The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 14, 1917, Image 5

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NOTKSAN.„.KRS«NALS W h e r e ^
Public sale bill» printed at the j
Kx Found
-Man'« purse
Funds Are Expended
May lie
Staple and Fancy Groceries
recovered at this office.
Until the Red Cross Week, i port ant to the nation in its war
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
The Express prints butter wrap- June 18-25, is past and the $400,-, emergencncy that President Wil-
000 asked o f Oregon, outside|son issued a proclamation appeal-
pers with nun-poisonous ink.
Shetland pony for sale. In­ Multnomah County, for the $100, j ing for $100,000,000 fund and
P H O N E 701
quire of H. It. Johnson, phone (100,(MM) emergency Red C ro s s setting aside Red Cross Week in
fund, has been secured, it is asked ' which to raise it.
Forest Grove, Ore
South Main Street
Second-ham! s c h o o l books ! that large social affairs be discon-
A t t h e front line trenches,
bought at the Rook Store. We
bearer* wearing the in-
are in the book business.
may be given the big, patriotic | sigma of the Red Cross will be from Oregon flax. The company
Ceorge C. Hancock, real es­
Riverside Grange held its regular
task assigned to this state.
found carrying the wounded to own* the patent rights for a sys­
tate, farm loans and fire insur­
tem of converting the flax into meeting last Friday, but, on account of
A t the same time, H. L. Corbett, the rear. Red Cross ambulances
ance, new Anderson block.
of the State R « i G W are carrying th, wound, to Red
Miss I/orraineand Master Chas.
though a splendid program had been
Ciguere, jr., attended the Rose Committee, suggests that such Cross base ho-pitals where Red im
: prepared. Mrs. C raft’s paper, which
methods of raising money for the i Cross physicians and nurses faith-
usK In 0,1 an •
festival in Portland yesterday.
Red Crow as teas and socials be fully nurse the woundnl soldiers corr,Pany a*s ■ save* va ua j e y- ■ will be published in the Grange Bulle-
People who have rooms to rent diseountenanced. He b e l i e v e s back to healty, in order that they Pr°ducts of the fax that have ' tin, deserves special mention. There
during the C. A. R. encampment
will be no meetings during July and
gone to waste,
June 26, 27 ami 28—please the situation too grave, the need may return to the world war for heretofore
Mr. Starling's visit to this sec­ August, but the Matrons will hold their
too pressing and Oregon’s respon- lil>erty, or l>e able to come hack
notify Mrs. John Anderson.
regular meetings every fourth Friday.
tion was to investigate the amount i
There was a farewell surprise party
J. II. Devlin of Portland spent sihility too great to go about the to those who wait for them at
u r ily ' evening at the Hughes home
Sunday with the family of his w,,rk in u smal1 way- Each com-
_______ ...................
...................... ... dis
T h e bandages used in Red C ro ss ant^ t0 a r r a n M* to handle It.
It for Cecil Hughes and Harold Judd, who
sister, Mrs. Charles Hines.
i mumty
will he systematically
tricted by
by its
its committee
committee and
and loya.
loyal nu»uiuiui
hospitals « are
made u*
by urvuwu
devoted . - . .
ur.ii- ...
___ . . , .. tricted
i r mauc
. ,hat a - P 'a , n t . to save , were called to join Company E. Eng,-
W ill in Hines ex pects to leave , .
the bi-oroducts mav he installed
l _,i„
.... .
citizens are asked to have their women, working for the Red Cross
^ i. 1
1«. i
A in many
’ communities. or near Caston
l . .. ..w. ... r
The Social committee o f Riverside
to take treatment for rheumatism.
wit hout loss of time or extra costs.
The vocational training given
A Suggestion
Grange will give a silver tea and parcel
Mrs. P. A. Hines arrived Tues­
post sale Friday afternoon, June 22.
It is desired that every cent shall soldiers incapacitated for former Mr. Editor:
day evening from Jacksonville,
tie utilized directly for Red Cross employment will be organized by
The special occasion is the par- Everybody invited.
this state, for a visit with the
A Red Cross meeting was held Sun­
the Red Cross. The mother who ent of suggestion. We are mind-
family of I)r. ( ’has. Hines.
day at the home of Judge Stevens to
In the organization of the yen ha- given up her hoy, her support,
prepare for the big drive next week to
A fine line of ladies spring ,.ra| 8ta (P campaign, special repre- to the service of his country, will easily acquire the title of “ M r.
raise Dilley’s share ($500) of the $100,-
coats, in the latest style and most
*entativesof the state committee find her necessities cared for by B uttinsly” by too frequent use 000,000 that President Wilson has
approved pattern, just received at
called for. Mrs. B. F. White, B. J.
