. They’ve review Lydia with a long glance. “ Look well nt them, tny friends; for This paste, applied between the bat­ the minute I get them through the tery plates and covered with paraffin asked me to be master o f ceremonies— “ She’s a dear girl,” she observed. "Promise never to call me ‘mamma,’ customs, to safe deposit they go and with gas vents. Is claimed to retain Its awful bore!” a b s o r b i n e there remain.” She paused deliberate­ pasty condition, without crystallizing With a fixed, agreeable smile, Peter and I'll do my best for you.” TBADf MASK BIG.U.S.PAT. Off or absorbing moisture. "What chance have I got, with ly, with a challenging smile. sat, drank whatever the steward w i l l reduce Inflamed, swollen brought him, automatically consumed Quoin muklng the pace? He's a regu­ “ Why?” Peter demanded blankly. Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll History of the Duma. Craven’s cigarettes, and listened with­ lar fellow— I’m ODly a drawing room “ Don’t you ever mean to wear ’em. Evil.Q uittor, Fistula and Nicholas Romanoff wns compelled by out the least interest to the other’s entertainer.” Betty?” Infected sores quickly “ He’s a strange man,” Mrs. Merri­ plans. IIow could he be interested, She shook her head. "They’re not conditions to constitute the Russian as it ii a positive antiseptic with that fellow Quoin monopolizing lees mused. “ I f he hadn’t taken up for me, Peter. I f I dared smuggle, (lirnin in a manifesto issued in 1905 and germicide. Pleasant to Lydia? Not that he didn't like Quoin. such an impossible profession— ” I should wear them, Just to be sassy calling the assembly to meet in Janu­ u k ; d o e * n ot hlluter or rrmo?« “Do you suppose he has a case In the hair, and you ran work (be borse. In fact, Peter admired that man tre­ about It. But since I don’t dare, I ary, 1900, but elections were not held .00 per bottle, delivered. mendously: so much the more reason hand now; aboard this vessel, I mean to keep them for n wedding pres­ until Mnrrh and April, 1906. Nicholas R o o k 7 M free. mean?” to fear his influence! ent to my stepdaughter— If I ever have opened the assembly May 10 and after A n S O K R I N E , JR..the antiaeptir liniment for mankind, redurea Painful. Swollen Veina. Wen*. Mraina. Rrtuaeai “ Call him, and I ’ll ask.” And Lydia, leaning on the rail, a one.” She closed the case with a snnp. a stormy session it wns met in March, ttopa pain and inflammation. Prlee $\.00 per bottle at Peter complied with the best grace dealers or delieerrd. Will tell you more If you writ«. vision more radiant even than the day. Lydia sat back with a little gasp, 1907, and w h s dissolved June 18, of the “ W eil?” Craven demanded with par­ imaginable. “ Quoin! I say, Addison, her eyes blank with confusion. Quoin snme year. The present assembly was Liberal Trial Bottle for 10c In «amt*. ff. f. YOUNG, FO.F., 401 Timpl* St., Springfield, Maas. come over here a minute. A beautiful laughed un odd, brief laugh, and elected In 1912 for a five-year term. donable Impatience. SHEEP'S CLOTHING PETER TRAFT CONFESSES HIS LOVE FOR LYDIA CRAVEN. AND MRS. MERRILEES SHOWS A MAGNIFICENT PEARL NECKLACE WHICH SHE PROMISES TO GIVE LYDIA HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! SUCH IS LIFE IN NEW YORK $5.00 C a sh Bend, Oregon J i u u t SICK WOMAN HAD CRYING SPELLS Restored to Health by Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.