Anderson’s. Come and see them. will confer personally with prac the Red Cross and he can march of his suggestions.
Simpson and Judge Hollis of Forest
tically every community in Ore- away with no anxious thought as
Mrs. H. B. Moore departed
attempting anything so bold as a , f*rove were the 8Peakens- The follow-
to her welfare.
Tuesday for Portland, where the
mg officers were elected: J. A. Forbis,
Arrangements have be« n made
The training of the Red Cross mild suggestion, I w.ll say .hat a chairman; Mrs c A Brodersen> ^
family will reside until Dr. Moore
for reports from all Oregon com- nurses is under Red Cross diree- beautiful city, about the size of retary: Mrs. A. Briggs, treasurer; J.
finds a new location to suit him.
munities which will be summur- lion. Thu» all along the line the Forest Grove, Oregon, is the most W. Hughes and F. McBride, publicity
The short-burner “ Ron-Ami” ized and sent, out as bulletins of Universal Service of Mercy helps charming of all the beauties when committee; Mrs. C. N. Johnson and Mr.
kerosene stove brings the heat
F. McBride, team captains.
is to less n the horrors and rigors of she is dressed up in her National-
close to your cooking utensil. progress. The state at large
i *
. f
Mrs. Minnie Peterson Povey left on
S-e it at the Cordon hardware asked for $100,0(M); the city of war and to strengthen the nation, decorations, along about June 26, .Wednesday for Portlandfor a visitwith
t u .....
T L .
J C l . - . __ __________ .
0 7 . . « , 1 OQ 1 Q 1 7
. .
27 and 28, 1917.
. Portland for $200,000.
The United
States cannot do
her sister.
Mrs. H. M. Sailing is attending the
Joe A. Wiles would like to j will be keen competition between part without the Red Cross and
Portland Rose Festival this week.
write your insurance. Will give state and Portland committees to the Red Cross is dependent on
A paragraph on the editorial
M rs. Frank Sutford will spend the
you service that will be to your jn, f,rst ¡n reporting success.
the contributions of those who page states that Oregon has not
week-end at Portland.
advantage. Upstairs in Ander­
There are (hose who want to want to help win the war, but raised her share of Liberty Loan
Don’t forget the Red Cross meeting
son block, room 2.
know why the Red Cross is so im- cannot serve at the f ont.
funds, but since that page was Saturday evening. Good program; no
Mrs. Mary House and «laughter, I
printed word comes from Portland soliciting.
Liola, returned Saturday fro m 1
Mrs. VanMeter has several visitors
that Oregon will take at least from Portland this week.
Coalinga, Calif., where they spent
$1.500,000 more than was asked
the winter Earl taught in the,
of her.
high school at Coalinga last year,
but will probably not remain next
I ■ I * . M
l... .
A ,
. *
1 ■
, .A
I n
‘Z Z i -
Even the Pennies Help
the Boys in the Trenches
D. D. & M. B. BUM P
Attorneys at Law
taJ ,lsslon
What part can the “ kiddies,” ! One Cent will buy iodine to dis-
There will be services as usual
Loans and Real Estate
I ¿idi^s, do you know that John the tender, big-hearted little boys infect a wound
at Langley hal'.on Pacific avenue,
BU M P .
M. B. BU M P ,
Anderson can sell you just as
and girls do to help win the war?
One cent will buy enough gauze opposite hore^t Grove hotel, on Residence
stylish waists, skirts and coats as
for one dressing
you can get anywhere?
anywhere? C
l" ” one
« « of
U1 the questions
qu^iiuos tor
o r b in g
X U « « . , . Friday
. " « « , and
•»«* Sunday ev- Forest Grove,
om e' This
Offices H IL LS B O R O
and see them Ixfore you send for that has been interesting the lead-
A nickel will buy a bandage
enings of each week at 7:45 and
something you can’ t see until af Pr* in the great Red Cross drive
Eight cents will pay for a temp- also Sunday afternoon at 2:30.
ter you have paid for it.
| for $400,000.
orary splint.
'Evangelists Bezan and Bacon and
Dr. W. B. Coon returned Mon-
They believe they have arrived
A dime will provide chloroform band of work« r< from Portland |
Attorney A t Law
day from a business trip to Al- at a solution of it and will attempt for an operation
will conduct theSunday afternoon Patent Office Business Solicited
berta, ( anada. Glen Hoar, who to arouse the enthusiasm of the
Twenty-five cents expended as ar|d evening mteiings. Everybody Forest Grove,
accompanied him, secured a job youngsters to a pitch as keen as above may save a limb or a life of welcome
on a farm at $(50 per month, with that of the grownups who are a wounded soldier,
board and washing and remained. I wafting the battle for the dollars.
Everym an, woman and child
Mrs. Arthur Parks o f Portland is
I )r . Coon says help
is scarce in
The plan is to enlist the a ssist- in the state can do something in v o t in g her father, Wm. Lousingnot.
ance of the parents and urge them this gigantic Red Cross Campaign.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ayres and Mr.
Since Canada
is a daughter of to instill a t this tim e the pat»iotic There will be many of those who
Mrs. Chas. Maitland and baby
visited the families of Fred Robison
Great Britain and the lat ter is j need of exercising self-sacrifice are not circumstanced so as to
. . . .
. ,
' and Frank Maitland at Cherry Grove
cousin and ally of the United and self-restraint in the smaller among th e heavy givers, but |a8t Sunday
is something new in Forest
States in the fight against Prus thin gs th a t eat u p the pen n ies a n d there n e v er w a s a m ov e m e n t in
Mrs. John Wilson visited the Chas.
Grove, but
sian militarism, W . F. Johnson nickels that the “ kiddies” spend : the history of philanthropy w hich Maitland home Tuesday,
Mr. Kalseh made a business trip to
has hois ed the Union Ja6k and for “ eats” and goodies of all kinds, offered such abundant opportu-
Grove Tuesday.
Canadian colois and French flag
Parents will also be urged to n' ^ ^or *be high and low, rich
The Red Cross has started a cam­
alongside Old Glory at his resi­ help their children to earn a few and poor to join hands in the paign for funds in Gales Creek.
dence, on B street.
| more pennies or dimes during the common cause as it is presented
The building of the new railroad is
is going to discontinue gro­
making some changes in property in
J. W . Hughes, the famous next fPW weeks than they have by the American Red Cross.
ceries and, to close them out
this section.
auctioneer, last Saturday sold for been in the habit of doing and to
quick, is selling at cost.
Dan Pierce took a truck load of beef
the Guernsey ( attIt* C tub of rI ilia- ask the kiddies to save their earn-
J. S. Starling, president and cattle to Portland for George Fisher
Special low prices on fruit
mook twenty-three c o w s and jnjjs above what they actually
treasurer of the Flaxon Fibre Tuesday.
jars, lids and rubbers.
Mrs. George Fisher is visiting her
heifers, which brought an average nePd an(j Kjve them to the Red
Down company of Tonawanda, mother, Mrs. Belle Lilley.
of $406.70 per head. Six bulls Cross fund.
Fixtures for sale.
N. Y., was in the city Tuesday | Harrison Heisler has purchased a
brought $2,200 and one junior
If the school children of Orc- and admitted to an Express re- new lumber wagon.
Phone 181
yearling heifer brought $800. gon averaged only a dime apiece f,orter that his company had de- i Mrs. Ora Smith was in Portland
About half of the stock left the they would swell the Red Cross lm ilined w erect ¡„ por„ and a W<*in«d.y.
Pacific Ave. and Third St.
vicinity in which it was sold.
. . . .
fu n d h y a m a s m fiw n ts u m o fo v e r mm for lhe manufacture of linens
Job printing— phone 821.
Mr. and Mrs. James Spangler,; $3,000. If they averaged hut a ____________________ ______________
former residents of this section, nickel apiece, the grand total
accompanied by three of Mrs. would he between $1500 and
Spangler’s sisters, were in the city $ 2 . 000 .
How important the pennies and
Saturday, enroute, via auto, for
and dimes may be in the
upper valley points. Since leav-
ing this section, “ Jim” Spangler alleviation of suffering and misery
has prospered and is now mana-! among the wounded on the battle-
ger of the leading bank of Seattle, fields of Europe, where the Amer-
He hunted up Charley Roc, Jake ican soldiers will soon be doing
• 6 6 - l T O T H I H O * T - €✓
Buxton and some of the other their bit to help win the war, is
men who were boys twenty-three shown by some figures prepared
F. G. Ex.. 6-14-17
by the Red Cross. For example:
year- ago.
A t Cost
F. A. Moore
Linen Mill for Portland
‘’¿on C&tfong Go.
Double S. & H. Stamps Given